All thanks to Alan.. he took care of most of it
But he was with me the entire time
That's what we called you here for
Alan held his head and looked at Tyler in distress
Why not we talk in the study?
There is something important
They all three made their way to the study
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Come in
Georgia knew who was behind the door
But before she could predict more the door was flung open
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Oh Georgia... how are you?
I am doing just fine
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Good to know
Georgia looked to see her aunt reading a newspaper with her spectacles on
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Now now... Don't stand
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Sit down
He pointed towards a day or where she could sit
Georgia sat down and found it perfect, not too close to the men but perfect to see exactly what they were doing
Alan and Tyler, who were also there, took chairs and sat a little away from Georgia to not frighten her
James (Georgia's Uncle)
James (Georgia's Uncle)
We want to talk about your problem
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Georgia couldn't believe her ears
She kept quiet because this was her only family
How can the person herself not know... it wouldn't be much to ask for an answer right?
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Not at all
James (Georgia's Uncle)
You are...
Before James could finish Alan completed his sentence
That's how all kids are --
James (Georgia's Uncle)
But are they all Allen's?
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Nevertheless, you need to be different
James (Georgia's Uncle)
To be able to defend yourself and us in times of need
You are not criminals, no?
James (Georgia's Uncle)
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Then let's begin
James (Georgia's Uncle)
Training you
James (Georgia's Uncle)
But I don't want to...
James (Georgia's Uncle)
You don't have an option dear
Alicia (Georgia's Aunt)
Georgia, of not for him, do it for me
No matter how stubborn Georgia was, she could never say no to her aunt
Alicia (Georgia's Aunt)
Thank you dear
James (Georgia's Uncle)
James (Georgia's Uncle)
But who are you comfortable with to take your practices?