NovelToon NovelToon

Your Love Is My Bliss (TaeKook)

°My Hybrid Love°


It was a beautiful starry night when I walked out of my working place to go back home.

I was walking with my hands in my hoodie's pocket while listening to a soothing music through my earphones. As usual I kept looking around taking in the beauty of Seoul's night life. The lighting work looks like as if the stars have came down on earth and have scattered themselves around everywhere here.

After reaching to my apartment I opened the door, and got inside, closing the door behind. I turned on the lights getting into hall but when the room was lighted up, I was left fascinated seeing someone sitting there on my sofa, looking so ethereal and innocent in all pearl white outfit.

Seeing everything lighted up, He looked up at me and smiled sweetly. Dàmn, he literally looks like an angel straight coming down from the heaven!

"Who, who are you?" I asked coming back to my senses.

"you don't remember me, Bear?" he asked with a cute pout forming over his lips.

"Bear? Who?" I asked with a frown and confusion written all over my face while looking at the figure in front of me who was walking towards me at the moment.

"Mmh, you are my bear!" He said with a cute smile while wrapping arms around my neck and I could feel my heart flutter on his touch.

"I, I don't think I know you and, and how did you got in my apartment?" I asked trying to free myself from his hold but he just doesn't leave, getting even more closer which was making me feel something weird inside.

"You do know me Bear, try to think na and about me getting in your apartment so...uhm it's not a big deal for me" He said with a wink and my heart fluttered once again.

"Can, can you keep some distance?" I asked, trying to get away as he was too close that I could feel his soft breath fanning over my lips and it was speeding up my heartbeat.

"How about a no?" He said tightening his hold around my neck and getting even closer. I was just speechless cuz of his boldness. I couldn't help but close my eyes cuz of his actions.

A moment or two might have passed by when I heard a giggling sound which made me open my eyes and I saw that it was him, he was looking even more beautiful in the moment.

"You are still the same" he said, freeing me from his hold finally. Now it was confusing me, I really don't know him then why is he talking as if we know each other from a long time and, and why didn't I push him, why his touch is making my heart flutter?

"You know I came in morning, but you were gone already" he said holding my hand and walking room?!

"I missed you so much in these all years, I wanted to come back to you so bad but no one let me come" he said with a sad pout, making me even more confuse.

Upon getting in the room, he made me sit on the bed and walked towards my wardrobe.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to get up to go to him and stop him but I couldn't cuz he glared at me with pouty lips, asking me to keep quiet with his eyes and to my surprise I even complied, sitting back on the bed.

"Here, go and take a shower, I have prepared the dinner already for you, you know" He said with a cute smile while placing a pair of clothes along with towel in my hands and I just complied. I don't think there was any use to ask him something cuz his answers are just confusing me even more, everytime.

After taking the shower when I came out, the room was empty which made me wonder about that unknown guy. I walked out of the room, looking around for him in the hall but he was no where in sight.

"Was I dreaming?" I mumbled to myself and walked into kitchen thinking about his words and to my surprise there was really food ready to be served.

"He wasn't a dream, but then where is he?" I frowned and looked around all over the apartment but he was nowhere. I don't know why but it made me sad and I sat there on sofa with a sigh.

"Did he leave?" I said sadly to myself and just then I felt a lick over my feet and I looked down immediately.

I saw there was a small rabbit, sitting near my leg. He had pure white fur and ocean blue eyes. I picked him up and put him in my lap, wondering from where did he come from?

"First that cute guy and now you, is there some secret passage which connects to my apartment, I don't know about?" I wondered caressing over the back of that rabbit to which he seems to be relaxing.

The rabbit puts it's paws on my chest, getting up and I can't help but hold him in my arms, carefully.

"Where did you come from" I mumbled, caressing over his head.

"You still don't recognise me, so bad of you" my eyes widened, I was shook to the core cuz it was said by that no not rabbit, IT'S THAT GUY FROM EARLIER. That rabbit, he fúcking changed into that guy from earlier and, AND HE IS FÚCKING SITTING IN MY LAP RIGHT NOW!!

"Ah wae you have to be so adorable with your reactions, my love" he whined, hugging me and rubbing his face to my neck. I was still in a shock cuz of his transformation and he, he wasn't helping at all with his these actions.

"It makes me sad, how you don't remember me but it's okay I'll forgive you cuz I love you" he said circling his finger over my bare chest. Uh yeah, I wasn't wearing my top cuz I'm not used to wear it at night and guess he knew that already cuz he didn't give me any top earlier.

I looked down at him and I could see him pouting sadly. Now, it makes me feel sad but I really can't recall who is he? How he knows me and how can he turn into a rabbit?

"Are you a hybrid?" I asked in a low tone and he looks up at me, blinking his eyes with a soft smile.

"Oh" it was all I could say then I looked down with a sigh feeling bad for not remembering him.

"Do you have someone named Bunny, in your memories?" He asked in a loving tone, cupping my face and I frowned hearing the name.

"Bunny?" I whispered out, feeling sad cuz I do have someone with that name in my memories, he was very special to me, my precious love. He was a hybrid too. My parents had brought him for me when I was a little child. I always kept him with me all the time. He had cute features and his smile was as adorable as him. But, he was taken away from me by some people when we were playing in a park, I was 15 at that time. I was devastated when he was gone. I cried so much for him, my parents tried to find him but they couldn't.

"Wae, wae you are asking about him" I asked with teary eyes. He can't be my Bunny cuz--

"Nothing happened to me Bear, I'm alive and fine. I was saved by a couple back there in Busan." he said softly, touching his face to my cheeks and I could feel my tears fall.

"You, you are saying the truth? You are my Bunny?" I asked being emotional and he nodded, smiling his bunny smile. Seeing that smile I couldn't help but cry and he immediately took me in his warm embrace. I have missed him so much. I thought I lost him and I'll never get to see him again.

"Why, why didn't you come back to me before" I asked, hugging him tightly.

"I, I wasn't in that condition, I was badly injured when that couple had found me. It took me years to be healed completely. When I was all fine I wished to come back here to you but that couple and their children were always so worried to let me go just like that, they thought what if I got caught by someone again so they taught me to hide my identity of being a hybrid and also how to protect myself from such people." He explained, caressing over my back in a soothing manner which helped me to calm down, I was so happy to get him back.

"I'm sorry for not protecting you that day" I said, looking at him with my teary eyes. I always felt so guilty and disappointed in myself for that day.

"You were just a kid, my love" he said, cupping my cheeks and kissing over my nose which made me smile. He is so adorable.

"Can I kiss you please? Your lips are so tempting. I'm barely holding back myself" he said with shiny eyes, wrapping arms around my neck and it made me smile my boxy smile. He is still just like how he used to be, adorable!

"Sure, you can! I'm yours and you are mine after all." I said and he tilted his head to the side a little, getting closer to my face then he placed his lips on mine, kissing me in a slow pace and I reverted the kiss, pulling him closer while tightening my hold around his tiny waist.

After some minutes of kissing we pulled back from the kiss and he looks at me with an adorable smile, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so happy to be back to you, my love" he whispered into my ears, biting over my earlobe.

"Don't do it, Bunny" I said pulling him back and he looks at me with a mischievous smile.

"Does it make you feel something inside" he said tracing down his index finger from my neck to chest and then circling over there. It gave me a tingling sensation all over my body.

"It does! So you better don't do it unless you are ready for the consequences" I said, holding his finger into my hand.

"Is it?" He asked coming closer to me.

"Then I'm ready, can we?" He whispered over my lips and that's it, I can't control myself anymore. I just smashed my lips to his, pinning him down on the sofa and hovering over him.

We made love whole night. And next day he was whining to me for luring him into this tho it was him who did it and gladly gave in. But I didn't say anything, I just love everything about him, years have passed but he is still the same Bunny I loved, with whom I wished to live my whole life and now I can.


°Thank you for help, sorry for kiss°


"Thank you for the help and sorry for the kiss" that's what he said to me before jumping off from my apartment's balcony, giving a smile which made my heart flutter.

Well it happened about a month ago, it was midnight and I was just gazing at the stars, standing in the balcony of my apartment cuz I wasn't being able to fall asleep, my mind was disturbed with many things which made it hard for me to fall asleep.

I closed my eyes, opening my arms to feel the wind which was touching me softly but then I heard some rustling sounds, it was coming from terrace...well the apartment in which I live have five floors in it and I own the top one so if someone do anything heavy up there on terrace like running or something so I can hear it clearly, I wondered what was happening...for a moment I thought it was some monkeys cuz yeah they do come there often so I tried to look up, supporting to the railing but someone just jumped off in my balcony at that time in an all black attire which made my eyes wide opened.

"Shh, don't you dare to scream!" the man in black who just jumped into my balcony said in a deep cold voice while his deep cold fiery eyes stared right into my soul and dàmn I could feel my heart skipping some beat, his that voice was too sexy to be real. Welp yeah I'm into men so it was normal for me to feel like that for some so devilish hottie like him.

I saw how he was looking around there with a sharp gaze, it made me wonder if he was hiding from someone. I thought to ask him about his identity but FÚCK I was pulled into a dàmn kiss before I could do that. I was dazed for a moment feeling his soft lips against mine, but the movements of his lips made me come back to the reality. I tried to resist it a little but his grip was too strong, he didn't even budge a little. Lastly I ended up giving in. I closed my eyes, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed him back. I FÚCKING KISSED BACK A STRANGER WHO JUST BROKE INTO MY HOUSE...welp balcony.

After 10 minutes of a hot makeout...yeah makeout cuz it wasn't just a normal kiss. He was literally nibbling and sucking over my lips HE EVEN DARED TO ENTER HIS TONGUE IN MY MOUTH tho I had welcomed it gladly but...BUT he should be a little considerate about kissing an unknown guy like that, no?...Not that I mind, it was just too perfect...ah my heart...well well, let's get onto the point so...yeah he kissed me. I was breathless when he finally pulled back from the kiss. I was still huffing trying to catch my breathes when he said that to me and jumped off of my balcony. Gosh I was scared to my wits when he did it but to my surprise when I looked down he was nowhere in sight.

I still wonder if he was a dream, I would actually believe it if someone said that he was, cuz he was dreamy, too perfect to be real...his those fiery almond eyes, button nose, sharp jawline, plumpy lips with a mole on the lower one, his lips were too soft...uhm like flowers petals, he literally tasted like heaven man, arghhhhh I want him to kiss me again and if he was a dream then I want to dream him again.

I kicked the stone on the ground with a sigh knowing it's not going to happen, like it's been a month man, he might not even remember about it...oh welp I'm walking back my home right now from my friend's house, that kitty face didn't even agree to drop me, such a sleepy head he is!

I'm walking in a dark alley and it's giving me chills, what if some ghost came out from some corner...welp I know ghosts aren't real but I can't help with my brain which loves to think of these things in such moments.

"WOAH!!" I exclaimed out of fear thanks to this son of a bitçh...I mean dog, he barked suddenly from back making me scared, like dude I'm already scared and you want me to just die.

"Fúck you!!" I said to the dog being annoyed and turned to walk further but my legs froze hearing a chuckle sound.

I gulped looking around, I'm scared of humans as well, they can be scarier than ghost after all.

"Is someone there?" I asked barely audible, seeing a silhouette behind the pole on the distance of some steps and someone peeked out.

"Missed me, cutie?"

OH HOLY MOLY MOTHER COW!! it's that devilish hottie from the other day, who literally made me feel heaven in just one kiss.

"Hey, are you there?" he asked in his that deep sexy voice while moving his hand in front of my face and I was brought back to the ground cuz this guy here literally made me feel as if I was in the middle of hazy clouds.

"Y-you" fúck this stuttering, it wasn't meant to come out like that!! Oh but wait...he just chuckled, oh my his smile is so dazzling.

"Okay now stop staring at me like that, it's creeping me out a little" he said flicking over my forehead lightly but guess what?! I still smiled like a fool (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠)

"You didn't seem to be so weird in all these weeks" he said with a judging look on his face and it snapped, what he meant by that? Was he stalking me or something?

"What do you mean, wait who are you? And, and are you stalking me right now?" I asked, finally getting out of my bubble, like no matter how much handsome, sexy and what not he is but I can't just let him go now cuz of his this statement...welp I would haven't let him go either way.

"Don't tell me you don't remember me darling, I can literally see the shine in your eyes upon seeing me" he said with that charming smile of his. God, did he just called me darling? and his smile... Is he on purpose? It's all making me feel so weak for him.

"I do remember you, you took my first kiss after all and that also in first meeting with no introduction" I said crossing my hands over my chest and he scratched his head with a shy smile. Oh my he is all in one, like he was hot as hell a moment ago and now look at him, cute as fúck.

"Well I didn't had time for intro but..." he took a pause and pulled me in his arms. I was bumped into his well built chest cuz of the action and he wrapped his arms around my waist as if he owns it...welp he can if he wants, not that I would mind it.

"Now we can introduce ourselves if you wish" he whispered over my lips in a deep husky voice with a mischievous smile and I could feel my cheeks heat up on it. I gulped my shyness and looked into his eyes, ah his these ocean blue eyes, I just want to dive into it.

"Jeon Jungkook" I whispered out, staring into his eyes and he hummed, leaning over me.

"Kim Taehyung" he whispered into my ears sweetly, and it made my heart flutter.

"I wonder if you kiss around everyone breaking into their house at midnight" I said looking over his shoulder and he chuckled, oh guess I'm getting addicted to it.

"Well you were my first too like I was yours" he said with a soft smile and my eyes widened, like seriously, he just kissed a random person suddenly like that and then says it was his first.

"You want me to believe it?" I asked not believing what he just said and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"Not that it harms me if you don't" oh I didn't like it, he should try to make me believe but well not that we are something so it's okay I guess.

"Fine" I said a bit annoyed, I didn't mean it okay but I can't help it.

"Guess my sweetheart got mad"

"Who is your sweetheart?"

"The one who is in my arms right now"

Welp I'm at loss of words here, I think I should push him, ah but it's a waste, like come on, not everyday I can have someone so handsome like him hold me in their arms. Ah come to think of it, I actually don't want anyone but just him. I have been thinking about him every single night ever since that incident and he finally showed up today.

"If you don't mind, would you come with me at my place?" I asked playing with his collar, I didn't look at him while asking it, I'm afraid he might reject it and I don't want it.

"Sure" see I told ya...OH WAIT!! did he just agreed?!

"For real?" I asked with a obvious surprise look on my face and he chuckled.

"Yeah but don't expect much" he said with a wink and it took me a moment to understand what he meant by that.

"Yah--" I was about to shout on him but I got cut off by a pair of soft lips over mine, he was kissing me, ahhhhhhh I can't believe my wish came true so fast. I got his kiss again.

He was pulling me closer and closer while kissing me oh so lovingly, ah it's a bit different from the kiss we first shared, it's quite... soft?...yeah it's soft, he is kissing me softly this time, the last one was passionate at first then it became rough and sloppy.

We kissed for a good amount of time, and then pulled back, staring into each other's eyes. Welp, I can actually kiss him all my life only if oxygen wasn't a problem :)

"did you eat chocolate?" he asked while wiping away the saliva from the corner of my lips and I felt my cheeks heat up on the comment whereas he chuckled on my tomato face.

"You are so adorable" he said giving me a tight peck over my lips and I can't help but smile with my these tomato cheeks.

"let's go" he said picking me up in bridal style and I yelp, wrapping arms around his neck immediately.

"yah, you want to kill me with your this sudden acts or what?"

"Sorry sweetheart" he said pecking my lips again. Gosh he is literally making me feel like as if we are in a relationship. Well I would love to be in one with him.

After 10 minutes, we reached to my apartment. Once we got in, he walked into the hall and sat there with me in his lap...ah wae he making me want him so bad?

"So, why did you ask me to come with you" he asked pulling me closer to his chest and I tightened my hold around his neck.

"Cuz I want to spend some time with you and also wanna ask you about that night" I said running my fingers through his hairs and I could feel that he was smiling, I wasn't looking at him as my eyes are stuck at his silky blue hairs.

"I see, what is it you want to know?" he asked circling his long fingers over my waist. oh it tickles a little but feels good.

"How did you come in my balcony and why? And where did you disappear after that?" I asked finally looking at him and he pecked my lips again when our eyes meet.

"your lips are addictive" he said with a smile, it was that smile which he had given me that night before jumping off. It's look like a box, boxy smile. It's cute. He is I said ALL IN ONE!

"So is yours" I said pecking him this time and he smiled. Like if he can peck me then why can't I?

"Now tell me and also why did you say in the alley that I didn't seem weird in past weeks"

"okay, let me tell you about my identity first" he said straightening himself, literally just a inch away from my face.

"say it, I'm all ears" I whispered out staring into his ocean blue eyes which were staring back into my hazel ones.

"I'm a sharp shooter and work for a government organization" he said in a serious tone and I can't stop myself from crushing over him once again. GOD DÀMN IT!! he is so amazing, like seriously a sharp shooter, it's sounds so cool. I can't help but smile my bunny smile, thinking of it.

"Your smile is adorable" he said softly and my heart just leaped a beat. Oh he will give me a heart failure for sure.

"yours is dazzling" I said nuzzling into his cheeks and he held me tightly.

"At that night, I was assigned to kill a mafia boss who was living in the apartment in front of yours changing his identity, I did my work but bad luck, some of his men saw me so I just jumped off in your balcony to save myself from them as I wasn't allowed to kill them" omo I was thrilled to hear it.

"What happened then?" I asked being curious.

"Ah well you see I was wearing a mask at that time so they really didn't see my face but when I decided to jump off in your balcony I had removed it, of course cuz I had seen you standing there and I didn't want you to scream, thinking of me as a thief or something" he took a little pause and then continued again.

"I actually didn't intend to kiss you but those fúckers were looking around with binoculars, like wae? Your boss is dead, man, go and bury him, wae wasting time on me" he said dramatically in a done tone and I can't help but giggle. Ah, he is everything at once, jincha!!

"wae you kiss me?" I asked poking his cheek and he looks at me.

"I pulled you in the kiss cuz I saw one was trying to look there, I didn't want to be caught and also if they found me here then it was possible for them to think of you as someone related to me which could danger you so there wasn't anything else I could think of that time and..." he stopped.

"And??" I asked being too curious.

"Guess love at first sight, I didn't mind to kiss you" WHAT?!!! fúck fúck fúck, did he just said he loves me?? NOooOoo I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm sure I'm dreaming. THIS FREÁKING DEVILISH HOTTIE LOVES ME!! I'm having mental breakdown my lord.

"Jungkook, come back to earth" he said cupping my face and...AND GUESS WHAT?? I just smashed my lips to his, kissing him hungrily, I think it's a dream, before I wake up, I need to at least kiss him thousands of time.

"mmh~ J-jun~g~ko~ok" ah he is trying to break the kiss, I won't, I won't.

"huff Jungkook, kiss me all you want but calm down a little, I'm not running away" he said pulling back from the kiss and it's making me mad, I want kisses na.

"Do you like me?" He asked cupping my face.

"I won't allow a random person to kiss me and peck me again and again if I didn't like him" I said with a pout.

"So you like me?" He asked with his that cute smile and ah, I feel attacked.

"Well guess love at first sight but you didn't tell me yet, where did you disappear after that and also did you stalk me?" I asked with narrowed eyes thinking of his statement from earlier and he smiled nervously, rubbing his nape. Ah I'm falling for his every little move, his every little action.

"I had jumped off in the balcony which was below yours as it was empty at the moment so I could hid there in dark for a while and once I got the chance I was gone back to my place" he took a pause and bit his lower lip slightly as if thinking something.

"You stalked me, didn't you?"

"uhm kind of, I work in the Café there as a part timer which is near your dance academy" I'm shook, how the fúck I never saw him before then.

"Argh! wae you didn't come to me earlier then, you know how much I thought about you" I said in a complaining manner and he cupped my face, pulling me closer.

"Just wanted to be sure about you" he said with a soft smile and placed his lips over mine, giving me small kisses and I closed my eyes on the feel of it.

Never knew, a sudden kiss from a stranger will turn into love and then a life-long promise to live together, be happy together.


...A/N :...

...Hehe, it's done, was it good?? 😃✨...

...It's actually crazy, I never wrote something like this before, too loud with emotions no?...

...But still I hope you liked it, thank you for reading 😊💜...

°Can't we be together?°


"I don't love you anymore, so just stay out of my life" the words rang in my head when I saw a glimpse of someone to whom those words belonged.

Jeon Jungkook, the only love of my life whom I treasured like a precious jewel but he left me saying, he doesn't have any feelings for me anymore. The next day I heard he was getting married to someone. I was all heartbroken when I got to know it, my hopes of getting him back were literally crushed by this news. As the day of his marriage were getting closer I was feeling suffocated. I tried to meet him so many times. I was literally ready to beg him if it could just stop him from leaving me Nd getting married but I saw him with his would be groom. He seemed to be happy, I could see his smile even from afar...I thought maybe he is happy without me, this marriage is his happiness so I just left. I couldn't stand living in the same city as him so I left it and went back to my hometown but after five years I'm back here again cuz...

"Taehyung-ssi" I was lost in my thoughts when I heard someone call my name, upon looking up I saw, that it was the girl with whom I'm getting married at the end of this month and this is the reason of me being here in this city which I started to hate after losing him.

"Hello, miss Dami" I greeted her with a small smile and she reciprocated back, taking the seat in front of me. The purpose of this marriage is solely based on business. Both of us don't share any feelings for each other, we are doing it just for our parents.

"How was your flight Taehyung-ssi? I heard you reached here earlier in the morning, I'm sorry you had to come here to meet me, you must be tired" she said with a tint of worry in her voice and I just smiled casually.

"It's okay Dami-ssi, it wasn't your fault, the meeting was fixed by our parents and flight was quite good so I'm feeling just fine" I said in a nonchalant tone and she nodded with a small smile.

"Taehyung-ssi, if you don't mind can we go out from here?"


"There's a small park on the end of this road, would you like to take a walk there with me?" she asked with a smile, joining her hands with an excitement and I just nodded.

We came out of the Café and were walking towards the park Miss Dami talked about when she suddenly asked me something, and I was taken aback with it.

"Can't I? I-it's okay, maybe I shouldn't have asked, I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable" she said in a low tone, looking down and I just sighed internally. She just asked me if she can hold my hand but I couldn't even say yes for it.

"Taehyung-ssi, can I ask you something... actually it's about our marriage"

"What is it?"

"Do you think this marriage is a right thing to do? I, I know we are doing it for our parents but...but still I have some expectations, I don't want to be in an unwanted marriage feeling worthless my whole life" she said the last part like a small whisper but I could hear her, I don't know what should I say to her. She isn't wrong to expect something from her future partner but I don't think I can fulfill those expectations.

"You can rethink about your decision of marrying me" I said nonchalantly, looking into nothingness. I don't want to give any fake hope to her so I just said what I think is right.

"O-okay" she said in a low tone and then we both just continued our walk in the silence.

Some moments might have passed when she got a call and had to leave. I just stayed there in the park, looking up at the sky. I wondered if earlier it was really Jungkook or my eyes were just playing tricks on me.

"Dàmn you Kim Taehyung!" I cursed myself in my head for thinking about someone else's Omega.


It was around 8 in the night of the other day and the sky was completely embraced by the darkness, some stars were twinkling here and there while the moon was hiding in the clouds and in the midst of it, I don't know where I'm walking to. I had a meeting with my friend but I got ditched at last moment cuz they think, just because they have someone special in thier life so they can treat others like a nuisance. Hmm, nevermind!

"Are you scared?"

I heard a creepy voice which came out from an dark alley which was in right side of me, I wondered if I should go and check or not but then I heard someone's muffled voice, seemed like as if begging to leave.

"What's happening here man" I muttered under my breath and walked inside the alley. I saw there were some men, to be precise some thugs gathered into a corner, looking down on someone I can't see cuz they were standing in circle.

"Hey, the fck you think you are doing" a man with skinny body said to me cuz...well I kicked a Can there on the ground which hit that man in his head so he turned to me, asking that.

"Uhm hello, did it hit hard?" I asked with a nervous smile, not cuz I'm afraid... I'm just teasing him.

"Yes it did, you better apologize and leave from here or it won't end good for you" he said with that trashy mouth of his while walking towards me weirdly.

"Is your leg broken mister?" I asked being confused about his walk and he hissed.

"Are you gonna fix it?" he asked holding my collar.

"Sure, I'm a doctor after all" I said with an angelic smile and kicked him hard into his knees that he fell down, whimpering in pain.

"Ooops, guess I fixed you too fast" I said with a teasing smile and he looked at me with raged eyes when I kicked him right into his face with my knee and now he was lying down peacefully.

Well the moment I knew will come, indeed came cuz those other thugs came towards me running as if I was gonna leave without fixing them, fools.

10 minutes and they all were down. Come to think of it, learning Taekwondo wasn't that bad of a choice eomma made for me.

"Hope I have fixed you all properly, if needed, please think of me again" I said to those thugs with a sweet smile who were near to get passed out and then walked towards the person who was hiding in the corner. He had his ears covered with his both hands and was crying hiding his face into his knees. Guess he is still scared.

"Hey" I called out softly, crouching down in front of him but he still didn't look up so I reached out my hand to him and patted over his arm gently, calling out for his attention once again. When he looked up, I felt myself frozen on it's place cuz...

"TaeTae" I heard him say with those teary doe eyes and bruised face of his. He just jumped into my arms like a small bunny and hugged me tightly, sobbing into my chest.

"Koo" I whispered out while my eyes got teary cuz of his condition. I should have just killed them.

Some moments passed by but he was still hugging me tightly, not ready to leave at all. I thought a little and then I just picked him up in my arms while he was clinging onto me like a koala.

I brought him to my home, his bruises and injuries were needed to be treated. I somehow managed to get him out of my arms and put him on my sofa. After that I went away to bring my medic kit and some warm water for cleansing whereas he sat there innocently like a lost bunny.

"Let me treat you okay?" I asked sitting in front of him on the table and he just looked at me with those big doe eyes of his, nodding his head a little.

"Tell me if it's hurt hm?"

"Okie" he said in a tiny voice, looking at particular something with scared eyes. Well he is scared of needles and all so I could understand his fear but it's needed.

"We aren't using it b--" I bit my lips before the word comes out.

"Okie" he said with a relief in his voice and I smiled softly to myself.

"Why did you go into that alley" I asked while cleaning his wounds.

"I-it's shortcut" he said in a low tone, looking down and I just sighed to myself.

"Were they trying to force you?"

"A-ani, they wanted money b-but I didn't have much that's why they were beating me"

"Couldn't you fight back even a little"

"I, I was scared... I'm a weakling anyway" he said sadly with despair in his voice.

"Hmm" I just hummed, feeling annoyed, hearing what he said. Guess some things never change, he still looks down on himself.

"TaeTae, hurt" he hissed in pain when I was applying the medicine on his bruises he has got on his face.

"I'm sorry, bear with it just a little" I said, blowing some air on his face to calm him down while he just kept looking at me with those big doe eyes of his which has become teary once again now.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel pain" I said finally getting done and he just blinks his eyes, looking at me with a soft gaze.

"Jungkook" I called out but got no response so taking the chance I took out the injection...yeah I lied to him earlier, he needs to take an injection to reduce the pain and also I need to stitch some of his wounds cuz he has got deep cuts. Those fúckers were trying to kill him or what.

"TAETAE!!" he screamed on the top of his lungs and I can't help but chuckle a little, indeed some things never change.

"Pain, pain" he said like a baby, looking at me innocently with his those beautiful doe eyes. He is too adorable.

"It's okay, now all the pain will be gone like woosh! don't worry" I said patting over his head and he hugged me once again which made me stop functioning. I, I really don't know what should I do, he is acting like as if we were never apart and it's really getting hard for me to hold myself back from hugging him back and adore him as if he is mine.

"Can't we be together TaeTae?" I heard him say before he fell into a slumber cuz of the injection I gave to him just a moment ago.

"Am I hearing things or what" I mumbled, looking down at his sleeping face and then lied him down on sofa properly, coming out of my trance. I stitched his wounds on his left arm and side stomach then it was all done.

After that, I just sat there on the table staring at his sleeping figure, I was actually wondering about his family, they must be getting worried for him as it's already 9.30 so after debating with myself for another 10 minutes I searched for his phone, which was still with him in his pocket thankfully.

I took out the phone and as it wasn't locked so I just opened his contacts and I was speechless seeing the contact list. There was only 3 contacts there just like before. Guess he still has social anxiety disorder. The 3 contacts were "'Appa, Boss and...Nae Sarang"'. In the past, one of the contacts belonged to me, '"TaeTae"' but not anymore.

"Whom should I call? His appa or...or his alpha?" I thought for a moment and then my thumb clicked on the last contact itself. I just cursed myself for doing it, I don't know how will I talk to him and what would I say.

I was busy cursing myself when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket and I took it out, wondering who was calling me at this time but seeing the caller ID, I was confused and shocked cuz...

"Koo?" with bewildered mind, I ended the call in his phone and my phone went silent as well, then I just opened the contact info of "Nae Sarang" in his phone and it was mine, the number was mine and so was the picture.

I don't know what to feel or think, It's just so confusing. Why he has my number under such endearment and, and his alpha? Doesn't he have his number or anything.

I was getting crazy with my thoughts when his phone made a "ting" sound indicating that he got a message so I checked for it immediately.

"Where are you, Kookie? Are you going to be late, tonight?" it was from his father. He must be getting worried.

"Should I answer him?" I wondered to myself when my eyes fell on Jungkook who was sleeping peacefully with a cute pout forming over his lips. He was looking so adorable in this moment, just like a baby, so innocent and so fragile. Looking at him I can't help but smile and then I did what I thought was right thing to do right now.

"I'm at Sauna, will be staying here tonight" I texted his father and the reply was here.

"okay" I smiled boxy like seeing the message his father sent. Guess he still stay out there whenever he is upset or feeling down.

"Sleep well, I'll prepare something for you till then" I whispered to his sleeping figure and he just snuggled into pillow which made me smile. I walked away from him and put the medic kit on it's place and the water bowl in kitchen. I freshened up myself quickly and went into kitchen to prepare some soup for him and some other things, not so heavy but healthy.

It was around 11.15 when I got done with everything and walked up to him who happened to be awake and scratching over the pillow with his index finger like a small child.

"What happened? Is something troubling you?" I asked, taking the seat on table in front of him and holding his hand into mine.

"TaeTae" he whispered out and got up immediately with a jerk which opened up his wound a little on his side stomach again as the fresh blood can be seen on the bandage and he was hissing in the pain.

"Can you just stay still or want me to do your dressing again?" I didn't say about stitches or he is going to freak out as if he saw a ghost.

"S-sorry" he said in a painful voice which came out like a whisper making me feel hurt as well.

"It's okay, don't jerk around your body like this or it'll pain" I said, getting up and helped him sit properly, supporting his back to the sofa and his sides with pillows.

"Is it hurting a lot?" I asked caressing his face and he seemed as if he was frozen which made me realise of my action and I took back my hand immediately.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to"

"It's okay" he said, lowering his gaze and I just wondered if he was clingy to me earlier just because he was scared and needed to feel safe.

"W-why, why am I here... weren't we there in that alley?" he asked after taking a pause and I sighed internally. Short term memory loss, he forgot what he did or said to me.

'Cuz you were clinging to me' I wanted to say it but that's not the only reason I brought him here.

"Cuz you were hurt" I said to him with a small smile, and his mouth took an 'o' shape while his eyes kept blinking as if he was thinking something.

"Did it hurt" I asked stroking his hairs and he nodded.

"They were pulling my hairs" he said with a sad pout, caressing over his temples.

"Is it still hurting" I asked taking his hands down and he nodded slightly.


"How about you have something then I'll give you your medicines and all the pain will be gone" I asked with a soft smile and he just nodded.

After an hour when we were done with everything. I took a sit beside him this time.

"Jungkook-ah" I called out, holding his hand into mine gently and he looked at me, humming a little, asking me to continue what I want to say.

"Did you really had got rid of your all feelings for me?" I asked, my voice coming out sadly on it's own and I felt his hand getting stiffened in my hold.

"How is your alpha? Does he treat you well?" I asked and I could feel his hand were getting sweaty.

"T-taehyung" he mumbled out with a difficulty, trying to move away from me and get his hand free.

"Guess I have been living in a lie all these years" I said bitterly and let go of his hand. He didn't say anything, just stayed there keeping his head low. I want to ask him so many things but I know I won't get answers of anything at the moment. I don't want to trouble him more so I stood up from there and he looked up at me immediately. His eyes were teary and looked like as if he was afraid that I was gonna leave him alone.

"You need a good sleep for a proper recovery, Bun" I said, scooping him up in my arms whereas he just snuggled into my chest like a small baby and I can't help but smile.

The night passed by, I was there beside him to take care of him and also I knew he didn't want to be alone so I just stayed. When the morning came I could feel a cramp on my neck cuz I just fell asleep, supporting myself to the bed's headboard but then I felt myself relaxing on the sight of an angel like beauty which was of course him. He was sleeping peacefully and I got busy staring at him but after some moments he started to frown cuz the sunlight was getting inside through curtains and he was trying to avoid it, moving his face here and there. It made me chuckle a little and I just got up from there to close the curtains properly.

After an hour or so, he was awake and we were on dining table. I was feeding him his breakfast while he ate like a cute bunny, making me smile.

"What are you going to do about your work and your appa?" I asked while cleaning the dishes and he looked at me with a confused baby face.

"I, I'll ask for leave at work and, and appa...I, I don't know"

"You can stay here and think of some excuse if you don't want him to know about last night"

"S-stay here?" he asked looking at me with his widened doe eyes and I chuckled slightly, nodding to him.

"okie" he said, fidgeting with his fingers and I smiled to myself. Maybe later on he will be able to tell me what really happened that time.



"Nothing" I said, smiling boxy like and walked away from there to get ready to go to the hospital. I just wanted to call him like that, it's just feels so nice when he responds to it, looking at me with that innocent face of his.


"TaeTae" I heard him, calling out to me as soon as I entered inside the house. Upon looking at him, he looked quite troubled, I wondered if it was cuz of his injuries.

"What happened bun? Are you okay?" I asked, cupping his face but he just looked at me with sad eyes.

"Who is he, Taehyung-ssi" I heard a voice from a distance of some steps. When I looked up I saw, it was Miss Dami, who was walking towards us from hall.

"Dami-ssi, when did you come here and why?" I asked being confused about her sudden visit to my place. I wasn't informed about having any meet with her then why is she here.

"I just wanted to meet you but, who is this Omega boy and what is he doing in your house in your absence" she asked with a tint of misjudgement in her words and I could feel Jungkook staggered a bit, hearing her so I held him immediately.

"He is my Ex-boyfriend, for the moment my patient" I said nonchalantly, looking at her with poker face and she was stunned.

"Y-your Ex?"

'I said patient as well, didn't I?' I said to myself in my head and helped Jungkook to the sofa.

"Let me handle her then we will talk, hm?" I whispered to him softly and he nodded innocently, while his eyes were stuck down on the floor.


"Dami-ssi, didn't you say the other day that you have some expectations from your marriage, you don't want to be in an unwanted marriage feeling worthless your whole life" I said cutting her off in between and walking towards her and she just nodded.

"So I just want to tell you that I still have feelings for him, it's been years since we broke up but I could never move on from him, he is the only one whom I can ever love, I just want to be with him and no one else"

"W-why, why didn't you tell me this the other day? And, and why did you say yes for the marriage?"

"I said yes for the marriage cuz of my parents and I didn't tell you the other day cuz I didn't think it was needed, but the tone you used for him just now, I thought it was needed for you to know who is he and why he can be here even in my absence" I said with a tint of annoyance in my tone at the end and she looked down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"

"Can we break off the marriage?" I asked nonchalantly and she looked at me with a shocked face.

"Are you guys getting back together"

"It doesn't matter if I'm getting him back in my life again or not, I don't want to ruin your life with this unwanted marriage" I said with a poker face and she nodded.

"okay" she said in a small voice and then walked away from there.

Once she was out, I walked towards Jungkook who was sitting there like an abandoned bunny. I smiled and sat in front of him on the table, taking his hands into mine.

"Are you okay Bun? Did she say something mean to you?" I asked in a soft voice, caressing my thumbs on the back of his hand and he just shook his head in no.

"S-she didn't"

"Then why were you looking so scared hm?"

"F-fiancee, she said she was your fiancee" he said with glittering eyes biting his lower lip which was trembling as if he was trying to control himself from crying.

"Was, she was!" I said, sitting beside him and taking him into my embrace gently.

"I love you TaeTae, I never even once thought of leaving you. It, it was hard to do but, but... I'm so sorry, please don't leave me" he said between his sobs, holding onto me tightly and I took him in my lap carefully.

'my baby'

"I won't leave you my BunnyKoo, don't cry" I said with an assurance in my voice and patted over his back softly in order to calm him down.

Once he calmed down, I pulled him back from my embrace and he looked at with his those big doe eyes which has become puffy cuz of crying so much whereas his cheeks, nose and lips were all cherry red making him look adorable.

"Are you okay now?" I asked wiping away his tears gently and he nodded.

"Will you tell me the reason now? Why you left me at that time saying you don't have feelings for me and, and your marriage" I asked in a gentle tone, taking his hands into mine with utmost care and his eyes were welling up again.

"It's okay, you don't need to say if you don't want to talk about it right now, Bun" I said softly, touching my forehead to his to which he closed his eyes, letting his tears fall. I just want to kiss away all of his tears but I need to wait until he opens up to me about what really happened.

"It's okay, Bun" I said kissing over his cheek softly and pulled back.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, cupping his cheeks and he shook his head with his eyelashes dropped downwards.

"Ah, but I'm so hungry, can I eat you? You are looking like cherries" I said playfully, squeezing his cheeks softly and he broke into his bunny smile.

'My adorable baby'

"Want ice-cream?" I asked, knowing that's one thing which cheers him up the most when he is sad and he nodded in tiny, a little shyly. Aigoo he was feeling embarrassed, he can't say no to ice-cream after all.

"okay my baby bun, just give me a moment" I said and walked away from there after pecking over his head.

The time passed by and it was time to sleep, I asked what he said to his father about not going home and he said, he told his father that, he was going out of station cuz of his work and his father just believed him. Well, that was not so like his father, In the past he asked a lot of questions whenever Jungkook had to go out of station for his work but he just agreed at once this time, guess some things have changed.

"TaeTae" he called out to me, reaching out his hand to mine and I looked down at him.

"What happened bun" I asked, caressing over his head but he held my hand and hugged it, taking it close to his chest.

"You were lost" he said, looking at me innocently and I leaned over at him a little, nuzzling into his cheeks slightly.

"Appa thought, me getting married to someone whom he knew since birth was better than me getting married to someone whom I had known for some mere years" he said suddenly, looking into nothingness and I looked at him with sad eyes.

"Did he force you for the marriage?" I asked, caressing his cheek with my free hand and he nodded, biting over his lower lip.

"I didn't want to get married to someone who wasn't you, I told this to appa, I tried to convince him somehow that how you were the best choice for me but, but he said he will kill himself if I didn't agree to get married to the son of his friend. I, I still didn't agree thinking he was just trying to scare me...but, but he did it for real, he cut his wrist right into front of me, asking me to say yes for the marriage. I was so scared seeing the blood oozing out from his hand. When the doctor said that it was a vital point and he could die from it, I felt my whole world tearing apart" He said while his tears found it's way out of his eyes.

I can understand his pain, his father is the only family he had ever since he was a little baby. His mother had died after some days of his birth and cuz of his social anxiety disorder, he never had any friend or something so his father was his whole world until he met me. Though his father was quite strict sometimes and put a lot of restrictions on him but still Jungkook loved him dearly.

"Lastly I agreed. I didn't want you to try to convince appa cuz I was scared that he will try to harm himself again so, so I lied to you about not having any feelings for you anymore" he took a pause and then continued again, looking at me.

"I wanted you to forget about me and leave for good, I'm sorry" he said while his tears kept falling down and I hugged him, lying down beside him.

"It's okay Koo, I understand" I said, caressing over his arms.

"For my appa I, I acted as if I was happy, but the groom ran away on the day of marriage. He had someone he loved and I was glad for what he did" he said with a small smile, sniffling a little.

"Really? what was your appa's reaction" I asked with a surprised face and he looked at me.

"He was devastated but...but it all turned out well for me later on, he never asked me to get married again nor he forced me for anything. He stopped putting any restriction on me, and let me do whatever I wanted" he said hugging me close and I caressed over his back.

"Overall, I got everything I ever asked for, except you" I heard him mumbling to himself and it made me smile.

"You have me as well, my BunnyKoo" I said whisper like, pecking over his head and he looked up.

"Will you accept me?" he asked in a tiny voice and I smiled.

"Always, as long as you wish to be with me too" I said, hugging him closer and he smiled, snuggling into my chest.

"Why didn't you ever try to contact me, I saw you still have my number" I asked looking up at the ceiling while caressing over his arm, gently when he pulled back from the hug and it made me look at him.

"Did, did you see my phone?" he asked with a red face and I bit over my lower lip to control myself from smiling, he was embarassed once again. So cute!

"Wae? Is there something to hide from me, my BunBun?" I asked cupping his cheek and he looked down, shaking his head in no.

"I, I didn't have the courage to call you. I, I myself asked you to leave from my life and it, it felt like I was being selfish everytime I tried to call you or thought about getting you back." he said with a sad pout forming over his lips and I can't help but coo at him.

"It's okay baby, you have all the rights to come back to me, you aren't being selfish or anything" I said, giving small kisses over his face and he closed his eyes, humming with sigh a relief.

"I love you my TaeTae" he said with closed eyes, smiling his bunny smile and I pecked over his lips.

"I love you even more my Koo" I said and he looked at me with shiny eyes, moving even closer to me but...

"Ah~" he looked at me with a sad baby face cuz he felt pain in his rib.

"I should have just killed them" I said with a tint of anger in my voice and he giggled, trying to avoid his pain.

"It's okay, I got you back again cuz of it" he said smiling cutely and I smiled, shaking my head.

"Wait, I'll get you some painkiller" I said, trying to get up but he held my hand.

"I'm okay TaeTae, just lay here with me" he said patting over the bed and I complied.

"If it's get unbearable then tell me hm?" I asked, caressing over his bruises gently to which he blinked his eyes, smiling bunny like and I can't help but kiss him.

"Will your parents agree?" he asked, snuggling his head into my chest and I smiled.

"They will! I never show any interest in getting married or having any relationship that's why lastly they thought to arrange a marriage through their some business partners but now that I have you, I can tell them that I don't want that marriage but you and they will agree"

"Really?" he asked looking up at me and blinking his eyes cutely and I can't help but smile at his cuteness.

"yes my baby, really! who can resist having such a cute son-in-law after all" I said, bumping my head to his lightly and nuzzled over his nose to which he giggled like a small baby.

I'm so happy to get him back in my life. I will never let go of him again nor I'll allow him to leave me.


...A/N : 5k\+ words, too long I suppose. Hope it didn't bore you. Thank you for giving your precious time to read it and I'm sorry if there was any mistake 💜✨...

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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