Story Of My Life

Story Of My Life

Just the beginning.

Story of a gambler (the survivor)

Made by: Angel O

I was many things in life, a daughter, a thief, a cultist, a gambler, a mother and finally a murderer.

My story started at a young age of 8, my dad was a drug addict and he would always mercilessly cheat on my mother normally they would just argue or fight a little, but that night as they were arguing I heard a loud scream and came to check. There she was my mum lying on the floor covered the blood I don't fully remember which object he used but I know it was huge and black and was inserted in her stomach area. She didn't speak but as she looked at me I knew what she wanted to say she was apologising probably feeling sorry for leaving me so early in life, for having to put up with their fights each night. At that time I don't know what came over me I couldn't cry and I couldn't even make a sound, tears were refusing to come out and my dad just stood there I guess he was too high to understand what he had done, suddenly I heard the siren of a police car the neighbours must have heard the screams. From that day I never smiled again.

I got adopted and my adopted parents were nice and they always tried to make me happy or just see me smile but I just couldn't I didn't have the energy to. They did take me to school and had very high expectations for me but I knew I would let them down so why bother trying. School was like torture for me, probably because of my vibe or whatever nobody approached me to be my friend if anything they were scared of me and as time passed by I started getting envious of the people around me those who would always pop up to class with a huge smile those who seemed to be friends with everyone, generally accepted and filled with laughter so I did what seemed right at the time I bullied and made trouble, lots and lots of trouble and the more trouble I caused the more my adopted parents lost faith in me and eventually gave up on me and since I was SUCH A FAILURE, they decided to adopt another child, a child that will surely not fail them...So me being me joined a cult.

We bullied, stole, vandalised, smoked and would regularly sneak to parties and bars, there I was introduced to Mr Big-

- known for being one of the Top 10 gamblers in my country and a drug addict and trafficker, he saw me and chose me. I honestly didn't care at that time, it was like an achievement for me and that how by the age of 15 I lost my virginity. I came back to the bar more regularly after that just like he asked, he started calling me "his favourite girl" and filled me with all the love I taught I deserved every night, I taught to myself 'my body can please someone, it made someone want me' and because of Mr Big my life changed completely.

When he invited me to one of his games, seeing how people gambled and put everything on the line for a game made me excited so I smiled I smiled for the first time and I couldn't stop through out the game, that night I made sure to make him feel how happy I was and give him my best in bed and since then he would take me to all of his games and people knew not to mess with me, I was known as "his woman". The power I never imagine I would have suddenly became my life my title... but this was just the beginning.





it seems good








Little Anne

Little Anne

😭so much trauma



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