Your Love Is My Bliss (TaeKook)

Your Love Is My Bliss (TaeKook)

°My Hybrid Love°


It was a beautiful starry night when I walked out of my working place to go back home.

I was walking with my hands in my hoodie's pocket while listening to a soothing music through my earphones. As usual I kept looking around taking in the beauty of Seoul's night life. The lighting work looks like as if the stars have came down on earth and have scattered themselves around everywhere here.

After reaching to my apartment I opened the door, and got inside, closing the door behind. I turned on the lights getting into hall but when the room was lighted up, I was left fascinated seeing someone sitting there on my sofa, looking so ethereal and innocent in all pearl white outfit.

Seeing everything lighted up, He looked up at me and smiled sweetly. Dàmn, he literally looks like an angel straight coming down from the heaven!

"Who, who are you?" I asked coming back to my senses.

"you don't remember me, Bear?" he asked with a cute pout forming over his lips.

"Bear? Who?" I asked with a frown and confusion written all over my face while looking at the figure in front of me who was walking towards me at the moment.

"Mmh, you are my bear!" He said with a cute smile while wrapping arms around my neck and I could feel my heart flutter on his touch.

"I, I don't think I know you and, and how did you got in my apartment?" I asked trying to free myself from his hold but he just doesn't leave, getting even more closer which was making me feel something weird inside.

"You do know me Bear, try to think na and about me getting in your apartment so...uhm it's not a big deal for me" He said with a wink and my heart fluttered once again.

"Can, can you keep some distance?" I asked, trying to get away as he was too close that I could feel his soft breath fanning over my lips and it was speeding up my heartbeat.

"How about a no?" He said tightening his hold around my neck and getting even closer. I was just speechless cuz of his boldness. I couldn't help but close my eyes cuz of his actions.

A moment or two might have passed by when I heard a giggling sound which made me open my eyes and I saw that it was him, he was looking even more beautiful in the moment.

"You are still the same" he said, freeing me from his hold finally. Now it was confusing me, I really don't know him then why is he talking as if we know each other from a long time and, and why didn't I push him, why his touch is making my heart flutter?

"You know I came in morning, but you were gone already" he said holding my hand and walking room?!

"I missed you so much in these all years, I wanted to come back to you so bad but no one let me come" he said with a sad pout, making me even more confuse.

Upon getting in the room, he made me sit on the bed and walked towards my wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get up to go to him and stop him but I couldn't cuz he glared at me with pouty lips, asking me to keep quiet with his eyes and to my surprise I even complied, sitting back on the bed.

"Here, go and take a shower, I have prepared the dinner already for you, you know" He said with a cute smile while placing a pair of clothes along with towel in my hands and I just complied. I don't think there was any use to ask him something cuz his answers are just confusing me even more, everytime.

After taking the shower when I came out, the room was empty which made me wonder about that unknown guy. I walked out of the room, looking around for him in the hall but he was no where in sight.

"Was I dreaming?" I mumbled to myself and walked into kitchen thinking about his words and to my surprise there was really food ready to be served.

"He wasn't a dream, but then where is he?" I frowned and looked around all over the apartment but he was nowhere. I don't know why but it made me sad and I sat there on sofa with a sigh.

"Did he leave?" I said sadly to myself and just then I felt a lick over my feet and I looked down immediately.

I saw there was a small rabbit, sitting near my leg. He had pure white fur and ocean blue eyes. I picked him up and put him in my lap, wondering from where did he come from?

"First that cute guy and now you, is there some secret passage which connects to my apartment, I don't know about?" I wondered caressing over the back of that rabbit to which he seems to be relaxing.

The rabbit puts it's paws on my chest, getting up and I can't help but hold him in my arms, carefully.

"Where did you come from" I mumbled, caressing over his head.

"You still don't recognise me, so bad of you" my eyes widened, I was shook to the core cuz it was said by that no not rabbit, IT'S THAT GUY FROM EARLIER. That rabbit, he fúcking changed into that guy from earlier and, AND HE IS FÚCKING SITTING IN MY LAP RIGHT NOW!!

"Ah wae you have to be so adorable with your reactions, my love" he whined, hugging me and rubbing his face to my neck. I was still in a shock cuz of his transformation and he, he wasn't helping at all with his these actions.

"It makes me sad, how you don't remember me but it's okay I'll forgive you cuz I love you" he said circling his finger over my bare chest. Uh yeah, I wasn't wearing my top cuz I'm not used to wear it at night and guess he knew that already cuz he didn't give me any top earlier.

I looked down at him and I could see him pouting sadly. Now, it makes me feel sad but I really can't recall who is he? How he knows me and how can he turn into a rabbit?

"Are you a hybrid?" I asked in a low tone and he looks up at me, blinking his eyes with a soft smile.

"Oh" it was all I could say then I looked down with a sigh feeling bad for not remembering him.

"Do you have someone named Bunny, in your memories?" He asked in a loving tone, cupping my face and I frowned hearing the name.

"Bunny?" I whispered out, feeling sad cuz I do have someone with that name in my memories, he was very special to me, my precious love. He was a hybrid too. My parents had brought him for me when I was a little child. I always kept him with me all the time. He had cute features and his smile was as adorable as him. But, he was taken away from me by some people when we were playing in a park, I was 15 at that time. I was devastated when he was gone. I cried so much for him, my parents tried to find him but they couldn't.

"Wae, wae you are asking about him" I asked with teary eyes. He can't be my Bunny cuz--

"Nothing happened to me Bear, I'm alive and fine. I was saved by a couple back there in Busan." he said softly, touching his face to my cheeks and I could feel my tears fall.

"You, you are saying the truth? You are my Bunny?" I asked being emotional and he nodded, smiling his bunny smile. Seeing that smile I couldn't help but cry and he immediately took me in his warm embrace. I have missed him so much. I thought I lost him and I'll never get to see him again.

"Why, why didn't you come back to me before" I asked, hugging him tightly.

"I, I wasn't in that condition, I was badly injured when that couple had found me. It took me years to be healed completely. When I was all fine I wished to come back here to you but that couple and their children were always so worried to let me go just like that, they thought what if I got caught by someone again so they taught me to hide my identity of being a hybrid and also how to protect myself from such people." He explained, caressing over my back in a soothing manner which helped me to calm down, I was so happy to get him back.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you that day" I said, looking at him with my teary eyes. I always felt so guilty and disappointed in myself for that day.

"You were just a kid, my love" he said, cupping my cheeks and kissing over my nose which made me smile. He is so adorable.

"Can I kiss you please? Your lips are so tempting. I'm barely holding back myself" he said with shiny eyes, wrapping arms around my neck and it made me smile my boxy smile. He is still just like how he used to be, adorable!

"Sure, you can! I'm yours and you are mine after all." I said and he tilted his head to the side a little, getting closer to my face then he placed his lips on mine, kissing me in a slow pace and I reverted the kiss, pulling him closer while tightening my hold around his tiny waist.

After some minutes of kissing we pulled back from the kiss and he looks at me with an adorable smile, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so happy to be back to you, my love" he whispered into my ears, biting over my earlobe.

"Don't do it, Bunny" I said pulling him back and he looks at me with a mischievous smile.

"Does it make you feel something inside" he said tracing down his index finger from my neck to chest and then circling over there. It gave me a tingling sensation all over my body.

"It does! So you better don't do it unless you are ready for the consequences" I said, holding his finger into my hand.

"Is it?" He asked coming closer to me.

"Then I'm ready, can we?" He whispered over my lips and that's it, I can't control myself anymore. I just smashed my lips to his, pinning him down on the sofa and hovering over him.

We made love whole night. And next day he was whining to me for luring him into this tho it was him who did it and gladly gave in. But I didn't say anything, I just love everything about him, years have passed but he is still the same Bunny I loved, with whom I wished to live my whole life and now I can.






This story is so adorable and cute!.. starting was mysterious which grow curiosity to know more.. It's good.. My ever Novel..(●'◡'●)





the oneshot was so cute and lovely





ah that was cute..hybrid Kookie is actually one of the plots I adore a lot. Taehyung being the caring boyfriend for his hybrid and their cute love story ufff💜



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