As they talked about the endless school gossip, they reached Alina's house
Georgia began to make way to her house
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
They you are😚
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
Aunty?... I thought you grew pass that
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
Never mind, I'm just glad to see you
Aunty since you consider me your 'daughter' should I not know what has happened and has made you so happy?
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
Well I was thinking about getting married
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
You know you're too young to handle the business, so why don't you pass it on to me?
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
I can take care of it well
For the nth time lady, No
You can ask me all your life, but I will never give it to you
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
I know it's tough since you're an orphan, but I will take care of you
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
No matter what
Lady, just live your life and if you can Thank you
If you can and can't, just don't ruin mine
I'm tired of all this
I'm off to my room
And also, show me the man you're marrying
You can't disgrace our family name
Georgia's door was closed
Her stepmother mumbled under her breath
Georgia's Mom (Grace)
Just you wait, I'll make you regret it one day for sure
Why in the world is she like this?
She walked towards her family photo of her entire family there smiling brightly
Dad, you went for only 1 hour and this mad woman took over, what am I supposed to do with this wealth?
No! Your wealth isn't something I can give away
I willl look after it
She then missed her family photo and placed it back on the table
She looked determined and then put on her headphones
It wasn't loud but you could guess the song when she started singing
Please give me the hate button
Cause I hate myself so much
Oh my, oh my
Oh my, oh my...
Why I ain't pretty
Why I ain't lovely
Why I ain't s**y
Why am I me
Love me, love me, love me, love me, love me right~