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Married To The Prince Because I'm Strong And Beautiful

Domi Vangeance the lady of Domination and Dominance

Passerby: *whispers* isn't that Domi The lady of Domination and Dominance?!

Passerby 2: *whispers* yeah i think that's her! And she has a terrifiying face... But she's tall, strong and beautiful there's no one who can beat her

Passerby 1: not even the Prince?

Passerby 2: i've never seen them fight before...


Name: Domi Vangeance

Age: 24

Role: Knight, Daughter of the duke, Lady of Domination and Dominance

Domi's mind: This city is loud as hell! Why are they whispering so much

Knight: Lady Vangeance, the king has invited you in a meeting

Domi: sure i'll be there pass the note to him that i'm coming

Knight: yes Ma'am.

*at The Kingdom*

?: *sighs* how could they have a meeting without THE prince?


Name: Rei Crowmell

Age: 23

Role: The 1st Born of the King, Prince, Great Swordsmen, Royal.

Rei: Hey! Please call my father.

Maid: Yes sir, But i cannot call him without a reason please tell me why do you want to call him? he's quite busy right now.

Rei: tell him i want to join the meeting keeping telling him that over and over so he will come here himself.

Maid: but sir the King will get annoyed..

Rei: *Laughs* exactly! And don't call me sir, it's Prince Rei

Maid: a-are you sure Prince Rei?

Rei: just go and tell him! I'll take care of the responsebility

*grins and chuckles*

Maid: okay Prince Rei, i will now go and call him

Rei: good luck!

*Back to the City*

Domi: i need to hurry back to the kingdom get me a horse!

Knight: Yes ma'am!

Domi: i'll be going now make sure to protect the city! that's your duty.

Knight: Understood we swear to protect this city!

Domi: the kingdom isn't that far from the city so it should be fast on horse.


*Meanwhile at the king's room*

King: Have you sent the letter to Vangeance?


Name: Lyon Crowmell

Age: 48

Role: King, Ruler of Crowmell Kingdom, Mighty King, King of War, Savior King,

Best king.

Butler: Yes we have sent the letter to Domi Vangeance.

Lyon: Good, Prepare the meeting room it has to be spotless it's an important meeting.

Butler: Yes King.

Butler: all maids and Butlers clean up the meeting room fast! It has to spotless, grab all the stuff you can clean with it's an important meeting!

Butlers and Maids: Yes sir! It will be spotless and no speck of dust!

Butler: Yes! Now go!

*all the maids and butlers we're rushing and running and cleaning for the important meeting*

*With Domi*

Domi: *Pants* i'm finally here, there's so many peoples it must be a really important meeting...i wonder what it is.

*Meanwhile with Rei*

Rei: *Whistle Whistle* hmm.. I wonder what kind of people will be coming today, I hope Father invites me to the meeting.

The king's meeting - Naiad the Princess of Elven Tribe

𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜'𝙨 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜

Lyon: i see you have arrived in time Domi.

Domi: is this meeting about Monster Region attacking our kingdom?

Lyon: yes, Thank you to those who joined the Meeting.. A few days ago The Monster Region attacked the kingdom with 10,000 Monsters, if they keep increasing they're number it will be bad for the Kingdom.

Domi: Your majesty, I Volunteer to join the Army.

Lyon: I'm happy to know that you're volunteering! Is there anyone else who would like to Volunteer? A Mage or a Support mage would be good.

The Mages and Support Mages volunteers to Join the army

Rei: Father, I would also like to join the Army.

Lyon: Rei?! What are you doing here!?

Domi's mind: What is Prince Rei doing here..? Sure that he has the Authority to come in a Meeting like this but, His majesty Lyon didn't invite him here?...

Rei: What am I doing here? Of course I'm here I'm the prince! And why didn't you invite me anyways? You think I'm not smart or strong enough to join this meeting? There are many more here Weaker than me!

Domi's mind: Did he just say everyone here is weak?! What a Jerk.

Lyon: No one here is weak, Mind your words Rei.

Rei Scoffs

Domi: You're majesty if he will join the Army i won't join, He is immature and a Jerk.

Lyon's mind: I knew this was gonna happend sighs

Lyon: Rei Cromwell, you have no Permission to join the War nor the Army.

Rei: what?! I'm the prince! I should be fighting To save my country!

Lyon and Domi's mind: that's true...

?: in my Opinion a prince should have the right to fight for his own Country.

Rei looks back huh? You're.. Naiad the Princess of The Elven tribe.

Character information

Name: Naiad Momoi

Age: 80+ Elves live long but They still have Beautiful appearance.

Role: Elf, Support Mage, Princess of Elven Tribe, The next Elf Ruler.

Lyon: That's true I can't help not to Deny that, sighs Very well, Rei you have permission to join the Army.

Domi's mind: A woman who can change His majesty's Mind?.. Interesting. Smirks

Domi: Princess Naiad, are you also Joining the Army? Tilts head

Naiad: Yes Knight Domi, I'm gonna be you're Support Mage from now on. Smiles

Domi: are you sure you can Keep up with my speed? Playful tone

Naiad: smiles I may not look like it but I can keep up with you're Stamina. Playful tone

Rei and Lyon's mind: Why are they fighting haha.. Awkward smile

Domi: whispers to Naiad You're quite the Interesting Woman are you? Smirks

Lyon: well then, is that all that is Volunteering in the Army?

Everyone nods and agrees

Domi: His majesty, Something urgent happend at the City I have to go please excuse me. Bows and quickly leaves

Rei: Thanks for Helping me join the Army princess Naiad. Smiles and leaves

To be continued.

Apology Announcement

Sorry for making everyone wait for Almost half a year!..(T v T) This is an apology for making you guys wait for so long, I truly apologize to you guys I regret doing that, I actually quitted half a year Because I had no Inspiration anymore and I couldn't get Ideas at all, Usually my Ideas pops out in Midnight that's why I sometimes make it in midnight, Like 11:30 for example, I just Lay on my bed and fantasize Stuff and boom! Ideas suddenly comes, Though I'm really sorry to make you all wait and I'm looking forward for more people or at least only a few people reading my Novels, I've worked on a New Chapter today please go read it! ^^ thank you so much for you're patience On the past Half year, I luv you all(^ 3 ^) That's all Thank you so much For reading Bye!

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