Le Désir (A Taekook Short-Story Collection)

Le Désir (A Taekook Short-Story Collection)


A/n-Song suggestion - What makes you beautiful by One direction.
"𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙢 𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙣"
Jungkook reminded himself while slipping his eager fingers between Taehyung's soft locks Their lips were refusing to leave others and Taehyung's desperate hands were all over Jungkook's body.
Soft whimper left Jungkook's mouth, and he pulled the older boy even closer by his head as the emotion of sensitivity trudged within him when Taehyung slid his hands into his shirt and started to play with his nips, With a pinch. A **** left Jungkook's mouth.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Please take it easy!"
His features started to vary into shades of pink and fcking hell God Jungkook is absolutely beautiful. His doe-eyes were frequently snapped open and tears were formed into the corner of his eyes and Taehyung's tongue was scouring the inside of his mouth gently and passionately Taehyung was treating Jungkook so delicately as if he is an antique who has a label of handle with care.
Jungkook's head felt dizzy for being full of affection and love with a hint of lust, He felt special. Their cocks were hard And tightly pressed against each other Jungkook's toes curled against the cold bedsheet and now Taehyung was between his spread legs. Holding onto his fragile body making sure to wander his hands all over Jungkook's body and discovering his favorite and sensitive spots. Biting and kissing him now and then.
Taehyung pulled away from the kiss because of the lack of oxygen and gazed down at the pretty boy beneath him Jungkook's doll-like face, his once bright pink lips were in the shade of dark red parted sinfully and inviting the older to just kiss the hell out of him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"You're beautiful" (says in his deep husky voice)
Taehyung was mesmerized and without thinking further he raised Jungkook's shirt Yeah it wasn't the first time he (Taehyung) was having Sex, How much he hated himself for giving his first time on temptation on that night and for ending up ******* someone else.
Jungkook is always just so undeniably gorgeous. Taehyung was losing his mind Every single inch of Jungkook driving Taehyung ******* crazy and it didn't even seem sane anymore.
What did Taehyung do in the past to deserve someone like Jungkook moaning softly his name out while he rubbed Jungkook's crotch with his hand to give him some friction?
Taehyung lowered his head down to Jungkooks chest and swirled his tongue around Jungkook's pink buds. He sucked and bit the sensitive bud and then licked it savouring the taste of his now favourite candy.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"D-Don't- don't bite me like that!" (he whimpers and says in his usual soft voice)
Jungkook whined when Taehyung pulled his hand away from his crotch instead pinched and played with his other bud -but soon they turned into soft whimpers when Taehyung's teeth grazed his bud and soon after. Taehyung suckling somehow hungrily on it Jungkook averted his gaze.
His chest heaving up and down by every single sharp breath. He gazed at Taehyung and ******* hell his man is so hot, Taehyung caressed both of his sides with his hands, and then he clasped Jungkook's slim waist inscribing hickeys over the youngers' chest to his neck up Jungkook clashed his teeth together head sinking further into the pillow and his trembling hands clutched the bedsheet Jungkook somehow felt insecure. It was the first time he was having with sex someone whom he loved the first time he was making love and Jungkook was scared that he wouldn't be able to return Taehyung anything
God, He was feeling hella nervous right now. It's his first time having Sex and moreover he was having sex with Taehyung his love, No matter how much he tries he can never forget that Taehyung was once a Playboy, and he had hooked up with so many peoples. Some people's more experienced, more beautiful more bold and here he is a ball of insecurities. Taehyung never left any chance to remind him that how important he is for him, but something's are so rooted in our head that we can't let go of them. He knows that Taehyung loves him and will never leave him, but he doesn't trust him self.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Please be gentle."
Jungkook was breathless by the amount Taehyung pulled away from forming hickeys and gazed at Jungkook's elegant features with his eyes full of fondness
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"What do you want me to do?" (he asks in a gentle reassuring voice)
Taehyung deeply asked peppering a kiss over Jungkook's forehead and then kissed the bridge of his nose The gesture was cute but not enough to calm down the swirls of anxiety that flooded in Jungkook. He felt as if he didn't deserve this.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Anything is fine. Just be gentle"
Jungkook whispered, and the words didn't barge Taehyung The black-haired boy interlaced his fingers with Jungkooks and left kiss on the younger's knuckles
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Jungkook. Don't say stuff like that I want to know- I need to know what's fine for you and what's not What gives you the most pleasure and what doesn't This night is ours don't let me have the full control please. Baby I want to m@ke l0ve with you, It's not just about me, It's about us....."
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"You are not a thing to me for having sex I love you, Your love keeps me sane, I can't live without you, your words, your happiness everything matters to me. You matter to me."
Taehyung soothed the fire that ripened inside Jungkook with his words and Jungkook's body felt a little at ease. He wanted to show Jungkook how much he means to the older. Jungkook didn't say anything Heck he didn't know what to say anymore. His body was tense and hopefully Taehyung noticed it. He gave a soft smile to soothe the younger.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Nervous?" (he asks sensing the nervous look on his precious boyfies' face)
Taehyung asked reaching his hand out to Jungkook's thigh and caressing the clothed flesh soothingly Jungkook nodded. He gulped a large gulp of saliva gazing back at Taehyung's eyes and the two of them interlaced their together.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"What if they hear us, and you know especially mum and dad- that'll be weird" (he whispers in an inaudible voice)
Yeah they are in jungkook's house Taehyung forgot about it, he is in his boyfriend's house.
Jungkook whispered entrapped around Taehyung's arm that was pinned on the side. Taehyung brought his hand up with N feather touches all over Jungkook's curves and lifted the younger's chin with his index and thumb to press a quick up peck on his lips.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Don't worry about the others and your parents are sure sleeping by now".
Taehyung husked in a deep voice treading his lips over Jungkook's jawline. Assuring him.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"I hope it's like that"
Jungkook turned his head around holding on to his breath to calm his throbbing heart down.
"Calm down, Calm down" Jungkook chanted the same words in his mind again.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"I don't want my mum and dad to hear their son... ummm... having s3x (he says while scrunching his nose cutely)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"You want it right?"
Taehyung asks again to confirm, he Doesn't want to force his precious boyfie into doing something he doesn't want.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"I- I do want us to m@ke l0ve tonight- b-but I-"
Jungkooks words were silenced by the pair of lips he felt against his Jungkook immediately responded to the kiss and closed his eyes giving Taehyung the control of his body
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Relax I'm here."
Taehyung ruffled Jungkook's hair while pulling away from the kiss
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Shall we start now?"
Taehyung questioned and waited for consent He asked his next question once Jungkook nodded.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"So would you want me to eat you out, finger you jerk you off or give you a blowjob?"
Taehyung asked pulling away from the younger's body in a teasing tone trying to light up the mood, and maybe it worked because soon after that he received a tiny fist punch from his precious baby.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Hyung you are sounding weird, and stop saying these things so casually" (he says with a blushing face)
Taehyung chuckled on the remark of his cute boyfriend and clambered off the bed making Jungkook confused as well as afraid. Did he say something wrong. Is Taehyung going to leave him. A bunch of negative thoughts pooled in his mind. But he calmed down once the elder opened his lips to say something.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Do you have any lube with you?"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"That's inside that drawer."
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"So you were already ready 😏 huh..."
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Shut up."
Jungkook blushes and mumbles while pointing at a drawer that was cornered against the wall.
Pulling his upper body up Jungkook leaned against the headboard of the bed crossing his legs together bringing more sexual confusion.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Would you take your clothes off for me, or do you want me to do it for you?"
Taehyung asked to open the drawer. He grasped the small bottle of raspberry lube and kicked the drawer close before wandering back to the bed.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Anything is fine Tae, just take good care of me."
Taehyung loves to hear his name from Jungkook's mouth. He loves it when his cute little boyfriend calls him with his cute voice.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"That I will for sure. You don't need to worry about it" (he says with a smirk)
Jungkook trembled lightly slipping his care pants off along with his boxers and threw them across the room. Jungkook gulped nervously chewing his inner cheek and tugged his shirt down to cover himself as insecurities kicked in again when Taehyung's darkened hooked eyes were all over him eyeing him like a predator eyes his prey.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"You're beautiful. Jungkook, So fcking beautiful. Mine....... Just mine" (he says in a possessive voice making Jungkook shiver)
Taehyung felt like he needed to comment on it. To show Jungkook how beautiful he is. The mattress sank when he sat down on the edge of the bed and placed the lube on the nightstand meanwhile. He got a better glimpse of his lover Jungkook's oversized shirt that ended right before his mid-thighs and hell-Jungkook's legs were gorgeous, and his thighs were out of words.
He slowly removed his clothes too, First his Sweatshirt revealing those abs and tan skin. Younger eyes him hungrily as if he is trying to save this moment in his memory locker.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"I'm all yours princess, stare as much as you want, and you know the most important thing" (Taehyung leans near his face and whispers in his ear)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭❤️"
He knows how insecure Jungkook is. It took him fcking 11 months just to make Jungkook comfortable with him. He still remembers the day when he saw Jungkook. He was kissing a girl in the boys' washroom when Jungkook arrived, he screamed so fcking hard seeing them kissing each other - well that's what Tae thought because Jungkook was long gone after it, He ran so fast from there like he has seen a ghost, And both Tae and The girl were standing there thinking that what the **** have they done. After two days of that incident Tae again met JK, he got to knew that Jungkook was a new admission and his junior, so maybe that's why Tae didn't see him before. Tae got to know about him from Namjoon his brother who is dating Kim Seokjin Jungkook's cousin. The more Tae got to know about Jungkook he fell for him and for **** sake who will not fall for this cute bunny. But things were not so smooth for Tae, he got to know that Jungkook has many insecurities, he doesn't like crowded places, he was an introvert, He doesn't talk much, he was homeschooled until now.
Taehyung made sure he didn't make younger uncomfortable in any possible way. He even stopped whoring around and gave most of his time to JK. On his graduation day he proposed to Jungkook, he didn't expect much because he knows Jungkook has his own problems, and he respected his decision but when he heard a yes From Jungkook he was shocked. Shocked would be not the exact word he was THRILLED. He didn't expect Jungkook to accept him. And till this day it's been three years they have been dating and respecting Jungkook's privacy Tae Never had the thought of fcking Jungkook. To be true he had, he dreamt of fcking him in every possible way and positions, he even lost the count that how many times he has gone hard or *** while thinking about Jungkook, but he didn't want Jungkook to feel that he is with him just for his body. Well it can be one of those reasons, but it can never overpower his love for Jungkook. He loves him, and he grabs every chance to prove it to Jungkook.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(He kisses Jungkook's forehead and then pecks his lips, Jungkook looks at him with his teary doe eyes.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Are you sure you want it?"
Taehyung asked again for the nth time tonight to make sure that Jungkook doesn't have any problem with it. If it had been other days with someone else he wouldn't even mind asking him again, but it's not someone else. It's all about Jungkook, his boyfriend who has him wrapped around his pinky finger.
Taehyung internally chuckles at the thought. Jungkook just nods in response and Taehyung again lays him down on the mattress and kisses him passionately
Even though it wasn't his first-time, but it was his first-time with Jungkook, something blazed inside him whenever he thought they weren't just randomly hooking up because they horny or something like that-they were making love and the thought itself made Taehyung breaths hitch and his helpless mind wondered what if the moment went wrong. He loved this boy, he loved his bunny.
Never ever in the ******* hell will he ever think about hurting him, hurting his Jungkook. He will do anything to make this boy smile, he dies to see this smile. After a few minutes Taehyung breaks the kiss and again goes down trailing a chain of kisses on Jungkook's body. He knows he can never get enough of this boy.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"So tell me Princess. What do you want me to do with your body and how far will you let this sinful night?" (he says while staring darkly at Jungkook)
Taehyung asks while going down near Jungkook's leg, spreading them and adjusting himself between them and observing youngers' pink fluttering hole.
Taehyung was watching it with so much fondness and eagerness like a child is eyeing a candy. Jungkook blushes seeing older observing him like this and tries to close his thighs. Taehyung pushes his thighs apart stopping the younger from closing them and hiding the delicious sight.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"No princess don't, please don't back off now Just tell me how do you want me to fck you.?" (says with dark love filled eyes with a tint of lust in it)
Jungkook blushes on the question, no matter how many years they are together He knows that Every time Taehyung says such a thing he can't stop himself from blushing. Jungkook gasps when he feels Taehyung's cold fingers teasing his hole.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"M@ke l0ve to me. Make me yours, let everyone know to whom I belong too, fck me daddy." (Jungkook says innocently rather seductively.)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Fck it" (he curses and takes a sharp breath trying to calm himself down.)
Taehyung just thinks how can someone say so lewd things while looking so innocent. He dives his head down between Jungkook things, he makes hickeys on them making the once white thighs now all red and purple. Taehyung rubs his nose on the rim of Jungkook's hole and then starts eating him out while stroking youngers member. Jungkook becomes a moaning mess.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Aah...mhmmm. hyungieee...."
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Hyungieeee...amm...am cumming...."
Taehyung stops his actions making his baby whine.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Taehyung chuckles), "Impatient aren't we"
He smirks and pours a generous amount of lube on his fingers and slowly inserts one of his fingers inside Jungkook. Jungkook screams because of the sudden piercing feeling inside him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Shh princess we don't want your parents to hear do we?"
Jungkook quickly muffles his voices with the help of the bedsheet. Tae kisses him and then inserts another finger, then another and now Jungkook has three fingers inside him scissoring him After a few more thrusts Taehyung takes out his finger
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"I think that now you are loose enough princess should I continue"
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(He just nods in response because he was too busy catching his breath.)
Taehyung pours lube on his cock and then aligns his cock near Jungkook's hole and slowly pushes the tip inside Jungkook. He can see the discomfort on Jungkook's face, so he kisses his forehead to assure him and asks him to trust him. He then kisses Jungkook passionately and sneakily pushes his cock inside his hole. Jungkook screams inside the kiss
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Aahh mm hmm..." (muffled m0ans)
Taehyung stays like that and waits for Jungkook to adjust his size and then starts moving when Jungkook signals him. After a few painful thrusts Jungkook was feeling more pleasures than pain. The room was filled with moaning and skin slapping noises. Taehyung was groaning because of Jungkook's tightness.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Fck princess you ah- are so tight" (thrŪsts slowly)
After half an hour of thrusting, groaning and moaning Jungkook cums and later Taehyung also increases his pace because he doesn't want to hurt his baby and soon comes inside Jungkook.
After coming down from his high Taehyung flops on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook was feeling so full, so complete with his boyfriends cūm inside him.
Jungkook starts tearing up because of so much love, He knew that Taehyung was impatient, but he never rushed with him, he always waited for his consent and he never forced him. He felt lucky to have someone like him.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"Are you alright baby, I didn't go too hard on you princess. Why are you crying?" (Taehyung panicked seeing Jungkook crying.)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"No Hyung am not crying it's just paining a little" (he sniffs cutely and says)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(he leans and pecks his cute button nose) "Oh I'm sorry princess Next time I will keep it in mind"
Jungkook blushes hearing next time.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
(he says shyly trying to hide his face)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
"What? What have I done you are the one asking me to do more" (he teases him more loving the sight of his cute soft shy bunny boyfriend)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Hyungiiiee (he whines and hides his face with his hand.)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
"Shut up" (he scolds Taehyung cutely) "stop saying such things)
Taehyung continues teasing him He can't get enough of this angel.
Both are happy to get each other,


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