NovelToon NovelToon

I Can Augment My Statuses In Tales Of Demons And Gods

Chapter no.1

As Lin Lingtian regained consciousness, the pain in his head hit him like a freight train. He groaned, his eyes struggling to open against the heavy veil of darkness that enveloped him. The throbbing in his skull was so intense that it felt as though his head had been kicked by a donkey, deformed and twisted beyond recognition.

Forcing himself to focus, Lin Lingtian tried to make sense of his surroundings. The air was thick with the stench of damp mold, mud, and cold wet earth. He could feel the gritty, rough surface of the ground beneath him, sending shivers of discomfort up his spine.

As the pain in his head intensified, he struggled to piece together the events that had led to his current predicament. He wasn't a heavy drinker, only indulging in alcohol on special occasions. So why did he feel as though he had a massive hangover?

Suddenly, a searing pain shot through his mind, as though his intracranial pressure had suddenly spiked. His brain felt as though it were about to explode, assaulted by a barrage of unfamiliar memories and sensations that flooded his consciousness like a deluge.

Overwhelmed by the onslaught, Lin Lingtian's legs gave way, his eyes rolling back into his head as he collapsed into unconsciousness once again. As he slipped away into the darkness, the strange and unsettling visions continued to plague his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers.


Lin Lingtian, or "Xiao Lin" as he was known, was a young orphan in Glory City, where demon beasts often attacked, leaving children without parents. Despite the hardships, Xiao Lin had a slightly stronger physique than the other orphans and would often help out at the orphanage.

At the age of three, Xiao Lin was adopted by the Sacred Family, but his life would take a dark turn when it was revealed that he possessed a red soul realm. Instead of being treated as a member of the family, he was relegated to the position of a servant.

For ten long years, Lin Lingtian endured abuse and ridicule from his fellow servants and members of the Sacred Family. Others with a red soul realm, like him, would either die from mistreatment or commit suicide to escape the agony of their existence. But Lin was determined to survive, to rise above his station and make something of himself.

He took on extra jobs, working in the library, horse stables, and even cleaning bathrooms to save money. Every night, he trained tirelessly, building his strength and skill, hoping to one day earn his freedom and join the Holy Orchid to achieve his dreams.

And finally, after a decade of perseverance, he had saved enough money to buy himself out of servitude and had even achieved the rank of 2-star bronze fighter. But when he presented the money to Elder Shen Ming, the man in charge of the Sacred Family, he was met with anger and resentment.

"You dare to ask for your freedom?" Elder Shen Ming bellowed. "You, a lowly servant, think you are worthy to leave my family? You are courting death!"

In a swift motion, Elder Shen Ming injected Lin's dantian with soul force, breaking his soul realm and leaving him in the street, kicked out of the Sacred Family.

For a moment, Lin was consumed by hatred and resentment, all the anger he had held in his heart for so long was finally boiling over. As darkness threatened to claim him, he cried out to the heavens, demanding to know why he had been dealt such an unfair hand, why the Sacred Family could not suffer as he had.


Lin Lingtian's eyes fluttered open, the world around him shrouded in a haze of smoke and confusion. As he struggled to gather his thoughts, a sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he had transmigrated into another world. A world of darkness and pain, where the innocent were crushed underfoot and the strong preyed upon the weak.

But even in the midst of this despair, Lin Lingtian could not help but feel a glimmer of hope. For he knew, deep down, that his transmigration must have bestowed upon him some kind of incredible power, some kind of golden finger that would allow him to rise above the cruelty of this world and make a difference.

With a wry smile, he whispered to himself, "Status," and to his surprise, a shimmering blue screen appeared before his eyes, like a portal to another dimension. And there, in that virtual world, he saw his fate laid out before him: his strength, his abilities, his very soul, all measured and quantified in a way that he could comprehend.

[ Name : Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age : 13 ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank : White Mortal ]

[ Fighter Rank : 2 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Health : 70/200 ]

[ Stamina : 92/160 ]

[ Strength : 2 ]

[ Speed : 2 ]

[ Soul Realm : Orange Soul Realm ]

[ Soul Attribute : Attributeless ]

[ Soul Form : Yin Wooden Lotus ]

[ Law : ------- ]

[ Soul Force : 59 ]

[ Cultivation technique : ------- ]

[ Skill : Appraisal level 1 ]

[ Positive Status : None ]

[ Negative Status : Heart Demon Soul Contract , Intermediate Injury , Hunger ].

[ Heart Demon Soul Contract : Binds a soul to the body which had formed a Heart Demon out of Resentment and Hatred , Causes Soul to be bind to corpse and due to the resentment and hatred if the owner , the new soul must fulfill the wishes of the previous owner .

(•) Destroy the Sacred Family

(•) Court the one in Lin's heart

Duration : ??? ]

[ Intermediate Injury : All attributes reduced by 20% , Duration : 72 hours ] (+ - )

[ Hunger : Reduces Stamina per hour ] (+ - )

No way , he actually had a system .

Lin pushed the plus button at the back of

[ Intermediate Injury ] and saw that the duration increase .

Now he had a rough understand of what his system could do . He could change the duration a status condition .

Pushing the minus button , the status [ Intermediate Injury ] was gone .

Lin Lingtian slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. Although he had not regained his full health, he could already feel the tension in his body easing, and a newfound freedom of movement that he had not felt in some time. Gingerly sitting up, he gazed around him, taking in his surroundings.

His eyes fell upon a pile of shattered glass, and he noticed, with a sense of surprise, that it had once been a mirror. Curiosity getting the better of him, Lin Lingtian approached the shards, careful not to cut himself. As he peered down at his reflection, he was struck by the sight that greeted him.

Staring back at him was the face of a young boy, no more than thirteen years old. His hair was a shade of dirty blonde that bordered on platinum, and his eyes were a curious shade of greenish blue, like precious gems that shimmered in the light. Despite the injuries that had ravaged his body, he looked quite handsome, with a strong jawline and a determined gaze.

As he took in his appearance, Lin Lingtian couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the resilience of his body. The bruises and wounds that had once marred his skin were nowhere to be found, as if they had never existed in the first place.

He looked at the negative Status [ Heart Demon Soul Contract ] .

As he read through the mysterious status on the blue screen, a shiver ran down Lin Lingtian's spine. He couldn't explain it, but something about those words made him feel uneasy, like he was dancing on the edge of a cliff, about to fall into an endless void.

And then there was that strange question: "Who was Lin's Love?" The words seemed innocuous enough, but they held a dark weight that Lin couldn't quite shake off. Who was this mysterious figure that the previous owner of his body had loved so deeply? And why did the thought of this person fill Lin with such an overwhelming sense of dread?

He tried to put the question out of his mind, but it gnawed at him like a hungry rat. Lin knew that he would have to find out the truth eventually, but for now he had to focus on surviving in this cruel world. The Sacred Family was a formidable enemy, and he had to be careful not to attract their attention with his pitiful level of strength.

As he stood up and brushed off his clothes, Lin couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. He didn't know what the future held, but he knew that it wouldn't be easy.

Lin Lingtian could not help but feel excited . This golden finger did not have any other use other than to change the duration on the status bar.

A single press of the plus button would increase the duration by one minute.After holding it for five seconds, the duration would become infinite.

By pressing the minus button, the duration would be reduced by one minute. After five seconds, the status would disappear completely.

What did that mean?

From his memories , things like pills that could do wonders existed in this world .

This meant that if he ate a pill in the future, it was equivalent to eating this pill forever!

After receiving one enhancement, the power of the enhancement would never disappear! The only shortcoming was that this golden finger was powerless against certain statuses that had no duration.

Take [Hunger] for example. How could hunger, as a status, have a duration such that it disappeared after a period of time?

When it was time to eat, he still had to eat.

Lin Lingtian, whose frame boasted the same sinewy build as any accomplished karate or taekwondo master, emerged from the dingy alley, having tended to his wounds and donned fresh garments from a satchel conveniently located nearby. It was only then that he took note of the darkened skies, a sign that night had fallen upon the world.

As he strode forward, his mind began to reflect on the knowledge that lay hidden within the recesses of his memory. The previous owner of this vessel had harbored ambitions of attending the hallowed halls of the Holy Orchid Institute, where one's soul realm and force were put to the test, and one's innate talent was judged with unerring precision.

For in Glory City, it was the soul realm upon which one's worth was measured. And it was a measure that could make or break a person's destiny.

There were 7 soul realms : Red , Orange , Yellow , Green , Cyan , Azure and Indigo .

The previous incarnation of Lin Lingtian had assumed that his two-star bronze rank would grant him a scholarship, a means to showcase his potential for the safeguarding of Glory City. Alas, the corporeal vessel of this fighter required sustenance before such ambitions could be actualized.

After several hours, he stumbled upon a sordid establishment, where he could sate his hunger. As he approached the communal table where the meager rations were doled out, a towering figure with a grotesque scar etched across his visage loomed over the proceedings. This behemoth of a man sported a raven-hued attire that bespoke his dubious occupation.

With a cursory glance, the brute scooped the last dregs of broth from the cauldron, carelessly depositing a slab of roasted meat and a plump steamed bun onto Lin Lingtian's tray, subsequently pushing it towards him. The broth, scant as it was, sloshed haphazardly, staining the wooden surface.

Wordless, Lin Lingtian received the tray, reflecting on the appraisal skill that had journeyed with him from the realm of virtual gaming.

[ Name: Unknown ]

[ Gender : Male ]

[ Class: 4 star Silver rank ]

[ Danger Level: Extremely Dangerous ]

The discovery of a perilous presence lurking within the vicinity of the brothel had left Lin Lingtian in a state of bewilderment. Never did he anticipate that a mere appraising skill would reveal such an ominous truth.

As he trudged towards his abode, Lin Lingtian delved into his memories, endeavoring to shed some light on the matter at hand. Yet, for all his mental efforts, his recollections remained akin to a first-time viewing of a film - a fragmented depiction of events, devoid of the minutiae that often eludes one's memory.

Could it be that the brothel was under the ownership of an influential entity? Or was a powerful patron frequenting these squalid halls, commanding the servitude of those with silver-star rankings?

Such ruminations filled Lin Lingtian's mind as he retreated to his lodgings, seeking respite from the turbulent thoughts that plagued him.

[ Consumed 1 barbecued meat and 1 steamed bun. Hunger status has been removed. ]

[ Added Status: Satiety ]

[Satiety: Restores 1 Stamina per minute. ] [ Duration : 30 minutes ] (− +)

He pressed the plus button .

[ Satiety: Restores 1 Stamina per minute.

Duration: ∞] (-)

It was another new status, and the effect was actually quite good.

As he sat with a heavy heart and a full stomach, Lin Lingtian couldn't help but feel a sense of unease settling deep within him.

He calmly thought about it and only came to one conclusion that actually made a lot of sense .

The guy was from the Dark Guild .

A secret organization of criminals which is the driving force behind most illegal activities in Glory City .They are considered the enemy of the

Glory City's ruling families.

According to the memories of Lin Lingtian , the young master of Sacred Family frequently visited many brothels so the best answer for why such a powerful expert that may or may not be from the Dark guild was in this brothel is that the young master of the sacred family was here and the spy was going to assassinate the young master .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian stood and decided to leave this establishment .

He didn't know what was the purpose of the spy . Nor was he strong enough to protect himself if a fight broke out between the spy and members of the sacred family . There must be more members of the Dark Guild . He didn't know how many were there and the unknown scared him.


Sitting on the bench in the Glory City Park, Lin Lingtian let out a heavy sigh of relief. It seemed as though he had narrowly escaped death, but how much longer could he continue to survive in this world without increasing his strength?

With a deep breath, Lin Lingtian opened his interface and examined it from top to bottom. To his disappointment, there was nothing there that could help him become stronger. But he wasn't ready to give up just yet.

Searching through his memories, he recalled a white cloth in his satchel that contained a blue pill and a notebook. The pill was a Body Strengthening Pill, which was far from the Soul Assembling Pills that were out of his reach. But the notebook, that was something else entirely.

For years, Lin Lingtian had worked as a servant in the sacred family, cleaning their library every night. Though he was punished for it, he used his time there to read the cultivation techniques in the library. Over the years, he had copied the entire scroll of the Sacred Fire Lotus Technique.

Now, as he sat on the bench in the park, Lin Lingtian opened the notebook and began reading.

"Blaze the Heavens with the Light, The light of guidance is the sacred flame. Creation and Destruction lies in the heart of the blaze of flame. Praise the King, Praise the Light, Praise the Sun."

Though he didn't understand the words, something stirred within him as he read. A primal hatred, not his own but from something deep within his heart, surged forth. Placing his hand on his heart, Lin Lingtian vowed to one day quench that hatred.

[ Lesser Sacred Fire Lotus ( incomplete ) level 0 ] was added .

Lin Lingtian's face twisted into a scowl as he perused the salvaged cultivation technique, the product of years of merciless beatings and abuse. It was nothing more than an incomplete manual for a lowly cultivation technique, hardly worth his time.

But rather than succumbing to despair, he pondered the matter deeply. According to his recollection, this technique was widely employed by many members of the Sacred Family. So why was it left unfinished? Did the higher-ups even realize its incompleteness?

As the questions swirled in his mind, Lin Lingtian shook his head, dismissing the matter as irrelevant. It mattered little to him what the Sacred Family did or didn't do. He resolved to wait for the start of Holy Orchid's Classes, where he could acquire a proper cultivation technique. After all, an incomplete technique was hardly worth his effort.

Stuffing the cultivation manual back into his satchel, Lin Lingtian turned his attention to the pill in his hand. The appraisal skill swept over it, revealing a string of minute words hovering above the tiny object.

[Name: Body Strengthening Pill]

[Type: Medicinal Pill]

[Grade: Low-Grade Yellow-Rank]

Lin Lingtian found the Level 1 appraisal skill to be rather lackluster, providing only meager details. It appeared that he would have to cultivate a habit similar to that in his video game, tirelessly appraising every object he laid eyes on to level up his skill.

Without hesitation, he consumed the Body Strengthening Pill. Almost instantly, a soothing warmth emanated from his gut, coursing through his limbs and invigorating his body.

Then, to his surprise, two additional notifications materialized before him, a testament to the pill's potency.

[Consumed Body Strengthening Pill. Added

Status: Body Strengthening]

[Body Strengthening: Increases physical

fitness, increases the cultivation speed of body cultivation methods of Medium-Grade Yellow-Rank and below. Duration: 2 hours] (− +)

Lin Lingtian did not even see the status effect clearly before he pressed the plus button for five seconds.

[Body Strengthening: Increases physical

fitness, increases the cultivation speed of body cultivation methods of Medium-Grade Yellow-Rank and below. Duration: ∞] (−)


The pilgrimage to the Holy Orchid Institute proved to be a far more arduous journey than Lin Lingtian had anticipated. Though the Institute was ensconced in the central district of Glory City, the vastness of this metropolis surpassed his wildest imaginings. With maps procured from the public library, he learned that Glory City sprawled across a staggering 630 square kilometers. The southern wall, fortified by three of the six urban districts, spanned a formidable 19 kilometers. The central district, which spanned the heart of the wall, was home to over a quarter of Glory City's population, including the most prestigious families and organizations. The other three districts defended the east, west, and northern territories of this bastion of civilization. But despite the enormity of this great city, it was constantly besieged by demonic forces. Thus, the Holy Orchid Institute had been established in a strategic location in the northernmost precincts of the central district. This placement served to keep the city's future demon spiritualists close to the seat of power, yet far from harm's way in the event of an assault.

The journey to the Institute gates proved a lengthy one, but Lin Lingtian arrived just as they were opening. One of the guards guided him to the registration hall, where an elder statesman, donning a grey institute uniform, greeted him. A page and a palm-sized crystal were given to him to record his personal particulars, as well as to register for the Holy Orchid dormitory.

The cost of the entrance exam fee, a staggering 1000 demon spirit, was almost enough to make Lin Lingtian swoon. However, he steeled himself and handed over the sum. Placing the crystal on his forehead and shutting his eyes, he was engulfed by a sensation of warmth that suffused his brow and face. The crystal, an untainted Soul Crystal, revealed that his soul realm was of an orange hue, with a soul force of 60. This revelation surprised even Lin Lingtian, who had previously measured his soul force at 59. He pondered whether the increase was due to the effects of the Strengthening Pill or the result of his orange Soul Realm. The other attendees were equally taken aback by the high levels of Lin Lingtian's soul force, considering him to be nothing more than a commoner.

The venerable elder shook his head, imparting upon Lin Lingtian the rudimentary cultivation manual of the Holy Orchid Institute.

As the gentleman presented me with my paperwork, his hand gestured towards a grandiose building standing tall across the courtyard. Despite my anticipation of a sprawling campus, the institute's modest size did not deter from its impeccable order and distinguished aura.

After signing an abundance of documents, I received my class assignment and dormitory number. Following a practiced spiel on proper conduct both on and off campus, I was led to another room deeper within the building - one of utmost significance to me.

Here, I was provided with essential supplies such as writing materials, bedding, and a stipend of one hundred demon spirit coins. Surprisingly, the stern-faced woman in charge of dispensing these provisions was exceedingly helpful, imparting valuable knowledge on the weekly distribution of fresh linen and stationary, as well as the monthly issuance of my stipend. She even divulged that Glory City follows a lunar calendar.

Furthermore, I was informed that classes would commence the following day, and that I had been assigned to the Fighter's Apprentice Class. Ascending to my dormitory, I efficiently arranged my belongings and prepared my bed. As I surveyed the single bed in the room, a wave of relief washed over me - I wouldn't be forced to share my quarters.

With the cultivation manual of the Holy Orchid in hand, I began to recite the ancient verse. "In the orchid lies the beast who bites thirty-six times and the soul sea forms the orchid for the beast. Sound the heavenly drum on the left and right, and as a heavenly pillar arises in the Soul Sea. The crimson dragon stirs the water. After the divine water fills the mouth. The Dragon soars and the tiger runs on its own..."

After completing this chant ,on the character interface a [ Holy Beast (level 0 )] was added .

The words reverberated in Lin Lingtian's mind like a mantra, their meaning gradually unraveling before him like the petals of a flower unfurling in the dawn light. "In the orchid lies the beast who bites thirty-six times and the soul sea forms the orchid for the beast." Yes, he realized, the orchid was his dantian, the seat of his inner power, and he was the beast, hungry for the energy that would fuel his mastery of the martial arts.

But what of the heavenly drum, he wondered? Could it be a metaphor for the beating of his heart, the steady rhythm of his breathing as he prepared to unleash his soul force upon the world? "Sound the heavenly drum on the left and right, and as a heavenly pillar arises in the Soul Sea." The words echoed through his consciousness, urging him onward towards the ultimate goal of his training.

And then, as if in response to his silent questions, the energy began to flow through him, coursing from his fingertips to his core, and he felt himself transform. "The crimson dragon stirs the water. After the divine water fills the mouth. The Dragon soars and the tiger runs on its own..." The words were like a spell, conjuring the image of a dragon, fiery and fierce, breathing life into his meridians, filling his mouth with the divine essence that would empower him to soar like the dragon and run like the tiger.

But as the energy continued to surge through him, he began to feel the cold grip of death closing in, his body turning purple, his lips blackening. It was as if he had become a vessel for something otherworldly, something ancient and powerful beyond his understanding. And yet, even as he teetered on the brink of oblivion, he knew that he had achieved something remarkable, something that few could ever hope to achieve. He had become a warrior, a master of the martial arts, a conduit for the raw power of the universe.

[ Soul Form Yin Wood Lotus , resonating with the cultivation technique , Added Status: Wood-Yin Infusion ]

[ Wood-Yin Infusion: Lose 1 point of health per second, all attributes reduced by 30%, Constitution reduced by 1.1. ]

[ Duration: 12 hours] (− +)

This was the first time that he had seen a status that used seconds as a unit.

Moreover, it was a negative state of depletion.

However, Lin Lingtian did not remove this status .

Because , it was showing him a way to circulate his soul force .

Opening his eyes , Lin Lingtian couldn't believe it . The bullshit he spewed out actually worked .

[ Holy Orchid Beast Cultivation technique

Level 0 → Level 1]

[ Holy Orchid Beast Cultivation technique level 1 has been reached. The new class, Demon Spiritualist , has been acquired. Do you want to switch to the main class?]

On the interface, the level of the Ghost Wood Art quietly changed.

A striking notification popped up as well.

He decisively chose "yes", and his main class was immediately replaced.

[ Name: Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age: 13]

[ Race: Human]

[ Main Class: Demon Spiritualist , Level: White Soul ]

[ Sub-Class: Fighter ] [ Level: 2 star bronze rank ]

The bone-chilling numbness was fading bit by bit, and his stiff body was gradually recovering its senses.

At this moment, not only did he no longer feel uncomfortable, he even felt as comfortable as a spring breeze.

Looking at the interface again, the status of [ Wood-Yin Infusion] was still there.

[Wood-Yin Infusion: The cultivation speed of "Holy Orchid beast " will increase by 300%. Duration: 2 hours.] (+ - )

This status had already moved from the Negative Status column to the Positive Status column, the effect was very good.

He decisively pressed the plus button for five seconds.

[ Wood-Yin Infusion: The cultivation speed of "Holy Orchid Beast " will increase by 300%. ] [ Duration: ∞] (−)

Looking to the side , another tab was there [Holy Orchid Beast Chant ]

[ Soul Force being absorbed according to circulation of the Holy Orchid Beast Technique ]

[ Absorption of 1 Soul Force in 10 hours . Duration : 15 seconds till status disappears ]

[ Due to Wood Yin infusion , Soul force absorption increased to 5 soul force points in 10 hours ]

He pressed the plus button for five seconds .

[ Holy Orchid Beast Chant : Absorption of 5 Soul Force points in 10 hours . Duration : ∞ ] (-)

Chapter no.2

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

I break my fast with the school's meager offerings, filling my belly with what I can scavenge from the breakfast table. A few pieces of fruit and cheese will have to suffice for the long day ahead, as the school provides no sustenance beyond these meager rations.

Navigating the labyrinthine halls of the institution, I find myself in a classroom that might have been plucked from a college campus. A miniature amphitheater, complete with stadium seating and unobstructed views from every angle. A simple blackboard dominates the front of the room, while the walls remain barren save for a row of high-set windows.

Claiming the corner seat in the back, I position myself for optimal avoidance of the adolescent angst that surely permeates this place. But fate, as ever, has other plans.

A blur of orange and blonde disrupts my reverie, an overeager teen bounding towards me with all the enthusiasm of a Labrador puppy. "Hello, I am Nie Li!" he proclaims, his orange garb threatening to blind me.

The other occupant of my table, a darker, more subdued figure with hair the color of storm clouds, barely lifts his head in response. "Lu Piao," he mumbles, before collapsing once more onto the tabletop.

I greeted him with a genial smile and spoke his name, "Lin Lingtian." Our conversation began effortlessly, as he divulged that he was from the Heavenly Marks Family, an aristocratic clan. It was a revelation that greatly surprised me, yet I was impressed with Nie Li's humility, treating me as an equal.

As the classroom began to fill with students, I noticed Nie Li gazing dreamily at a young girl with purple hair.

Offhandedly I asked," Your Fiancé ."

As in Glory City, it was quite common for children or legit adults in Glory City to get betrothed to one another.

Though I found this custom peculiar, I refrained from passing judgment on their culture.

An embarrassed Nie Li hide his face and said," A man can dream, can't he ."

" I see ."

Of all the students present, only two stood out to me: Shen Yue, the son of the patriarch of the Sacred Family, and Xiao Ning'er, the fiancée of the Sacred Family's young master. I had few interactions with Shen Yue, but those that we did have were unpleasant, as he often belittled me. As for Xiao Ning'er, the original Lin Lingtian pitied her for enduring the young master's lecherous behavior.

"Have you heard the rumor?" Nie Li exclaimed, his voice carrying a sense of excitement that was contagious. Lin Lingtian found himself drawn in, curious about what could be so intriguing.

"The rumor," Nie Li continued, "is that the teacher of this year's Fighters apprentice class will be Shen Xiu, the sister of the patriarch of the Sacred Family."

Lin Lingtian felt his heart skip a beat at the mention of her name. It was a strange reaction, one that he couldn't quite explain. Though he had the memories of Lin Lingtian, they felt more like a distant echo, a memory seen through a veil. Details like his love life were lost on him, but the name Shen Xiu stirred something deep within him.

As if on cue, the door creaked open, and she entered the room. Lin Lingtian felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of her. She was a woman of unparalleled beauty, with long flowing hair that reached down to her waist and legs that seemed to go on for miles. Her dress left very little to the imagination, but it was her face that gave Lin Lingtian pause.

She wore a look that could only be described as a mix of "shark week bitchmode" and "I am holier than thou." It was a face that would send any hormonal teenage boy running for the hills. And yet, despite this, Lin Lingtian couldn't shake the feeling that he knew her from somewhere, that there was more to her than met the eye.

Lin Lingtian's heart was racing, his chest tight with a burning sensation that made it hard to catch his breath. He placed a hand over his heart, trying to calm himself down.

"Lub dub. Lub dub. Lub dub."

Why was his heart beating so fast? What was it about this new teacher, Shen Xiu, that was causing such a physical reaction in him?

As he looked over at her, their eyes met, and Lin Lingtian felt his heart skip a beat. It was as if something had been ignited inside him, a flame that threatened to consume him whole.

He took a few deep breaths, trying to regain his composure.

"Inhale. Exhale."

Beside him, Nie Li seemed lost in his thoughts, his head bobbing as if in a trance.

"I heard that the new teacher, Shen Xiu, is one of the Sacred Family's 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualists," a few students were whispering amongst themselves.

Lin Lingtian tried to focus on the discussion at hand, but his mind kept drifting back to the enigmatic Shen Xiu. Who was she, really? And why did he feel such an intense connection to her?

Lin Lingtian heard Shen Xiu say: " Demon spiritualists and Fighters have five different ranks, which are: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, and Legend rank. Each rank is then divided into five levels, from 1-star to 5-star."

"A Demon Spiritualist is above a Fighter. We are a truly noble existence. A Demon Spiritualist can form a soul realm within their dantian. They have the ability to integrate a captured demon into their soul realm and then merge with the demon in combat. This allows them to possess matchless strength, which is far above the strength Fighters could compete with."

Shen Xiu raised her chin and spoke arrogantly, "Just like me, my demon is a Scarlet Flame Fox."

Lin Lingtian was captivated as he gazed upon Shen Xiu. But then, as if in a moment of arcane transformation, her countenance and limbs underwent a drastic metamorphosis. Her once gentle features became jagged and angular, her teeth and nails sharpened to a razor's edge. And then, as if the transformation was complete, a crimson tail unfurled from her back.

"After merging with a demon, I can control its strength as well as gain fire-type abilities. Among the demons, the Scarlet Flame Fox is a Gold-rank beast. This means that the highest level I can reach is the Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. Of course, after becoming a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, I

can replace it with a more powerful demon."

When it came to her cultivation, the pride on Shen Xiu's face became thicker.

Shen Xiu's words caused a group of students

to be amazed. Gold rank Demon Spiritualists are existences beyond the reach of most of them.

Lin Lingtian could help but rub his eyes.

He just saw someone transform.

"hahaha." He couldn't help but chuckle, an excitement filled him. This truly was a fantasy-like world.

As Shen Xiu continued lecturing on the

stage, Nie Li was sitting in the back row. His

mind was in a trance as his soul floated


[ Temporal Anomaly ]

As soon as the status formed in front of him, Lin Lingtian immediately pushed the plus button.

[ Temporal Anomaly: The law of Time and Space has been detected. Soul Shards are converging into one ] [ Duration: 15 minutes ] (- + )

As the world shifted and churned around him, Lin Lingtian found himself plunged into abyssal darkness, a void that seemed to swallow all light and hope. But as he peered into the darkness, he saw a sight that defied all comprehension. Gleaming crystalline shards of every hue and shade floated around him, glinting with an unearthly radiance that seemed to flicker and dance like living flames. It was as if he had been transported to some otherworldly realm, a place of impossible beauty and wonder, but also of great peril and mystery.

[ Attributeless Soul Realm is resonating with the Soul Shards ]

As the abyssal darkness continued to swirl around him, Lin Lingtian watched with a mix of wonder and trepidation as three shimmering shards of crystal floated toward him, each one bearing a unique and otherworldly aura. The shard on his right burned with a fierce magenta hue, drawing him in like a vortex, as if it were a portal to some unfathomable abyss. Its power was palpable, and Lin Lingtian could feel it tugging at his very soul, drawing him inexorably closer.

But then his gaze drifted to the shard in the middle, and he felt his breath catch in his throat. Unlike the others, this shard seemed to radiate no discernible color or energy, and yet the longer he stared at it, the more he felt its power growing within him, like a dormant seed awakening to new life. It was a subtle, understated power, but one that he could feel deep within his bones, like a steady heartbeat that could not be silenced.

Finally, his eyes alighted upon the third and final shard, and he knew at once that it was different from the others. Its surface was jet black, tinged with crimson veins that pulsed with almost palpable energy. It radiated power like a furnace, and Lin Lingtian could feel the heat of it washing over him like a wave.

Using the appraiser skill on the shard.

[ Item: Soul Shard ]

[ Type: Information ]

[ Grade: Supreme ]

Lin Lingtian's heart raced as he stood before the shimmering crystal shards, unsure of what he was meant to do. Should he touch them, or approach them with caution? His mind was a whirlwind of doubts and fears, but the shard of black and crimson seemed to call to him, beckoning him closer with its raw and tempestuous power.

With a gulp, he took a tentative step forward, his hand outstretched towards the shard. And then, in a blinding flash of light, everything around him was consumed by a searing brilliance that seemed to burn away all thought and reason. He felt his body being engulfed by the light as if he were being pulled into a vortex of pure energy and force.

For a moment, he thought he might be lost forever in that infinite and all-consuming blaze.





[ War God Technique level 0 ]

As the visage of the interface didn't unfurl before him, a curious alteration presented itself. The mark of the "Temporal Anomaly" had vanished, like a specter in the dawn's first light.

And yet, a greater intrigue captured his attention, for he was fixated upon the sacred War God Technique. As he gazed upon it with utmost reverence, a sensation of pure rejuvenation didst surge through his consciousness. And lo, a myriad of enigmatic and intricate glyphs didst etch themselves upon the very fibers of his memory, like a tapestry woven by the gods themselves.

[ Yin-Wood Soul Form is resonating with the War God Technique ]

[ War God Technique: The Army of the Underworld level 0 ]

"Step forth, for he who walks in darkness and he who walks in light, at your command, shall lead your army in search of Anantasehsha - he who drinks from the Netherworld's wellspring!"

"When your armies descend upon the earth and overturn the tomb, the very fabric of Yin shall transform all that it touches. The profound shall become more profound, the divine shall become clear and lucid. The vastness of earth shall connect the heavens and the earth, while the verdant woods, the beautiful moon, and the gentle winds shall imbue a sense of etherealness. And amidst the aura of calamity that surrounds, none shall dare to fight, for it is a place neither noble nor long-lived."

"Yet, all the trees in the region shall wither and die, and the Earth Tomb shall stand crooked and forlorn. The Dark Crow Beast shall trample upon it, and the surroundings shall be desolate, with flawed fronts and backs. And in this barren wasteland, shall be nurtured a lonely and sinister ghost..."

In the space of mere breaths, a torrent of inked characters and ten intricate images did flood into his mind, like a kaleidoscope of mystic visions that did seize him entirely.

[ War God Technique Level 1 ]

[ War God Technique: Army of Underworld's Chant is circulating ]

[ Soul Force is being absorbed ]

[ Absorption of 10 soul force points in 1 hour, Increased Enlightenment by 40% ] [ Duration: 15 seconds ] (- + )

[ War God Technique chant " are clashing with each other's circulation ]

[ Artic Cold Disease: At night, the legs feel as though they are on fire while the rest of the body feels very cold. At midnight the body is wracked with so much pain that continuing the cultivation was impossible.

Extremely painful bruising that does not dissipate and starts to spread. ] [ Duration: 22 days ] (- +)

Lin Lingtian was suddenly aware of a sensation in his left bicep. It was a feeling that burned with an icy fervor as if a freezing flame did rage within.

Taking a deep breath, he eliminated the [ Artic Cold Disease ] Status.

[ Holy Orchid Beast chant " and " War God Technique chant " are clashing with each other's circulation ]

[ Arctic Cold Disease ]

Lin lingtian again felt the burning yet cold sensation.

Lin lingtian looked at the status [ Holy Orchid Beast chant ] and touched the minus button.

As 15 seconds goes by the status [ Holy Orchid Beast chant ] disappeared.

[ War God Technique: Army of Underworld's Chant is circulating ]

[ Soul Force is being absorbed ]

[ Absorption of 10 soul force points in 1 hour

Increased Enlightenment by 40% ] [ Duration: 15 seconds ] (- + )

[ Wood-Yin Infusion: The cultivation speed of the "War God Technique " will increase by 300%. 30 Soul force points will be absorbed, Increased Enlightenment by 340%. ][ Duration: 2 hours.]

(+ - )

Hitting the plus button until the duration became infinite.

"She's my woman!" Nie Li declared.

Hearing Nie Li's confident voice, Lin lingtian looked at him as he thought,' That confidence .'

Lin lingtian looked at the girl Nie Li was gazing at. He looked at the beautiful long haired girl not far away and then back to Nie Li.

'Ziyun, when will you grow up to become

that beautiful, enchanting woman? I shall

protect you and we will grow up together!' Nie Li thought.

Not far away, Ye Ziyun felt something. She

turned her head and looked towards Nie Li. She gently wrinkled her brows and thought that Nie Li must be a playful noble. Since the start of class, he has been unrestrainedly looking at her. If he dares to provoke her, she'll not let him off easy.

At this point, Shen Xiu's gaze swept passed Nie Li's body. The action of these thirteen-year-old kids couldn't escape her eyes. She is a Silver rank Demon Spiritualist. She already reached the state of having the mind and body being one powerful sixth sense. Her eyesight was extremely keen. She could even see a fleeing rat over a hundred meters away.

Her gaze lingered on the figure of Lin lingtian 'Looks like you were serious about what you said but ...'

The corners of her lips slightly moved upwards.

Shen Xiu reverted her transformation with both of her arms hugging her chest. her eyes swept across the students and said,

"For the next two years, all of you are my students. Although the principal mentioned that Holy Orchid Institute's students are equal, I have to let you know the ugly truth. In this world, equality doesn't exist!" Shen Xiu spoke in a slightly shrill voice. Her words were like daggers that heavily stabbed into the hearts of the students. The students below the stage were quietly listening. No one spoke a word.

"After you have all grown up and left this school, you will agree with my words. Equality is merely a lie that adults fill you with. You can't be living in a fairy tale forever," Shen Xiu said, lowering her head to look at the students. "Glory City is the only city that has been preserved throughout the Age of Darkness. We are the only surviving

humans. Within Glory City, there are two kinds of powerful existences. The Fighters and the Demon Spiritualists. A Demon Spiritualist's existence is noble. Only one Fighter within thousands or tens of thousands could have a chance of being born a powerful Demon Spiritualist. Until now, in all of Glory City, only a few thousand Demon Spiritualists exist. We are the guardians of Glory City!"

"Fighters and Demon Spiritualists are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold and Legend ranks. The higher the rank, the more powerful one is. If a family produces a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become an aristocratic family. If a family produced a Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become a Noble family. If a family produces three Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists or a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, that family can become a Major family. We have thirty-six people here. Some come from commoner families, some come from noble families. Although your starting point is the same, your identities are not. I hope each and every one of you has self-awareness and a degree of manners. Commoners will always remain commoners. It's impossible for you to become an Aristocratic family, so do not dream of rising to become a phoenix. Even within the nobility, they have a strict difference of levels that can never be exceeded."

Lin Lingtian gazed piercingly at Shen Xiu, his eyes were ablaze with a myriad of questions. The woman's speech had left him with a sour taste in his mouth - it was fraught with prejudice and bias that only served to demoralize the students.

The classroom was awash with unease as the pupils, donned in their humble garbs, hung their heads in shame. Shen Xiu's words had cut them to the quick and left them feeling devoid of hope and encouragement.

As Lin Lingtian observed the scene before him, a thought occurred to him - what was the purpose of this? Did Shen Xiu derive some perverse pleasure from breaking down the spirits of her pupils?

Suddenly, a memory came flooding back to him, like a lightning bolt in the night. Lin Lingtian felt his head spin, as he found himself transported back to a time long ago.

In his mind's eye, he saw himself lying on the ground, his body bruised and bloodied. A girl with tears streaming down her face stood over him, striking him with her fists again and again.

"Why?" she cried out in anguish. "Why did you have to do that?"

Lin Lingtian shook his head, trying to dispel the memory that threatened to overwhelm him.

What was that?

"Teacher Shen Xiu, I have a question," Nie Li

suddenly spoke.

All the students were listening quietly to Nie Li who suddenly interrupted Shen Xiu's speech.

This made Shen Xiu unhappy. Shen Xiu recognized Nie Li since he was the one who had coveted over Ye Ziyun. The words she spoke previously were directed at Nie Li. Who would have thought Nie Li would actually speak up?

She coldly snorted, "What is it?"

"Teacher Shen Xiu says that Glory City is the only one that survived the Age of Darkness, that we are the only surviving humans. What proof do you have of this statement? May I ask if the teacher ever went out of the St. Ancestral Mountains and visited the Endless Desert, the Toxic Forest, the Blood Moon Marsh, the Spirit Gulf, the Heavenly Luster Mountains, and the Northern Snow before?" Nie Li asked.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow,' Endless Desert, The Toxic Forest, Blood Moon Marsh, The Spirit Gulf, The Heavenly Luster Mountains, The Northern Snow ?! '

"What Heavenly Luster Mountain? What Northern Snow?" Shen Xiu frowned. She has heard of the Endless Desert, Toxic Forest, and Blood Moon Marsh before, but those places were very far away from the St. Ancestral Mountains. She has only heard of them in legends.

Lin Lingtian heard Shen Xiu's answer and thought,' She only questioned Heavenly Luster Mountain and Northern Snow. Did that mean those other places exist?'

Shen Xiu snorted, "I've been in Glory City

since birth, and have never been to those places."

' So she hasn't heard of them ' Lin Lingtian looked at Nie Li,' he either made those up, or somehow he had info that not even someone from one of the most powerful families in Glory City doesn't but the question remains how does Nie li know this ?'

Nie Li smiled faintly and said, "Since

Teacher Shen Xiu never went to those places, how can you be so sure that we are the only human beings alive?"

Shen Xiu was at a loss for words.

The students in the class started to talk quietly. They have no idea what kind of places Nie Li spoke about. Ye Ziyun, who was sitting far away, began to show interest that flashed across her eyes. She curiously looked at Nie Li. How did Nie Li know of those places?

Shen Yue who was sitting beside Ye Ziyun slightly frowned his brows. He looked toward Nie Li and realized he was quite handsome. Nie Li wasn't below him in terms of looks. Unknowingly, he felt a sense of crisis within his heart.

Seeing the students below discussing away,

Shen Xiu's face was extremely displeased and scoffed, "So what? How can you prove that we are not the last surviving human beings?"


Nie Li faintly smiled. His experiences from his past life are proof. Mankind's wisdom is amazing. After experiencing the Age of Darkness, a lot of humans still survived. They built many monumental cities. But he couldn't say that out loud. Instead, he calmly said, "Let me tell Teacher Shen Xiu a story. There was once a frog in the depth of the well. Since his birth, he has always been in that well. Since the start he could only see a part of the sky, so he claimed that the sky is only as big as the hole of the well. But is the sky only the size of the hole? We could only say that the frog is ignorant."

Listening to what Nie Li just said, the students in the class couldn't help but laugh.

While the students were laughing Lin Lingtian's anger rose from his heart.

[ Heart Demon soul Contract is reacting to a stimulus ]

[ Heart Demon Soul Wish: Anger and Hatred for the target of Heart Demon Soul Contract ] [ Duration: ∞] (-)

Lin Lingtian looked at Nie Li and felt anger towards him.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Lingtian pushed the minus button and removed this status.

Looking at Nie Li and then Shen Xiu and then at himself. ' The previous Lin Lingtian held hatred towards the sacred family yet the heart Demon soul Contract which were the last wishes of the previous Lin Lingtian yet they reacted to Nie Li insulting Shen Xiu but why ?'

Looking at the furious Shen Xiu, his heart began to beat wildly.

' Don't tell me .'

They felt that what Nie Li said made sense.

And the idiom, "a frog viewing the sky from the bottom of the well", is indirectly calling Teacher Shen Xiu a frog.

"Viewing the sky from the bottom of the

well, what an appropriate description," a few girls said while giggling away. They all disliked Shen Xiu, and couldn't help looking at Nie Li full of admiration, since Nie Li was the only one daring enough to openly insult a teacher in class.

"You..." Shen Xiu started as she stared at Nie Li. She was furious to the point of almost vomiting blood. Nie Li compared her to an ignorant frog. She has never encountered such a rampant student.

Ye Ziyun, who was sitting far away, couldn't control her laughter as well. She realized that Nie Li is quite interesting and rather eloquent with his words. He had actually made Teacher Shen Xiu speechless.

Ye Ziyun's a natural beauty. Her smile was fascinating. Nie Li winked at Ye Ziyun and smiled.

Seeing Nie Li's expression, Ye Ziyun immediately turned her head back, and thought in her heart, 'Such audacity!'

Nie Li's impression in her heart was still a bad student.

Watching Nie Li not only choke Teacher Shen Xiu but also tease Ye Ziyun, Lu Piao couldn't help raising a thumb at him, thinking this guy was awesome.

Nie Li looked at Shen Xiu and continued

"Teacher Shen Xiu, I still have another


Shen Xiu was about to die from the anger, but she couldn't flare up here. She could only reply in bad mood, "What question do you still have?!"

"Teacher Shen Xiu said, 'a commoner will always remain a commoner, they can never become a noble.' I have a little question. Wasn't the Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, Ye Mo, a commoner when he was still young?" Nie Li asked, blinking his eyes a few times, and looking at Shen Xiu. "Is Teacher Shen Xiu not aware of this?"

After listening to what Nie Li said, the eyes of the commoners in the class lit up. They are all aware of Lord Ye Mo's story. He was an example to follow when one wants to become a powerful existence. Except, the words that Shen Xiu spoke of earlier were simply too harsh. This caused them to be depressed.

"You… In the hundreds of years of Glory City, Lord Ye Mo's the only one able to climb to the peak by relying on his ability," said Shen Xiu, showing a moment of lag. She quickly retaliated with her far-fetched reply.

Shen Xiu almost exploded. This guy is too spiteful. He keeps catching the loopholes in her words and constantly attacks. He has no respect for an elder! She gazed coldly at Nie Li. He dared to openly contradict her in front of so many people. She'll not let Nie Li have it easy in the coming future!

Not far away from Nie Li, Du Ze looked at Nie Li. His eyes were full of gratitude. Although Nie Li is a noble, he still ran the risk of offending Teacher Shen Xiu by helping the commoners speak up. This made him very touched. A teenager's heart is very primitive, hence, he has already sawed Nie Li as his friend.

Shen Xiu sneered, "Smart mouth, you think that putting things this way could change the harsh reality? You only looked at Lord Ye Mo's glorious moment, but didn't look at how many people have failed. Not to mention being a Demon Spiritualist, even becoming a Fighter in itself is a difficult thing to achieve. Nie Li, right? You can be

considered a bloodline of an Aristocratic family. Since you don't know when to come and go, I'll see what kind of talent you have."

After hearing what Shen Xiu said, the group of commoner students began to feel sorry for Nie Li. As someone of nobility, Nie Li's talent could be considered the worst. They fear that it would be difficult for him to have any achievements in his life.

Ye Ziyun looked at Nie Li and sighed gently. Although her impression of Nie Li isn't good, knowing his talent is so terrible, she couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Shen Yue, who is sitting next to Ye Ziyun, curled his lips in disdain. If he knew sooner of Nie Li's horrible talent, he wouldn't have considered Nie Li a threat. As Nie Li is simply not qualified. With his horrible talent, he could only live at the lowest levels of Glory City, and he, Shen Yue, was one of

the three Major families. As a Sacred Family direct bloodline, how could Nie Li compete with him?

If it wasn't for Ye Ziyun, he wouldn't even come to this trash class and be in the company of trash like Nie Li.

Shen Xiu aggressively continued, "With such talent, even within your family, you won't be able to get any attention. Yet, you act so rampant and are rude to your elders!"

Lin Lingtian frowned at the words of Shen Xiu and thought about his Soul Form which had given him such a powerful status like [ Wood Yin fusion ] yet his soul realm didn't give him any kind of benefits so was this the right way to judge talent?

Everyone was surprised that even though Nie Li was being ridiculed by Teacher Shen Xiu, there wasn't any shame shown on his face. On the contrary, his gaze was firmly locked onto Shen Xiu's and he said, "Teacher Shen Xiu, you feel that a person's soul realm decides a person's future, right? With that despicable character of yours, you'll only defend the gifted and mock the mediocre. And yet, you still speak a bunch of

principles. You're just merely trying to cover your despicable character."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Shen Xiu's body quivered with anger. She had never met this kind of student. He actually dared to contradict her so badly. Nie Li's words directly hit the hidden thoughts within her heart, causing her to be enraged. She cursed uncontrollably, "Silence! Who do you think you are to discredit your teacher?!"

Nie Li curled his lips in disdain.

"I feel ashamed to have a teacher like you. I can guarantee that in this class, there will be a lot of commoners exceeding your imagination. They will have unimaginable achievements. Instead of coaching them patiently, you use harsh words to attack their self-confidence. You're not worthy to

be a teacher! Although my talent is weak, so what? One day, I will become a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist like Lord Ye Mo and marry the most beautiful woman in Glory City ."

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow at Nie Li's claim and looked at Shen Xiu.

What will she do now?

"Hahaha! This is the funniest joke I've ever heard! A red soul realm actually said that he wants to become a Legend rank Demon spiritualist like Lord Ye Mo. Even when Lord Ye Mo was younger, he was already tested and shown to have amazing talent. He had a cyan soul realm! Do you think success relies on luck alone? Ridiculous!" Shen Xu mocked mercilessly, "Rather than being a smart mouth here, why don't you start learning seriously?"

Nie Li's next words were powerful and


"I know your heart is full of contempt, but one day I will shut your mouth with hard facts. Aptitude cannot determine a person's achievement! We use the weak to defeat the strong, to overcome the heavens! We practitioners are already challenging the impossible by going against the way of the heavens!"

Nie Li's words couldn't stop causing the students in the class to feel their blood surging. Practicing was already going against the way of the heavens. If one did not oppose the heavens, how could they talk about practice?

Nie Li enunciated powerfully, "Without a continuously fighting heart, without the courage to turn the impossible possible, even possessing extraordinary talent would be useless. Since I, Nie Li, was born into this world, I shall challenge the impossible! Teacher Shen Xiu, how about having a bet with me?"

Although Nie Li experienced numerous setbacks in his previous life, he never gave up. Since the heavens gave him the chance to be reborn, in this life he will use unimaginable speed to climb to the top.

"What bet?" Shen Xiu sneered.

"We'll bet that on the coming test in two months, I will be able to reach Bronze rank. If I fail to do so, I will resign from the institute. If I reach Bronze rank, then you will resign, how about it?" Nie Li said unyieldingly, looking at Shen Xiu.

Listening to what Nie Li said, everyone was taken aback. They were all surprised that Nie Li actually proposed this kind of bet with Teacher Shen Xiu. Although they were hoping that Nie Lie wins, they felt that there was no way that Nie Lie can win.

"Hahaha. You're funny enough to actually say that you will reach the Bronze rank within two months. You think that you can raise your soul force from 5 to 100 in two months?" Shen Xiu's face was full of spite. Has Nie Li gone crazy?

"I only asked one question. Do you dare or not?" Nie Li ignored what Shen Xiu just said.

"That being the case, why would I not dare? I do not believe an egotistical brat like you can achieve anything. Who do you think you are boasting to?" Shen Xiu angrily snorted,

"Such rudeness to your teacher. For the next two months, you will stand at the back of the classroom and listen to the class!"

"Since Teacher Shen Xiu agreed to the bet, don't regret it later," said Nie Li as he strolled to the back of the class.

"I'll regret it? What a joke. Don't come crying to me later!" Shen Xiu laughed.

Seeing Nie Li standing at the back, a few noble kids started to mockingly whisper.

"The future Legend rank Demon Spiritualist

got punished standing!"

"Tsk tsk, so he's afraid of withdrawal from the institute!"

"Weren't you being egotistic a while ago?"

"Two months to raise his soul force from 5 to 100. Who does he think he is? Even when Lord Ye Mo was younger, he couldn't even reach such frightening speed."

Shen Xiu sneered. So what if Nie Li is being egotistic? Doesn't she still have the final word in the classroom? She naturally didn't bother with what Nie Li said. Two months to raise his soul force from 5 to 100. Shen Xiu thought of it as a joke. This will absolutely not happen! Just look forward to Nie Li's withdrawal from the institute.

Because Nie Li was punished to stand at the back of the class by Shen Xiu, Du Ze was silent for a moment. He gritted his teeth, then rose and went to stand beside Nie Li. Nie Li was punished for helping the commoners speak up, so naturally, he wants to stand together with Nie Li.

Seeing that Du Ze stood beside Nie Li at the back of the class, Shen Xiu's eyes darkened, and hummed, "Since you also like standing,

you can stand together with him."

Nie Li and Du Ze looked at each other. Their eyes flashed a sense of rapport and lightly smiled at each other.

At this moment, Nie Li felt as though he was back in his past life when he and Du Ze were best friends. Du Ze is still that Du Ze.

After Du Ze stood at the side of Nie Li, Lu Piao was submerged in his thoughts for a moment and then stood beside Nie Li.

Nie Li smiled as he asked, "Why are you here?"

Lu Piao shrugged, "Sitting down is pretty boring. I feel more cool standing, can't I?"

"Haha, that suits you!" Nie Li laughed. Lu Piao is still the same as in his past. Although he speaks a lot of bullshit, he is very loyal. This punishment had nothing to do with Lu Piao, but he thought of Nie Li as a friend, and friends should share their fates together.

Successively, three other commoner kids stood up and stood by Nie Li's side. Nie Li belonged to a noble family, but he took the risk of withdrawing from the institute to speak up for them. They were grateful for that, so they felt that they have to support Nie Li.

With these brothers by his side, Nie Li felt that it wasn't so bad to be punished and his mood turned exceptionally cheerful.

When she saw this, Shen Xiu's facial expression turned ugly. She put on a cold face and continued her lecture.

"After being tested, among the students in this class, Ye Ziyun, with a cyan soul realm, has a soul force of 86. Shen Yue and Xiao Ning'er both have a green soul realm, with a soul force of 78.

They will soon reach 1-star Bronze rank. Congratulations to them!"

Shen Xiu lightly said. Her gaze fell on Nie Li for a moment. This is real talent, what's Nie Li compared to them?

Suddenly, a sound shattered the tranquility. It was as if something inside Lin Lingtian's body had ruptured, and cracked open, leaving him in a state of disbelief. A fierce cry echoed through his soul sea, like a call to arms from a thousand soldiers, summoning their king and general.

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, Lin Lingtian's Soul Force erupted, pulsating with a mighty power that left everyone in awe. He clenched his fists, reveling in the newfound sense of freedom and strength.

Sensing the prying eyes of others, Lin Lingtian scanned the room, and there he saw them - all eyes fixated on him in amazement and admiration. Despite not being born into a prominent family, he had reached the coveted 1-star Bronze rank. Truly, his talent was beyond compare.

In the back, Nie Li gazed upon Lin Lingtian, wondering to himself, "Who are you?"

[ Name: Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age: 13 ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank: 1-star bronze rank ]

[ Fighter Rank: 2 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Health: 500/500 ]

[ Stamina: 370/370]

[ Strength: 5 ]

[ Speed: 7 ]

[ Soul Realm: Orange Soul Realm (0.001%) ]

[ Soul Attribute: Attributeless ]

[ Soul Form: Yin Wooden Lotus ]

[ Law: ------- ]

[ Soul Force: 100 ]

[ Cultivation technique: War God Technique: Army of the Underworld ]

[ Skill: Appraisal level 1 ]

[ Positive Status: Wood yin Infusion, War God Chant, Body Strengthening ]

[ Negative Status: Heart Demon Soul Contract ].

Chapter no.3

As Lin Lingtian contemplated the interconnectedness of the Temporal Anomaly, Soul Shards, and War God Technique, a sense of unease settled within him. He couldn't help but feel that something greater was at play, some cosmic force that transcended his understanding.

His eyes drifted to the group of teens gathered at the back of the classroom, and his gaze settled on Nie Li. There was something different about the boy, a sense of otherworldliness that spoke to Lin Lingtian's intuition.

"His personality change, that tone in his voice," he murmured to himself, "that confidence when he challenged Shen Xiu...these are not things that can be easily faked."

Lin Lingtian's mind raced with possibilities. Could Nie Li have traveled back in time using the Temporal Anomaly? And if so, what could be the reason for his actions? His thoughts led him to the dark conclusion that an apocalyptic event loomed on the horizon, one that Nie Li was trying to prevent by altering the past.

But it wasn't just Nie Li's actions that concerned Lin Lingtian. The War God Technique, with its powerful incantations and ancient origins, held the key to unlocking his true potential. He closed his eyes and focused on the chant, allowing the characters to appear in his mind's eye.

As the words echoed in his thoughts, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over him. What horrors lay ahead in this world, and what role would he play in preventing them? These were questions that only time would answer, but one thing was certain - Lin Lingtian would not rest until he had achieved the strength to survive in a world plagued by uncertainty and danger.


The Holy Orchid rang with the sound of a bell, piercing the tranquil atmosphere. Lin Lingtian's eyes fluttered open, having been lost in the profound War God Technique. The more he delved into its mysteries, the more elusive it became, yet he gleaned fragments of knowledge.

The War God Technique was unlike any other, forming a scripture tailored to the user's soul form. Lin Lingtian's soul form was that of Yin Wood lotus, which had bestowed upon him the scripture "Army of the Underworld." Such was the technique's adaptability that even those with different soul forms could practice it with optimum results.

In his pursuit of understanding, Lin Lingtian uncovered fascinating insights into Soul Form, Soul Attribute, and Cultivation techniques. He learned that other cultivation techniques also offered unique benefits, but he was yet to unlock the five advantages of the War God Technique.

As he rose from his seat, several young girls invited him to practice martial arts, but he declined politely. However, his departure was delayed when Shen Xiu summoned him to stay. Lin Lingtian's heart raced, and he could only nod as she spoke.

The minutes ticked by until the classroom emptied, leaving only Shen Xiu and Lin Lingtian. He struggled to resist his urges, but his body overruled his will, and his hand reached out to touch hers. A small smile graced Shen Xiu's lips, and as their hands touched, a deluge of memories flooded Lin Lingtian's mind.

[ Flashback ]

In the corridors of one of the Sacred Family's mansions, the servants scurried like mice as a young Lin Lingtian, scarcely seven years of age, trudged outside with a pile of soiled dishes. An elderly woman spoke softly to a guard nearby, her voice was hushed with concern.

"Are you certain?" she whispered.

The guard nodded in affirmation. "Yes," he replied, "the Young Miss Shen Xiu is in a sour state of mind today. She feels aggrieved that Ye Han of the Snow Wind Family received accolades at the joint project on inscription arrays. The young lady claims that she did all the work, but Ye Han stole her credit. As a result, the patriarch has determined that she should be sent into closed-door cultivation to reflect on her behavior."

The Head Servant, Qing, standing nearby, interjected. "You mean to say that I must appoint a servant to stay with and serve the young lady during her confinement?"

The guard nodded. "Precisely," he said, "but choose wisely. The Young Lady Shen Xiu is notorious for her temper and unreasonable behavior. Whoever you select may end up getting themselves killed."

Qing surveyed the room, scanning the faces of the servants. Her gaze rested on young Lin Lingtian, who was in the midst of washing the dishes.

"That little trash," she thought, "would be a perfect sacrificial lamb to appease Shen Xiu's anger."

She called out to Lin Lingtian, "Xiao Lin, you have been chosen to serve the Young Lady Shen Xiu during her closed-door cultivation."

Lin Lingtian bowed respectfully to the Head Servant. "Thank you for selecting me, Miss Qing," he said, "I will not disappoint you."

Qing offered a tight-lipped smile. "I am certain you will not," she said.

As Lin Lingtian made his way to change into clean clothes and prepare to meet the young lady, he ruminated on the situation. "The Young Lady of the Sacred Family is notorious for her temper," he thought, "and from what I have gleaned from the servants' gossip, she is quite spoiled by the patriarch. If she is in closed-door cultivation, then she must have done something that brought shame to the family name or offended someone she shouldn't have. But there has been no rumor or whisper of what she did to merit this punishment. I don't know why she is in confinement, but I do know one thing for sure: she will be incensed and may attack me without reason. I must devise a strategy that will keep me alive while serving her. That old crone Qing must have sent me to her as a lamb to the slaughter."

With a sense of foreboding, Lin Lingtian ventured out to the market to purchase some Fanged Panda Meat.


The young Lin Lingtian shuffled down the halls of the grand mansion, a steaming bowl of Fanged Panda Noodles clutched in his trembling hands. He approached a door and placed the bowl outside before knocking with a faint, uncertain rap.

"May I enter the room, Miss Shen Xiu?" he called out, his voice barely audible.

But there was no response, save for the distant creaking of the mansion's ancient beams.

Undeterred, Lin waited, his heart pounding with anticipation. Two hours passed before he finally admitted defeat and retreated to the kitchen to reheat the noodles for himself.

It was then that he heard a sudden thud, followed by the unmistakable crack of wood splintering.

Peering out the window, he caught sight of a young maiden with red hair, her face twisted with anger as she pummeled a training post with a flurry of blows.

"Damn you, Ye Han, you bastard!" she screamed, sweat drenching her body.

Lin Lingtian watched in awe as the young lady of the sacred family, Shen Xiu, unleashed her fury upon the hapless post.

But his admiration was short-lived, as he quickly realized the danger of being caught in the midst of her rage.

Swiftly pouring the broth and noodles into a bowl with some vegetables, he cautiously approached Shen Xiu.

"Miss Shen Xiu, I have brought your Fanged Panda Noodles," he said softly, holding out the bowl.

She sniffed the air, catching the aroma of the noodles. "You, servant, bring me that bowl immediately," she ordered, her voice sharp and imperious.

Lin Lingtian complied, presenting the steaming bowl to her as she eagerly took a bite.

"Delicious," she murmured, slurping up another mouthful. "Tell me, servant, what is your name?"

"Lin Lingtian, Miss Shen Xiu," he replied, bowing low.

"And did my brother order you to cook this meal?" she demanded, suspicion in her eyes.

"No, Miss Shen Xiu," he replied. "I thought it might calm your anger, and allow you to focus on your cultivation."

"Hmm," she said, a hint of a smile playing at the corner of her lips. "Very well. Lin Lingtian, prepare a bath for me. I must cleanse myself before I continue my training."

"Of course, Miss Shen Xiu," he said, scurrying away to do her bidding.

As he hurried down the halls, he couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictable nature of the young maiden he served. But he knew one thing for certain: he would do whatever it took to keep her satisfied and avoid the full brunt of her fury.


The sound of water droplets echoed through the bathhouse as Lin Lingtian scrubbed Shen Xiu's back, his hands moving gently across her jade-like skin.

"Lin Lingtian," Shen Xiu spoke, her voice soft and reflective, "do you think I am beautiful?"

Lin Lingtian hesitated for a moment, knowing that the answer to such a question could be a dangerous path to tread. But he knew better than to deceive his mistress.

"Miss Shen Xiu," he said, "I cannot imagine any beauty that could rival yours. Your radiance outshines any I have ever seen."

Shen Xiu laughed a sharp and bitter sound. "Yes," she said, "you are right. My beauty is without equal. How dare that fool Ye Han suggest otherwise."


As the sun rose over the sprawling estate, Lin Lingtian stirred from his slumber, ready to embark upon another day of servitude. He strode purposefully through the opulent halls, sweeping and dusting with a meticulousness befitting a man twice his age.

But his true duty began with the arrival of Shen Xiu, the mistress of the house. Lin Lingtian cooked her breakfast and ran her bath, attending to her every whim with obedience that bordered on the fanatical.

As the afternoon sun beat down upon the estate, Lin Lingtian found himself at Shen Xiu's side, listening intently to her rambling monologues and choosing his words with the utmost care. He knew that his survival depended on keeping her pleased, and so he became a master of flattery and sycophancy.

At night, when the rest of the household slumbered, Lin Lingtian stole away to a hidden chamber where he trained in secret, honing his martial skills and plotting his eventual escape.

The sound of water splashing broke his reverie as Shen Xiu spoke. "Lin, do you think that I could achieve silver rank?"

Lin Lingtian paused for a moment, considering his words carefully before replying. "Indeed, my lady, it is but a matter of time before you ascend to such heights of power and prestige."

Shen Xiu smiled slyly as if sensing his true thoughts. "And what of you, Lin? Do you harbor aspirations of your own?"

Lin Lingtian's eyes narrowed. "My only aspiration, my lady, is to serve you faithfully and without question."

Shen Xiu laughed, a cruel sound that echoed off the tiled walls. "We shall see, Lin. We shall see."


At the witching hour, a resounding thud reverberated through the air as Lin Lingtian's sweat-drenched visage collided with the sturdy wooden posts.

"Working hard, I see," a voice remarked, causing Lin to startle in terror. It was Shen Xiu, standing there like a spectral apparition, scrutinizing him with those piercing eyes.

"Young Miss, did I disturb your repose?" Lin stammered, bowing his head in obeisance.

"Heh," Shen Xiu chortled, a sinuous smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Stand up, Lin. You've been in my employ for two months now. There's no need to be so formal. We're friends, aren't we?"

"Of course, Miss Shen Xiu," Lin replied, his tone deferential.

"Xiu," she corrected him, her voice low and mellifluous. "Call me Xiu."

"Xiu... Xiu," he repeated, his words trailing off uncertainly.

Shen Xiu regarded him with an enigmatic expression. "So, what were you doing?"

"I was... training," Lin replied, his voice faltering.


"I... I don't know," he confessed, his confusion palpable.

Shen Xiu wrapped her arms around him, drawing him close to her bosom. "How about loving me?"

Lin's eyes widened in astonishment. "What?"

"Love me," Shen Xiu repeated, her voice as soft as velvet. "Here, take this."

She proffered a pill to him, a glint of malice lurking in her eyes. "It's a body-strengthening pill. It'll help you in your training."

Lin swallowed the pill, and a warm sensation flooded his body, lulling him into a soporific state. Shen Xiu watched him as he drifted off to sleep, a sardonic smile playing on her lips.

"How much fun can I have before you break?" she mused to herself, her thoughts inscrutable.


As Lin Lingtian stirred from his slumber on the training ground, his gaze alighted upon the blanket that enshrouded him.

"Friends, eh?" he murmured, his voice thick with bitterness.

For he knew that Shen Xiu's overtures of friendship were but a mask for her insidious designs.


(6 months later)

(Shen Xiu's POV)

Ah, Lin, my little plaything. It's been three months since I first showed him kindness, and now he's following me around like a loyal hound. I make him hit the training posts until his hands bleed, and I've even fired all the other servants and made him clean the entire mansion. All while claiming it's for his own good, of course. And when I beat him, I tell him it's for his training. He sings my praises like a canary and gazes at me with such adoration. It's amusing to see how much he loves me.


Lin Lingtian collapsed onto the training ground, coughing up blood.

"My dear Lin, are you alright?" I asked, grinning.

"Yes, Xiu," he replied, gasping for breath.

"Lin," I said, dropping the affectionate suffix.

"Don't call me that," Lin replied, looking up at me with a shocked expression.

"When will your closed-door cultivation end?" I asked.

"I'll be finished in a few days," he replied.

'Why isn't he crying? Shouldn't he be breaking down in tears?'


I felt a surge of anger. "Why?" I demanded.

"Huh?" Lin replied, taken aback.

(Thud! Thud!)

My fists connected with his face, knocking him out.

"Why didn't you cry?" I raged. "How dare a mere toy not entertain me!"

[ Flash back end ]


As Lin Lingtian drew a deep breath, his gaze settled upon his hand - a gnarled, twisted thing that bore witness to a lifetime of torment and ridicule. His thoughts drifted, unbidden, to the cruel taunts of Lin's childhood, the endless mockery that had left him a broken, battered husk of a man.

And yet, despite all this, Lin found himself inexorably drawn to her - the sister of the patriarch, a figurehead of the very family he had come to despise. It was a twisted irony, a sick joke played out by the fates.

"Foolishness," he muttered to himself, cursing the wretched state of his heart. " You must be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, to cling so tightly to the one who showed you kindness."

But as he turned to face her, he found himself staring into a pair of eyes that sparkled with an otherworldly light. Shen Xiu, the woman who had captured his heart, smiled at him with a serenity that defied explanation.

"Lin," she whispered, her voice like the gentle rustling of leaves. "Will you come with me to the sacred family?"

And at that moment, he knew without a doubt that he would follow her anywhere - even if it led him to his destruction.

[ Heart Demon Soul Contract is reacting to the words of Shen Xiu ]

[ Head Demon Wish: Listen and obey the commands of Shen Xiu ] [ Duration: ∞] ( - )

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but frown as he pushed the Minus button and removed the status.

' Yeah, right like I will follow the commands of some dead Stockholm Syndrome victim. Wait ....'

As Lin Lingtian looked at Shen Xiu with a calm expression, the air around them grew tense. "No," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Shen Xiu, who had expected him to acquiesce to her demands, opened her eyes wide in shock. "Hahaha, Lin, you must be joking," she said, trying to mask her disappointment.

But Lin Lingtian wasn't laughing. "Xiu, I have a question for you," he said, his tone low and dangerous.

"What is it?" Shen Xiu asked, annoyance and anger creeping into her voice.

"Why did you play with my heart?" Lin Lingtian asked, his eyes narrowing.

Shen Xiu stumbled over her words, taken aback by the sudden accusation. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

But Lin Lingtian wasn't buying it. The anger within him began to surge, and the War God Technique took hold of his soul, unleashing a powerful energy that shook the very foundations of his being. His soul force burst forth, radiating a cyan light that illuminated the area around them.

Streams of light overflowed in every direction, forming a pair of wings made of opaque black bones that unfurled behind Lin Lingtian.

"Soul forming!" Seeing this scene, Shen Xiu's face was full of shock.

Soul forming. This is caused by the ultimate pureness of soul force! Demon spiritists that could soul form are extremely rare and normally only can be done by gold-ranked genius demon spiritists. Within every ten gold rank demon spiritist, there might not even be one that could reach the realm of soul forming. However, once a demon spiritist gains the ability to soul form, his soul force would be extremely powerful. The future achievements are at least a black gold rank demon spiritist and above, there is even a possibility of reaching legend rank!

( Slash )

Lin Lingtian's Wing pierced through the wall behind Shen Xiu.

" I will ask again, Why did you play with my heart ?"

Shen Xiu looked at the Soul Wing and smiled warily.

" Lin ....What are you talking about? I have always loved you ."

' You, To think you had such high potential. I must make him think I love him. If he can join the sacred family then we would rise to the top of Glory City. And I will be the wife of a legend rank expert .'

Lin Lingtian's wing was a blur as it came near her neck and stopped just below her voice box.

[ Heart Demon Soul Contract is reacting to your actions ]

[ Pain: Unimaginable pain will engulf your body ] [ Duration: 1 hour ] (+ - )

Due to the burning pain, Lin Lingtian stopped and pushed the minus button to terminate the status.

Sweat dripped down Shen Xiu's face.

( Gulp )

She felt she had almost died.

Lin Lingtian frowned as his plan backfired. He wanted to push Shen Xiu to say that she played with his heart and this may have affected the Heart Demon Soul Contract but it backfired, he didn't know why but she was still claiming she loved him.

The wings on his back dissipated as he began walking out of the room.

" Wait, Lin ." Shen Xiu said as she threw an interspatial ring toward him.

Winking at him she said," That ring has multiple pills that would help you in your Cultivation, If you want more just ask me."

Walking out of the room towards the Holy Orchid Library he wanted to find out about the Artic Cold Disease out of curiosity, what did Glory City suggest was the cure for this ailment?

It didn't take him long to find the school library. It was a large and decorative three-story building with well-maintained bushes surrounding the exterior walls. Walking into the entrance, it was obvious this place housed quite a large collection of books, tomes, and scrolls. The layout was spacious with little alcoves walled off by tall bookcases. It's well-lit, and there's a soft smell of parchment in the air.

A roughly cleared throat draws my attention away from the view and to a middle-aged man standing behind a finely carved desk.

I decide to take the intuitive, "Excuse me sir, but could you please help me in finding a book about the Artic Cold Disease ?"

The middle-aged man indifferently looked at him and then grabbed a book from the shelves and handed it to him.

Lin Lingtian began reading the book

" The Artic Cold Disease ... Treatment of Artic Cold Disease is the Consumption of medicine made from combining Golden Striped Grass with Imperial Sky Grass for ten days.

Rest well and stop cultivating at night until completely cured.

Massages on bruised Areas by the Daoyin Technique ."

After reading about the Artic Cold Disease and the Daoyin Technique, he couldn't help but smile, this truly was a different world.

Grabbing a few more books on Alchemy, Basics of Inscription Array, Meridians, and Soul Force Lin Lingtian began to immerse himself in this Alien Like Word as each word he read and memorized left him more thirsty for knowledge.


[ Holy Orchid Institute: Central Gate ]

Walking outside he found multiple stalls outside of the Holy Orchid Institute, Lin Lingtian thought about what should he do.

The War God Technique was an overbearing technique but the most gain one could get from it was during times of battle.

The War God Technique was different as, unlike other techniques which absorbed soul force and causes the user to advance in the ranks while it allowed the user to absorb large amounts of soul force but advancing in ranks of cultivation only happened during the battle.

He had the [ War God Technique's chant ] status along with the [ Wood Yin Infusion ] which would logically cause him to become a 2 Star Bronze rank during his class but it didn't because he was not in battle. But in exchange for that his meridians are constantly being stressed out and his soul force is rising in quality, increasing the strength and quality of his foundation. While he was still a 1-star Bronze rank, the quality and strength of his soul force were equal to that of a 2 Star or even a 3-star bronze rank.

Walking through the stalls, Lin Lingtian used the [ Appraisal] on everything he saw.

Nothing had yet caught his eye.

The War God Technique also had the user form his core or his second heart before they achieve silver rank.

The core or second heart for him should be created using the blood of demon beasts with the yin-wood attribute.

The War God Technique: Army of the Underworld had the information on what demon beasts would be perfect for him cultivating a second heart or core.

The Snow Sakura Demon Beasts.

The Corpse Woodland Elder.

The Artic Yin Lotus Fairy.


Those were some of the demon beasts that were perfect for creating his second core which will form the base of his army.

The Second Heart or core is his connection to his army.

The War God Technique when he achieves Silver rank would allow him to battle the souls of demon beasts and other living things on the astral plane. He had to battle them and make them submit to him. With that, a connection will form between the souls that will form his army with his second heart.

The second heart will slowly form into his version of the demon spirit. Taking the talents and innate abilities of members of his army to form his version of the Demon Spirit, creating the most ideal Demon Spirit for him.

That was just the first ability granted by the War God Technique. He was definitely looking forward to uncovering all the other abilities.

Lin Lingtian looked at Nie Li as he thought,' So what is our resident time traveler doing ? '

According to the War God Technique's soul force manipulation, soul force filled his eardrums. His hearing began to enhance to a superhuman level.

[ Soul Force enhancing your hearing ]

[ Hearing Enhancement: 1000% increase in hearing and sound perception ] [ Duration: 1 hour ] ( - + )

Pushing the plus button until the duration became infinite.

Lin Lingtian stopped flowing soul force as his hearing was enhanced by the status.

"Du Ze, we'll go buy Black Pool Grass," Nie Li said.

"What are you planning to do?" Du Ze curiously asked.

Nie Li laughed mysteriously, "Black Pool Grass has a certain paralysis effect, but the efficiency is very low. It is generally used to smear on wounds to relieve some pain. As for Zoysia grass, it Is a very common weed so no one has found a use for them yet. However, if it's used with a fusing agent and Black Pool Grass, it can greatly strengthen the paralysis effect of the Black Pool Grass."

Du Ze was stunned for a moment and then

asked, "How strong is the paralysis effect?"

Nie Li laughed and said, "It doesn't have much effect on ordinary demon beasts. The effect is worse than a low-grade paralyzing agent. But did you know that the Horned Sheep never eats Zoysia Grass?"

"Horned Sheep?" repeated Du Ze and went silent for a moment. As if he vaguely guessed something, his eyes lit up, "Nie Li, would you happen to be an alchemist?"

"An alchemist?" Nie Li thought awhile and laughed, "I guess so."

Nie Li started mixing the grasses and fusing agents, getting a total of six full bottles of the drug.

Holy Orchid Institute Training Grounds

The training grounds were established by the Legend rank Demon Spiritualist Lord Ye Mo and the principal of the school, who was a Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. The training grounds were surrounded by towering walls. Every year, experts in Glory City would capture some low-level demon beasts and place them on the training grounds. Any Holy Orchid Institute student who is below Silver rank can enter the grounds. Students can hunt the demon beasts inside and obtain fur, demon crystals, and various other beast materials from them and dispose of them freely at their own choice. Some of the poorer students can hunt inside the training ground to help with their family's financial situation.

Nie Li's group of three hasn't even reached a 1-star Bronze rank, yet. So the place that they are going to is the training ground's safest area. There are only Horned Sheep in that area. Although Horned Sheep are very aggressive in nature, they are still herbivores. Therefore, their attacks would only cause serious injuries. So they can be considered safe.

Nie Li's group of three entered the training grounds after they had their identities verified by the guards at the entrance.

[ Training Grounds Apprenticeship Area ]

Within the sparse trees, there would be patches of grass fields with Horned Sheep slowly pacing them. Their eyes were red. Occasionally, they would prick up their ears to listen. Once an outsider enters their territory, they would mercilessly attack him.

Suddenly, an abnormal sound was heard. The Horned Sheep closest to Nie Li's group let out a growl and rushed toward the direction of the abnormal sound.

"That Nie Li, he actually told me to be the bait.

Simply outrageous!" Lu Piao looking at the

Horned Sheep that was charging toward him.

This scared the crap out of him, making him

stumble as he ran backward.

Meanwhile, Du Ze and Nie Li were hiding in

the bush. They were holding crossbows in

their hands.

"My goodness! This Horned Sheep is so scary!

Shoot, shoot it" Lu Piao yelled. When he saw

the Horned Sheep getting closer, he ran nonstop.

"This Lu Piao, didn't we agree to have him stay still and not move? The Horned Sheep would have surely fallen for the trap. However, once he ran, the sheep deviated from the trap's direction," Nie Li frowned. The trap is actually a small, two-finger pit and once the Horned sheep carelessly stepped into the trap, it would have definitely fractured its leg. Firing bolts at it, once that happened, would have caused the result to be much better.

Seeing Lu Piao run in a panic, Du Ze also got

nervous and continuously pulled the trigger at the sheep. *shu shu shu* Three crossbow bolts shot out from the crossbow.

That Horned Sheep is a demonized creature. it hasn't been injured so the reaction of the Horned Sheep is extremely fast. When it sensed the three bolts that were being shot in its direction, with its fast reflexes, it immediately made a few jumps and caused the three crossbow bolts to graze passed the sheep, hence, dodging the bolt.

"What? Missed ?! "

Lu Piao was perplexed as the Horned Sheep's horn closed in on him. Thinking that Nie Li and Du Ze actually made this kind of mistake; he almost burst into tears in his heart. He began to think that he made a mistake in making friends. If the sharp horn reaches him, it will instantly be able to make his *** flower.

When he saw the Horned Sheep dodge the crossbow bolts, and continued its charge at Lu Piao, made Du Ze's hands were covered in sweat. If he tried to load another bolt onto the crossbow, he would be too late. He could imagine the scene of Lu Piao's butt being stabbed by the Horned Sheep's horn in his head.

"Nie Li, what should we do…." Du Ze immediately went silent after speaking halfway. He was afraid to disturb Nie Li.

Nie Li half squatted. His left arm was straightened with the crossbow over his left arm. His right hand was clenching the trigger. His eyes were glued to the sight and the crossbow was so stable it was as though it was placed onto a holder.

Du Ze had an indescribable feeling. Nie Li had yet to fire a bolt, but Du Ze had a feeling that the bolt will surely hit the Horned Sheep. Nie Li, at this moment, was like a cheetah crouching in the bushes, waiting for his prey. He was releasing an awe-inspiring aura.

Nie Li pulled the trigger and a crossbow bolt was unleashed. The bolt that left turned into a silvery light and gracefully flew quickly. The angle that Nie Li targeted was in the blind spot of the Horned Sheep's sight.

"It hit!"

Seeing the bolt fly passed, Du Ze's heart was surprised. Nie Li gave him a weird feeling. It was as though he was a veteran shooter.

The Horned Sheep didn't manage to dodge in time.


The bolt hit the back leg of the horned sheep.


The horned sheep fell onto the ground wailing, landed in front of Lu Piao, and raised dust all around it.

Lu Piao was gasping for air. He was extremely nervous. When he saw the Horned Sheep wailing nonstop, couldn't help thinking, 'My god, that was too exciting! My goodness, my butt was spared.'

Lin Lingtian a few meters away behind the tree heard a cry of the Demon Horned Sheep.

Opening his eyes as he saw a Demon Horned Sheep charging at him.

A normal human from Earth would have panicked but Lin Lingtian was a practitioner of the War God Technique which gave him multiple benefits in the heat of battle.

[ War God Technique is circulating ]

[ War God Technique level 2 ]

[ War God's Battle Instincts: 300% increase in Weapon Mastery, Spacial Awareness, Hand Hand Combat, Fear Nullification ] [ Duration: 1 hour] ( - + )

Lin Lingtian didn't feel fear but excitement for the battle which quickly went away as he saw the Demon Horned Sheep charging at him in slow motion.

Lin Lingtian sighed as he kicked the Demon-horned Sheep charging at him like a soccer ball.

His kick the moment it touched the head of the beast met little to no resistance as the headless corpse of the Demon beast hit the ground beside him.

Lin Lingtian who had the [ War God Technique's Chant ] status along with [ Wood Yin infusion ] status as he gains 30 soul force points in under an hour.

10 hours had gone by from when he got the War God Technique which theoretically who have accumulated 300 soul force points meaning due to the War God Technique, Lin Lingtian's power was equal to that of a 3-star bronze rank.

A purple aura erupted from Lin Lingtian's body.

[ Name: Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age: 13 ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank: 2-star bronze rank ]

[ Fighter Rank : 3 Star Bronze Rank ]

[ Health: 700/700 ]

[ Stamina: 570/570]

[ Strength: 7 ]

[ Speed: 9 ]

[ Soul Realm: Orange Soul Realm (0.1%) ]

[ Soul Attribute: Attributeless ]

[ Soul Form: Yin Wooden Lotus ]

[ Law: ------- ]

[ Soul Force: 200 ]

[ Cultivation technique: War God Technique: Army of the Underworld ]

[ Skill: Appraisal level 2 ]

[ Positive Status: Wood yin Infusion, War God Chant, Body Strengthening, Hearing Enhancement, War God's Battle Instincts ]

[ Negative Status: Heart Demon Soul Contract ]

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