My Missing Ex-Husband Says He Loves Me

My Missing Ex-Husband Says He Loves Me

Episode 1

My name is Emily Miller Bastos.

I have been married to the Bastos family for almost two years through a marriage contract.

I say this because I have never met my husband, I know that his father handles everything.

This is my husband's father, Augusto Bastos.

He is kind, and has always treated me like a daughter.

I have silly thoughts that I think I married the father, lol, because in the marriage certificate, the name is Augusto Basto Filho (Son).

But since I never met the groom, what saves it is the word Filho (Son), which changes something, because the son's name is the same as the father's.

Well, today I am happy because there are only ten days left until the end of this marriage contract, and I am anxious for it to end soon, I will visit my mother, and live there with her, in France, at least that is my greatest wish.

I already sold the house that belonged to my father, which he had left to me, I also sold the cars, and kept the money, because here I have a driver, security wherever I go.

And Mr. Augusto gave me an unlimited card, but I don't use it, it is kept the way he gave it to me.

I got a job at a company, and I'm in the board area, I'm the financing director.

It was the only thing I asked Mr. Augusto, he accepted on the condition that I would go with security and the driver, I accepted, and here I am, working hard.

I got up, did my morning hygiene, and got ready to go to work, we will have a business dinner, and I will have to participate, it is an American group, that is coming to invest.

I went down the stairs, the table was set for only one place, I thought, today is another day that I am here in this huge house, alone, having my breakfast, and if it weren't for the employees, who I became friends with, and being able to go to work, I would go crazy.

They say I'm married, but I think I'm a widow of a living husband. Lol.

What to do, the way is to laugh so you don't cry, good thing there is little left.

I finished breakfast and went to work, as I do daily since I entered this house.

Well, I'm going to talk about how I got into this marriage story, how I ended up here with a marriage contract, in my hands.

It started when my mother married a widower too, his name is Luis Roberto Gomes, his wife had passed away two years ago, he is fifty years old, and he ended up meeting her, and getting married.

My mother was widowed five years ago, my father died of a heart attack, and left a pension and a beautiful house for us, he was a public servant, we lived well.

At the time I was seventeen years old, I suffered a lot with his loss, but life goes on, I finished high school, I started college in business administration, I focused on studying, to forget the pain of losing my father.

At the time, I was twenty-two years old, and I had already finished my business administration degree.

And my mother's marriage, in the beginning, they lived well.

This is my mother: Telma Lins Gomes, she was forty-eight years old.

This is my stepfather, Luis Roberto Gomes.

Although she wouldn't let me go live alone in the house my father left us.

I didn't interfere, it was she who chose him, this man, I never saw him assault my mother, but he offended her with words, but a few months ago, he started a different treatment.

He and his daughter, who barely looked at me, started to change, I found it strange, but those two were fickle, I tried not to care and take care of my life.

My mother started going out to dinner with him, even to the movies they went, he gave her a bouquet of flowers a few times.

He said he wanted me to start using his name as a daughter, so he would leave me with some shares in the company, and I would be treated as a daughter.

I talked and said no, and I didn't agree to remove the name of my father, which was the last name Miller, and I will continue to honor him.

He agreed, but said, then I need you to sign this health plan document, and your mother has already signed it, I don't want to miss out and you and she are left without a good agreement.

I signed it, and I didn't even read a letter, I just signed it, and my mistake began.

When I moved into Mr. Luis' house, I found out that his daughter was going to get married as soon as she turned twenty, due to a contract signed (five) years ago, when he was with the company about to go bankrupt.

The Bastos family lent the money, on the condition of a marriage of the children, and twenty percent of the company.

Everything was signed, and it had already been four and a half years, soon the wedding would take place.

This is Andressa Gomes, my stepfather's daughter.

The company started to grow again, with the money invested, and everything was going well, until a few months ago I heard that the groom has health problems and is said to be deformed, where my stepfather's daughter no longer wanted to get married.

But I would, and I would have no way out of this marriage.

My stepfather's daughter's name was Andressa Gomes, it was one day before the wedding, I was off, I got up, did my morning hygiene, put on sweatpants and a T-shirt, and left the room.

When I noticed my stepfather dragging two suitcases out of Andressa's room, she was gone, at least I hadn't been in three days.

Soon my mother was in her room, I went to call her to have breakfast with me.

It was difficult to spend time with her, but since Mr. Luis had left, I went to see her.

I called her, she told me to come in, asked me to sit down, I did as she asked, and she asked me a question.

Telma: Ari, did you sign any papers that Luis asked for?

Ariane: Yes, Mom, what's the problem, he said it was a health insurance contract, why, and why are you crying?

Telma: I'm crying because you signed a contract assuming Andressa's place, getting married tomorrow, daughter.

I already called the lawyer who was a friend of your father's, he said if there is any way to prove that you were coerced into signing, but it will still be difficult.

I have also filed for divorce, I am not going to stay married to a man who set a trap for my daughter.

Dayana: Mom, I don't believe this, he fooled me, Mom, and now what do I do, I started to cry, right away, I wiped my tears and said:

It was my fault, I signed without reading, I shouldn't have trusted him.

Did he sign the divorce or not?

Telma: He said he'll sign after the wedding.

Ariane: No, he won't fool us again, Mom, where is the divorce paper, and the copy of the marriage contract, get it so I can read it.

Telma: Yes, it's here.

Dayana: I took it, I read everything, I had an idea of all the requirements of the contract, as I had already signed.

I said, Mom, let's get all our things and put them in the car as quickly as possible, and go to Dad's house.

Take your passport, and a suitcase and go to France, and we can't waste time.

We packed everything quickly, put everything in the car, and went to the house my father had left us.

We arrived there, I left my mother's car in the garage, and we took my things, as quickly as possible.

I took her to the airport, bought two tickets, the first to the (United) States and one to France, and my mother boarded for France, I gave her the money from my pension.

Which I received from my father until I was twenty-one and didn't touch, I passed everything on to her, and made it clear that once the contract, which will be two years, is over, I will go live with her, and that she shouldn't worry that I would be fine.

I will never let this man cheat again, because after I'm married, he's going to use my mother to get money from the Bastos, but it's not going to happen.


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