



The United States has dropped their nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet the Japanese still refused to surrender. They continued fighting.

The United States had no other choice but to create more bombs, dropping them on every single city that the islands held.

Every single building, every single citizen dying and the land became a complete wasteland.

The Soviet Union invaded from the West, taking over half of the island while the US invaded from the East to conquer the other half.

The tension between the two, despite being allies in the war that just ended, were high. Neither one wanted to stop at just half the island, yet they both knew that escalation would lead to mutual destruction. Both had nuclear arsenals, and both were on the verge of using them, but wanted to wait for the other to strike first.

The radiated land made it impossible to truly set up any living situation. A massive wall was built that ran down the middle of the main island, seperating the lifeless land into two halves. There were no citizens, no homes, no bases. Just land taken away by those it belonged to and being fought over by the most powerful forces the world had seen.

But the governments knew what to do with this land that they had barely any use for.

They sent criminals to the island, creating a single building to hold the prisoners in a secure maximum security prison that could withstand the extreme radiation. The wall was torn down, the material used to create massive unscalable walls, yet small sections still stood in obscure or hard to reach parts of the island, standing as reminders of the history the island had gone through.

The criminals were mostly protected from the energy that could kill them in an instant, but those that misbehaved enough were thrown out into the wasteland. The energy seeping into every fiber of their being until they were mutated into and incinerated into ash and charred bone.

The radiation dropped slowly through the decades. Throughout the centuries.

The guards no longer needed to wear the protective gear, yet they did as a way to keep the prisoners fearful. To deter them from revolting.

Until one learned the truth.

One criminal named Minoru.

A hardened kingpin of the Korean Mafia, sent to Japan after getting 4 different Prime Ministers killed until his choice was elected.

He lead a revolution, overthrowing the security guards and taking control of the prison.

The criminals ran the compound, beginning to sleep with each other and have children, raising the next generation.

The first generation born in Japan in hundreds of years.

The children were allowed to play outside, with the strongest surviving and even becoming immune to the dwindling radiation while the weak and sick died, being left to rot as radioactive corpses that eventually turned into nothing more than ash they disappeared into the dirt beneath them.

Plant life finally began to grow. Flowers that were unnatural, bright neon colors shining with energy seeming to run through them. Neon yellow, blue, pink, green, and orange flowers growing out of the ground.

Minoru finally began to expand the compound, able to build homes outside for his people to live in and explore.

The generations grew larger and larger, the radiation doing something to their DNA and their bodies.

Some people were benefited by the radiation, growing larger and stronger. Their muscles expanded faster than normal while their bones were nearly unbreakable. Becoming practically super soldiers without having to work for it. Yet they would die much younger and faster than others, like the power was secretly poisoning them as they lived. They fought as warriors from the age of 13 to 50, until their bodies would shrivel up and collapse in on themselves, leaving them as shrunken skeletons of black, all of the bones unbreakable yet fused together into a single piece of dark bone.

But others weren’t so lucky, depending on how it was looked at.

The radiation turned them into walking skeletons with elongated life cycles. They were constantly ill and in pain, yet would live on into the late 100s, the luckiest (or unluckiest) surpassing 200 years of life. Experiencing nothing but pain and agony.

But then there were the lucky few who experienced neither symptom.

They lived as normal humans, yet were seen as the minority due to how rare it was. They lived into their 80s and 90s, neither struggling with pain yet not being gifted with inhuman strength either.

As the land became less poisoned, less barren.

The island was inhabited once again.

The maximum security prison became the capital, expanding out into a massive compound that stretched into the sky, disappearing into black clouds of radioactive ash and dust. The capital was named Nyūtōkyō, or New Tokyo. Minoru was the first leader elected by the people, massively popular due to bringing greatness and life back to the island.

Cities sprung up all across the island, rebuilding the formerly built cities that had been turned into nothing but forgotten memories. Massive buildings covered every inch of the wasteland, very little room left for plant life. The plants that grew glowed in the darkness, being harvested as an energy source.

All of the lights in the rebuilt country had neon glows to them, shining artificial beauty onto the world as people began to explore and leave their homes once again.

Thousands of years had gone by, the island now a sprawling community and country with millions of citizens.

Nyūtōkyō sat with the compound in the center, a massive statue of Minoru standing in front of it staring down at the citizens.

Yet things were no longer so great.

After Minoru’s mysterious and untimely death, his son Taichi took control as Prime Minister. Yet he wanted a new title.

Shogun Emperor Taichi.

He turned the once thriving and beautiful safe haven into a military controlled dystopia, his army of super soldier samurai wearing highly advanced body armor to keep the citizens oppressed. To keep them from gathering or revolting.

The pieces of wall left over, the statue of his father, and everything from the past remained untouched.

Yet Shogun Emperor Taichi drove the people further into the future.

All citizens were forced into receiving implants directly into their brains, with Jirogiku patterned visible on the backs of their neck, their hair all being shaved short in order for it to be exposed.

The implants allowed the new government to monitor their activity, both tracking their location while also being able to send news or propaganda directly into their eyes, acting as televisions inside of their heads.

Along with the implants, they had massive gauntlets that had been fused to their left arms, stretching from just above their elbow all the way down to their wrists, a small circle attached to their palms and connected by a thin wire. The gauntlet were used as everything the people would need. It was how they paid for things, how they received payment, and how they got around. Like everything that would be needed to survive in one spot, yet could also be controlled by the government in case they needed to find somebody.

And nobody knew that the gauntlets also contained a kill code, able to inject a lethal amount of poison directly into the person’s veins, killing them in a few seconds.

The world was constantly raining with acidic rain, everyone having to wear thick jackets that covered every ounce of skin and masks to protect them from the toxins releasing into the air.

Yet they lived their lives.

Not many people complained too much about the way they lived. Sure they lived in a strict military dictatorship, but as long as they listened to their government and didn’t fight back, they were left alone to live their lives however they wanted.

Clubs full of drugs and alcohol were open all over the place, letting people get high and forget about life as they danced. All of the music sounded like high pitched noise racing by, but once they got high the music slowed down into something closer resembling music. Their perception of time warping so quickly that seconds stretched into minutes that stretched into hours.

Yet there would always be those that brought trouble into the world.

Those that would always fight back.



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