chapter eight:blood bond clan will pay for it

"what do you want to tell me" he asked.

"when i was jogging i saw something and it wasn't Jason" i told him.

Lucas fell on my bed.

"when i was jogging i saw a man with a gun who shot two people and that same mark was on Jason was on that man" i told him.

I started to cry.

"my baby why are you crying" he asked me.

"i want it to end" i told him.

"my baby are you traumatized" he asked.

I nodded my head in his chest.

"dont worry the bllod bond clan will pay for it" he said.

"Lucas what if the two people who go shot could they have been apart the butterfly family" i asked.

Lucas squeezed his hands.

"i can look in the flies for you but i believe not" he told me.

Just then Lucas phone rang and while he was on the phone he became more angry.

"what happened" I asked.

"you was right" he said.

"about what" I asked.

"that man you saw shot both great ancestors of the butterfly family" he curved his hand into fist while i started to cry.

"dont cry my baby" he told me.

"now i have some business to attend to so i need you to stay here" he said.

"no i wanna go with you" I yelled at him while I was still crying.

"you cant. Just give me 2 hours" he said giving me a kiss.

I nodded my head as he closed the door.

Just then when he left i thought what if jason came back.

I pushed passed that thought and went to the kitchen.

"why didnt you stay at the amusement park" i heard a voice say. I didn't know what to do so i stood there.

"Jason please leave" i told him softly.

He became visible and moved close to me.

I moved back until I fell on the couch.

"why do you like Lucas then me" he asked grabbing my hand.

"let me go" i cried.

His grip became stronger than Lucas.

It hasn't even been and hour and i need Lucas.

"why dont i stay with you" he said.

"please let go of me" i felt as if all my blood drained from me.

He let go of me and smiled.

"you lived you must be grateful that you have powers" he said playing with my hair.

"Jason go now please. i dont forgive you there are you happy now go" I told him.

He stood up.

"im glad my great ancestor killed yours next its Lucas then you will be lonely and will have nobody. and tell Lucas i said hi or i can tell him myself" he said sitting on the couch.

i cried. I cried because this is my fault. I cried because I wanted to hug lucas and let all my worries go away and I cried because when i needed Lucas he had had to do something and i was alone.

I got up and looked at Jason.The only way i could get out was to kill him.

"Jason if you dont leave i will have to kill you" i told him.

He got up and stood right in front of me.

"how dare you threaten the prince of one of the two family's oh speaking of the families in the future you and Lucas spilt apart and you became apart of the blood bond clan" he looked in my eye.

"no your lying" i told him. He was messing with me.If he was the prince then that meant... ME AND LUCAS WILL SPILT APART.

"yes i am the prince and Lucas so is he which makes you"... he stopped.

"the princess" i yelled.

"yup" just then we heard the door and open and saw Lucas.

"Jason i told you if i see you around my woman you will die" lucas said.

"Lucas" i yelled.

"no you are not going anywhere" jason pulled me back.

i kicked his leg and ran to Lucas.

"fine you will come back to me and remember our little pep talk." Jason flew out the window and lucas closed the door.

"what pep talk" Lucas asked.

"is it true" i asked him.

"what is" he said.

"THAT I AM A PRINCESS" i yelled.

1 chapter one: out with the old and in with the new
2 chapter two:life is life you cant change it
3 chapter three: you cant hate people all life
4 chapter four:come to me if you are scared
5 chapter five:just ganna be me and you today
6 chapter six: who do you love water or blood
7 chapter seven:Saturday the day i go out fresh
8 chapter eight:blood bond clan will pay for it
9 chapter nine:they werent the ancestors
10 chapter ten:why be so mysterious to me
11 chapter eleven:executive for that boy:betray
12 chapter twelve:who would abandon for power
13 chapter thirteen:history is something in me
14 chapter fourteen:just know that i love you
15 chapter fifteen:trust and truth is same like us
16 chapter sixteen:are you worried about me
17 chapter seventeen:what games are you doing
18 chapter eighteen:Feelings to you are weird.
19 chapter nineteen:how much do you love me?
20 chapter twenty:a old friend calls to a vist us
21 chapter 21:when u play with fire play with us
22 chapter 22:you are my wife rose so yes i can
23 chapter 23:its not great to be two face to me
24 chapter 24:follow your love not your mindset
25 chapter 25:who the heck was that man i met
26 chapter 26:when in a burden go to your love:)
27 chapter 27:the man i loved murdered me
28 chapter 28:i go out with the man i now love
29 chapter 29:the more i think the more i die
31 chapter 31:let the suprise stay a suprise Ok
32 chapter 32:you dont know how much i owe u
33 chapter 33:to me love is the same love reallly
34 chapter 34:back to the novella to see stars ok
35 chapter 35:when think you are all my fazes
36 chapter 36:Magical high im back.And better
37 chapter 37:my real first day on the big job ok
38 chapter 38:why does he still linger around me
39 chapter 39:why come so early in my life
40 chapter 40:the truth or I will die a bad death
41 chapter 41:the truth is so hard to say really

Updated 41 Episodes

chapter one: out with the old and in with the new
chapter two:life is life you cant change it
chapter three: you cant hate people all life
chapter four:come to me if you are scared
chapter five:just ganna be me and you today
chapter six: who do you love water or blood
chapter seven:Saturday the day i go out fresh
chapter eight:blood bond clan will pay for it
chapter nine:they werent the ancestors
chapter ten:why be so mysterious to me
chapter eleven:executive for that boy:betray
chapter twelve:who would abandon for power
chapter thirteen:history is something in me
chapter fourteen:just know that i love you
chapter fifteen:trust and truth is same like us
chapter sixteen:are you worried about me
chapter seventeen:what games are you doing
chapter eighteen:Feelings to you are weird.
chapter nineteen:how much do you love me?
chapter twenty:a old friend calls to a vist us
chapter 21:when u play with fire play with us
chapter 22:you are my wife rose so yes i can
chapter 23:its not great to be two face to me
chapter 24:follow your love not your mindset
chapter 25:who the heck was that man i met
chapter 26:when in a burden go to your love:)
chapter 27:the man i loved murdered me
chapter 28:i go out with the man i now love
chapter 29:the more i think the more i die
chapter 31:let the suprise stay a suprise Ok
chapter 32:you dont know how much i owe u
chapter 33:to me love is the same love reallly
chapter 34:back to the novella to see stars ok
chapter 35:when think you are all my fazes
chapter 36:Magical high im back.And better
chapter 37:my real first day on the big job ok
chapter 38:why does he still linger around me
chapter 39:why come so early in my life
chapter 40:the truth or I will die a bad death
chapter 41:the truth is so hard to say really


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