Married To The Prince Because I'm Strong And Beautiful

Married To The Prince Because I'm Strong And Beautiful

Domi Vangeance the lady of Domination and Dominance

Passerby: *whispers* isn't that Domi The lady of Domination and Dominance?!

Passerby 2: *whispers* yeah i think that's her! And she has a terrifiying face... But she's tall, strong and beautiful there's no one who can beat her

Passerby 1: not even the Prince?

Passerby 2: i've never seen them fight before...


Name: Domi Vangeance

Age: 24

Role: Knight, Daughter of the duke, Lady of Domination and Dominance

Domi's mind: This city is loud as hell! Why are they whispering so much

Knight: Lady Vangeance, the king has invited you in a meeting

Domi: sure i'll be there pass the note to him that i'm coming

Knight: yes Ma'am.

*at The Kingdom*

?: *sighs* how could they have a meeting without THE prince?


Name: Rei Crowmell

Age: 23

Role: The 1st Born of the King, Prince, Great Swordsmen, Royal.

Rei: Hey! Please call my father.

Maid: Yes sir, But i cannot call him without a reason please tell me why do you want to call him? he's quite busy right now.

Rei: tell him i want to join the meeting keeping telling him that over and over so he will come here himself.

Maid: but sir the King will get annoyed..

Rei: *Laughs* exactly! And don't call me sir, it's Prince Rei

Maid: a-are you sure Prince Rei?

Rei: just go and tell him! I'll take care of the responsebility

*grins and chuckles*

Maid: okay Prince Rei, i will now go and call him

Rei: good luck!

*Back to the City*

Domi: i need to hurry back to the kingdom get me a horse!

Knight: Yes ma'am!

Domi: i'll be going now make sure to protect the city! that's your duty.

Knight: Understood we swear to protect this city!

Domi: the kingdom isn't that far from the city so it should be fast on horse.


*Meanwhile at the king's room*

King: Have you sent the letter to Vangeance?


Name: Lyon Crowmell

Age: 48

Role: King, Ruler of Crowmell Kingdom, Mighty King, King of War, Savior King,

Best king.

Butler: Yes we have sent the letter to Domi Vangeance.

Lyon: Good, Prepare the meeting room it has to be spotless it's an important meeting.

Butler: Yes King.

Butler: all maids and Butlers clean up the meeting room fast! It has to spotless, grab all the stuff you can clean with it's an important meeting!

Butlers and Maids: Yes sir! It will be spotless and no speck of dust!

Butler: Yes! Now go!

*all the maids and butlers we're rushing and running and cleaning for the important meeting*

*With Domi*

Domi: *Pants* i'm finally here, there's so many peoples it must be a really important meeting...i wonder what it is.

*Meanwhile with Rei*

Rei: *Whistle Whistle* hmm.. I wonder what kind of people will be coming today, I hope Father invites me to the meeting.



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