I Became The Bunny Daughter Of The MALE Lead
Light dress?
Linda (Fl's maid)
My Lady I am back...
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Linda (Fl's maid)
Oh my you fell asleep
Linda (Fl's maid)
So cute*
Linda (Fl's maid)
Leaves the room*
Suddenly someone opens the door......
Haru (Fl's brother)
Haru (Fl's brother)
She is sleeping?
Haru (Fl's brother)
*she really is cute*
Haru (Fl's brother)
Young master?
Haru (Fl's brother)
She called me that, but aren't I her brother
Haru (Fl's brother)
I wonder why
Haru (Fl's brother)
Never mind let's meet later Little lady smirk*
Haru (Fl's brother)
Closes the door*
Linda (Fl's maid)
My Lady woke up!
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Oh Linda is something wrong?
Linda (Fl's maid)
Nope my lady, but the designer has come to see you
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
*Why is a designer here?*
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
But why
Linda (Fl's maid)
To measure you and make beautiful dress for you to wear
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Linda (Fl's maid)
I am telling her to come in then
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Comes in*
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Hello princess
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
*princess? It's really awkward to hear*
Nina (dress designer of fl)
I am kazuma Nina it's a pleasure to meet you princess
Can I measure you?
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
After the measurement is done.....
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Ok princess for now please see these dresses…
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Please try them all....
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ok tries first dress*
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Linda (Fl's maid)
*So cute I knew it*
Nina (dress designer of fl)
*She is really beautiful*
After trying all the dresses....
Nina (dress designer of fl)
My Lady which one do you like more
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
I don't really know
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Anyone of them is fine
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Do you don't like the dress my lady
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
No ofc not they are really beautiful
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
It's just as I am not used to wearing dresses it is too much for me to wear
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
For me a light and simple dress is good
Nina (dress designer of fl)
I see
Linda (Fl's maid)
My Lady so what type of dress do you want to wear
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
I prefer the dress I am wearing now as it is not heavy and light
Nina (dress designer of fl)
So you like these types of clothes
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Princess don't worry I will definitely make light dress for you to wear comfortably
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Suddenly remembers*
Nina (dress designer of fl)
What about this dress it is not much heavy?
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
It's really cute
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Isn't it?
Linda (Fl's maid)
Yes it really is it will definitely look good on my lady
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Please wear this dress....
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Nina (dress designer of fl)
Oh my you are looking so beautiful
Linda (Fl's maid)
*I want to hug her*
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Ichigo de Hoshimiya (FL)
Thank you