The Unidentified Part-1

The Unidentified Part-1


(1971) (March,29) (11:50p.m.)

"An unidentified object lands on the earth"

Professor john - "it's not a meteorite. it's an aliens spaceship. We have to hide it from thie world."

Breaking news - a meteor crashed into the shipyard near Tokyo river. Rescue team was there in time.7 injured 2 dead found on the site.the meteorite is taken to the laboratory for research purposes.


Professor Williams - what is this ? Some kind of nuclear weapon.

Professor john - no it's an alien spaceship !

Professor Williams - what! where do u find that ?

Professor john - near the Tokyo river where the meteor crashed last night.but it was the spaceship which actually crashes there.

Professor Williams - did u tell about this to the boss ?

Professor john - no. Why should I him? I can handle this by my own .

Professor Williams - are u out of ur mind !

U can't research on that by ur own without legal permission.

Professor john - I can and I will with u or without u

Professor Williams - I won't let this happen!

(Professor Williams runs to tell the association about the whole story)

(Professor john shoot him down)

Professor john - u are my assistant and u betrayed me !

Professor Williams - no I don't u are betraying us !

(Kuzan yu enters)

Kuzan yu - professor john my old friend !

Professor john - u again !

Kuzan yu - how are u ?

Professor john - what do u want from me ?

Kuzan yu - u already know don't you ?

Professor john -i don't know what are u talking about .

Kuzan yu - give me that spaceship.

Professor john - what spaceship ?

Kuzan yu - don't try to fool me .

(Kuzan phone rings )

Kuzan yu - yes sir ! Sure sir I will be there in some time.

Kuzan yu - john maybe u are lucky today .

Professor john - .......

(Kuzan yu leaves)

Professor john - oh crap ! I should take this spaceship somewhere else .

(Professor John's phone rings)

Professor john - hello ?

Kuzan yu - don't try to hide from me . I will find u and kill u .

(Kuzan hangs up)

(Professor john calls William's brother 'Tatsuki')

Professor john - Tatsuki I need ur help.


(Tatsuki arrives)

Professor john - oh there u are !

Tatsuki -Tell me the reason u called me yesterday.

Professor john - there is a guy,who is trying to kill me .and u have to kill him before he kills me.

Tatsuki - why is he after u ?

Professor john - u don't need to know anything else just do ur work !

Tatsuki - is that so . tell me about the target

Professor john - His name is kuzan yu.

Tatsuki - wait what ! Kuzan yu ? Are u out of ur mind. U are messing with the wrong person !

Professor john - what the hell are u talking about ?

Tatsuki - he is also an agent !

Professor john - so what are u scared ?

Tatsuki - No ! I m not .

Professor john - It looks like u are scared .

Tatsuki - okay then where is he ?

Professor john - he must be in the old shipyard.

Tatsuki - ohh but that shipyard was destroyed by the meteor some days ago.

Professor john - yeah u are right. Now find kuzan and kill him !

Tatsuki - As you say .

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Tatsuki arrives at the destination)

Kuzan yu - So u are here Tatsuki.

Tatsuki - why are u trying to kill professor john?

Kuzan yu - ohh so that professor send u here for me

Tatsuki - just answer the damn question !

Kuzan yu - You should stay out of this .it's our personal matter.

Tatsuki - don't tell me what to do !

kuzan yu - So tell me why professor john ordered u to kill me ?

Tatsuki - he said 'i don't need to know'.

kuzan yu - ohh so he is hiding the truth from u too .

Tatsuki - what truth ?

kuzan yu - the meteor that crashed near the shipyard was an alien spaceship !

Tatsuki - but in news it was a meteorite that crashed into the shipyard?

kuzan yu - oh really ?

Tatsuki - yes. Maybe u got the wrong news !

kuzan yu - I got the wrong news ? so tell me where is your brother professor Williams? didn't your brother told u about this ?

Tatsuki - His phone is switched off maybe he is busy.

Kuzan yu - Oh kid,Your brother is dead !

Tatsuki - what the hell are u talking about ?

kuzan yu - yeah,he is dead. Professor john shoot him some days ago.

Tatsuki - you liar !

Kuzan yu - if I m lying then why don't u ask professor john about your brother ?

Tatsuki - .....

(Tatsuki calls professor john)

professor john - Tatsuki ! you finished your work ?

Tatsuki - where is my brother ?

professor john - what ?

Tatsuki - I know u killed my brother !

professor john - what are u talking about ? Are u out of your mind ?

Tatsuki - I know everything now.

professor john -listen kid kuzan yu is lying to u !

(Tatsuki gives phone to kuzan yu)

kuzan yu - oh really professor ?

professor john - so u told him !

kuzan yu - the ending is not good as you think my friend .

(Kuzan yu hangs up)

Tatsuki - I will take the revenge from him !

kuzan yu - why don't you join me my friend we both wants to kill professor.

Tatsuki - No need ! I will do it on my own.

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Professor john leaves the place)

(Kuzan yu calls professor john)

(professor didn't answer the call)

Kuzan yu - Send the squad and get him to me at all cost !

(Sure sir)

Tatsuki - why u both wants that spaceship ?what's so special in it ?

Kuzan yu - it's not just an alien spaceship.Its a nuclear weapon !

Tatsuki - So u both are going for the nuclear weapon without letting the government know about this !

kuzan yu - Yes . of course my friend.

(Tatsuki leaves without saying anything)

kuzan yu - where are u going ?

Tatsuki - To stop both of u !

Kuzan yu - what are u talking about ! we can rule the world together !

Tatsuki - together ? Do u know what does this word mean ? U are a mafia and Can betray anytime !

Kuzan yu - Enough ! try to stop me if u can .

Tatsuki - I will .

kuzan yu - Gaurds get him down to his knees !

(kuzan yu phone rings)

Kuzan yu - yes boss !

boss - Don't hurt Tatsuki ! or I will kill u .

kuzan yu - what is he your friend or something boss ?

boss - Just do what I say !

(boss hangs up)

kuzan yu - Looks like you are lucky today kid.

Tatsuki - .....

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Kuzan yu calls Yakuza)

Yakuza - kuzan ?

kuzan yu - yes it's me my old friend !




Addicted Kittens

Addicted Kittens

Wow~~!!!!! Oh my goodness ~ I love science fiction ~~!!!

* munch munch* 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿



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