Duke Carl Loves Me

Duke Carl Loves Me

The Masked Encounter

Maxi had always been enchanted by the idea of attending a grand ball. She had grown up hearing stories of princesses and their elegant gowns, their sparkling jewelry, and their handsome princes. She knew that it was impossible for her to attend such an event as she was just a lowly maid. However, her luck changed when she overheard a conversation between some of the castle staff about a masked ball that was going to take place at the Duke's castle. The idea of attending such an event was too tempting to resist, and Maxi decided to take a chance.

She borrowed a simple gown from a friend in the town. Though it was not the best, it was of great quality and she looked gorgeous in it. She managed to sneak in without being noticed and had been dancing in the shadows for a while. The ballroom was filled with the most elegant and sophisticated people she had ever seen. They were all dressed in their finest clothes, and the room was filled with the sound of music, laughter, and chatter. It was magical.

As she danced in the shadows, she felt someone approach her. "May I have this dance?" a deep voice asked. Maxi turned to see a handsome stranger with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. He was tall and well-built, with broad shoulders and a chiseled jawline. He was dressed in a black suit, and he wore a mask that covered most of his face.

Maxi hesitated for a moment. She knew that she was not supposed to be there and that she could get into trouble. But the stranger's smile was so charming, and his eyes were so captivating, that she could not resist. She took his hand, and they started to dance.

The stranger was an excellent dancer. He led Maxi around the dance floor with grace and elegance. As they danced, Maxi felt like she was living in a fairytale. She forgot about all her troubles and worries, and she just enjoyed the moment.

They danced the night away, and Maxi had never felt happier. But as the night drew to a close, she realized that she had no idea who her mystery man was. She had been so caught up in the moment that she had forgotten to ask his name or where he came from.

As the masked ball ended, the stranger thanked Maxi for the dance and disappeared into the crowd. Maxi was left standing alone, wondering who he was and if she would ever see him again. She knew that she had taken a risk by attending the ball, but the night had been worth it. She had danced with a handsome stranger, and for a few hours, she had forgotten about all her problems.

As she made her way back to her room, she couldn't help but smile. She knew that the memory of that night would stay with her forever. Little did she know, the night was to young to end this soon.



Poojitha Yeon jin

Poojitha Yeon jin

Beautiful scenery 💖💖💖💖😍😍



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