My Neighbour's Garden

My Neighbour's Garden

Episode 1

Damian Anderson my mysterious neighbor, I heard he was an ex-soldier a high raking officer at that, but retired due to unknown causes. I rarely see him and I have a brief description of his appearance in my mind. He is probably more than 6 feet maybe 6,3 or 6,4 and his chest double the size of mine, he has a ripped body obviously as an ex-soldier. I moved into the house beside his a year ago, and I only saw him three times. I never had the chance to talk to him and I would rather avoid talking to him because he looks intimidating. But something is quite ironic about him, The intimidating looking big man has a garden in his backyard with full of elegant and beautiful flowers that he cultivates. I saw his garden from the first floor of my house, and it was like a fairy tale garden.....managed by a rough man. It's quite ironic and cute, I want to visit his garden, but I'm scared to talk to him. Scared as I was, I heard that people sneak into his garden to steal flowers and when they get caught, oh that scary man beats them into pulp... It's hard to believe that some would beat people just for a flower,than again he cherishes his garden, and he is scary.

I am Sophia Elgaria, a single woman in her early twenties. Yup I'm single, not because I'm ugly but because I have high standards plus the work I do for a living forbids me of having a boyfriend too.

I have parents whom I lost contact with after they abandoned me in my childhood because I couldn't live up to their expectations, a topper, a pianist and a future doctor. I sucked at science and I was always average in studies and piano? I sucked at that too. They said I was a waste of money all these years of educating me bore no fruit, and they were sick of my face and disgusted by the fact that their daughter was a looser, which I actually wasn't, I was good at basketball which they didn't allow me after they discovered that I Secretly play basketball. They said I should focus on my studies and piano is the only thing I can do other than studies. In short, they never appreciated my true talent and told me to be someone I wasn't and when I failed to do it, I became an eyesore for them, so they abandoned me as I was a disgrace to our oh so graceful family.

When they abandoned me they rented a tiny room for me in a hostel and sent me minimum living expenses till i was eighteen. But i who was determined to change my faith started saving money from day one. I saved a little everyday and sometimes earned a little by walking people's dog and babysitting. I also sold cookies in my school for money. I had one goal which was, to earn a lot of money and how would I earn that? I couldn't play basketball as well because from the day my parents scolded me for playing basketball i got traumatised everytime i saw a basketball. my one and only talent was lost. But i still found a way, a way that may not be acceptable for others but it was acceptable for me and my only option to get out of this miserable life. "Only phans" a platform where i could share explicit pictures of mine and earn a generous amount or more. I got his idea from a social media influencer i followed, he was rich because of only phans and i was impressed as how good his lifestyle is. He paid his brother's student loan, bought his mother a house and retired his father from only phans money and they were proud. But the only difference was he was a boy and i was a girl, i thought will the society respect me as they respect him? will the society will treat me equally as they treat him? and then i realised that if i worry about what society would think i would be destroying my life which i dont want. But i was still scared. at the age of eighteen when i received my last amount from my parents i had enough money to buy a PC and i bought it and started my journey.

to be continued



Sachin Chavan

Sachin Chavan

nice story ☺️



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