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Dark Phoenix Twins

Truth and the beginning

1st POV When I was standing in the darkness. I heard faint voices coming for somewhere around here. I moved towards the noise and found a couple sitting together with 2 babies a girl and a boy in a lounge room near the fire place. The woman with emerald eyes and wavy red hair and the man with wild hair and dark brown eyes.
I can't give her away she needs us
you know about them, they will take care of her every well even better than us so don't worry love
Then the scene shifted to a boy in the garden doing garden works and a wale like a man shouting at him for not doing his work properly and about a freak being freak. I felt so lonely and unwanted but no it's not my feelings but the boys he looked kinda like the man from before this.
I woke up from the dream as my aunt woke me up saying its 8 in the morning. I did my daily routine and went down to dinning room to be welcomed by the smell of hot chocolate and marshmallows as it always remain cold in Himalayan region.
Livya what do you want for your birthday
A trip to the magical forest of Himalayas
She laughed at my response as its been our tradition to visit the magical side of forest every year on my birthday. They have a lot of magical beasts like unicorn, Pegasus, yeti who all are mostly friendly with wizards and witches.
Livya I need to confess something to you
Your parents.... they didn't go to Amazon forest in search of magical creatures
What I thought they went there to research about magical creatures as being a world know international magizolagists after Newt scamander and that's why they left me here as a baby it might be hard to survive those dangerous forests. They didn't return for almost 10 yrs
Look sweety they suddenly disappeared without a trace as they went to help there best friends who were being attacked on a Halloween night yrs back.
The last thing that came was a letter to me asking to take good care of you and give this another letter to you on your 11th birthday
She slipped the letter on the dinning table and disappear behind the kitchen doors. I took the letter to my room and thought about whether to open the letter or not. Finally I opened the envelope to find a neat cursive  Livya Eltanin Silverstorm written in purple ink.
Livya, My baby if you are reading this letter then your Papa and I didn't return to your side as we wished. My sweetie I want you to always remember that we loved you to the moon and back. You are our treasure. Never think that we left you alone because you are a burden to us. You were the wonderful thing that happened to us. Lvii I know the information I am going to reveal may hurt you and take some time to understand. Just know they had no other way to protect you other than hiding your birth. Yes Livya we are not your biological parents. You were a daughter of our best friends from Hogwarts they were in a circumstance to hide you from those who need you for your powers as you have a rare power. As someone leaked the truth about your powers. So they asked us to adopt you, and we did happily as we loved you so much, and we bonded with you through blood adoption. That's why you resemble us to some extent but except from your eyes and hair color you look mostly like your biological parents. We took you away from England to the Himalayas as it's your papa's birthplace and no one knows about this except for our friends. When you were 1 year and 3 months old we got a letter stating that your parents were attacked so we left you with your papa's sister Bianka. To find what really happened. We can only revel this much in order to your safety we know you are going to attend Hogwarts. Don't trust anyone from Hogwarts if they ever tried to hide or change your beliefs without saying or showing real proof don't believe the old who acts as wise with freaking twinkle in the eyes. Be cautious of those who talk about grater good at the cost of others sacrifice. We miss you dearly our baby. With lots of love Mom & Papa…
I was overwhelmed with this sudden confession. I am not the real child of my parents but I am the child of their friends. I need to find them and what happened to my biological as well as adoptive parents. From the letter it's confirmed that both of my parents are in England.
I was brought back from my thoughts by the tapping noise from my window. There was a dark brown owl with a letter tied at its claws. I gently removed the string and gave a pat on its soft feathers. It was my Hogwarts admission letter. As my mom mentioned on her letter. I rushed down to meet my aunt in the backyard where we shelter wounded animals and heal them. She looked amused at my messy arrival. When she finished the letter she had a bright smile adoring her face. And wrote a reply that I would attend the school and tided it to the owl who was waiting on the tree near us for the reply.
We need to take a trip to England to get your school supplies Livya. Now go and get ready, so we can finish our trip to Himalayan Forest, then we can go to England
She practically shooed me away to my room and started her daily check up of the creature.

Diagon alley

Harry POV My life has been totally changed 180 degree. Today I learned that I am a wizard and my parents were died to save me from an evil wizard. Whom I killed when the curse bounce back to him. And here I am shopping for my Hogwarts school supplies. Hagrid looks so naive and can be easily tricked. Living with the Dursley has taught me how to hide one's emotion and observe others. As showing emotions means extra chores and locked in cupboard without food. So it's better to hide one's emotions. And reading people is important as you can't get fooled by them.
We entered gringotts the wizarding Bank too collect money from my vault. Hagrid was so much biased to this Albus Dumbledore guy and Gryffindor. He believes all other houses of Hogwarts are lower than that of Gryffindor and Slytherin are evil. I can't believe one percent of his talk as it feels as if he dictates these dialogue like someone asked him to. Yes I am new to all this wizarding stuff. I know I am different before as I can talk with the snake's in my garden but never thought the possibility of me being a wizard until Hagrid popped up. So these things are new to me, but that doesn't mean you can fool me easily.
While entering the gringotts I felt a familiar feeling as if I am near someone so close to me yet distant. I looked towards the direction to which I felt the pull I saw a girl talking with another woman with a goblin she had pitch black hair with purple highlights which reach her mid-back like waves and as I am shorter than the average boy of my age, so she was near my height.
Hair color
Before I moved towards her Hagrid nudged me to follow the goblin he was talking to we went to the trolley and man I enjoyed the ride it was so similar to roller coaster Dudley hates to ride. And I found another reason to be suspicious of this Dumbledore man as being a headmaster he has to know that doing important secret school related works should not involve students as it might result the student in danger, and it looks as if he wants to make me curious towards this object and being my magical guardian not even a single time he visited me to make sure I am save and feed well. He even has the key to my vault. I need to collect information about these after getting away from Hagrid.
After collecting some money on a pouch I brought we surfaced after exiting the bank I stated I want to get the supplies alone as I need to get to know my way around here as Hagrid can't come with me all the time I came here. He believed me and leaft to do some business which I don't mind to care. Before informing me to get my wand only from the olivanders and meet him near the entrance of leaky couldran. Now it's suspicious why only from olivanders. Any way I made my way to the shop only to find the girl from before. She looked towards me and someone pushed me aside as I was standing on the way. She helped me up and I stared at her beautiful sea green eyes as they sparkled like the sea under the sun.
Eye color
She looked at me with curiosity in her eyes then I remembered that she was talking with me
Sorry I didn't listen to what you said can you repeat what you said ?
{Chuckles }
I am Livya-Livya Eltanin Silverstorm, are you a freshman in Hogwarts too ?
Yes I am and my name is Harry-Harry James Potter
I could literally see screws turning in her head and starts to get nervous I was relieved when she said
Do you want to buy school supplies together with me ?
I gave a Nod to that, and we started to walk I took her towards olivanders. I was happy to made friends with her as I was scared whether she would also judge me as the boy who lived, but I was happy she didn't and treated me as a normal human. I made a perfect trustworthy friend finally. When we reached olivanders the shop owner gave me the creeps as he looked so old and wrinkled as a tree. It took 20 mins to find a wand who accepts me.
Wow you see the Phoenix who gave you the tail feather for the core gave another which is made the core for who-must-not-be-named.
It's the brother wand of the wizard who gave u that scar
Livya looked at him as if he lost all of his brain cells while I was paying for the wand. After that she just dragged me to another alley which looked total opposite of Diagon alley
My aunt wants me to buy my wand from here
As the wands made here works extremely well with the owner as they are specially customized for the particular wizard/witch, but it's a Lil bit pricey though as they are custom-made
She explained as to why she is taking me there
Why you want me to buy another wand I already have one
She gave 'are you serious' look and explained
Harry being a brother wand means they are equally matched and one can not win while both of them are using a brother wand
It limits and block most of your magical powers as its not particularly made for you Harry
I gave an understanding nod and let her drag me to the store named Mage wands. The shop owner was a middle-aged woman she Welcome us in and asked for our wand hand she took notes of measurements simultaneously with a charmed measuring tape. After that she went to the back of the shop and returned with 2 emerald colored bags and 2 purple colored bags she gave the emerald bags to me and purple to livya and spoke
Shop owner
Shop owner
Collect the materials towards which you fell a pull and place it on this table before me
I picked 3 woods from the first bag and one horn, one black scale and a pitch black feather with emerald and silver shine from the other one and placed them on the table. While Livya picked 3 woods and a veil with clear liquid in it and a feather just like mine but with a different shade it has purple and teal shine to it and a hair. She placed them near mine.
The shopkeeper looked surprised by their chosen Materials. She composed herself to speak.
Shop owner
Shop owner
That's a lot of materials to work with
Shop owner
Shop owner
I have never seen this kind of powerful pair of wands it's the first time that this kind of wands are made
livya and I looked at each other
Shop owner
Shop owner
I'll explain why that is see this is blackthorn wood it's an unusual wand wood, and it's best suited for warrior. Most people think it's a dark wood and the owner of these woods are drawn to dark arts which is a false assumption.
Shop owner
Shop owner
They bond well and choose a person who passes through dangerous and difficult time's. Next is blackwalnut it seeks a master with good instincts and powerful insight.
Shop owner
Shop owner
This wood is really a mystery as no one knows of its property. The only known property is that it has a knack for parselmagic that's why it's called as a snake wood
We nodded to show that we are listening, and she continued
Shop owner
Shop owner
Next these cores horn serpents horn, mage dragon scale and dark phoenix feather.
She explained while shorting the cores
Shop owner
Shop owner
2 of these core are rarer than rare as being a proudest creature they are so picky of there owners only those who they deem worthy can have them as there wand core
Shop owner
Shop owner
The feather gives limited control over elemental magic dragon scale is good at dueling and defense magic while the horn is sensitive to parseltoungue it vibrates when spoken and produce a low music note while the owner is in danger
Shop owner
Shop owner
So only you and the persons u deemed worthy and trust can use the wand If others tried to take them away from the owner they burn there hands
So it means Harry can speak parseltoungue the ancient language of snake's
I Nodded while processing the new information about this new wand which is in total contrast to the wand olivander gave me. So another reason to not believe this Dumbledore. I looked over towards her to find her deep in thoughts.
So I have the same snakewood and dark phoenix feather right
Shop owner
Shop owner
Yes dear you have the same but the feather is from another dark phoenix as they only choose one person to use their feather being a proud creature.
Shop owner
Shop owner
While the other cedar when matched with the right full owner they had the potential to be frightening adversary and very loyal to their owners.
Shop owner
Shop owner
Not the wielder as not every wielder can become its owner as you know wand choose its owner not the other way around.
Shop owner
Shop owner
Next yew like blackthorn many mistakes it as a dark wood which is not true as the owner can be a fierce protector too. It has the power of life and death hence it's good at healing and potions magic
Shop owner
Shop owner
Rougarou hair is powerful as the beast who gave the hair it's good in defense and transfiguration.
Shop owner
Shop owner
This vile contains of dark phoenix tears they have the tendency to be the Elixir of life which can cure and heal a person completely.
Shop owner
Shop owner
While being extremely poisonous than basilisk venom when mixed with other materials depending on their nature.
Shop owner
Shop owner
It's extremely good at healing magic and Like his wand your wand will also burn others who try to take your wand away.
Shop owner
Shop owner
So one is good at offense and dueling and parselmagic. While the other is good at defense and healing good compatible pair off wands you have.
Shop owner
Shop owner
You will make a perfect team were no one can defeat you.
Thank you, when will our wands be ready ?
Shop owner
Shop owner
It will take up to 5 hrs.
Then we will be back after 5 hrs.
3RD POV Then they went to buy their books, robes and other supplies from other stores in Diagon alley and went to the ice cream parlor to eat some ice-cream. They chatted there for an hour and talked about everything and found out they share a same birthday which is today and livya declared them as pseudo twins. When livya heard about his uncle and aunt she looked so Mad and cursed under her breath.
We should keep in touch till we meet next in kings cross.
You know I can't owl you or meet you outside right
Ofcorse I know I have a perfect plan for it don't worry about it, you won't get caught.
If You say So.
Next they went to owls emporium and get greeted with twitter and shriek. Harry bought a snowy owl with beautiful Amber eyes he named her Hedwig while livya bought a black owl with mesmerizing icy blue eyes and named him Luke. After purchasing enough owl treats.
Harry you go and get our wands while I buy some gifts for my aunt we can meet here after 10 mins ok.
Yes we can do that see you after 10 mins
They parted ways to get what they wanted.

Diagon alley 2

Harry went back to the wands shop to retrieve their wands
I'm back to get the wands
Shop owner
Shop owner
oh! you are back wait ill get your wands from the back room
she brought 2 boxes from the back and open the velvet Royal blue box
Shop owner
Shop owner
it's the girls wand
Shop owner
Shop owner
and then the velvet emerald green box
she handed the wand to Harry the wand glowed emerald green
*surprised doe eyes*
Shop owner
Shop owner
take good care of your wand kid
she gave him the other wand too
I will take care
Harry Wonder why this wand felt connected to him than the one he brought from olivanders After getting the wand from the shop Harry return to see livya talking with a platinum blond boy. The boy left before Harry could get a clear look of him as he neared them
Liv who is he
Oh he is Draco malfloy. My aunt is friend with his mother so we know each other
I meet him on the shop were I bought this for you he helped me pick it out. Here HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HARRY
Harry looked close to tears laughed at her excitement he gave her a big hug
Thank you liv. It's a dairy whats it dose?
She gave him a look which said are you mad and explained
Harry it's not a diary it's a journal it is connected to this journal here with me. Its charmed that only you and I can read what's written in it
Only the owner and there trusted can open and read it
what if others tried to read it?
If any other tried to read it when you leaft it open it will turn to blank pages. It's perfect for our communication. What do you think?
Yes it's definitely a cool charm thank you.
Oh please don't. Say your thanks to him as he is the one who suggested this charm to me.
she smiled at Harry
Harry looked somewhat uneasy. He took a deep breath and gave her a parcel. Livya side-eye him and took the parcel it was warped in silver paper. She neatly unwarped the paper to find a beautiful loutus pendent. She was in awee
Do you like this, it even charmed to glows in dark if you wanted it to.I don't know what to get for you while returning from the wand shop I spotted it on the window of a jewellery shop and I thought it suits you so I bought it for my pseudo Twin.
Harry spoke non stop as he was nervous as its his first time making a friend and he didn't want her to hate him so when he saw the pendent in the shop across from the wand shop he bought it in a wimp he just thought it would suit her so he was anxious to know if she likes it.
No Harry I don't like it...
she gave a mischievous grin which he didn't notice as he was busy being sad
Because I love it you idiot pesudo Twin
the pendent
.She gave him a hug and They started laugh after some time they said there farewell until next time. And went in there separate ways to meet there adult companion.
At the same time Livya pov
After getting money from gringotts my aunt leaft me to meet her friends after a long time. She already showed where every shop is located and informed me to buy customiced wand as olivanders generally limited one power. Someone fell down I went to help On my way I saw that he looked familiar he has a wild hair and emerald green eyes which shine like jewels I helped him up and introduced myself. He looked like he was in deep thought I snapped my fingers to get his attention and he looked confused like a lost puppy I chuckled. He asked me to repeat what I asked him and I did he introduced himself as Harry Potter.
The Harry Potter I can't believe my luck. And that's when I remembered he looked similar to the boy from my dreams. He looked nervous and worried about something I don't really know what that is so I just asked him to join me to buy our school supplies together. He happily accepted. He took me to the olivanders and I just waited for him to be over with when olivander said its the brother wand of Voldemort.
I thought he lost his last brain cells. If the wizard or wtich who has the brother wand duelled with the other wand will never be able to win them as they are related and have equal powers if they really want the dark Lord to vanish they wouldn't hand him this type of wand and I can tell from his magical aura which I have never been able to see before this that this wand doesn't suite him did he really think that Harry can defend himself with that wand such a cheap move to make on a child .
So I dragged him with me to buy customiced wand with me and explained about the brother wands to him. After knowing about the cores it really looks like Harry can speak parseltoungue which means I can to as we both have snake wood which can only be used for parselmagic for which you need to speak the incantation in parseltoungue. I need to talk about this with aunt. Then we went to buy the other school supplies during the time it takes to craft the wands.
After that we went ice cream parlor and ate some ice creams and talked about everything and found out we share the same birthday and how his relatives treat him it's just like what happened in my dreams. I Declared him as my pesudo Twin as we share the same birthday and I wanted to give him a gift as its our birthday today. I asked him to get our wands while I went to purchase his gifts. When I neared the gift shop someone run into me and we both fell to the ground. The person Helped me to stand up.
I am sorry I didn't saw you coming this way are you hurt anywhere ?
When I looked up he had platinum blond hair and silver eyes. They looked nearly like mercury it has blue specs they looked beautiful
I am Draco what about you ?
I am Livya ,Are you Hogwarts first year too
Yes I am.
Wait not to be rude are you a malfloy buy any chance ?
Yeah I am why are you asking?
Oh my aunt is friends with narcissiya malfloy.
She leaft here to do my school shopping to meet her today that's why I asked
Thats my mom wait you mean Bianka Silverstorm is your aunt ?
Yes she is my aunt
why are you asking?
nothing just asking any way well then we can be friends too right ?
Ofc we can
then you can call me Draco
you can call me Livya or Liv
by the way Draco can you help me to pick some gift for my friend ?
I don't know these place well enough to know where to get these things except for my school supplies.
OK I'll help
so what you have in your mind for the gift
I pondered a bit before I got a idea
I want something to communicate.
Without others knowledge as we don't want to others to prey into our conversation.
So how about the twin journals ?
good choice but it will be better if it's a charmed one.
I know a perfect place that sell these kind of things. Let get to that came on.
He dragged me all the way to the shop
After buying our journals and asked to performed the spells to connect the journals and I set a lock on them as only the owner and there trusted can open and read the journal. To the owner who happily did it for us
What do you think about adding another charm ?
what charm ?
If someone tries to read it while it left open it will turn blank.
It's a good idea Draco
Ofcorse I know Miss Silverstorm
After adding that charm as well we returned to the meeting spot where I asked Harry to meet me. He didn't return so we continued our conversation.
You know you can make a pretty good syltherin.
Oh I know I am pretty good and you can do a decent syltherin yourself Draco.
You offended my pride there you know I make a perfect syltherin just you wait and see.
Yah we can see it in the sorting you sly snake.
he laughed at that name
OK I need to get go now I am already running late for my meeting with my friends see you on the train miss serpent.
Bye bye Mr snake
Just as Draco disappeared Harry came back and we exchanged the gifts he looked so happy to get the journal. I wish he can smile like that for rest of his life and we parted our ways
I meet my aunt back in the ice-cream shop and Harry went to the leaky couldren. I meet my aunt and explained every thing happened today. She looked confused about the parseltoungue and the ability to see ones magical aura information she told she would look after in our family line to see any one had parseltoungue ability before.
After that I went to my room and sorted out the supplies and went to bed I can't wait to go to Hogwarts as I can finally get some clues about my families there with that thought I drift off to sleep.
that's all for today
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