Reborn To Live

Reborn To Live

Episode 1-reincarnated

**= Action
() = Thinking
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Finallyyy the last chapter of the “The Princess's True Love” *smiles*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*reading the novel while crossing the street*
Truck-Kun <3
Truck-Kun <3
*The truck was going too fast and the driver didn’t see her cross the street*
Out of nowhere a truck rammed into Alice at high speeds. The tires run over her body and a large crunch could be heard as she lays on the ground twitching and barely breathing
Hm? Did I hit something? *stops driving and steps out of the truck*
What the?! *Run to Alice who is on the ground*
Is she alive? Did I hit her? *Freaking out* (But I don't want to go to Prison) *starts to walk away from Alice*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ugh I feel like I got hit by a building!!) *Tearing up* (WAIT WHY IS THE PERSON LEAVING??!!)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life…*Trying to reach him*
*Looks at her* I'm sorry kid but I don't wanna go to prison… *goes in the truck and starts driving away*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Looks at him driving away* (…So I'm gonna die like this huh…I haven't even finished the last chapter of "The Princess's True Love"…) *Her vision starts to get blurry every second*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(I hope that person suffers and gets caught) *Closes her eyes*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ugh it so cold)…*She took her finale breath and unfortunately died*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Opens her eyes* (WHERE THE HELL AM I?!WHY IS EVERYTHING BLACK?! AM I BLIND?!) *Freaking out*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Trying to reach anything next to her* (Okay I’m definitely not am I in the afterlife then?!!)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(So the afterlife is just darkness and filled with emptiness? Hm maybe it not that bad)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(At least I don't need to do any of my school work anymore. At least I hope not. But I don't think there is school work in this dark abyss of nothingness)
Few minutes later
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ughh the quietness it too loud also, I miss the loud noises)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Is this my punishment?! I miss my phone…Ughhh I wanna scream but I don’t think I can open my mouth..)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*takes a deep breath*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(I hope atleast I could scream since I can’t talk) AHHHHHHHH *screams*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Opens her eyes* AHHHHHHHH- *stops screaming* (Where the hell am I?!) *Looks around*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Did I get kidnapped!? Why does the room look so fancy?)
The room☝️
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*sits up* hm I don’t think I got kidnapped (at least I hope so..)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Looks at her hand* what the?! Why are my hands small?! Now I think about it..I feel small..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Looks at what she is wearing* and what am I wearing?! A white nightgown?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*She touches her hair and sees the color* I don’t remember having blonde hair…wait..*Looks around for a mirror*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Here it is *get up from the bed and runs towards the mirror*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Huh? Who is this adorable child infront of me?! Wait…am I this child?!! *shocked*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Someone is knocking on the door
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Uhhh what should I say?) *takes a deep breath to calm down* come in?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Enters* good morning your highness *Bows* I heard you everything alright?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(WHAT? IM IN BODY OF PRINCESS!!) ah yea everything is alright
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can stop bowing (but I don’t wanna be a princess tho)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
As you wish.. *stops bowing*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Wait a sec, the maid looks familiar and the child also looks familiar) what is your name?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
It’s Aya your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
What about my name? (I hope she doesn’t suspect a thing) *Smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Um it’s Okami Hikaruso *Confused* (Why is she asking for her name?!)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(This is bad..I don’t wanna die again..wait Okami is still a child maybe I could change my fate)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Should I prepare the bath for your highness visit? *Smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Visit? Who am I visiting?) uh who am I visiting exactly? *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
The emperor your father (Now I think about it..Her highness has been acting weird since this morning..she never smiles and she never forgets her visits to her father since she is always excited to visit him)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(My father or Okami’s Father?…doesn’t she always visit him? And he would ignore her and not be grateful for her attention)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(He even didn’t care when she fell off the I think about it, he is an @sshole..)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm yes prepare the bath but tell his majesty I’m gonna stop visiting him from now on *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*shocked* Alright your highness.. (..she didn’t call him father..and she will stop visiting him? That a surprise)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
also what date is it?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
It’s July 2 XX12
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Thank you you can prepare the bath first then tell his majesty *she smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*enters the bathroom and prepares the bath* The bath is prepared your highness *bows*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can leave now and tell his majesty *she smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Bows and leaves the room*
After Aya leaves, Okami walks toward the bathroom and starts bathing
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Hm let’s see how old is Okami right now?…Okami was born in September 25 XX05)…so right now Okami is 7 years old?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I have like *counting from her fingers* 11 years? I have time to change my fate I think
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(But how can I change my fate?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I could be nice to Yami the female lead…hmm maybe ignore them)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Hm well I can’t really ignore Yami since she is Okami step-sister…)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I mean I could avoid being a bully or mean to Yami and avoid being the male leads fiancé)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Finishes bathing and wears a towel*
Okami left the bathroom and Her maid, Aya was waiting for her
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
I prepared the dress that you will be wearing today your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Alright thanks Aya (do I have really to wear a dress?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I can dress by myself Aya you can leave
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Yes your highness *Bows*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Also can you call me by my name *smiles* (It really weird being called “your highness” since Im not a princess in my world)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Huh?! *surprised* I can’t your highness..I’m just a lowly maid and your a royalty so I cannot call you by your name your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Well that kinda makes sense since Im in a fantasy world)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(But I really don’t wanna be called that tho, I’ll just act cute even tho it gonna be embarrassing)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Pretty pleaseeeee *acting cute*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Looks at her* (awww she looks so adorable, I can’t resist) *sighs* Fine I’ll call you by your name but not in public
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*smiles* I’m glad Aya (I knew it, this child’s body is too adorable for anyone to resist)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can leave now Aya
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Alright your hi-I mean Okami I will be outside if you need me
Aya left the room then
…To Be Continued…
The author<3
The author<3
Hello guys <3 this is my first time writing so I hope you guys like it
The author<3
The author<3
Also credits to my friends for helping me do this because why not
The author<3
The author<3
Also pls tell me if I made any mistakes so I can fix them <3


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