I Can Augment My Statuses In Tales Of Demons And Gods

I Can Augment My Statuses In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter no.1

As Lin Lingtian regained consciousness, the pain in his head hit him like a freight train. He groaned, his eyes struggling to open against the heavy veil of darkness that enveloped him. The throbbing in his skull was so intense that it felt as though his head had been kicked by a donkey, deformed and twisted beyond recognition.

Forcing himself to focus, Lin Lingtian tried to make sense of his surroundings. The air was thick with the stench of damp mold, mud, and cold wet earth. He could feel the gritty, rough surface of the ground beneath him, sending shivers of discomfort up his spine.

As the pain in his head intensified, he struggled to piece together the events that had led to his current predicament. He wasn't a heavy drinker, only indulging in alcohol on special occasions. So why did he feel as though he had a massive hangover?

Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his mind, as though his intracranial pressure had suddenly spiked. His brain felt as though it were about to explode, assaulted by a barrage of unfamiliar memories and sensations that flooded his consciousness like a deluge.

Overwhelmed by the onslaught, Lin Lingtian's legs gave way, his eyes rolling back into his head as he collapsed into unconsciousness once again. As he slipped away into the darkness, the strange and unsettling visions continued to plague his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers.


Lin Lingtian, or "Xiao Lin" as he was known, was a young orphan in Glory City, where demon beasts often attacked, leaving children without parents. Despite the hardships, Xiao Lin had a slightly stronger physique than the other orphans and would often help out at the orphanage.

At the age of three, Xiao Lin was adopted by the Sacred Family, but his life would take a dark turn when it was revealed that he possessed a red soul realm. Instead of being treated as a member of the family, he was relegated to the position of a servant.

For ten long years, Lin Lingtian endured abuse and ridicule from his fellow servants and members of the Sacred Family. Others with a red soul realm, like him, would either die from mistreatment or commit suicide to escape the agony of their existence. But Lin was determined to survive, to rise above his station and make something of himself.

He took on extra jobs, working in the library, horse stables, and even cleaning bathrooms to save money. Every night, he trained tirelessly, building his strength and skill, hoping to one day earn his freedom and join the Holy Orchid to achieve his dreams.

And finally, after a decade of perseverance, he had saved enough money to buy himself out of servitude and had even achieved the rank of 2-star bronze fighter. But when he presented the money to Elder Shen Ming, the man in charge of the Sacred Family, he was met with anger and resentment.

"You dare to ask for your freedom?" Elder Shen Ming bellowed. "You, a lowly servant, think you are worthy to leave my family? You are courting death!"

In a swift motion, Elder Shen Ming injected Lin's dantian with soul force, breaking his soul realm and leaving him in the street, kicked out of the Sacred Family.

For a moment, Lin was consumed by hatred and resentment, all the anger he had held in his heart for so long was finally boiling over. As darkness threatened to claim him, he cried out to the heavens, demanding to know why he had been dealt such an unfair hand, why the Sacred Family could not suffer as he had.


Lin Lingtian's eyes fluttered open, the world around him shrouded in a haze of smoke and confusion. As he struggled to gather his thoughts, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he had transmigrated into another world. A world of darkness and pain, where the innocent were crushed underfoot and the strong preyed upon the weak.

But even in the midst of this despair, Lin Lingtian could not help but feel a glimmer of hope. For he knew, deep down, that his transmigration must have bestowed upon him some kind of incredible power, some kind of golden finger that would allow him to rise above the cruelty of this world and make a difference.

With a wry smile, he whispered to himself, "Status," and to his surprise, a shimmering blue screen appeared before his eyes, like a portal to another dimension. And there, in that virtual world, he saw his fate laid out before him: his strength, his abilities, his very soul, all measured and quantified in a way that he could comprehend.

[ Name : Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age : 13 ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank : White Mortal ]

[ Fighter Rank : 2 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Health : 70/200 ]

[ Stamina : 92/160 ]

[ Strength : 2 ]

[ Speed : 2 ]

[ Soul Realm : Orange Soul Realm ]

[ Soul Attribute : Attributeless ]

[ Soul Form : Yin Wooden Lotus ]

[ Law : ------- ]

[ Soul Force : 59 ]

[ Cultivation technique : ------- ]

[ Skill : Appraisal level 1 ]

[ Positive Status : None ]

[ Negative Status : Heart Demon Soul Contract , Intermediate Injury , Hunger ].

[ Heart Demon Soul Contract : Binds a soul to the body which had formed a Heart Demon out of Resentment and Hatred , Causes Soul to be bind to corpse and due to the resentment and hatred if the owner , the new soul must fulfill the wishes of the previous owner .

(•) Destroy the Sacred Family

(•) Court the one in Lin's heart

Duration : ??? ]

[ Intermediate Injury : All attributes reduced by 20% , Duration : 72 hours ] (+ - )

[ Hunger : Reduces Stamina per hour ] (+ - )

No way , he actually had a system .

Lin pushed the plus button at the back of

[ Intermediate Injury ] and saw that the duration increase .

Now he had a rough understand of what his system could do . He could change the duration a status condition .

Pushing the minus button , the status [ Intermediate Injury ] was gone .

Lin Lingtian slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. Although he had not regained his full health, he could already feel the tension in his body easing, and a newfound freedom of movement that he had not felt in some time. Gingerly sitting up, he gazed around him, taking in his surroundings.

His eyes fell upon a pile of shattered glass, and he noticed, with a sense of surprise, that it had once been a mirror. Curiosity getting the better of him, Lin Lingtian approached the shards, careful not to cut himself. As he peered down at his reflection, he was struck by the sight that greeted him.

Staring back at him was the face of a young boy, no more than thirteen years old. His hair was a shade of dirty blonde that bordered on platinum, and his eyes were a curious shade of greenish blue, like precious gems that shimmered in the light. Despite the injuries that had ravaged his body, he looked quite handsome, with a strong jawline and a determined gaze.

As he took in his appearance, Lin Lingtian couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the resilience of his body. The bruises and wounds that had once marred his skin were nowhere to be found, as if they had never existed in the first place.

He looked at the negative Status [ Heart Demon Soul Contract ] .

As he read through the mysterious status on the blue screen, a shiver ran down Lin Lingtian's spine. He couldn't explain it, but something about those words made him feel uneasy, like he was dancing on the edge of a cliff, about to fall into an endless void.

And then there was that strange question: "Who was Lin's Love?" The words seemed innocuous enough, but they held a dark weight that Lin couldn't quite shake off. Who was this mysterious figure that the previous owner of his body had loved so deeply? And why did the thought of this person fill Lin with such an overwhelming sense of dread?

He tried to put the question out of his mind, but it gnawed at him like a hungry rat. Lin knew that he would have to find out the truth eventually, but for now he had to focus on surviving in this cruel world. The Sacred Family was a formidable enemy, and he had to be careful not to attract their attention with his pitiful level of strength.

As he stood up and brushed off his clothes, Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that it wouldn't be easy.

Lin Lingtian could not help but feel excited . This golden finger did not have any other use other than to change the duration on the status bar.

A single press of the plus button would increase the duration by one minute.After holding it for five seconds, the duration would become infinite.

By pressing the minus button, the duration would be reduced by one minute. After five seconds, the status would disappear completely.

What did that mean?

From his memories , things like pills that could do wonders existed in this world .

This meant that if he ate a pill in the future, it was equivalent to eating this pill forever!

After receiving one enhancement, the power of the enhancement would never disappear! The only shortcoming was that this golden finger was powerless against certain statuses that had no duration.

Take [Hunger] for example. How could hunger, as a status, have a duration such that it disappeared after a period of time?

When it was time to eat, he still had to eat.

Lin Lingtian, whose frame boasted the same sinewy build as any accomplished karate or taekwondo master, emerged from the dingy alley, having tended to his wounds and donned fresh garments from a satchel conveniently located nearby. It was only then that he took note of the darkened skies, a sign that night had fallen upon the world.

As he strode forward, his mind began to reflect on the knowledge that lay hidden within the recesses of his memory. The previous owner of this vessel had harbored ambitions of attending the hallowed halls of the Holy Orchid Institute, where one's soul realm and force were put to the test, and one's innate talent was judged with unerring precision.

For in Glory City, it was the soul realm upon which one's worth was measured. And it was a measure that could make or break a person's destiny.

There were 7 soul realms : Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Cyan , Azure and Indigo .

The previous incarnation of Lin Lingtian had assumed that his two-star bronze rank would grant him a scholarship, a means to showcase his potential for the safeguarding of Glory City. Alas, the corporeal vessel of this fighter required sustenance before such ambitions could be actualized.

After several hours, he stumbled upon a sordid establishment, where he could sate his hunger. As he approached the communal table where the meager rations were doled out, a towering figure with a grotesque scar etched across his visage loomed over the proceedings. This behemoth of a man sported a raven-hued attire that bespoke his dubious occupation.

With a cursory glance, the brute scooped the last dregs of broth from the cauldron, carelessly depositing a slab of roasted meat and a plump steamed bun onto Lin Lingtian's tray, subsequently pushing it towards him. The broth, scant as it was, sloshed haphazardly, staining the wooden surface.

Wordless, Lin Lingtian received the tray, reflecting on the appraisal skill that had journeyed with him from the realm of virtual gaming.

[ Name: Unknown ]

[ Gender : Male ]

[ Class: 4 star Silver rank ]

[ Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous ]

The discovery of a perilous presence lurking within the vicinity of the brothel had left Lin Lingtian in a state of bewilderment. Never did he anticipate that a mere appraising skill would reveal such an ominous truth.

As he trudged towards his abode, Lin Lingtian delved into his memories, endeavoring to shed some light on the matter at hand. Yet, for all his mental efforts, his recollections remained akin to a first-time viewing of a film - a fragmented depiction of events, devoid of the minutiae that often eludes one's memory.

Could it be that the brothel was under the ownership of an influential entity? Or was a powerful patron frequenting these squalid halls, commanding the servitude of those with silver-star rankings?

Such ruminations filled Lin Lingtian's mind as he retreated to his lodgings, seeking respite from the turbulent thoughts that plagued him.

[ Consumed 1 barbecued meat and 1 steamed bun. Hunger status has been removed. ]

[ Added Status: Satiety ]

[Satiety: Restores 1 Stamina per minute. ] [ Duration : 30 minutes ] (− +)

He pressed the plus button .

[ Satiety: Restores 1 Stamina per minute.

Duration: ∞] (-)

It was another new status, and the effect was actually quite good.

As he sat with a heavy heart and a full stomach, Lin Lingtian couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling deep within him.

He calmly thought about it and only came to one conclusion that actually made a lot of sense .

The guy was from the Dark Guild .

A secret organization of criminals which is the driving force behind most illegal activities in Glory City .They are considered the enemy of the

Glory City's ruling families.

According to the memories of Lin Lingtian , the young master of Sacred Family frequently visited many brothels so the best answer for why such a powerful expert that may or may not be from the Dark guild was in this brothel is that the young master of the sacred family was here and the spy was going to assassinate the young master .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian stood and decided to leave this establishment .

He didn't know what was the purpose of the spy . Nor was he strong enough to protect himself if a fight broke out between the spy and members of the sacred family . There must be more members of the Dark Guild . He didn't know how many were there and the unknown scared him.


Sitting on the bench in the Glory City Park, Lin Lingtian let out a heavy sigh of relief. It seemed as though he had narrowly escaped death, but how much longer could he continue to survive in this world without increasing his strength?

With a deep breath, Lin Lingtian opened his interface and examined it from top to bottom. To his disappointment, there was nothing there that could help him become stronger. But he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

Searching through his memories, he recalled a white cloth in his satchel that contained a blue pill and a notebook. The pill was a Body Strengthening Pill, which was far from the Soul Assembling Pills that were out of his reach. But the notebook, that was something else entirely.

For years, Lin Lingtian had worked as a servant in the sacred family, cleaning their library every night. Though he was punished for it, he used his time there to read the cultivation techniques in the library. Over the years, he had copied the entire scroll of the Sacred Fire Lotus Technique.

Now, as he sat on the bench in the park, Lin Lingtian opened the notebook and began reading.

"Blaze the Heavens with the Light, The light of guidance is the sacred flame. Creation and Destruction lies in the heart of the blaze of flame. Praise the King, Praise the Light, Praise the Sun."

Though he didn't understand the words, something stirred within him as he read. A primal hatred, not his own but from something deep within his heart, surged forth. Placing his hand on his heart, Lin Lingtian vowed to one day quench that hatred.

[ Lesser Sacred Fire Lotus ( incomplete ) level 0 ] was added .

Lin Lingtian's face twisted into a scowl as he perused the salvaged cultivation technique, the product of years of merciless beatings and abuse. It was nothing more than an incomplete manual for a lowly cultivation technique, hardly worth his time.

But rather than succumbing to despair, he pondered the matter deeply. According to his recollection, this technique was widely employed by many members of the Sacred Family. So why was it left unfinished? Did the higher-ups even realize its incompleteness?

As the questions swirled in his mind, Lin Lingtian shook his head, dismissing the matter as irrelevant. It mattered little to him what the Sacred Family did or didn't do. He resolved to wait for the start of Holy Orchid's Classes, where he could acquire a proper cultivation technique. After all, an incomplete technique was hardly worth his effort.

Stuffing the cultivation manual back into his satchel, Lin Lingtian turned his attention to the pill in his hand. The appraisal skill swept over it, revealing a string of minute words hovering above the tiny object.

[Name: Body Strengthening Pill]

[Type: Medicinal Pill]

[Grade: Low-Grade Yellow-Rank]

Lin Lingtian found the Level 1 appraisal skill to be rather lackluster, providing only meager details. It appeared that he would have to cultivate a habit similar to that in his video game, tirelessly appraising every object he laid eyes on to level up his skill.

Without hesitation, he consumed the Body Strengthening Pill. Almost instantly, a soothing warmth emanated from his gut, coursing through his limbs and invigorating his body.

Then, to his surprise, two additional notifications materialized before him, a testament to the pill's potency.

[Consumed Body Strengthening Pill. Added

Status: Body Strengthening]

[Body Strengthening: Increases physical

fitness, increases the cultivation speed of body cultivation methods of Medium-Grade Yellow-Rank and below. Duration: 2 hours] (− +)

Lin Lingtian did not even see the status effect clearly before he pressed the plus button for five seconds.

[Body Strengthening: Increases physical

fitness, increases the cultivation speed of body cultivation methods of Medium-Grade Yellow-Rank and below. Duration: ∞] (−)


The pilgrimage to the Holy Orchid Institute proved to be a far more arduous journey than Lin Lingtian had anticipated. Though the Institute was ensconced in the central district of Glory City, the vastness of this metropolis surpassed his wildest imaginings. With maps procured from the public library, he learned that Glory City sprawled across a staggering 630 square kilometers. The southern wall, fortified by three of the six urban districts, spanned a formidable 19 kilometers. The central district, which spanned the heart of the wall, was home to over a quarter of Glory City's population, including the most prestigious families and organizations. The other three districts defended the east, west, and northern territories of this bastion of civilization. But despite the enormity of this great city, it was constantly besieged by demonic forces. Thus, the Holy Orchid Institute had been established in a strategic location in the northernmost precincts of the central district. This placement served to keep the city's future demon spiritualists close to the seat of power, yet far from harm's way in the event of an assault.

The journey to the Institute gates proved a lengthy one, but Lin Lingtian arrived just as they were opening. One of the guards guided him to the registration hall, where an elder statesman, donning a grey institute uniform, greeted him. A page and a palm-sized crystal were given to him to record his personal particulars, as well as to register for the Holy Orchid dormitory.

The cost of the entrance exam fee, a staggering 1000 demon spirit, was almost enough to make Lin Lingtian swoon. However, he steeled himself and handed over the sum. Placing the crystal on his forehead and shutting his eyes, he was engulfed by a sensation of warmth that suffused his brow and face. The crystal, an untainted Soul Crystal, revealed that his soul realm was of an orange hue, with a soul force of 60. This revelation surprised even Lin Lingtian, who had previously measured his soul force at 59. He pondered whether the increase was due to the effects of the Strengthening Pill or the result of his orange Soul Realm. The other attendees were equally taken aback by the high levels of Lin Lingtian's soul force, considering him to be nothing more than a commoner.

The venerable elder shook his head, imparting upon Lin Lingtian the rudimentary cultivation manual of the Holy Orchid Institute.

As the gentleman presented me with my paperwork, his hand gestured towards a grandiose building standing tall across the courtyard. Despite my anticipation of a sprawling campus, the institute's modest size did not deter from its impeccable order and distinguished aura.

After signing an abundance of documents, I received my class assignment and dormitory number. Following a practiced spiel on proper conduct both on and off campus, I was led to another room deeper within the building - one of utmost significance to me.

Here, I was provided with essential supplies such as writing materials, bedding, and a stipend of one hundred demon spirit coins. Surprisingly, the stern-faced woman in charge of dispensing these provisions was exceedingly helpful, imparting valuable knowledge on the weekly distribution of fresh linen and stationary, as well as the monthly issuance of my stipend. She even divulged that Glory City follows a lunar calendar.

Furthermore, I was informed that classes would commence the following day, and that I had been assigned to the Fighter's Apprentice Class. Ascending to my dormitory, I efficiently arranged my belongings and prepared my bed. As I surveyed the single bed in the room, a wave of relief washed over me - I wouldn't be forced to share my quarters.

With the cultivation manual of the Holy Orchid in hand, I began to recite the ancient verse. "In the orchid lies the beast who bites thirty-six times and the soul sea forms the orchid for the beast. Sound the heavenly drum on the left and right, and as a heavenly pillar arises in the Soul Sea. The crimson dragon stirs the water. After the divine water fills the mouth. The Dragon soars and the tiger runs on its own..."

After completing this chant ,on the character interface a [ Holy Beast (level 0 )] was added .

The words reverberated in Lin Lingtian's mind like a mantra, their meaning gradually unraveling before him like the petals of a flower unfurling in the dawn light. "In the orchid lies the beast who bites thirty-six times and the soul sea forms the orchid for the beast." Yes, he realized, the orchid was his dantian, the seat of his inner power, and he was the beast, hungry for the energy that would fuel his mastery of the martial arts.

But what of the heavenly drum, he wondered? Could it be a metaphor for the beating of his heart, the steady rhythm of his breathing as he prepared to unleash his soul force upon the world? "Sound the heavenly drum on the left and right, and as a heavenly pillar arises in the Soul Sea." The words echoed through his consciousness, urging him onward towards the ultimate goal of his training.

And then, as if in response to his silent questions, the energy began to flow through him, coursing from his fingertips to his core, and he felt himself transform. "The crimson dragon stirs the water. After the divine water fills the mouth. The Dragon soars and the tiger runs on its own..." The words were like a spell, conjuring the image of a dragon, fiery and fierce, breathing life into his meridians, filling his mouth with the divine essence that would empower him to soar like the dragon and run like the tiger.

But as the energy continued to surge through him, he began to feel the cold grip of death closing in, his body turning purple, his lips blackening. It was as if he had become a vessel for something otherworldly, something ancient and powerful beyond his understanding. And yet, even as he teetered on the brink of oblivion, he knew that he had achieved something remarkable, something that few could ever hope to achieve. He had become a warrior, a master of the martial arts, a conduit for the raw power of the universe.

[ Soul Form Yin Wood Lotus , resonating with the cultivation technique , Added Status: Wood-Yin Infusion ]

[ Wood-Yin Infusion: Lose 1 point of health per second, all attributes reduced by 30%, Constitution reduced by 1.1. ]

[ Duration: 12 hours] (− +)

This was the first time that he had seen a status that used seconds as a unit.

Moreover, it was a negative state of depletion.

However, Lin Lingtian did not remove this status .

Because , it was showing him a way to circulate his soul force .

Opening his eyes , Lin Lingtian couldn't believe it . The bullshit he spewed out actually worked .

[ Holy Orchid Beast Cultivation technique

Level 0 → Level 1]

[ Holy Orchid Beast Cultivation technique level 1 has been reached. The new class, Demon Spiritualist , has been acquired. Do you want to switch to the main class?]

On the interface, the level of the Ghost Wood Art quietly changed.

A striking notification popped up as well.

He decisively chose "yes", and his main class was immediately replaced.

[ Name: Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age: 13]

[ Race: Human]

[ Main Class: Demon Spiritualist , Level: White Soul ]

[ Sub-Class: Fighter ] [ Level: 2 star bronze rank ]

The bone-chilling numbness was fading bit by bit, and his stiff body was gradually recovering its senses.

At this moment, not only did he no longer feel uncomfortable, he even felt as comfortable as a spring breeze.

Looking at the interface again, the status of [ Wood-Yin Infusion] was still there.

[Wood-Yin Infusion: The cultivation speed of "Holy Orchid beast " will increase by 300%. Duration: 2 hours.] (+ - )

This status had already moved from the Negative Status column to the Positive Status column, the effect was very good.

He decisively pressed the plus button for five seconds.

[ Wood-Yin Infusion: The cultivation speed of "Holy Orchid Beast " will increase by 300%. ] [ Duration: ∞] (−)

Looking to the side , another tab was there [Holy Orchid Beast Chant ]

[ Soul Force being absorbed according to circulation of the Holy Orchid Beast Technique ]

[ Absorption of 1 Soul Force in 10 hours . Duration : 15 seconds till status disappears ]

[ Due to Wood Yin infusion , Soul force absorption increased to 5 soul force points in 10 hours ]

He pressed the plus button for five seconds .

[ Holy Orchid Beast Chant : Absorption of 5 Soul Force points in 10 hours . Duration : ∞ ] (-)


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