I Became The Bunny Daughter Of The MALE Lead
Walk together?
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Princess I will make the dress as soon as possible hope you will like it
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Hesitate* it's OK
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Then i will be going now
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Nods* bye
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Bye princess see you soon
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Linda (Fl's maid)
Princess do you want to go to the garden for a walk
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Linda (Fl's maid)
Please wait here I will be back in a minute
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
*I wonder what's wrong *
If I remember correctly according to the novel in the mansion of the male lead there was a garden that the wife of male lead loved very much…
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
*But am I allowed to go there if I remembered correctly in the novel Ichigo was not allowed to go there*
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
I guess Linda doesn't know or she is just being kind to me
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
*Mind full of thoughts*
At the room of Young master.....
Linda (Fl's maid)
It's me Linda
Haru (Fl's brother)
Come in
Linda (Fl's maid)
Young master do you want to go for a walk
Haru (Fl's brother)
Not really as you can see i am busy with work
Linda (Fl's maid)
I see it's sad but the young lady wants to have a walk with you
Haru (Fl's brother)
Linda (Fl's maid)
Acts* yes she really wished to walk with her big brother as you are her family, but as you don't want to then i will go......
Haru (Fl's brother)
Haru (Fl's brother)
I am almost done with my work let's go together
Linda (Fl's maid)
Smirk* yes
she is literally want to fix their relationship 😂
all things