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Lady Of Death And The Crown Prince Of Asgard (Thor X Female Harry Potter)


Third Person's POV

11 years. It has been 11 years, since everything happened. Since the second wizarding world war finally ended. 11 years since Harriet lost her loved ones, her family to war, and also gained a new family. The love of her life sacrificed himself for Harriet, leaving her and their new born daughter alone. Harriet's fiancé, Cedric Diggory, died after he had helped her escape from the school. The carrow twins had tortured cedric and at last killed him, when he didn't give them any information on the Girl-who-lived's whereabouts. Harriet was pregnant during the run from death eaters, she had hid her pregnancy with an ancient spell originating from the black family library and also used all of her magic on keeping her child healthy and protected  from the horcruxes and the attacks of the death eaters. Before coming back to hogwarts for the final battle, Harriet gave birth to her precious daughter. Harriet named her daughter, Aster Azalea Potter. Harriet begged Bill and Fleur to keep Aster safe with them in their cottage and if harriet didn't come back alive from the battlefield, then to send Aster to Andromeda and nymphadora, who had also recently given birth to her own son, so that Aster can live a happy life, a life that Harriet's parents couldn't provide her. Harriet made them both take an unbreakable vow, that they must fulfil, if harriet didn't come back to take her daughter. Hermione and Ronald both didn't know about Harriet's daughter, they both only knew that she and cedric were both engaged to each other, which might I add hermione and ronald were very against. The two wanted Harriet to end up with Ginerva, ignoring the fact that ginerva had stalled Harriet since Harriet's 2nd year at Hogwarts and tried to dose harriet with a love potion and basically tried to rape her. At the end, Harriet eventually walked towards her own death and sacrificed herself to die for others with Harriet's last thoughts being an apology to her newborn daughter.

And yet, the Felix Felicis running through her veins showed its presence once again. After dying and arriving at the In-Between, Harriet met the personification of Death, he was in the form of a male. Very handsome with liquid gold eyes and silvery, shiny hair that stopped at his mid-back, he looked to be in his late twenties. Death, to say the least, was a flirt. Not a flirt to other souls, no, but with Harriet, it was as if he wanted to have her baby! In the end, all went well, aside from Harriet finding out that she was a lamb for slaughter and weapon that Dumbledore molded since she was barely 15 months old. Harriet was heartbroken that her fiance had died but she knew that she had to let cedric go. Cedric was dead and he deserved to rest in peace. Athanasios (Death's name) was very eager to help Harriet forget about cedric. Their relationship was complicated to say the very least, Harriet felt safe in Death's presence and enjoyed his company, they had a platonic relationship. Harriet claimed her inheritance of the Potter, Black, and Peverell Families. Harriet then started living with her daughter, Aster and adopted son, Teddy, after andromeda died due to a heart attack a few days later after the war ended. Harriet lived in the Peverell Ancestral Mansion (which was like a mini palace). In the next 11 years, Harriet lived happily with her kids and after five years, Athanasios told her about her twin sister, Natasha, who was presumed to be dead and helped Harriet find her little sister. The two twin sisters were finally reunited in a matter of days. However, there came a problem, Natasha's magic had been suppressed for far too long now and she had almost developed a complete obscurus by the time that they met but Harriet helped natasha through it and they both got rid of the obscurus, unfortunately, natasha's magic was now only limited to just fast healing and giving her more physical strength than normal humans had. Natasha was taken away by Dumbledore from the Godric's Hollow that night after Harriet had defeated Voldemort and Dumbledore had left Natasha at n orphange.

Harriet, after several years of living in the Peverell Mansion, thought that her kids needed more human interaction aside from there future school years, and Natasha eagerly agreed to that and suggested for them to move to New York, USA, or any USA state at all, because aside from the missions outside of the country, Natasha stayed in USA at all times. Harriet agreed and got a few apartments in several states of USA that she and the kids liked. Harriet was very rich, especially with the companies that she had started in the muggle world, one company had muggle transport services for wizards, the squibs of different family's worked in this company of hers. Harriet also had another company, which worked with modern technology, let's just say that Harriet rivaled Tony Stark in the Business world.

This year, however, before Harriet settled into an apartment in USA with her kids, the said kids had to go to school, they both insisted to go to hogwarts, even though harriet had offered to send them to Ilvermorny or durmstrang or beauxbatons school, but those two stubborn little marauders were very adamant on going to hogwarts, so Harriet finally relented.

So here was, Harriet and Natasha, sending the two troublemakers off to hogwarts. "Alright. Be careful, take care of each other, and don't cause too much trouble, ok?" Harriet said from where she was kneeling in front of both of her kids and holding them by the shoulders gently. Natasha stood behind her twin sister, watching the three of them with amusement, as harriet talked to her kids before she let them go inside of the train. "Yes, mom, we'll do as you said." Aster said nodding her head while smiling brightly. Aster was beautiful even at the young age of eleven, she had her mother's dark raven black hair with her father's bright grey eyes but with the emerald green sparkle of her mother's eyes shining brightly in them. Aster had both of her parents' mixed aristocratic features. Teddy, on the other hand, had his father's looks mixed with nymphadora's, his usual preferred eye color was dark grey, that he had inherited from the black family genes and his hair a teal blue color. "Yep, we will take very good care of each other, Mom." Teddy agreed while nodding his head frantically. "And, whatever you do, don't get caught. I don't want to deal with your headmistress, minerva already gained a lot of grey hairs because of me, when I was in school myself." At that both of the kids' eyes widened, seeing mischief sparkle in their mother's eyes for the first ever time. "And, also keep my gift to you both safe and a secret." Harriet winked at them. The said 'gift' was the infamous invisibility cloak. The two children grinned and hugged their mother tightly before kissing both of her cheeks and Harriet returned the same affection back to them. Harriet and Natasha bid the two children goodbye and watched as the train left the station, and Harriet shouted for them to write letters to her, Natasha and their uncle every week.

Harriet Peverell had decided to live in the muggle world after the war, in order to keep her children away from the fame that came with her title of the 'Woman-Who-Conquered', her children needlessly did not need to get caught up in that mess. So, Harriet with the help of the goblins, took muggle school and college as well as university exams, Harriet loved reading and learning new things unlike the popular belief (hermione to be precise). Harriet took the MD-PhD degree test and passed with top marks in all of England, harriet also became an astrophysicist on top of that, she had loved astronomy since her first year at hogwarts. Harriet was even offered a job at NASA but she refused the job in order to stay with her kids. Harriet met with Jane foster at her university before and they became friends during the research that they did together at one time. Harriet and Jane became great friends over time. And now Harriet is doing exactly that, helping her friend and doing her a favor. You see, after dropping off her kids at the train station and bidding Natasha goodbye, and arriving at her mansion, Harriet got a call from jane asking her for a favor. Jane had recently gotten a job in NASA, she had accepted the job offer that was given to her and was very happy with it as well, but the problem here was that, now she couldn't continue on her personal research due to her job. So, jane wanted Harriet to continue it in her stead now. "I don't know, jane. Why don't you just shelf the idea and continue it in a few years instead?" Harriet suggested to jane on the phone as she took a seat on her bed. "You know me, Harriet. If I shelf it now, then it will never see the daylight again!" Jane exclaimed desperately, she really wanted this project to be continued by Harriet. "Alright! Alright, I'll do it! But will I get treacle tarts?" "Yes!" "(Sigh), Ok fine. Who else is on this project?" "My intern Darcy Lewis and Dr. Erik Selvig but he's also got a job at NASA, so it'll only be you and darcy now, but you can get someone to join you if you want?" "Alright, I'll give a friend of mine a call and see if he agrees to join." "Alright! That's great. Darcy will meet you directly at New Mexico at my research center there, have a wonderful project research!" "And, you, have a wonderful job experience at NASA. Bye jane." "Bye Harriet!" And with that the call ended. Harriet started packing up her her stuff with effortlessly done wandless magic.

Ever since Harriet became the Mistress Of Death, she was able to perform wandless as well as wordless magic without any effort. The Elder Wand had disappeared with a bright green glow the same night that Harriet had accepted her title of being the mistress of death. Athanasios had informed Harriet that the elder wand was absorbed inside of her body to give her the wandless and wordless magic using ability after she had asked him about it. Harriet tapped on her phone screen again and dialed the phone number of her old friend, who followed her into the muggle world and lived with her and the kids, Draco Malfoy. Draco had lost everything, he lost his father to azkaban and he also lost his mother, who had sacrificed herself to protect him. Draco lost the malfoy fortune to the ministry and almost went into azkaban himself too, If Harriet hadn't put her foot down in the matter, freeing Draco from azkaban, permanently. And, also announced Draco as the proxy Lord of the House Black in Harriet's absence and until teddy turns 17 to take the responsibility of the Lord Black from Draco, slowly and little by little. Draco lived with Harriet in the Peverell Mansion and helped in raising the two children, as their caring and fun uncle. Harriet and Draco had a platonic relationship, they were best friends, because unlike Hermione, Draco wasn't an obnoxious know-it-all nor was he judgmental, and unlike Ronald, Draco wasn't a jealous prat, who is jealous of harriet's every single achievement and wealth, he also didn't pester Harriet to do as he wanted. Draco is a great friend to have when you finally get to know him and not just his cold mask. Draco also became an astrophysicist as he was also interested in the stars just as much as Harriet was, he is also a magical healer like his mother used to be in magical britain. Harriet explained everything to Draco on the phone and he agreed to come and help her in the project. Harriet hung up the phone and watched as all of her luggage packed up in her travel bags. Harriet quickly got changed after she showered and casted a light-weight charm on her bags. Harriet couldn't help, but feel like this was just the beginning of a new adventure.

Which, to be honest, it was.

The start of a New Story and meeting with a strange man

Third Person's POV

Harriet was inside of Darcy's truck along with Draco. Harriet's laptop was open on which Draco was trying to pinpoint the location of the sudden spike that they saw in their readings. "When jane said that I would go to puente antiguo, I was not thinking all of this." Darcy said from her place in the passenger seat. "You and me both, Darcy." Harriet said with a sigh from her place in the driver's seat. "Is it ready, dray?" Harriet asked Draco. "Yep, it's ready." Draco replied back while nodding his head. Harriet nodded in return and used her magic to keep the car going with darcy supervising it. Darcy is a squib, so she knew all about magic as well as who they were too. Harriet apparated to be beside draco as he opened the roof of the truck, Harriet took the small satellite and placed it on top of the truck. Harriet joined Draco, and sat down beside him and looked at the radar that Draco was holding in his hands. "Nothing's happening." Draco said whilst he frowned. "Yeah. Damn, jane better make sure that she has an extra box of treacle tarts waiting for me." Harriet grumbled under her breath. "Can I turn on the radio?" Darcy asked. "Normally, we wouldn't mind but seeing as we are waiting for something to happen, that I doubt actually would happen, it's a no." Draco replied as Harriet frowned at the radar. "We can't keep on doing this! Can't we just tell jane that there was nothing to be found here?" Darcy asked as she whined. "Jane won't believe us." Harriet replied to darcy this time. "Dray, the laptop." Harriet said and Draco grabbed the laptop again from where he had placed it down and showed it to her. "I should have reminded jane that I'm an astrophysicist and a doctor, but I'm not a storm chaser." Harriet said as she looked through jane's files at the several weather and storm occurrences included in them. "She believes that there is a connection between all of these atmospheric disturbances and her research." Darcy replied and gained twin looks of disbelief from Harriet and Draco. "What?" "You actually sounded sane for a moment there. You copied that from jane, didn't you?" Draco said, as he narrowed his eyes at Darcy in accusation.

"I might have read that in her journal." Darcy shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. "Alright. Well, we can't give up now." Harriet said. "We are already in the middle of the sandy New Mexico dessert and I'm definitely not leaving here without something that would actually prove that we all did not just come here for absolutely nothing." Harriet said before Darcy called out to her. "Harriet?" Darcy said while she looked at the truck's side mirror. "I think you just got your wish." Harriet went towards the nearest window and looked outside of it. Harriet felt her eyes widen in amazement as she saw the beginnings of an Aurora formation into the night sky right before her very own eyes. Harriet hurriedly went back to the truck's open roof and gazed at the Aurora formation. "I thought you said that it was a subtle aurora?" Draco asked slightly dazed. "Ask that question to jane. At least now we have something! Darcy, put your seatbelt on!" Harriet exclaimed and apparated to the driver's seat and drove towards the aurora. "Draco, the camera!" "Got it!" Draco grabbed the video camera and filmed the aurora formation. "What is that?!" Darcy asked when she saw a flaming mass descend from the center of the aurora. "Oh God?!" Harriet and Draco exclaimed together as they saw the mass make contact with the ground, creating shockwaves that caused the sand around the truck to fly up in the air. "I don't know about you two, but I'm not dying for this research!" Darcy shouted amidst the explosion that the impact caused. "I agree, let's go back!" Draco said in agreement as he closed the camcorder and moved away from the disturbance happening on the outside. They were about to turn when a pillar of clouds appeared in their way. Harriet made to swerve the truck but before she could do that, lightning struck in the center of the pillar and the next thing they knew, was that there was a man, who crashed on the front of their truck, and then he rolled into the sandy dunes of New Mexico's dessert. With the male's sudden appearance, the aurora slowly diminished and the foreboding storm halted to a sudden stop. Harriet, Draco and Darcy, all exchanged panicked looks before opening the doors of the truck and getting out to check up on the man.

"This is not even worth the treacle tarts boxes anymore!" Harriet exclaimed. "Can't we just blame jane and tell the police that it's her fault?" Darcy suggested, as they neared the man laying down on the sand. "Draco, get the first aid kit, quick!" Harriet called and Draco hurriedly went back to get the first aid kit from the truck. Darcy turned on the flashlight in her hand to light up Harriet's and her own way to the knocked out male. "Oh god, please don't be dead." Harriet said, as she kneeled down beside the man, before she reached out to his neck to check for a pulse.

Thor had just been banished from his home by his very own father at that too, and then he was knocked out. Now, Thor was woken up by a melody like, rather a siren like voice. Thor's warrior instincts kicked in, and he focused on his surroundings with his closed eyes before he half opened his eyes to see what was happening. What Thor saw, took his breath away, beautiful emerald green, jewel like eyes, were looking over at thor, with concern sparkling in the female's eyes. The emerald eyed female then reached over to touch thor, and thor tensed up as he remembered how vulnerable and defenseless he currently was. Thor tensed and growled at the female, who became startled at the action and she jumped back slightly, thor then stood up and started calling out for his hammer.

Harriet watched as the man started to shout for a hammer? Whatever. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that he's hammered. It's very obvious." Darcy commented. "Trust me, I'm actually wishing of getting hammered myself right now too." Harriet said as she watched the man walk in circles. Harriet sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, and before she looked down. Harriet then spotted something that was illuminating and decided turn the light towards it. "Darcy, point the light here, Draco look!" Harriet said to Draco, who was slightly gawking at the man with the first aid kit in his arms. Draco looked down at what harriet was pointing at and darcy pointed the flashlight there to see it. There, on the ground, was a burnt image plastered in the sand. Harriet and draco had never seen such an image created by a simple lightning strike. Draco took out the camcorder after Harriet asked him to and captured every detail of the intricate design. "Um, stelly, we should probably take him to the hospital first." Draco said turning Harriet's attention back to the shouting male. "Oh, he's fine, just look at him." Darcy said as she gestured towards the man. "Father! Heimdall! I know that you can hear me! Open the Bifrost!!" The male shouted loudly up at the sky. "Scratch that, it's actually the mental hospital that we need to go to." Draco said, getting the male's attention towards the three of them.

"You," The male said as he pointed straight at Harriet. "What realm is this?" The male questioned the dumbfounded Harriet. "Um, New Mexico?" Darcy replied, her statement sounded like a question instead of an answer as she pointed her flashlight towards the male. The male's eyes narrowed at the flashlight. "You dare to threaten me?! You puny-" The male was cut off by Darcy, who clicked the taser gun in her hands, making it latch onto the male and give him an electric shock until he was knocked out. "Oh My God!!" Harriet exclaimed, getting up to her feet from sheer shock and surprise. Harriet looked down at the unconscious man and then looked up at Darcy. "What! He was freaking me out!" Darcy defended herself. "Dray, what are we going to do?!" Harriet panicked, worried for the male and this whole situation, as she looked up at Draco, who patted her back to comfort her as well as calm her down but he was also slightly panicked himself too. "Hey, harriet, ready to date Mr. Insane over there?" Darcy asked as she pointed over at the unconscious male laying down on the sand. "Not the time, Darcy!" Harriet exclaimed, while slapping her forehead. "What! You promised!" Darcy retorted.

"Next time, don't randomly taser an unknown man." Draco grumbled as he levitated the unconscious male inside of the truck. "If you don't mind me asking, why in the world do you even have a taser gun in the first place?" Harriet asked Darcy, as she got inside of the truck too after draco, along with Dracy. "Oh this, I've always had it with me, this was actually the first time that I used it though." Darcy shrugged and Harriet sighed again. Harriet, Draco and Dracy all stared down at the male. He was built, that much was pretty obvious. The male's body was pure muscles, judging by the man's arms and hinted by the tight fit of the T-Shirt, that he was wearing. He was also tall as well, maybe somewhere around 6 feet and 3 inches, give or take. He has blond hair and if memory serves them right than his irises were blue. "Do you think he needs CPR? Cause I totally know CPR." Darcy spoke after a few contemplating moments. "He was brutally tasered not drowned." Harriet said in a deadpan before she moved to the front of the truck and sat down in the driver's seat as Draco followed her lead and settled in the back of the truck as well. "I was just putting it out there." Darcy said as she also sat down in her place in the passenger's seat. "But, in more important matters, are you jealous, Harriet?" Darcy teased harriet. "Darcy!" Harriet scolded her.

"I told you that I was bloody joking, when I said that I'll date the first guy that fell down from the sky a few days ago!" Harriet exclaimed with exasperation. "And I said that I was serious! Besides, he's hot! Have you seen those biceps of his?" Darcy retorted. "I don't care, I still won't date a stranger or anyone for that matter!" Harriet said as she started the truck. "But, you don't deny that he's hot?" Darcy asked with a cheeky grin. "Look, Darcy, that guy over there is without a doubt, insane. You tasered him for that very reason, remember?" Harriet said pointing to the guy with her thumb. "I tasered him because he went all crazy on me. If he just left me alone then I would have been content to admire his well shaped backside in leave." Darcy shrugged. "You do realize that you still haven't denied him being hot, right?" "Ugh! Darcy!" "Can we just get to the hospital already?" Draco interrupted the two of them. "Yes, the hospital!" Harriet said and drove the truck faster to get to the hospital quicker. They all quickly reached there and Harriet stopped the truck. Harriet, Draco and Darcy all got off the truck and asked some of the male nurses for their assistance. They led them to the unconscious male laying down in the back of the truck. The nurses placed the male on a stretcher and then wheeled him away, inside of the hospital and off to a room to be examined. Harriet and her friends, however, were led to the main counter to give information about the patient.

"Name?" The nurse at the counter asked. Harriet looked at her two friends behind her before she thought quickly and answered the nurse. "Um, Thomas Black." Harriet said. "Thomas Black." The nurse repeated as she entered the name into the computer to be registered as a new patient. "And your relationship with him?" She asked again. "I've never met him before." Harriet replied. "Until she hit him with a car." Darcy interrupted. "He came out of nowhere and she tasered him." Harriet swiftly added back. "Yes, I did." Darcy unrepentantly admitted. Draco dragged the two of them away after Harriet finished answering the nurse's questions. "Did you have to tell her that we practically hit the man with the truck?" Draco asked Darcy, looking at her like she was mad. "What? Withholding information might prove to be detrimental to his immediate recovery." Darcy said with a shrug. Harriet sighed, "She's right." And Draco just gave Darcy an odd look. "That is the second time today that you've actually made sense. God, this day is getting weirder by the second." Draco groaned. "Hey, I can definitely say something smart every now and then, you know." Darcy retorted. "Darcy, no offense, but trust me when I say this, the fact that you are suddenly making sense is more troubling than meeting a skydiving guy, who didn't bother himself with wearing a parachute." Harriet said as she walked past the two of them and got into the driver's seat again. Darcy grumbled before she got into the passenger seat too and Draco went back to his own seat in the back of the truck. "Where are we going now?" Draco asked. "Back to the research HQ, dray. We've done enough storm chasing for the night." Harriet replied whilst she put on her seatbelt. The trio then left the hospital and went back to their base.

For the next few days, Thor fought with the nurses and doctors in the hospital while phil coulson from SHIELD found thor's hammer, Mjolnir.

He was inside the Einstein-Rosen Bridge?! He might know something!

Third Person's POV

Harriet, Draco and Darcy, were all working hard for the next few days. Draco was made to print out some of the readings and darcy pinned some of the prints to the board as per Harriet's directions. While those two were busy, Harriet cleared out a desk and placed all of her notes on wormholes along with Jane's journal there. The two astrophysicists exchanged papers and opinions about each and everything that they would find unusual about the readings. "You don't think that it was a magnetic storm, right?" Draco asked Harriet. "Here, look at the lensing around these edges," Harriet said and gestured towards the paper and then to her computer screen, where an enlarged copy of the picture was presented on full screen. "It's the characteristic of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge." Harriet said. "A what?" Darcy asked in confusion. "Aren't you a major in science?" Draco asked her in his normal condescending voice. "Political Science." Darcy corrected shrugging off draco's tone of voice as if it were nothing but dust on her dress. "She was the only one who signed up when jane was looking for interns." Harriet explained slightly to draco, who sighed before he turned his attention back to darcy again. "An Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a theoretical connection between two different points in space and time." Draco said and Darcy looked even more confused before she turned to harriet. "It's a wormhole." Harriet replied at Darcy's look. Draco gave harriet an unimpressed look.

"You were making things too complicated for her brain to understand." Harriet said before she turned to look at one of the scans on her desk. "Dray, look here, what do you see?" "Stars." "Correct, stars. But, look again," Harriet said and now moved another scan and showed it to Draco. "This is not one of our stars." Harriet said as she pointed to the said star and Draco looked over at it as she started to explain her observations. "See here? This. This is the star alignment of our quadrant, for this time of the year." Harriet pointed to one of the star formations. "And, unless Ursa Minor has decided to take a day off, these are someone else's constellations." Harriet said as she looked up at Draco. "Um, guys, you might want to look at this..." Darcy said with her gaze fixed on one of the scans that they had managed to take with the camcorder. Draco and Harriet looked towards the image that she was pointing at. The image, that Darcy was referring to was one of the few ones that they were able to get a scan of, when the sudden pillar or the wormhole had formed in the clouds. They stood and stared dumbfounded as an imprint of a man's figure was clearly seen in the scan.

"No, it can't be." Harriet muttered to herself. "I guess this proves that he wasn't actually some adrenaline junky who had decided to go skydiving with no precautions." Draco said. Harriet looked at the scan for a few moments longer before she held up her hand and waved it over all of their equipments and research notes, all of the back ups and all of the backups of their backups. "What was that?" Darcy asked as Harriet held out her hand again and a remote with a single button appeared on her palm. "Precaution. I didn't get a chance to cast this spell before but now I had the chance, so I did." Harriet said. "It's that spell, isn't it?" Draco asked already knowing the answer that he will receive from harriet. "Yup." Harriet replied. "What spell?" "Its a spell that stelly here created, she made it when she was still studying in the university, a thomas guy had tried to steal harriet's important work and present it as his own, it didn't work out because harriet always has her signature mark on all of her work, but as a precaution she still made a spell. This spell attaches several mini ink erasing spells and self destructing spells in little bubbles which go off once harriet presses the button in her hand. The destructing spells render the equipment useless and the ink erasing spells completely vanish the writing on the papers and also the images without anyone knowing." Draco explained as Darcy listened to him with rapt attention. (Stelly is Harriet's nickname, Draco shortened her middle name 'Estelle' to 'Stelly'). "That is so cool!" Darcy exclaimed. "Darcy, hold on to it." Harriet said and handed the button to Darcy. "Are you sure that it's a good idea to give this to her? She seems to be too excited to press the button." Draco asked harriet whilst looking at darcy with cautiousness. "Yes, that is why I gave it to her. She is the only one out of the three of us, who will use it after I say to without any hesitation." Harriet said before she got up and took out a treacle tart from her treacle tart boxes stash and walked past the two of them while she munched on her favorite food. "Let's get going." Harriet said turning to look at the two behind her. "Where are we going?" Draco asked her. "I think we left something at the hospital a few days ago." Harriet said before she turned back around and walked out of the door with Draco and Darcy scrambling behind her to catch up with her speed.

Harriet walked out of the hospital in defeat with her shoulders slumped. "I can't believe that I just lost a vital piece of evidence!" Harriet said before she muttered, "Typical." to herself. "I already told you to never let go of a man once he comes into your life." Darcy said in a matter of fact type of tone of voice. "Darcy, for the last time, we are not talking about my non-existent love life!" Harriet groaned. "What do we do now?" Draco asked Harriet. "We find him." Harriet said with determination. "That's the spirit, girl! Go get your man!" Darcy cheered and Harriet turned to her with a deadpan before she shook her head and ignored Darcy completely. "Stelly, you saw what he did inside of the hospital. We shouldn't get close to such a dangerous muggle." Draco said as he shook his head. "Draco with all of these things happening, I'm starting to doubt if he even is a muggle. Either way, even if he is a muggle or not, I need answers and I won't rest until I've got them." Harriet said with determination as she looked into Draco's eyes and he knew that it was lost cause trying to dissuade Harriet now, so Draco just sighed before he nodded his head in defeat and assent to his friend. "So, are we gonna search all of New Mexico for him?" Darcy asked and Harriet nodded with a 'Yes'. Darcy took out her taser gun to knock the guy out once they find him. Draco sighed again before he got into the passenger seat and Harriet got into the driver's seat with Darcy getting into the back seat, they were in Harriet's black mercedes car and not Darcy's truck. Harriet looked at the back through the rear view mirror as she drove the car in reverse gear. Harriet was about to get the car out of the parking spot, when suddenly the man that they were searching for appeared and before Harriet could stop the car, the guy was hit, again.

"Bloody hell!" Draco exclaimed as Harriet stopped the car and got out with the other two, before she rushed towards the unconscious male. "I'm so sorry!" Harriet exclaimed, whilst falling down to her knees beside the man. "I swear that I have no grudge against you and that I'm not hitting you with my car on purpose!" Harriet rushed as Draco and Darcy stood behind her. Harriet sighed in relief, after she felt the steady pulse of the male, he was just unconscious, not dead. "You know, this is actually the second time, that the man has laid himself down at your feet." Darcy said with clear suggestion in her voice. Draco slapped his forehead as Harriet exclaimed, "Darcy!" In a scolding tone of voice. "I was trying to relieve the tension!" Darcy whined. Harriet huffed and looked around the parking lot to see if anyone else was there, before she levitated the man up and loaded him in the backseat before they all left to go to the Research HQ again.

Harriet sighed as she looked through her trunk for clothes that she could transfigure for the male, who was currently taking a shower in her rooms' bathroom. She finally picked out a shirt and jeans before she transfigured them to the size that she assumed would fit the male. Thor walked out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist to preserve his dignity. Thor looked around the big weird sleeping chamber and quickly found his host, who was bending over a trunk full of clothes. Thor looked at her and he had the perfect view of her ***. Thor had to admit that her *** was fine, and looking at it more, made Thor's blood race towards south quickly. 'What are you doing, Thor?! You've been with plenty of women before then why does this woman have such an effect on you?' Thor thought to himself and shook his head before he looked at her again. 'But she is beautiful, more beautiful than any that I've ever seen, she is... Special.' Thor concluded before his host stood up to her short height of barely 5'6 and turned towards him with clothes in her hands. Harriet's eyes widened in shock as she was Thor practically *****, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. "I, uh, umm." Harriet stuttered for the first time ever since she went on her first date with Cedric. "Like what you see?" Thor asked with a grin on his face. Harriet shook her head before she cleared her throat. "These are the only clothes that I could find, which would, hopefully, fit you." Harriet said and handed the clothes to the male. "These would suffice." Thor said before he dropped the towel and Harriet's eyes widened. Harriet caught a glimpse of something that she really shouldn't have looked at. Harriet blushed bright red and Thor found himself liking that shade of colour on her pale skin. "Get changed and come out when your ready." Harriet said and then rushed out of the room. Thor chuckled to himself before he got changed.

"You alright?" Draco asked as he looked down at a red faced Harriet. "I'm fine." Harriet said before she waved a hand to her face and her face cooled. Harriet sat down at her desk before the male came out of the room a minute later. "Hey, sorry I tasered you!" Darcy exclaimed and Thor raised a questioning eyebrow at her, whilst Harriet gave Darcy a look that said, 'Seriously, Darcy?' "What she meant to say was, are you alright now? Do you need anything?" Draco asked from where he stood beside Harriet. "This mortal form has grown weak, I need sustenance." Thor said to the humans in front of him. "Hear that Harriet? He needs sustenance. I think you are more than enough for him, you up for it, girl?" Darcy wiggled her eyebrows at Harriet, who restrained herself from punching a wall and breaking it. Harriet stood up from her seat, turned around and gestured for Draco before she got out of the lab. "Let's go and get you, your sustenance." Draco said with a strained smile towards Thor before he turned to Darcy. "And, Darcy, behave or I'll lock you in your room." Draco threatened before he led Thor outside with a pouting Darcy following behind them. They all got into the car and Harriet drove them all of them to Isabella's Diner. "Oh, hello Harriet!" Isabella, the owner of the diner, greeted Harriet and Harriet waved back at her before she, along with the others, took a seat at a table. "Hello, welcome to Isabella's, what can I get for you today?" The waitress asked. "We'd like four plates of-" "The unborn. Four plates of the unborn." Darcy cut Harriet off, speaking in a monotonous voice. Draco gave her a glare and Thor raised an eyebrow at Darcy. "What?" The waitress asked. "She means eggs, scrambled please with bacon and coffee for all of us." Harriet said with a comforting smile towards the waitress, who calmed down slightly before she nodded and left to get there orders. "What?!" Darcy whined under Harriet's glare and Harriet sighed before their order came and Thor started to eat.

Harriet stared at the male in front of her in disbelief, he had eaten so much food by now that she could only stare at him in disbelief along with draco. "So... So how did you get inside that cloud?" Harriet decided to ask him the questions that she had in mind. "Also, how could you eat a whole box of pop tarts and a large serving of scrambled eggs with double bacon and sausage and yet still be hungry?" Draco asked him, half way impressed with him and the other half of him was repulsed  by the blond male. Thor drank the last bit of his coffee, seeming to be liking it a lot. "This drink, I like it." Thor said, gesturing to his now empty coffee mug. "I know right, it's great. It's called coffee." Darcy said. "Another!" Thor said and smashed the coffee mug down to the ground. The three's eyes widened before Harriet quickly got down and picked up the broken mug. "Sorry, Izzie. It was an accident. Please put it along with the bill." Harriet apologized to the owner, who just smiled at the woman's politeness. "What was that all about?" Harriet asked Thor after she sat back down in her seat again and turned to him. "It was delicious. I want another." "Well, you could've just said so." "I just did." Thor chuckled slightly. "No, I mean, ask nicely." Thor looked down at his host, whose name he learned was Harriet, she seemed to be clearly upset. "I meant no disrespect." Thor said, more seriously than expected. "It's alright, just don't smash anything else." Harriet said with a smile. Thor nodded, slightly feeling embarrassed at making a bad impression on his host. "You have my word." Thor said and he meant it. Thor realized that what he did, was what he had been doing for years now and people just allowed it, but it was wrong. "Alright." Harriet said.

A guy came inside the diner and sat down behind them at the bar. "You missed all of the excitement today at the crater. They're saying that it's some kind of satellite that landed outside in the desert." Harriet, Draco and Darcy all turned their heads towards him at that. "A satellite?" Izzie asked the guy.

"Yeah. We were having a good time with it." The guy replied to izzie. "Excuse me. You said that there was a satellite crash?" Harriet politely asked the guy. "Yeah." "What did it look like? The satellite?" Draco asked him with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't know anything about satellites, but it was heavy." The guy replied casually. That statement made Thor stop eating and listen to the conversation. "I mean, no one could lift it." Thor smiled to himself and got up. "They said that it was radioactive, I had my hands all over it." The guy said with wild hand gestures. Thor walked over to the guy at the bar. "Which way?" Thor asked him. The guy was surprised at seeing the all muscle tank that was Thor. "Uh ... Fifty miles west of here." Thor nodded a thank you and walked out. "But I wouldn't waste my time!" The guy called. "It looked like the whole army was coming when we left." Thor still walked out of the diner without a second glance back. "What?" Harriet asked slightly dazed before she came back to her senses. Harriet got up and got her jacket. "Pay for the food and the mug!" Harriet gave her wallet to draco before she ran out of the door after Thor. Harriet ran out of the diner after Thor, who was now walking down the street, where cars were stopping and the driver's were all yelling at him to get out of their way. Thor was reading the sky and finding west with its help. Harriet ran up to him. "Where are you going?" Harriet asked looking up at him and damn Thor was tall, Harriet barely even reached his shoulders, damnit. "Fifty miles west of here." Thor replied calmly. "Why?" Harriet asked with confusion but she had a hunch as to why. "To get what belongs to me. Nothing more." Thor said with a certain firmness in his voice.

"Oh, so you own a satellite now?" Harriet quirked an eyebrow at him. "It's not what they say it is." Thor said with a shake of his head. "Well, whatever it is the mugg.." Harriet started, and Thor noticed that she stopped before she said something that she obviously shouldn't say and Thor wondered why and what it was that she couldn't say. "The government seems to think that it's theirs. They won't let you take whatever that is. But, you just intend to go in and take it?" Harriet asked him, almost slipping up and saying 'Muggle government'. "Yes." Thor smiled down at the polite human. "If you take me there now, I'll tell you everything that you wish to know." Thor offered harriet a trade. "Everything?" Harriet asked. "This doesn't look good." Darcy murmured to herself from behind harriet and beside draco. "All the answers will be yours, once I reclaim Mjölnir." Thor said as he nodded in agreement to Harriet. "Harriet, can I have a word?" Draco called from behind her before Harriet could answer Thor. Harriet was slightly surprised, that right there, was Draco's worried/serious tone of voice mixed with using the name 'Harriet' instead of 'Stelly'. "Excuse me." Harriet said to Thor before she walked a slight distance away with Draco, to talk to him privately. "What is it?" "Don't do this, stelly." "But, draco he has all of the answers!" "He's mental, stelly! He's talking about Mjölnir and the bifrost. Myths and legends." "Draco, we are also Myths and legends, witches and wizards are long dead and buried under the ground for muggles. We've read about Mjölnir in history books at Hogwarts." "Those were never confirmed, stelly. They were all questionable and all of them were unfinished evidences, nothing was proved." Harriet sighed at Draco. "Look, I'm just gonna drive him there, nothing else." Harriet said. "But, what if you get caught by the muggle authorities?! You may be the Woman-who-conquered but even you have limits! Think about the wizarding world!" Draco hissed slightly similar to a snake.

Harriet knew that she couldn't get caught by the muggles, if she were to be found by them, then it wouldn't even be a few hours before the whole wizarding world knows of her location. She hasn't let anyone know of her location for years now in order to protect her children. Harriet sighed before she nodded in agreement to Draco. "I'm sorry but I can't take you there." Harriet said turning to thor, truly apologetic for not taking Thor where he wanted to go. "Then, this is where we say goodbye." Thor said with a rather dashing smile on his face before he gently grabbed Harriet's right hand and pressed a kiss on it. Harriet felt her face start to heat up slightly before she mentally shook herself out of her reverie. 'Get yourself together, Harriet!' Harriet yelled at herself inside of her mind. "Um, thank you." Harriet said with a small and gentle smile towards thor. "Harriet Peverell, Draco Malfoy, and Darcy Lewis, farewell." Thor said before he left. "Well, that was anticlimactic." Darcy commented. Harriet and her companions then returned back to their base before they all saw a black and glossy truck with all of their equipments. "Hey, that's our stuff!" Harriet said before she rushed inside their base along with Darcy. "Great." Draco muttered with a frown on his face before he also went after his friend. "What the hell is going on here?" Harriet asked with anger. "Miss Peverell, I'm Agent Coulson from SHIELD." The man in the black suit said. Harriet restrained herself from widening her eyes. SHIELD was the spy organisation that her little sister, Natasha, worked at. However, Natasha had requested Harriet to never disclose their relationship to the organization or anyone from it, as it would put her and the kids in danger and on other evil organizations' radar for being related and connected to the Black Widow. Harriet is able protect herself and the kids with her magic really well, and she had also said the same to Natasha, but she was adamant on her request, and who was Harriet to deny her little sister's request? (Natasha was born on the 1st of August at 12:15, while Harriet was born at 11:59 on the 31st of July).

"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Harriet asked instead. Coulson was stiff, though he had a small grin on his face, as his men were loading all of their equipments into trucks. "You can't do this!" "Harriet. This is a lot more serious than you realize. Let it go." Draco said calmly. "Let it go?!" Harriet snapped at him. "All of this is Jane's life! She spent days on all of this! She trusted me with all of this!" Harriet exclaimed. "Miss Peverell, we are investigating a security threat. We need to appropriate your records and all of your atmospheric data." "Fancy term you have for stealing!" Harriet said with her hands clenched into fists. "Here, this should be more than enough to compensate you for your equipments." Agent Coulson said. Harriet shoved the cheque back to the man. "I'm rich Mr. Agent, I don't need your money! And I have not bought all of these equipments at radio shack! Jane and I, both have made most of these equipments ourselves!" Harriet said fiercely, her inner lioness raising her head to snarl at the threat. "And I'm sure that you will again." Coulson said simply. "And I'm sure that I can sue you for violating my constitutional rights!" Harriet snapped again.  "I'm sorry Ms. Peverell." Coulson said. "But we're the good guys." Draco snorted at that. "I've heard that before," Draco spoke. Coulson looked at him. "They lied."

"I'm on the verge of understanding something extraordinary." Harriet spoke, trying to calm herself down. "And everything that I know about this phenomenon is either in this lab..." Harriet pointed to the lab.  "... or in this book." Harriet showed them the notebook that she had made herself. "And You can't just ..." Harriet was cut off as an Agent walked by and grabbed the book from her hand. "Hey!" Harriet snapped and went to take it back. "Stelly!" Draco grabbed her and held her place in between his arms, he knew that if he let her go now, then there would be hell to pay for these people. Draco looked at Darcy and she quickly grabbed Harriet's free hands to calm her down. They closed the van doors. "Thank you for your cooperation." Coulson said before he walked way and left. Harriet let out a frustrated scream after they had all left and Draco let her go after a few seconds when he deemed her to be calm enough not to murder anyone. "Darcy, press that button." Harriet turned to Darcy, who quickly scrambled and took out remote from her jeans pocket before she pressed it without any hesitation. As soon as the button was pressed, Harriet felt her magic course through the air around her and dart towards the vans before her magic rendered the equipments useless and vanished away the ink from the papers and the images disappeared from the pictures, and all of that happened without anyone noticing. "Ha." Harriet huffed in satisfaction before she took in a deep breath, calming herself down, and then she started to walk out of the lab. "Where are you going?" Draco asked her. "I'm going to get our guest back." Harriet said before she looked back at draco in the eyes. As she did that all of the protests died down in Draco's throat as he saw the look on Harriet's face. Draco mutely nodded to Harriet before she left.

Thor walked into a pet shop. "I need a horse." Thor said to the guy on the front desk. "We don't have those, just dogs, cats, birds..." "Then give me those large enough to ride to a far distance-" Thor spoke but he was cut off by a honking sound from behind him and outside of the shop. "Hey!" Harriet called out to him from her Mercedes. "You still need a ride?" Harriet asked him with a smile. Thor felt butterflies in his stomach at seeing Harriet again, he was very happy to see her. Thor smiled and ran out of the shop and into the car before they drove off. "I swear, I haven't done anything like this in quite awhile now." Harriet said before she glanced at Thor. "Have you ever done anything like this before?" Harriet asked him curiously. "Many times, but you are very brave to do it." Thor replied. "Well, they did steal my friend's and my work. I don't have much to lose now anyway." Harriet shrugged. "Aye, you are clever, far more clever than anyone else in this realm." Thor praised her. "Realm? Really?" Harriet said. "You think me strange?" Thor asked her. "Yes. Yes, I do." Harriet replied back to him simply. "Good strange or bad strange?" Thor asked Harriet curiously. "I'm not quite sure about that yet." Harriet said and glanced at Thor. The car shook as they were driving off the road and into the grass and sand due to Harriet's momentary distraction. "Ah!" Harriet exclaimed and then quickly got them back on the road. "I'm sorry!" Harriet laughed whilst apologizing and Thor chuckled before he too started to laugh. Thor liked the sound of Harriet's laughter, it was amazing to hear, like a melody dedicated solely to you.

"Who are you really?" Harriet asked after her laughter subsided. "You'll see soon enough." Thor said. "Oh come on, please." Harriet said and Thor looked down at her. "What you seek, what brought me here, is a bridge." "A bridge." Harriet repeated. "More like a rainbow bridge." Harriet looked straight into Thor's eyes for a second and she saw nothing but the truth. "That is the latest crazy thing that I've heard, and despite it being and sounding crazy, I have feeling that you're telling the truth." Harriet said sincerely before she turned back to focus on the road and Thor smiled down at her.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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