NovelToon NovelToon

Reborn To Live

Episode 1-reincarnated

**= Action
() = Thinking
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Finallyyy the last chapter of the “The Princess's True Love” *smiles*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*reading the novel while crossing the street*
Truck-Kun <3
Truck-Kun <3
*The truck was going too fast and the driver didn’t see her cross the street*
Out of nowhere a truck rammed into Alice at high speeds. The tires run over her body and a large crunch could be heard as she lays on the ground twitching and barely breathing
Hm? Did I hit something? *stops driving and steps out of the truck*
What the?! *Run to Alice who is on the ground*
Is she alive? Did I hit her? *Freaking out* (But I don't want to go to Prison) *starts to walk away from Alice*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ugh I feel like I got hit by a building!!) *Tearing up* (WAIT WHY IS THE PERSON LEAVING??!!)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life…*Trying to reach him*
*Looks at her* I'm sorry kid but I don't wanna go to prison… *goes in the truck and starts driving away*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Looks at him driving away* (…So I'm gonna die like this huh…I haven't even finished the last chapter of "The Princess's True Love"…) *Her vision starts to get blurry every second*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(I hope that person suffers and gets caught) *Closes her eyes*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ugh it so cold)…*She took her finale breath and unfortunately died*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Opens her eyes* (WHERE THE HELL AM I?!WHY IS EVERYTHING BLACK?! AM I BLIND?!) *Freaking out*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*Trying to reach anything next to her* (Okay I’m definitely not am I in the afterlife then?!!)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(So the afterlife is just darkness and filled with emptiness? Hm maybe it not that bad)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(At least I don't need to do any of my school work anymore. At least I hope not. But I don't think there is school work in this dark abyss of nothingness)
Few minutes later
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Ughh the quietness it too loud also, I miss the loud noises)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(Is this my punishment?! I miss my phone…Ughhh I wanna scream but I don’t think I can open my mouth..)
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
*takes a deep breath*
Alice/FL past life
Alice/FL past life
(I hope atleast I could scream since I can’t talk) AHHHHHHHH *screams*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Opens her eyes* AHHHHHHHH- *stops screaming* (Where the hell am I?!) *Looks around*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Did I get kidnapped!? Why does the room look so fancy?)
The room☝️
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*sits up* hm I don’t think I got kidnapped (at least I hope so..)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Looks at her hand* what the?! Why are my hands small?! Now I think about it..I feel small..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Looks at what she is wearing* and what am I wearing?! A white nightgown?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*She touches her hair and sees the color* I don’t remember having blonde hair…wait..*Looks around for a mirror*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Here it is *get up from the bed and runs towards the mirror*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Huh? Who is this adorable child infront of me?! Wait…am I this child?!! *shocked*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Someone is knocking on the door
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Uhhh what should I say?) *takes a deep breath to calm down* come in?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Enters* good morning your highness *Bows* I heard you everything alright?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(WHAT? IM IN BODY OF PRINCESS!!) ah yea everything is alright
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can stop bowing (but I don’t wanna be a princess tho)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
As you wish.. *stops bowing*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Wait a sec, the maid looks familiar and the child also looks familiar) what is your name?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
It’s Aya your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
What about my name? (I hope she doesn’t suspect a thing) *Smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Um it’s Okami Hikaruso *Confused* (Why is she asking for her name?!)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(This is bad..I don’t wanna die again..wait Okami is still a child maybe I could change my fate)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Should I prepare the bath for your highness visit? *Smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Visit? Who am I visiting?) uh who am I visiting exactly? *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
The emperor your father (Now I think about it..Her highness has been acting weird since this morning..she never smiles and she never forgets her visits to her father since she is always excited to visit him)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(My father or Okami’s Father?…doesn’t she always visit him? And he would ignore her and not be grateful for her attention)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(He even didn’t care when she fell off the I think about it, he is an @sshole..)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm yes prepare the bath but tell his majesty I’m gonna stop visiting him from now on *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*shocked* Alright your highness.. (..she didn’t call him father..and she will stop visiting him? That a surprise)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
also what date is it?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
It’s July 2 XX12
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Thank you you can prepare the bath first then tell his majesty *she smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*enters the bathroom and prepares the bath* The bath is prepared your highness *bows*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can leave now and tell his majesty *she smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Bows and leaves the room*
After Aya leaves, Okami walks toward the bathroom and starts bathing
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Hm let’s see how old is Okami right now?…Okami was born in September 25 XX05)…so right now Okami is 7 years old?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I have like *counting from her fingers* 11 years? I have time to change my fate I think
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(But how can I change my fate?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I could be nice to Yami the female lead…hmm maybe ignore them)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Hm well I can’t really ignore Yami since she is Okami step-sister…)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I mean I could avoid being a bully or mean to Yami and avoid being the male leads fiancé)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Finishes bathing and wears a towel*
Okami left the bathroom and Her maid, Aya was waiting for her
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
I prepared the dress that you will be wearing today your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Alright thanks Aya (do I have really to wear a dress?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I can dress by myself Aya you can leave
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Yes your highness *Bows*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Also can you call me by my name *smiles* (It really weird being called “your highness” since Im not a princess in my world)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Huh?! *surprised* I can’t your highness..I’m just a lowly maid and your a royalty so I cannot call you by your name your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Well that kinda makes sense since Im in a fantasy world)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(But I really don’t wanna be called that tho, I’ll just act cute even tho it gonna be embarrassing)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Pretty pleaseeeee *acting cute*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Looks at her* (awww she looks so adorable, I can’t resist) *sighs* Fine I’ll call you by your name but not in public
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*smiles* I’m glad Aya (I knew it, this child’s body is too adorable for anyone to resist)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
You can leave now Aya
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Alright your hi-I mean Okami I will be outside if you need me
Aya left the room then
…To Be Continued…
The author<3
The author<3
Hello guys <3 this is my first time writing so I hope you guys like it
The author<3
The author<3
Also credits to my friends for helping me do this because why not
The author<3
The author<3
Also pls tell me if I made any mistakes so I can fix them <3

Episode 2-Histroy

The author<3
The author<3
Hiiii how are you guys? I hope you guys day been great (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
The author<3
The author<3
Anyways let’s move on to the story I hope you guys will like episode 2 (≧▽≦)
*After Aya left*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm *Looks at the dress* do I have to wear that? *starts dressing*
After a few mins
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*struggling* why is this dress hard to put on!! *she finally puts the dress on*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
My hair looks like a mess *does her hair and goes to the mirror* I look adorable not gonna lie *Flexing*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
But it kinda uncomfortable *sighs*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*Knocks on the door* Okami are you done dressing?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Uh yea I am, you can come in now
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*enters the room*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Breakfast is ready, should we head to the dinning hall? (SHE LOOKS SO ADORABLE IN THAT DRESS)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Mhm lead the way *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Alright Okami *smiles*
Okami and Aya left Okami’s room and they are heading to the dinning hall
The hall they are walking☝️
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*looking around while walking* (the place looks big and luxurious, anyways do I really have to walk that much?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Aya is anyone in the dinning hall right now? Just curious *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*looks at her while walking* The princess and one of the prince’s are eating in the dinning hall
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(One of my brothers? Hm I wonder which one..They also ignored Okami didn’t they?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*nervous* (do I really have to meet Yami?!.. but I don’t wanna..I wonder how she will act like..)
They finally arrived in the dinning hall
Dinning hall ☝️
There is 2 people eating and stopped after Okami entered and they stared at her
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(This is awkward)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*sits very far away from them*
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
Brother *Smiles* how does the food taste like?
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
It taste good Yami do u like the food?
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Mhm it taste soo good
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(That’s Yami?..She looks too pink) *holding her laugh* (let’s not try to laugh)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Who is the person besides her) *looks at him* (ah he is the 2nd prince Ren, the story describes him being rude to people lower then him and spoiled)
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
I’m glad *he smiles*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
*looks at Okami* what do u want?! Trash
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(OH MY..HE IS GETTING TO MY NERVES…) Nothing at all *glares at him and looks away*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I wanna punch him so bad, how dare he call me trash) *rolls eyes*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Huh(Did she just glare at me?..she never done that) *Shocked*
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Brother is everything okay? *smiles*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Yea everything is alright (Ugh I hate Okami, she dares to glare at me!..)..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Looks at the food* (the food looks soo yummy)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Who’s gonna eat all that?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Definitely not me, maybe Ren is gonna eat all that) *eating*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(It taste so yummy)
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
(Jeez it looks like she hasn’t eaten in months)
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Let’s go to the garden brother *smiles*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Um sure *smiles*
Ren and Yami Left the dinning hall
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm where did they go? *looks at Aya*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
They went to the garden *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Alright (then I’ll definitely not go to the garden)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
(She must be lonely, maybe she wants to play with their highnesses)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I never wanna see them ever again)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Hm imma eat fast since I wanna go to the library)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*finishes eating her food*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I’ll go now Aya I wanna be alone today *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*gets up*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Alright your highness be careful *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Wait your highness you have to drink your drink
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Why is she calling me “your highness” oh right there is servants around us) oh I’ll drink it real quick *drinks it and left the room*
Okami now walking in the hall
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Where is the library now?!) *bumps into someone* huh?
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
*glaring at them* watch where your going next time..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Ah who that? She looks femaliar…she looks like Yami..wait..that’s Yosa, Yami’s mother and Okami step-mom, she looks rude) ah I’m sorry your majesty..*lowers her head*
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
(Where is she going to be in such hurry?) raise your head! Hm where are you going? *glares*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*raises her head* im..going to the library..
‘’=Whispers or mumbles
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Right she is the Empress of Hikaruso Empire or should I say) ‘empress of Rats’
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
(What did this child just say!!) *Shocked*
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
*angry* (How dare she insult me!!) *raises her hand and slaps Okami* you dare insult me!!
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*shocked* (WHAT THE?!! DID SHE JUST SLAP ME!) I’m very sorry your majesty
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Who does she think she is!!)
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
Yosa Hikaruso/FL step mom
Never do it again or there will be consequences *Walks away*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*walking* never do it again or there will be consequences she said *mocking her and rolls eyes* (now I have bruise on my cheek)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Anyways where is the library?..I’m walking for too long) *sigh* HERE IT IS *smiles*
Okami enters the royal library
The royal library👇
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*surprised* (why is the library big?..anyways I’m just here to look for a book) *looks around*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Huh? Why is there a person sleep?
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
*sleeping on a desk*
The person 👇
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*goes to him and sits in a chair next to him* (Blonde hair?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*surprised* (Isn’t he Okami’s oldest brother, I think his name is Akko)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Isn’t he like the crown Prince of Hikaruso Empire?..) *staring at him* (he looks handsome..not gonna lie)
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*slowly opens his eyes* hm? *surprised*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(He is awake!!..not my fault!)
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Um Okami..what are you doing here?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Well um i was looking for a book then..I found you sleeping *nervous* (he looks more calm then Ren)
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Oh alright..what book are you looking for?..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Just a book about magic your highness…
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*startled* (she called me “your highness”…) oh it’s gonna be on the the left then…*points where*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*confused* (why did he get startled?..did I do something wrong?..) Thank you your highness *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*gets off the chair and heads to the place where is the magic section is*
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
…(she smiled?..she looks more different…)
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*small smile but no one could notice if he smiled*
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*realized* huh why did she had a bruise on her cheek…?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hmm let’s see *looking for the book*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Here it is!! *excited*
The book👇
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*opens it* (I’ll able to learn magic basics in no time)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*reads the history of elements*
In the beginning there were 8 gods: •Daikokuten, god of darkness and shadow •Amaterasu, goddess of light and wisdom •Kagutsuchi, god of fire and passion •Ninlil, goddess of the wind and freedom •Dojin, god of earth and loyalty •Mizuhanome, goddess of water and healing •Kuraokami, goddess of ice and compassion •Narukami, god of electric and innovation
The gods lived in peace and harmony with their Empires, but over time the god of darkness Daikokuten began to crave power and control, and sought to overthrow the other Empire’s. He unleashed a legion of monsters upon the others gods and their empires, and set out to take control of the the world. This led to a great war between the gods--a war that only the god of light Amaterasu could win. The god of darkness was defeated, and Amaterasu restored order and balance to the world.
Now their descendants rules over their Empire’s and every human has an element or 2 and for a human doesn’t have an elements it very rare
But every human carries every element but the maximum they can learn is just 1 or 2 since they don’t have enough aura to master the 3-8 elements
And for the monsters that the god of darkness created and went out of control because the god of darkness defeat and now over a million years the monsters still exist and the humans are able to protect themselves from the monsters
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
This is interesting not gonna lie *sits down on the floor and continue’a reading*
After a long time, humans discovered they could summon elements spirits but only few people can summon element spirits
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*yawns* (does this mean I could summon a spirit if I’m one of the people, i hope so I wanna a cat spirit) *she smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*yawns* (why am I getting sleepy?I forgot I’m just a child…) *drift to sleep*
The author<3
The author<3
HIII I hope you guys like episode 2 ヽ(^◇^*)/
The author<3
The author<3
What do u guys like more? Cats or dogs? (≧◡≦)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
For me definitely cats because cats are cute .=^.^=
The author<3
The author<3
Well don’t forget to tell me what do u like more? Cats or dogs? See ya in the next episode <3
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
See you next episode…
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
The author<3
The author<3
Find out on the next episode!! (≧▽≦)

Episode 3-Meeting

The author<3
The author<3
The author<3
The author<3
Let’s continue <3
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*sleeping* Zzz..
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Hm she is asleep? *bends down next to her*
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
(The bruise looks like it hurts) *opens topical medication and rubs it on Okami bruised cheek*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
..Cookies…are..the…best..*sleeping talking*
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*smiles* (she looks adorable..)
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*stands up* this will do…
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
Akko Hikaruso/FL 1th brother
*walking away*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*slowly open her eyes* hm *sees Akko but her vision is bit blurry*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
What? Was he next to me? *Yawns*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*stands up* what time is it? Huh *she looks at a window* wait IT’S NIGHT ALREADY?!
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Hears running footstep* huh?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
There you are Okami *panting* i was worried for you…im glad your safe
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Where were you?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
I was sleeping here Aya *smiles* sorry if I made you worried..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
…(she is worried for me..?)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
It alright I’m just glad you didn’t get hurt *smiles* now shall I escort you back to your room?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Mhm *smiles and holds Aya’s hand*…
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*surprised* (she is holding my hand?..) *smiles gently and starts walking to Okami’s room)
They arrived infront of Okami’s room
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
You should go change to your nightgown now *smiles* if you need me..just ring the bell next your bed
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okay *yawns and enters her room*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm *changes to her nightgown* (the outfit is pretty comfortable)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*Lays on the bed* (this bed is comfortable too…) *touches her cheek*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hm? (I have medication cream on my cheek? I wonder who put it..maybe it Akko?) *falls asleep*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*dreaming about her past life* ..n-no…*sleep talking*
…the next morning…
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*still asleep*Zzz..
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*wakes up* huh? Uh right I’m not Alice no more *yawns*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Um come in *sits up and stretching*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*enters* good morning Okami *smiles, open the curtains*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Too bright..) good morning..*yawns*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Let’s get you ready Okami *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Huh? Why? *Yawns*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
You’ll be meeting his majesty today…
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Didn’t I say I’ll stop visiting tho? *confused*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Yea but his majesty said he wants to talk to you
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Now what does he want?) Fine..
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*gets up from bed and starts getting ready*
1 day ago
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
Hm where is she? Why isn’t she coming..? *sighs*
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
I have no idea but her personal maid said she will stop visiting from now on *sighs*
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
Huh? Why? *confused*
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
…The maid isn’t sure why either..
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
…hm..what is this child planning now… *sighs*
Present time
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*dressed* do I really have to meet him Aya?
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*sighs* yes Okami you have to because he order to meet you today
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(That annoying old man, I hope he dies by heart attack…your making my life harder) oh alright…
Aya and Okami leaves the room and walking in the hallway
Someone suddenly stopped them
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*looks at him* (why does he want now?!) what do u want now your highness *rolls eyes*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
*walks toward Okami* hmph (why is she call me “your highness”? She always calls me brother…)
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Why? (What for? I didn’t do anything!) *confused*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Because of yesterday! *puts his hands on his hips*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
But I didn’t do anything! I just saw you once yesterday *confused*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Yes you did! You glared at me tsk!
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*dumbfounded* pft..*holding her laugh* (I can’t hold it..he wants me to apologize just for glaring at him!?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*laughing* HAHAHHAHA I-I’m sorry i c-can’t! This is too funny! You w-want me to apologize for that?! *laughing*
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*calms down* I can’t believe your offended by just a glare
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
Ren Hikaruso/FL 2nd brother
*embarrassed* Huh!! I’m not!! You know what!! I’ll leave!.. *running* you better watch your back Okami!!
Ren left the hallway now
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Y-Your highness are you sure making fun of the 2nd Prince is a good idea? *worried*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Don’t worry Aya he will get over it *smiles* (I hope so!)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Now let’s get going *smiles*
They are now infront of the emperor’s office
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*nervous* (I wonder why he wants to talk to me..)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
I’ll stay outside your highness *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okay Aya *smiles and enters*
The office☝️
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*looks around* (this place looks so luxurious and fancy) *amazed*
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
*smiles* your highness welcome! His majesty is gonna be here soon
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
You should take a seat your highness *smiles*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Um okay thanks? *sits down on the couch*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Who is he again?..) *staring at him* (he looks beautiful tho..) what’s your name?
Unknown 2
Unknown 2
*smiles* my name is Yuko your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Yuko?who is he again?) *realized* (isn’t he? His majesty assistant?)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(The story describes him gentle and calm..maybe he is nice too..i hope so)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*sighs* when is his majesty coming? *yawns*
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
he will come soon..don’t worry
Few minutes later
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Im getting also hungry! I haven’t ate breakfast)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
(It seems she is getting hungry..)
Someone came inside now
Unknown 1
Unknown 1
Hm your here already? *staring at her*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*nervous* yes I’m already here..Your majesty (you made me wait for a very long time! This is waste of time)
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
*sits down on the other couch* so mind telling me why you will stop greeting me? *glares*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*nervous* (now you pay attention?!) well I thought it was useless to visit you since your always busy and working and I don’t wanna disturb your work *smiles*
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
There must be another reason am I right?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Of course your majesty *smiles* there is always another reason
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Care to tell me? *glares*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*nods* You see your majesty I think giving attention and affection to you is useless since you always ignore me *smiles* so why should I give my attention to someone who doesn’t even care about me? *glares at her father*
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*stands up* now if you excuse me I’m getting hungry *leaves the room*
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
*after Okami left* …(wait she isn’t calling me father?)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Well she does have a point…
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
*looks at him* so your technically siding with her?
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Stop talking like I’m siding with you and also I’m siding with none of you..
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
But I’ll give an advice…try to become a better father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
*sighs* Yuko..She killed Hayami…
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
*sighs* Hayami knew about this and she still gave birth to Okami…
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
She did? Why didn’t you tell me?!
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Because I knew you wouldn’t listen to me..
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
..why did Hayami have give up her life for Okami? *sighs*
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
…Hayami wanted her daughter atleast have chance of life…
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
Ashai Hikaruso/FL father
(I messed up…)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Yuko(FL father assistant)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(Finally he is atleast leaving me alone for now)
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Is everything okay your highness?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Mhm of course Aya (I feel glad telling him that)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Aya im getting hungry..Let’s go eat *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Alright your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Let’s go the kitchen then *she smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Aya and Okami walking to the kitchen and they enter the kitchen
The kitchen👇
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Chef Itamae
Chef Itamae
Your highness! Welcome *bows* (I wonder if she is like the rumors since I haven’t seen her up close..)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hii *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Hello Itamae her highness is hungry so please prepare her a meal
Chef Itamae
Chef Itamae
Of course Aya *smiles* so what would you like your highness?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Hmm anything that taste good *smiles*
Chef Itamae
Chef Itamae
Then I have a meal in mind for you, your highness
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Can wait to try it!!
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
Should we sit down while the chef cooks for a meal for you?
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Mhm let’s sit *sits down on a chair*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*watching him cook* (Itamae hm I remember his character he was the best chef that this kingdom had!)
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
(I’m so excited to eat his food)
...Few mins later…
Chef Itamae
Chef Itamae
I’m done and here you go your highness *places food on the table*
The food ☝️
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
*amazed* (This Looks so yummy!!) *eating*
Okami Hikaruso/FL
Okami Hikaruso/FL
It taste delicious!!
Chef Itamae
Chef Itamae
Thank you your highness!! *smiles*
Aya/FL maid
Aya/FL maid
*smiles* thank you Itamae your food is always great!
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
Yami Hikaruso/og FL
*Walks in*
…To Be continued…
The author<3
The author<3
I Hope you enjoyed episode 3 >.<

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