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The Unidentified Part-1


(1971) (March,29) (11:50p.m.)

"An unidentified object lands on the earth"

Professor john - "it's not a meteorite. it's an aliens spaceship. We have to hide it from thie world."

Breaking news - a meteor crashed into the shipyard near Tokyo river. Rescue team was there in time.7 injured 2 dead found on the site.the meteorite is taken to the laboratory for research purposes.


Professor Williams - what is this ? Some kind of nuclear weapon.

Professor john - no it's an alien spaceship !

Professor Williams - what! where do u find that ?

Professor john - near the Tokyo river where the meteor crashed last night.but it was the spaceship which actually crashes there.

Professor Williams - did u tell about this to the boss ?

Professor john - no. Why should I him? I can handle this by my own .

Professor Williams - are u out of ur mind !

U can't research on that by ur own without legal permission.

Professor john - I can and I will with u or without u

Professor Williams - I won't let this happen!

(Professor Williams runs to tell the association about the whole story)

(Professor john shoot him down)

Professor john - u are my assistant and u betrayed me !

Professor Williams - no I don't u are betraying us !

(Kuzan yu enters)

Kuzan yu - professor john my old friend !

Professor john - u again !

Kuzan yu - how are u ?

Professor john - what do u want from me ?

Kuzan yu - u already know don't you ?

Professor john -i don't know what are u talking about .

Kuzan yu - give me that spaceship.

Professor john - what spaceship ?

Kuzan yu - don't try to fool me .

(Kuzan phone rings )

Kuzan yu - yes sir ! Sure sir I will be there in some time.

Kuzan yu - john maybe u are lucky today .

Professor john - .......

(Kuzan yu leaves)

Professor john - oh crap ! I should take this spaceship somewhere else .

(Professor John's phone rings)

Professor john - hello ?

Kuzan yu - don't try to hide from me . I will find u and kill u .

(Kuzan hangs up)

(Professor john calls William's brother 'Tatsuki')

Professor john - Tatsuki I need ur help.


(Tatsuki arrives)

Professor john - oh there u are !

Tatsuki -Tell me the reason u called me yesterday.

Professor john - there is a guy,who is trying to kill me .and u have to kill him before he kills me.

Tatsuki - why is he after u ?

Professor john - u don't need to know anything else just do ur work !

Tatsuki - is that so . tell me about the target

Professor john - His name is kuzan yu.

Tatsuki - wait what ! Kuzan yu ? Are u out of ur mind. U are messing with the wrong person !

Professor john - what the hell are u talking about ?

Tatsuki - he is also an agent !

Professor john - so what are u scared ?

Tatsuki - No ! I m not .

Professor john - It looks like u are scared .

Tatsuki - okay then where is he ?

Professor john - he must be in the old shipyard.

Tatsuki - ohh but that shipyard was destroyed by the meteor some days ago.

Professor john - yeah u are right. Now find kuzan and kill him !

Tatsuki - As you say .

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Tatsuki arrives at the destination)

Kuzan yu - So u are here Tatsuki.

Tatsuki - why are u trying to kill professor john?

Kuzan yu - ohh so that professor send u here for me

Tatsuki - just answer the damn question !

Kuzan yu - You should stay out of this .it's our personal matter.

Tatsuki - don't tell me what to do !

kuzan yu - So tell me why professor john ordered u to kill me ?

Tatsuki - he said 'i don't need to know'.

kuzan yu - ohh so he is hiding the truth from u too .

Tatsuki - what truth ?

kuzan yu - the meteor that crashed near the shipyard was an alien spaceship !

Tatsuki - but in news it was a meteorite that crashed into the shipyard?

kuzan yu - oh really ?

Tatsuki - yes. Maybe u got the wrong news !

kuzan yu - I got the wrong news ? so tell me where is your brother professor Williams? didn't your brother told u about this ?

Tatsuki - His phone is switched off maybe he is busy.

Kuzan yu - Oh kid,Your brother is dead !

Tatsuki - what the hell are u talking about ?

kuzan yu - yeah,he is dead. Professor john shoot him some days ago.

Tatsuki - you liar !

Kuzan yu - if I m lying then why don't u ask professor john about your brother ?

Tatsuki - .....

(Tatsuki calls professor john)

professor john - Tatsuki ! you finished your work ?

Tatsuki - where is my brother ?

professor john - what ?

Tatsuki - I know u killed my brother !

professor john - what are u talking about ? Are u out of your mind ?

Tatsuki - I know everything now.

professor john -listen kid kuzan yu is lying to u !

(Tatsuki gives phone to kuzan yu)

kuzan yu - oh really professor ?

professor john - so u told him !

kuzan yu - the ending is not good as you think my friend .

(Kuzan yu hangs up)

Tatsuki - I will take the revenge from him !

kuzan yu - why don't you join me my friend we both wants to kill professor.

Tatsuki - No need ! I will do it on my own.

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Professor john leaves the place)

(Kuzan yu calls professor john)

(professor didn't answer the call)

Kuzan yu - Send the squad and get him to me at all cost !

(Sure sir)

Tatsuki - why u both wants that spaceship ?what's so special in it ?

Kuzan yu - it's not just an alien spaceship.Its a nuclear weapon !

Tatsuki - So u both are going for the nuclear weapon without letting the government know about this !

kuzan yu - Yes . of course my friend.

(Tatsuki leaves without saying anything)

kuzan yu - where are u going ?

Tatsuki - To stop both of u !

Kuzan yu - what are u talking about ! we can rule the world together !

Tatsuki - together ? Do u know what does this word mean ? U are a mafia and Can betray anytime !

Kuzan yu - Enough ! try to stop me if u can .

Tatsuki - I will .

kuzan yu - Gaurds get him down to his knees !

(kuzan yu phone rings)

Kuzan yu - yes boss !

boss - Don't hurt Tatsuki ! or I will kill u .

kuzan yu - what is he your friend or something boss ?

boss - Just do what I say !

(boss hangs up)

kuzan yu - Looks like you are lucky today kid.

Tatsuki - .....

(Tatsuki leaves)


(Kuzan yu calls Yakuza)

Yakuza - kuzan ?

kuzan yu - yes it's me my old friend !



Yakuza - kuzan ?

kuzan yu - yes it's me my old friend !

Yakuza - what do u want now ?

kuzan yu - just one more person to kill.

Yakuza - why should I do ur work !

kuzan yu - Oh really ? Did you forget about Ricardo ?

Yakuza - Just leave him alone !

kuzan yu - So maybe u want your brother to be dead.

Yakuza - Kuzan ! He has nothing to do with our business !

kuzan yu - so what's your answer ?

Yakuza - where do I find that guy ?

kuzan yu - Good !

Yakuza - You will pay for it later !

kuzan yu - Finish your task first friend.

(Yakuza leaves)


Yakuza - are you Tatsuki ?

Tatsuki - Yes i m and i Know kuzan send you here for me.right?

Yakuza - You should stay away from gangsters kid.You don't know how this world works.

Tatsuki - I know very well how it works and A bastard like you don't have to teach me this shit !

Yakuza - You little punk !

Tatsuki - I know very well that u are forced to kill me .

Yakuza - But how did u know that !

Tatsuki - Yakuza forced you and i know where is your brother.

Yakuza - why should I trust u ?

Tatsuki - Then how can u trust Kuzan ? I just want to take revenge of my brother , So just stay out of my way !

Yakuza - brother ? did he killed your brother ?

Tatsuki - No. it's a long story and I don't have too much time for that.

yakuza - What is kuzan planning for ?

Tatsuki - I don't have time to explain but he is going to destroy the whole city !

Tatsuki - and one more thing your brother is in Container 405 at the nearby shipyard which was destroyed by the meteorite some days ago.

Yakuza - How do u know that ?

Tatsuki - Go help your brother u don't have much time.

(Tatsuki leaves)

[Yakuza thinks "he can't be a normal teenager, something is special about him"]


(Yakuza arrives at the destroyed shipyard)

{when he arrived the containers where moving to other city while container 405 was already in the ship !}

(Yakuza jumped into the ship,but can't find the container in which his brother Ricardo is locked)

(Yakuza phone rings)

Yakuza - kuzan !

kuzan - Yakuza my friend your brother was safe till yet but u try to cheat me.Now regret !

kuzan - there is a bomb in the ship u are. and your brother is in another ship. follow it behind

Yakuza - huh !

kuzan - it's your choice will u save your brother or the people on the shipyard ?

Yakuza - u will regret for this !

Kuzan - good luck.

(Kuzan hangs up)

Yakuza - oh shit ! what should I do now ?

{there is a bomb in the ship u are and your brother is in another ship}


(Yakuza phone rings)

Yakuza - hello ?

Tatsuki - The bomb is the other ship where your brother is.

Yakuza - Tatsuki is that you ? how do u know ?

Tatsuki - there is no time to explain. Help your brother !

Yakuza - okay sure !

(Tatsuki hangs up)

(Yakuza finds a boat near the coast,he jumped of the ship and get to the other ship by boat)

(Yakuza hopefully finds the Container 405 in which his brother is locked up)

Yakuza - Ricardo !

Ricardo - Brother ? is that you ?

Yakuza - yes ! oh God u are safe.

Ricardo - why are u here, it's so dangerous here !

Yakuza - Shut up ! You are the one I came for !

(Tatsuki arrives on the ship)

Tatsuki - take your brother with you and get off the ship as fast as u can !

Yakuza - but what about you ?

Tatsuki - Just leave me and run !

Yakuza - okay..

(Tatsuki takes the ship away from the city)

(Yakuza calls Tatsuki)

Tatsuki - ya what is it ?

Yakuza - Are u out of your mind ! get off the ship now ! you are gonna die !

Tatsuki - don't worry about me take your brother away from kuzan !

(The ship explodes)

Yakuza - Hey kid ! are you listening? Are you there ? hello ? kid ?

Ricardo - what happened ?is he dead ?

Yakuza - He done everything to save us ! how can he go like this .




Sir they are alive !

Kuzan yu - How is that possible ! you bastards can't even do a work properly !

Sorry sir.

Kuzan yu - get lost ! U don't need to do anything now !

(Kuzan yu calls his boss)

Kuzan yu - Boss ! Situation is getting worse !

Boss - you dumbass ! What the hell were you doing these days ? wasting my time !

kuzan yu - Sorry boss.this will never happen next time.

Boss - Just shut up ! maybe I should call Carter to handle the situation.

(Boss hangs up)

kuzan yu - Damn it !


(Boss calls Carter)

Carter - Boss !

Boss - Carter, u have a work to finish.

Carter - Sure sir !

Boss - I know u can handle the situation so good luck.

(Boss hangs up)


(Yakuza and Ricardo goes to the shipyard to search for Tatsuki)

Ricardo - Are you sure we should find him ?

Yakuza - Shut up ! He saved our lives we have to find him !

Yakuza - He is a kid anyway.

Ricardo - He is not just a normal teenager !

Yakuza - what are u talking about ?

Ricardo - i found some information about him yesterday.

[Tatsuki is a spy and works under the U.S Military.He has been trained since he was so young and professor Williams is not his brother, he just got an excuse to spy on professor john]

Yakuza - what ! how do u know all this ?

Ricardo - Oh come on brother ! I m a hacker anyway.

Yakuza - They all hide the truth from me !

Yakuza - Ricardo ! find out where is professor john. let's meet this guy who started all this !

Ricardo - Sure I will try to give information as soon as possible.


(kuzan calls Carter)

kuzan yu - did u find something ?

Carter - kuzan ? is that you ? are you jealous of me again ?

Kuzan yu - just answer the damn question ! Did you find something?

Carter - It's none of your business now friend, Boss already thrown you out of this mission, isn't he ?

Kuzan yu - know your limits Carter !

Carter - Get lost !

(Carter hangs up)

Kuzan yu - This son of a ***** ! I m gonna kill him !

Sir equipments are ready.

kuzan yu - Good.Lets Finish this shit !

(Kuzan yu calls Boss)

Boss - kuzan ?

Kuzan yu - boss ! I found them they are on the old shipyard !

Boss - are u sure ?

kuzan yu - Yes boss.Maybe you should kill them with your own hands.

Boss - I will be there in 5 minutes !

(kuzan yu hangs up)


[Boss arrives at the old shipyard]

Boss - Kuzan ? where are they ?

Kuzan yu - Boss ! you are such a fool.

Boss - what the hell are u talking about !

kuzan yu - U are going to die !

Boss - I m your boss ! Give me some ******* respect !

Kuzan yu - Oh really ! should I give respect to that guy who threw me away !

Boss - U will gonna regret this !

Kuzan yu - Let see who will regret !

(kuzan shoots his boss)

Kuzan yu - Carter will regret too !


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