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The United States has dropped their nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, yet the Japanese still refused to surrender. They continued fighting.

The United States had no other choice but to create more bombs, dropping them on every single city that the islands held.

Every single building, every single citizen dying and the land became a complete wasteland.

The Soviet Union invaded from the West, taking over half of the island while the US invaded from the East to conquer the other half.

The tension between the two, despite being allies in the war that just ended, were high. Neither one wanted to stop at just half the island, yet they both knew that escalation would lead to mutual destruction. Both had nuclear arsenals, and both were on the verge of using them, but wanted to wait for the other to strike first.

The radiated land made it impossible to truly set up any living situation. A massive wall was built that ran down the middle of the main island, seperating the lifeless land into two halves. There were no citizens, no homes, no bases. Just land taken away by those it belonged to and being fought over by the most powerful forces the world had seen.

But the governments knew what to do with this land that they had barely any use for.

They sent criminals to the island, creating a single building to hold the prisoners in a secure maximum security prison that could withstand the extreme radiation. The wall was torn down, the material used to create massive unscalable walls, yet small sections still stood in obscure or hard to reach parts of the island, standing as reminders of the history the island had gone through.

The criminals were mostly protected from the energy that could kill them in an instant, but those that misbehaved enough were thrown out into the wasteland. The energy seeping into every fiber of their being until they were mutated into and incinerated into ash and charred bone.

The radiation dropped slowly through the decades. Throughout the centuries.

The guards no longer needed to wear the protective gear, yet they did as a way to keep the prisoners fearful. To deter them from revolting.

Until one learned the truth.

One criminal named Minoru.

A hardened kingpin of the Korean Mafia, sent to Japan after getting 4 different Prime Ministers killed until his choice was elected.

He lead a revolution, overthrowing the security guards and taking control of the prison.

The criminals ran the compound, beginning to sleep with each other and have children, raising the next generation.

The first generation born in Japan in hundreds of years.

The children were allowed to play outside, with the strongest surviving and even becoming immune to the dwindling radiation while the weak and sick died, being left to rot as radioactive corpses that eventually turned into nothing more than ash they disappeared into the dirt beneath them.

Plant life finally began to grow. Flowers that were unnatural, bright neon colors shining with energy seeming to run through them. Neon yellow, blue, pink, green, and orange flowers growing out of the ground.

Minoru finally began to expand the compound, able to build homes outside for his people to live in and explore.

The generations grew larger and larger, the radiation doing something to their DNA and their bodies.

Some people were benefited by the radiation, growing larger and stronger. Their muscles expanded faster than normal while their bones were nearly unbreakable. Becoming practically super soldiers without having to work for it. Yet they would die much younger and faster than others, like the power was secretly poisoning them as they lived. They fought as warriors from the age of 13 to 50, until their bodies would shrivel up and collapse in on themselves, leaving them as shrunken skeletons of black, all of the bones unbreakable yet fused together into a single piece of dark bone.

But others weren’t so lucky, depending on how it was looked at.

The radiation turned them into walking skeletons with elongated life cycles. They were constantly ill and in pain, yet would live on into the late 100s, the luckiest (or unluckiest) surpassing 200 years of life. Experiencing nothing but pain and agony.

But then there were the lucky few who experienced neither symptom.

They lived as normal humans, yet were seen as the minority due to how rare it was. They lived into their 80s and 90s, neither struggling with pain yet not being gifted with inhuman strength either.

As the land became less poisoned, less barren.

The island was inhabited once again.

The maximum security prison became the capital, expanding out into a massive compound that stretched into the sky, disappearing into black clouds of radioactive ash and dust. The capital was named Nyūtōkyō, or New Tokyo. Minoru was the first leader elected by the people, massively popular due to bringing greatness and life back to the island.

Cities sprung up all across the island, rebuilding the formerly built cities that had been turned into nothing but forgotten memories. Massive buildings covered every inch of the wasteland, very little room left for plant life. The plants that grew glowed in the darkness, being harvested as an energy source.

All of the lights in the rebuilt country had neon glows to them, shining artificial beauty onto the world as people began to explore and leave their homes once again.

Thousands of years had gone by, the island now a sprawling community and country with millions of citizens.

Nyūtōkyō sat with the compound in the center, a massive statue of Minoru standing in front of it staring down at the citizens.

Yet things were no longer so great.

After Minoru’s mysterious and untimely death, his son Taichi took control as Prime Minister. Yet he wanted a new title.

Shogun Emperor Taichi.

He turned the once thriving and beautiful safe haven into a military controlled dystopia, his army of super soldier samurai wearing highly advanced body armor to keep the citizens oppressed. To keep them from gathering or revolting.

The pieces of wall left over, the statue of his father, and everything from the past remained untouched.

Yet Shogun Emperor Taichi drove the people further into the future.

All citizens were forced into receiving implants directly into their brains, with Jirogiku patterned visible on the backs of their neck, their hair all being shaved short in order for it to be exposed.

The implants allowed the new government to monitor their activity, both tracking their location while also being able to send news or propaganda directly into their eyes, acting as televisions inside of their heads.

Along with the implants, they had massive gauntlets that had been fused to their left arms, stretching from just above their elbow all the way down to their wrists, a small circle attached to their palms and connected by a thin wire. The gauntlet were used as everything the people would need. It was how they paid for things, how they received payment, and how they got around. Like everything that would be needed to survive in one spot, yet could also be controlled by the government in case they needed to find somebody.

And nobody knew that the gauntlets also contained a kill code, able to inject a lethal amount of poison directly into the person’s veins, killing them in a few seconds.

The world was constantly raining with acidic rain, everyone having to wear thick jackets that covered every ounce of skin and masks to protect them from the toxins releasing into the air.

Yet they lived their lives.

Not many people complained too much about the way they lived. Sure they lived in a strict military dictatorship, but as long as they listened to their government and didn’t fight back, they were left alone to live their lives however they wanted.

Clubs full of drugs and alcohol were open all over the place, letting people get high and forget about life as they danced. All of the music sounded like high pitched noise racing by, but once they got high the music slowed down into something closer resembling music. Their perception of time warping so quickly that seconds stretched into minutes that stretched into hours.

Yet there would always be those that brought trouble into the world.

Those that would always fight back.

Chapter 1

250 years into the Shogun Emperor Taichi Dynasty.

After Shogun Emperor Taichi took over, the calendar had been restarted. Year 1 starting the day he took control of the country, with the thousands and thousands of years before being treated as ancient history to be forgotten. It wasn’t hidden or censored, yet nobody ever asked or talked about it. It wasn’t taught in school, but it wasn’t too hard to find in libraries or other such places.

A bullet train darted around a sharp turn, the people standing inside all having to grab hold to stay upright. The acidic rain was pounding away on the metal cars that sped through the city full of skyscrapers, thousands of neon lights shining to illuminate the world. All of the people sitting inside held their masks in their hands with their large coats and jackets opened, one of the only places they could breathe or be exposed without suffering severe burns or pain.

At every door of the train stood figures that were as still as statues. Human shaped figures wearing sleek, black armor that was designed to look like traditional samurai armor. The body was covered in extended plates with elaborate designs and patterns, yet they were more for show rather than protection. The armor was already impenetrable. They just wanted to add to the culture and add more fear as they stood. The black helmets were reflecting like mirrors, the masks resembling demons with horns extending out from the temples and up into the air. The masks all had blue and red designs that were written in the revamped Japanese alphabet, being completely rewritten and redesigned by Shogun Emperor Taichi. The letters written on the mask were unique to each statue, as if each of them being the name of the person wearing them.

One of the civilians slowly made their way through the train, purposefully bumping into one person. Their hand quickly went down, putting a small square device to the person’s gauntlet, quickly filling with currency without the person knowing.

“Apologies.” He said before quickly walking past one of the statues.

They snapped their arm out, grabbing the man and throwing him across the car, dropping the device onto the floor. He got to his feet as he was standing next to another one of the statues. The man reached to his waist and pulled out a small handgun, yet the statue next to him snapped out and broke the man’s arm from beneath, snapping his arm upward as he screamed.

The one on the other side reached out and grabbed him by his jacket, throwing him up into the ceiling before both slammed him down onto their knees at the same time, the sound of bones breaking filling the car again.

He was gasping for air on the floor as one of the now moving samurai soldiers suddenly opened the train door.

All of the people on board quickly threw their masks on, closing their jackets or coats as the rain splashed onto the floor and the toxic gas filled the car.

The samurai grabbed the man by his jacket, ripping it apart to expose his named body. The people all gasped and watched as the samurai threw him out like he weighed nothing.

He flung around in the air, spinning wildly as his body was constantly bombarded with the acidic rain, every drop leaving behind serious burns that burned away his flesh, going deeper into his muscle and tendons.

The man was in the air for nearly 10 seconds before crashing down onto the street, his eyes open at the elevated train track and watching as the bullet train raced away. His body instantly began to melt away as more rain pounded away, his body laying in a puddle of the same liquid until he became nothing more than melted flesh over a pile of black bones.

A motorcycle drove by at high speed, running over the skeleton and shattering the frail bones.

Four more quickly raced past right after, followed by two police cars with sirens blaring and lights flashing.

The 5 motorcycles drove in a V shape, one in front and looking back.

They were all wearing white trench coats with rain bouncing off and leaving the jackets rather dry, as if they were unable to absorb any amount of liquid. Each of them had bags strapped to either side of their bikes, jangling loudly as if filled with metal that was all smashing together.

“Where is he?” One of them shouted into their mask.

They all had earpieces and microphones inside of their masks, allowing them to communicate even over the loud rain and revving engines.

“Just calm down. He’ll be here.” Another one said.

“He better be. I’m running out of fuel.”

One of the riders felt their jacket hood suddenly blow back, revealing their neck missing the metal Jirogiku device. Just a massive scar running down before it was quickly pelted with rain, burning it as they reached up with thick gloved hands, pulling their hood back up.

“We need to get to Atarashī Kyōto.” The one in front screamed.

“Do you know how far that is?” Another shouted.

One of the riders began to slow down.

“Shit!” They shouted, jumping up onto the body of the motorcycle as another slowed down. They reached to their sides and grabbed both bags, gripping them as tightly as they could as they jumped onto the seat of the motorcycle, which began to wobble around.

As seamless as could be, they jumped onto the back of the other motorcycle that had slowed down, wrapping around the other person as their bike spun out, crashing and sliding across the ground until one of the police cars ran over it, crushing it into nothing but rubble in an instant. The motorcycle sped up again as they attached the extra bags to the other, the cycle revving loudly as it tried to drive with so much extra weight.

After the cars raced by, a dozen or so people ran out from the shadows, their bodies completely covered as they grabbed whatever scrap they could, the pieces left behind melting away from the rain.

The motorcycles all took a sudden and sharp turn in unison, drifting for a few feet before rocketing straight down the empty street.

“They’re gaining on us!” One of the bikers shouted.

“Come on…” The rider in front said softly as they turned their gaze to look at the tall buildings around them.

A sudden burst of green lightning shot out, flashing an instant wave of light over everything. A few seconds later, a neon pink bolt shot out.

But at the driver looked at the roof of one of the buildings, they spotted what they were looking for.

Despite the mask, it was obvious he was smiling as the cycles all sped up.

“Did you see him?” One rider asked.

“Yeah…I saw him.” The leader responded.

The police cars raced wildly fast as they followed the motorcycles that were darting and weaving so quickly through the streets, which had been laid out as a very well organized grid, making travel incredibly easy.

Each car had one samurai driving and another in the passenger seat.

“Permission to engage has been granted.” A robotic voice spoke over the radio in their cars.

One of the passenger samurai lowered their window, sitting up and staring out into the pouring rain. They reached out with a thin baton, but it suddenly snapped out into a massive bow made of carbon fiber, a string that was indestructible quickly rushing to connect the two ends. They held their other arm out, with the forearm opening to reveal hundreds of small thin rods. One popped out and expanded out in an instant into a large arrow with a neon blue tip. They caught it with their free hand and began to pull it back far, the bow bending with enough force to cut through a building if needed.

But before they could fire, they were suddenly ejected from the windowsill by a violent force, causing their armored body to smash into the street and roll around, every impact creating small craters and cracks in the pavement.

They rolled through and got back to their feet, looking down at a throwing star embedded in their chest.

“He’s here!” The samurai shouted before they took off running at super human speed, beginning to catch up with the very car they were thrown from.

At the other police car, a figure suddenly landed hard on the front hood, obscuring the view as they stood.

They were dressed head to toe in a black hooded trench coat, staring out with black fabric covering their face rather than a thick and hard mask.

Their coat had a massive anarchy symbol painted on the back in white paint, the acidic rain bouncing off like it was impossible to wash away.

They reached out to their side, pulling out a large katana blade as the samurai in the passenger seat suddenly jumped out the window, gripping the roof and twisting so beautiful and acrobatic before landing on the roof, kneeling down and staring forward. They drew their own large katana that shimmered with a pale blue light.

The obscure figure stepped to the side, stabbing their blade through the bullet proof windshield and straight through the chest of the driver, quickly pulling it back out.

The car continued to drive straight ahead, unable to turn in any direction as the samurai jumped down and landed on the hood.

The figure and the samurai stared at each other, each standing on the side of a police car hood as acidic rain poured down, the car racing at top speed.

They each lifted their swords, waiting to see who would strike first.

Chapter 2

The figure and the samurai continued to stand on the hood of the speeding car, the digital display inside saying it was exceeding 200 kilometers per hour.

They each had their swords drawn, which both shimmered and shined with the neon lights racing by as blurry blobs that raced by before disappearing into the darkness.

“Samuranarchist. You are charged with…” The samurai spoke, a human voice passed through a robotic filter.

Samuranarchist jumped forward, slashing their sword which was blocked by the blade of the super samurai.

“Assault. Robbery. Arson. Terrorism. Assaulting a police officer. Destruction of public property.”

The samurai continued to list off crime after crime after crime as they fought with Samuranarchist. Samuranarchist jumped onto the roof of the car, able to feel the wind and rain blasting into their body and causing their coat to rapidly flutter and whip back. Every inch of skin was covered as the red and blue flashing light shined on his black high top sneakers, looking expensive with the colors faded away due to the rain pounding away so often.

“I’m sorry, but you’re forgetting a few charges.” He said, having a rather young voice full of sass.

He dodged a sword slash and dropped down onto the sleek car, spinning like he was break dancing before gripping the side of the car and using it to go around the samurai, landing on the windshield and shoving the samurai forward.

They fell face down onto the back of the car, causing the entire car to violently smash into the ground before bouncing up in the air, twisting just enough to cause the car to violently spin sideways and start to flip over, crashing onto the street over and over again.

Samuranarchist gripped the car and pushed off before the first bounce, jumping to the other car and stabbing his sword straight down into the hood at the front, but then slipped and had to grab hold of the car just above the tire that was spinning rapidly. His hands gripped the wheel arch between the frame and the tire, his body perfectly straight and lifted above the ground as he stared upward. His arms strained and he stayed along the road while struggling to lift himself back up to the hood, his legs straight and staying perfectly in line.

He finally got his body to roll back and got back on the hood, panting and shaking his arms to get rid of the soreness.

He stared through the windshield at the other samurai driver, who reached next to them at the center console. They pulled out a massive revolver, designed the same as the New Nambu M60 used by Japanese police from thousands of years before, but modernized to be sleek. The five bullet chamber was expanded into ten, the bullets able to pierce any material.

The samurai suddenly tapped on a small display next to the grip and trigger, the bullets all beginning to glow orange.


Samuranarchist jumped up just as the bullet fired. A violent burst of flames shot out, shattering the windshield as an explosion of fire shot out before rapidly disappearing. Samuranarchist grabbed hold of the flashing police lights on the roof, looking forward to see his katana still stabbed into the hood of the car. He was going to lunge forward, but the roof suddenly erupted with another explosion of fire tearing through right next to him. He could feel the heat rapidly appear than disappear, able to look down right into the mask of the samurai, the name on the side barely visible.

He rolled to the side as they fired again, now the entire roof turned into melted scrap that flung off and crashed onto the street. Samuranarchist rolled off the roof, but punched through the passenger seat window in order to hold on and look forward.

He suddenly looked back and was able to see the other samurai still running so quickly, charging towards him at scary speed.

“Double shit.” Samuranarchist said before turning to face the driver just as the gun pointed at him.

He let go of the door, catching the handle of the second row door just as the passenger door blasted off the hinges and flung out onto the street, a burst of flame shooting out like it came from a dragon.

Samuranarchist was loudly breathing quickly, clearly beginning to become exhausted as the wind was smashing into his body repeatedly.

He looked back at the other samurai charging closer and closer, then turned to look through the window at the gun being turned and facing him, the arm going in between the two front seats.

Samuranarchist took a deep breath and let go of the door handle as another explosion of fire shot out, blasting the door and lighting the back row of seats on fire. Samuranarchist was racing so quickly over the street, looking back as the other samurai began to slow down. Samuranarchist rapidly kept looking in each direction, making sure to keep track of the samurai and keep track of the police car.

His arm wildly went in a circle before he shot it forward.

A kunai rapidly fired out of his jacket sleeve, a rope attached to it as it rapidly caught up with the car, stabbing into the rear light and stabbing deep into the glass, causing it to shatter with sparks shooting out. His feet hit the samurai in the chest hard, then immediately pushed off with all of his strength.

His entire body shot forward so quickly, the rope retracting rapidly back into his sleeve as he drew closer and closer.

His momentum was too high, the kunai snapping out as he flung forward, flipping over the broken roof of the car, landing on the hood of the car with his back to the driver. He gripped his sword by the hilt, quickly pulling it out and spinning it before stabbing back in between his arm and torso, stabbing straight into the chamber of the revolver, which suddenly exploded with a massive fireball that quickly spread, causing the entire car to catch on fire before the engine suddenly exploded, Samuranarchist being thrown high into the air from the force.

He looked at one building, once again stretching his arm out as the kunai fired out, stabbing into the wall just before the building ended. He used it to whip around the corner at high speed, releasing from the building just as he turned and causing him to violently slam into the ground, doing his best to recover by rolling and getting up to his feet, but limping as soon as he started to walk. He went over to a nearby wall and put his arm out against it, catching his breath and repeatedly bending and stretching his leg.

He could hear loud engines revving, sheathing his sword before standing and hiding the pain in his leg.

The gang of motorcyclists all stopped right in front of him, all getting up and standing in a line.

“You were late.” The leader said in a rather joking manner.

“You didn’t give me a route. Had to find where you would be.” Samuranarchist replied.

“Had to keep it open. Couldn’t plan ahead too much or we would’ve been caught.” The leader replied.

“I understand, yet knowing a single street would’ve been nice.” Samuranarchist replied.

The leader shrugged and went over to his bike, grabbing one of the large bags and tossing it to him.

Samuranarchist caught it, his injured leg subtly buckling but he hid it well enough. A soft and quiet grunt leaving his mouth.

“Pleasure doing business with you.” The leader said.

“Take care of yourselves.” Samuranarchist said.

The two kept staring forward at each other as the other bikers made their ways back to their bikes.

“Tell Hinata I say hello.” The leader said, waving his hand.

“Will do.” Samuranarchist replied, watching as he mounted his bike before they all took off quickly, their engines all sounding closer to high speed jets than motorcycles.

Samuranarchist sighed and looked up, reaching his arm out before the kunai shot out, stabbing into the building before the rope suddenly began to retract, shooting his body forward and high into the air. He continued to shake his leg even in midair before launching up and landing on the roof of the building, rolling forward and looking around.

From the roofs of the buildings, it was easier to spot a massive army of drones flying around. They were nearly impossible to see, entirely black and blending in with the dark shadows and fog. They passed by neon lights, shining onto the machines that looked more like murderous war machines than simple surveillance drones. Massive miniguns attached at the front, each circular wing with blades that could cut through anything, multiple missiles, torpedos, and bombs all visibly attached.

The drone floated silently and pitch black, before a massive spotlight suddenly shined down.

Samuranarchist peeked over the edge to see the spotlight shining on a group of homeless people that were gathered around. They all quickly scattered around, but the drone kept flying in the same straight path.

Samuranachirst dropped down, laying on his back to hide the only part of him that wasn’t pitch black. He watched the drone fly, only slightly turning or tilting as it hovered so slowly. Once it passed by, he quickly got to his feet and sprinted across the roof, even with his hurt leg. He wrapped the bag diagonally across his chest and jumped off the ledge, looking down at the street before shooting out the kunai once again, stabbing right at the ledge of the roof across the street, shooting him forward and allowing him to land on it gracefully. He continued to sprint forward, reaching the ledge and doing the same thing again, jumping high and using his kunai to make it across the street. He looked around, constantly scanning for drones as he ran and jumped from rooftop to rooftop, jumping over street after street.

He finally made it to the building he needed, this time running sideways and jumping down into the tight alleyway that was barely able to fit a person, hopefully making it tight enough to prevent people from sleeping there. He slid down the wall, his back to one and his feet on the other with his knees nearly to his chest due to how tight it was. He very slowly slid his way down a few stories before he caught himself, using his sore but strong muscles to slowly make his way sideways, pushing into both walls with all of his strength. He tilted his head up and was obviously straining before he made it to a window, reaching out with one hand to knock on the glass twice, waited a few seconds, knocked two more times, waited, and then knocked a single time.

The window opened as a figure reached out, taking his hand and pulling him inside. She was wearing a mask and coat, but as soon as the window shut they took it off.

A thin, teenage looking girl with smooth skin and a big smile.

“Late night huh?” She asked.

Samuranarchist finally removed his mask, showing he was also a teenager. His face was smooth and rather well kept for doing what he did. He had very short jet black hair, and no visible scars, markings, or anything.

“The Kisebe are always terrible when it comes to giving directions or instructions. Sort of just ask for protection and expect it to be top notch.” He replied.

She helped him to his feet and the two each removed their trench coats.

Her body was thin, covered in neon colored tattoos while she only wore a black crop top and very short shorts. Her hair was braided in a multitude of styles. It was violently bright pink, almost hard to look at for too long.

His body had a metal device strapped to his chest and torso, with miles and miles of rope wrapped around that connected to an exoskeleton that was just attached to his arms, kunai locked in place at either wrist. It was the machine he used to shoot out and swing around, made out of scrap metal by him.

“You let her practice on you?” He asked jokingly.

“She needed somebody to do it with.” She replied.

A young girl suddenly ran into the bedroom, running to him and hugging him tightly.

“Hideyoshi! You’re home!” She sounded so excited.

She was no older than 8 years old. She didn’t have the device implanted in her neck, but she didn’t have a scar either. She also didn’t have the gauntlet on her arm, like she had been untouched from the evil world around her.

Hideyoshi kneeled down to hug her tightly, his coat coming off to reveal he had the scar on his neck and was missing the device, yet the gauntlet was still on his arm, barely functional. Like he had hacked into it somehow.

“How was your night Hinata?” He asked, hugging her as tightly as he possibly could.

“It was so much fun. Mai let me practice braiding her hair.” Hinata said so excitedly.

Hideyoshi laughed and turned to look at Mai.

“I can see that. You did a great job.” He said.

“Oh, and she let me pick her hair color.” Hinata said, sounding even more excited.

“And that’s what you chose? It’s so bright.” He said.

Hinata looked at it and seemed to think.

“Yeah…you’re right.”

Hinata ran over and grabbed Mai’s gauntlet that covered her arm. She began to tap away on the screen, which was very limited with options. It almost looked like a phone screen, small icons for different applications and games. She opened one specifically that opened a massive color selector, including being able to put specific values for C, M, Y, K, H, S, and B. She rapidly began to slide across each of the lines, the hair on Mai’s head rapidly changing color as she just laughed and smiled.

After a while, Hinata finally settled on a rather faded and sedated green.

“Ooh…I like that one.” Hinata jumped up and down.

Mai and Hideyoshi both laughed as Mai pulled some out to see the color.

“You always pick so great Hinata. Now I’ll get going so you can play with your brother, alright?” Mai said.

Hinata and Mai hugged tightly before Hinata ran out of the room.

Hideyoshi opened the bag that was still now sitting on the floor, revealing it was full of the same square devices the man on the train used to steal money.

“How much are on those?” She asked.

“I was told each was one billion Yen, but I have no idea if that’s true.” Hideyoshi replied.

He handed her two of them, which she quickly scanned into her gauntlet, watching the number that appeared rapidly rise.

“Yeah, they are. Hopefully the others are too.” She said, keeping the devices even though they were empty.

“I don’t have any more for the weekend, so if you want to visit you can.” Hideyoshi said as he rose to his feet.

Mai began to put on her coat and lifted her mask up.

“I’ll think about it. Now go to your sister, she’s been asking about you all night.” Mai joked, putting on her mask before opening the window and jumping out, quickly sliding down the thin alleyway and landing on the ground. Hideyoshi shut the window and went out to the living room, watching as his young sister was playing with some makeshift dolls made out of scrap metal.

“Come here Hideyoshi! I wanna show you my story.” She sounded so excited. So innocent and ignorant. It made Hideyoshi smile, yet tear up at the same time.

“Alright, I’m coming.” He said with a laugh, walking over and sitting next to her as they played with the metal dolls.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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