Lady Of Death And The Crown Prince Of Asgard (Thor X Female Harry Potter)

Lady Of Death And The Crown Prince Of Asgard (Thor X Female Harry Potter)


Third Person's POV

11 years. It has been 11 years, since everything happened. Since the second wizarding world war finally ended. 11 years since Harriet lost her loved ones, her family to war, and also gained a new family. The love of her life sacrificed himself for Harriet, leaving her and their new born daughter alone. Harriet's fiancé, Cedric Diggory, died after he had helped her escape from the school. The carrow twins had tortured cedric and at last killed him, when he didn't give them any information on the Girl-who-lived's whereabouts. Harriet was pregnant during the run from death eaters, she had hid her pregnancy with an ancient spell originating from the black family library and also used all of her magic on keeping her child healthy and protected  from the horcruxes and the attacks of the death eaters. Before coming back to hogwarts for the final battle, Harriet gave birth to her precious daughter. Harriet named her daughter, Aster Azalea Potter. Harriet begged Bill and Fleur to keep Aster safe with them in their cottage and if harriet didn't come back alive from the battlefield, then to send Aster to Andromeda and nymphadora, who had also recently given birth to her own son, so that Aster can live a happy life, a life that Harriet's parents couldn't provide her. Harriet made them both take an unbreakable vow, that they must fulfil, if harriet didn't come back to take her daughter. Hermione and Ronald both didn't know about Harriet's daughter, they both only knew that she and cedric were both engaged to each other, which might I add hermione and ronald were very against. The two wanted Harriet to end up with Ginerva, ignoring the fact that ginerva had stalled Harriet since Harriet's 2nd year at Hogwarts and tried to dose harriet with a love potion and basically tried to rape her. At the end, Harriet eventually walked towards her own death and sacrificed herself to die for others with Harriet's last thoughts being an apology to her newborn daughter.

And yet, the Felix Felicis running through her veins showed its presence once again. After dying and arriving at the In-Between, Harriet met the personification of Death, he was in the form of a male. Very handsome with liquid gold eyes and silvery, shiny hair that stopped at his mid-back, he looked to be in his late twenties. Death, to say the least, was a flirt. Not a flirt to other souls, no, but with Harriet, it was as if he wanted to have her baby! In the end, all went well, aside from Harriet finding out that she was a lamb for slaughter and weapon that Dumbledore molded since she was barely 15 months old. Harriet was heartbroken that her fiance had died but she knew that she had to let cedric go. Cedric was dead and he deserved to rest in peace. Athanasios (Death's name) was very eager to help Harriet forget about cedric. Their relationship was complicated to say the very least, Harriet felt safe in Death's presence and enjoyed his company, they had a platonic relationship. Harriet claimed her inheritance of the Potter, Black, and Peverell Families. Harriet then started living with her daughter, Aster and adopted son, Teddy, after andromeda died due to a heart attack a few days later after the war ended. Harriet lived in the Peverell Ancestral Mansion (which was like a mini palace). In the next 11 years, Harriet lived happily with her kids and after five years, Athanasios told her about her twin sister, Natasha, who was presumed to be dead and helped Harriet find her little sister. The two twin sisters were finally reunited in a matter of days. However, there came a problem, Natasha's magic had been suppressed for far too long now and she had almost developed a complete obscurus by the time that they met but Harriet helped natasha through it and they both got rid of the obscurus, unfortunately, natasha's magic was now only limited to just fast healing and giving her more physical strength than normal humans had. Natasha was taken away by Dumbledore from the Godric's Hollow that night after Harriet had defeated Voldemort and Dumbledore had left Natasha at n orphange.

Harriet, after several years of living in the Peverell Mansion, thought that her kids needed more human interaction aside from there future school years, and Natasha eagerly agreed to that and suggested for them to move to New York, USA, or any USA state at all, because aside from the missions outside of the country, Natasha stayed in USA at all times. Harriet agreed and got a few apartments in several states of USA that she and the kids liked. Harriet was very rich, especially with the companies that she had started in the muggle world, one company had muggle transport services for wizards, the squibs of different family's worked in this company of hers. Harriet also had another company, which worked with modern technology, let's just say that Harriet rivaled Tony Stark in the Business world.

This year, however, before Harriet settled into an apartment in USA with her kids, the said kids had to go to school, they both insisted to go to hogwarts, even though harriet had offered to send them to Ilvermorny or durmstrang or beauxbatons school, but those two stubborn little marauders were very adamant on going to hogwarts, so Harriet finally relented.

So here was, Harriet and Natasha, sending the two troublemakers off to hogwarts. "Alright. Be careful, take care of each other, and don't cause too much trouble, ok?" Harriet said from where she was kneeling in front of both of her kids and holding them by the shoulders gently. Natasha stood behind her twin sister, watching the three of them with amusement, as harriet talked to her kids before she let them go inside of the train. "Yes, mom, we'll do as you said." Aster said nodding her head while smiling brightly. Aster was beautiful even at the young age of eleven, she had her mother's dark raven black hair with her father's bright grey eyes but with the emerald green sparkle of her mother's eyes shining brightly in them. Aster had both of her parents' mixed aristocratic features. Teddy, on the other hand, had his father's looks mixed with nymphadora's, his usual preferred eye color was dark grey, that he had inherited from the black family genes and his hair a teal blue color. "Yep, we will take very good care of each other, Mom." Teddy agreed while nodding his head frantically. "And, whatever you do, don't get caught. I don't want to deal with your headmistress, minerva already gained a lot of grey hairs because of me, when I was in school myself." At that both of the kids' eyes widened, seeing mischief sparkle in their mother's eyes for the first ever time. "And, also keep my gift to you both safe and a secret." Harriet winked at them. The said 'gift' was the infamous invisibility cloak. The two children grinned and hugged their mother tightly before kissing both of her cheeks and Harriet returned the same affection back to them. Harriet and Natasha bid the two children goodbye and watched as the train left the station, and Harriet shouted for them to write letters to her, Natasha and their uncle every week.

Harriet Peverell had decided to live in the muggle world after the war, in order to keep her children away from the fame that came with her title of the 'Woman-Who-Conquered', her children needlessly did not need to get caught up in that mess. So, Harriet with the help of the goblins, took muggle school and college as well as university exams, Harriet loved reading and learning new things unlike the popular belief (hermione to be precise). Harriet took the MD-PhD degree test and passed with top marks in all of England, harriet also became an astrophysicist on top of that, she had loved astronomy since her first year at hogwarts. Harriet was even offered a job at NASA but she refused the job in order to stay with her kids. Harriet met with Jane foster at her university before and they became friends during the research that they did together at one time. Harriet and Jane became great friends over time. And now Harriet is doing exactly that, helping her friend and doing her a favor. You see, after dropping off her kids at the train station and bidding Natasha goodbye, and arriving at her mansion, Harriet got a call from jane asking her for a favor. Jane had recently gotten a job in NASA, she had accepted the job offer that was given to her and was very happy with it as well, but the problem here was that, now she couldn't continue on her personal research due to her job. So, jane wanted Harriet to continue it in her stead now. "I don't know, jane. Why don't you just shelf the idea and continue it in a few years instead?" Harriet suggested to jane on the phone as she took a seat on her bed. "You know me, Harriet. If I shelf it now, then it will never see the daylight again!" Jane exclaimed desperately, she really wanted this project to be continued by Harriet. "Alright! Alright, I'll do it! But will I get treacle tarts?" "Yes!" "(Sigh), Ok fine. Who else is on this project?" "My intern Darcy Lewis and Dr. Erik Selvig but he's also got a job at NASA, so it'll only be you and darcy now, but you can get someone to join you if you want?" "Alright, I'll give a friend of mine a call and see if he agrees to join." "Alright! That's great. Darcy will meet you directly at New Mexico at my research center there, have a wonderful project research!" "And, you, have a wonderful job experience at NASA. Bye jane." "Bye Harriet!" And with that the call ended. Harriet started packing up her her stuff with effortlessly done wandless magic.

Ever since Harriet became the Mistress Of Death, she was able to perform wandless as well as wordless magic without any effort. The Elder Wand had disappeared with a bright green glow the same night that Harriet had accepted her title of being the mistress of death. Athanasios had informed Harriet that the elder wand was absorbed inside of her body to give her the wandless and wordless magic using ability after she had asked him about it. Harriet tapped on her phone screen again and dialed the phone number of her old friend, who followed her into the muggle world and lived with her and the kids, Draco Malfoy. Draco had lost everything, he lost his father to azkaban and he also lost his mother, who had sacrificed herself to protect him. Draco lost the malfoy fortune to the ministry and almost went into azkaban himself too, If Harriet hadn't put her foot down in the matter, freeing Draco from azkaban, permanently. And, also announced Draco as the proxy Lord of the House Black in Harriet's absence and until teddy turns 17 to take the responsibility of the Lord Black from Draco, slowly and little by little. Draco lived with Harriet in the Peverell Mansion and helped in raising the two children, as their caring and fun uncle. Harriet and Draco had a platonic relationship, they were best friends, because unlike Hermione, Draco wasn't an obnoxious know-it-all nor was he judgmental, and unlike Ronald, Draco wasn't a jealous prat, who is jealous of harriet's every single achievement and wealth, he also didn't pester Harriet to do as he wanted. Draco is a great friend to have when you finally get to know him and not just his cold mask. Draco also became an astrophysicist as he was also interested in the stars just as much as Harriet was, he is also a magical healer like his mother used to be in magical britain. Harriet explained everything to Draco on the phone and he agreed to come and help her in the project. Harriet hung up the phone and watched as all of her luggage packed up in her travel bags. Harriet quickly got changed after she showered and casted a light-weight charm on her bags. Harriet couldn't help, but feel like this was just the beginning of a new adventure.

Which, to be honest, it was.


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