Dark Phoenix Twins

Dark Phoenix Twins

Truth and the beginning

1st POV When I was standing in the darkness. I heard faint voices coming for somewhere around here. I moved towards the noise and found a couple sitting together with 2 babies a girl and a boy in a lounge room near the fire place. The woman with emerald eyes and wavy red hair and the man with wild hair and dark brown eyes.
I can't give her away she needs us
you know about them, they will take care of her every well even better than us so don't worry love
Then the scene shifted to a boy in the garden doing garden works and a wale like a man shouting at him for not doing his work properly and about a freak being freak. I felt so lonely and unwanted but no it's not my feelings but the boys he looked kinda like the man from before this.
I woke up from the dream as my aunt woke me up saying its 8 in the morning. I did my daily routine and went down to dinning room to be welcomed by the smell of hot chocolate and marshmallows as it always remain cold in Himalayan region.
Livya what do you want for your birthday
A trip to the magical forest of Himalayas
She laughed at my response as its been our tradition to visit the magical side of forest every year on my birthday. They have a lot of magical beasts like unicorn, Pegasus, yeti who all are mostly friendly with wizards and witches.
Livya I need to confess something to you
Your parents.... they didn't go to Amazon forest in search of magical creatures
What I thought they went there to research about magical creatures as being a world know international magizolagists after Newt scamander and that's why they left me here as a baby it might be hard to survive those dangerous forests. They didn't return for almost 10 yrs
Look sweety they suddenly disappeared without a trace as they went to help there best friends who were being attacked on a Halloween night yrs back.
The last thing that came was a letter to me asking to take good care of you and give this another letter to you on your 11th birthday
She slipped the letter on the dinning table and disappear behind the kitchen doors. I took the letter to my room and thought about whether to open the letter or not. Finally I opened the envelope to find a neat cursive  Livya Eltanin Silverstorm written in purple ink.
Livya, My baby if you are reading this letter then your Papa and I didn't return to your side as we wished. My sweetie I want you to always remember that we loved you to the moon and back. You are our treasure. Never think that we left you alone because you are a burden to us. You were the wonderful thing that happened to us. Lvii I know the information I am going to reveal may hurt you and take some time to understand. Just know they had no other way to protect you other than hiding your birth. Yes Livya we are not your biological parents. You were a daughter of our best friends from Hogwarts they were in a circumstance to hide you from those who need you for your powers as you have a rare power. As someone leaked the truth about your powers. So they asked us to adopt you, and we did happily as we loved you so much, and we bonded with you through blood adoption. That's why you resemble us to some extent but except from your eyes and hair color you look mostly like your biological parents. We took you away from England to the Himalayas as it's your papa's birthplace and no one knows about this except for our friends. When you were 1 year and 3 months old we got a letter stating that your parents were attacked so we left you with your papa's sister Bianka. To find what really happened. We can only revel this much in order to your safety we know you are going to attend Hogwarts. Don't trust anyone from Hogwarts if they ever tried to hide or change your beliefs without saying or showing real proof don't believe the old who acts as wise with freaking twinkle in the eyes. Be cautious of those who talk about grater good at the cost of others sacrifice. We miss you dearly our baby. With lots of love Mom & Papa…
I was overwhelmed with this sudden confession. I am not the real child of my parents but I am the child of their friends. I need to find them and what happened to my biological as well as adoptive parents. From the letter it's confirmed that both of my parents are in England.
I was brought back from my thoughts by the tapping noise from my window. There was a dark brown owl with a letter tied at its claws. I gently removed the string and gave a pat on its soft feathers. It was my Hogwarts admission letter. As my mom mentioned on her letter. I rushed down to meet my aunt in the backyard where we shelter wounded animals and heal them. She looked amused at my messy arrival. When she finished the letter she had a bright smile adoring her face. And wrote a reply that I would attend the school and tided it to the owl who was waiting on the tree near us for the reply.
We need to take a trip to England to get your school supplies Livya. Now go and get ready, so we can finish our trip to Himalayan Forest, then we can go to England
She practically shooed me away to my room and started her daily check up of the creature.


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