"What?" Taylor asked, incredulous.
He caught sight of Taylor cradling Cassi, showing her a stuffed toy he'd acquired for her. The Beta looked up, nodding a few times in affirmation.
"You've been on your own for almost two years. Take the offer and go, I'll stay with the baby. Who's the prettiest baby?"
Cassi remained silent, but her face was all smiles.
"It's nonsensical. I have a baby; I can't just go out and have fun when she might need me."
Taylor exhaled a sigh, rolling his eyes. He glanced back, noting the other's gaze fixed on a black card with white letters and numbers. He stood, seating himself next to him while Cassi lay in her wheeled crib, easily moved anywhere without trouble.
"Listen, Prince, just dial the number and say yes."
He watched his friend with an assuring nod, seemingly more excited than himself. Seeing strands of Taylor's black hair fall forward onto his forehead, he wished to convince himself it was as easy as Taylor made it seem, but it didn't feel that way.
"Why overthink it? You're being invited to the opera. You've never experienced that. Go if only to see what it's like," Taylor muttered, stroking his brown hair.
He noticed the other's despondent air and searched for any way to persuade him to attend. He knew he had been overly concerned about Cassi and that, despite working, never lingered longer than necessary or stopped by other places to see her.
"I think I better not."
"Go on, man! What's keeping you from saying yes?"
"I don't want Maiston to think badly and…"
"What?!" he interjected before the sentence was complete. "Remember, he didn't consider what you'd think when he was with that worthless Omega. His opinions shouldn't matter to you."
"It's not that simple. Cassi will cry at night and..."
"No, stop using Cassi as an excuse. Prince, just tell him yes and enjoy yourself. You haven't had fun in far too long. You deserve some good times."
He remained silent, hoping the decision would come on its own. It was Friday, and he had to confirm because the invitation was for tomorrow.
Feeling exhausted, he stood and went to his room to ponder. Taylor said nothing but watched him depart with a somber look, precisely what he wanted to cease seeing in him. No need for the Omega to articulate his feelings; a glimpse into those dimmed green eyes was enough. He disliked it, but knew he couldn't purge his heart of the lingering emotions.
He wished to comfort him, not wanting him to weep, but refrained. Space seemed the best alternative.
Prince sat on the bed, expelling a sigh. He had read the number on the card so often it was etched in his memory. Closing his eyes, he reached for Maiston's jacket always on the bed because Cassi often cried more when it wasn't close. Holding it close, he sniffed its scent.
He wanted to curse Maiston's name, as he couldn't bring himself to meet others while for the other man, it seemed effortless.
He still couldn't fathom what he did wrong to deserve such betrayal. Even with endless night-long deliberations, it was incomprehensible. He knew he hadn't been unfaithful and had always paid attention.
He loved and longed to stop loving, yet the pain of shedding those feelings was intense. Closing his eyes, he felt the urge to cry again. He rarely wept, the last time being at his father's funeral, which was easier because he wasn't alone. Maiston had stood by him, evidencing his love.
He wept bitterly, for if there was no love, the rationale for the marriage or for being led to believe in such baffled him.
Feeling somewhat relieved post-cry, he stepped into the shower, recognizing that crying wasn't bad. Venting heart-wrecking emotions was superior to letting them linger and inflict greater pain.
After showering, he donned comfortable clothes; simple boxers and an oversized t-shirt falling just below his buttocks. Seated on the bed, he reached for his phone and dialed the number, aware that calling at midnight might be an annoyance, yet he needed that fleeting courage.
"Hello?" came a husky voice from the line.
He swallowed and strived to focus solely on the caller, despite struggling as memories of Maiston's sleepy voice crept into his thoughts.
"H-hello..." he stuttered nervously.
"Who am I speaking with?"
"It's Prince, apologies if I've woken you."
"No worries," the voice replied, more awake now. "What's up, tell me."
Taking a deep breath, Prince began.
"Well, I wanted to convey that I'll accompany you tomorrow. I've never been to the opera, so it intrigues me."
"Fantastic, that's perfect. I promise you won't regret the opera, it'll make great company."
"The sentiment is mutual; I hope to be good company."
There was silence for a few moments, and Prince sensed the rarity of conversing with an Alpha. Closing his eyes briefly, he inquired.
"So, what time should I be there?"
"No, please allow me the pleasure of picking you up."
The idea didn't sit well with him, bringing an immediate flurry of talk and speculation. His urge to refuse was damped by Taylor's echoed words, convincing him that was how it should be. That he was free to meet whoever he pleased as Maiston had cared less.
"Sure, at the Three Clover building. I'll be downstairs so you needn't come up."
"Perfect. I'll arrive by eight since the show starts at nine, and we'll have time to get there calmly."
"Okay. See you. Goodbye."
He ended the call, throwing his phone on the bed, feeling his palms sweat and breath shortening. He ran his hands through his hair and saw Taylor reappear with Cassi, sporting a goofy grin that merely implied eavesdropping from behind the door.
"So, he's picking you up?"
"Why ask? You heard already."
Taylor's smile grew stronger.
"See, it wasn't so hard. I bet he likes you."
"Just because he invited me doesn't mean he likes me."
"Oh, Prince, as if I'm a fool," he chuckled. "But bettter if he does. You stand more chance of having..."
"No one's having sex!" Prince interjected, standing promptly to avoid the impending narrative. "Besides, I don't even know what to wear. I've put on weight, and some things don't fit as they used to."
With Cassi safely in bed, Taylor approached the enormous wardrobe full of clothing.
"Let's see what we have here," he mused thoughtfully.
Prince watched him flick through clothes and inspect shoes. Unsure of what to do, overwhelmed with nerves and multitudinous thoughts, he simply let Taylor scour, seating himself on the bed.
He didn't mull over it much but struggled as this was the first outing post-ordeal. Minutes later, Taylor presented a selection on the bed, declaring them the most suitable options for an opera concert.
"It gets chilly at night, so this coat always looks good on you. These trousers are deadly now you've filled out; you've got more behind..."
He nodded, trusting in his fashion guru friend.
At last, fully dressed and ready to leave, he clung to the bed, second-guessing his decision.
"Out you go!" Taylor bellowed.
"I've changed my mind! I have a headache!"
But Taylor had no patience for doubts and, confident in the clothing choices, he pulled Prince off the floor, ignoring his protests, and pushed him out the apartment. Prince stood outside the closed door, only to see it open again. He wished to dart back in as Taylor flung two condoms at his face.
"Safety first; I don't fancy playing godfather again so soon."
The door slammed once more, and there he was, alone in the corridor, unsure of his next step.
He shut his eyes tight, the appointed time to depart looming. Reich would soon be arriving. Resigned, he strode to the elevator and exited into the freezing outdoors, huddling into himself. Looking around, nearly ready to return upstairs, a grey car pulled up beside the curb.
Uncertain if it was Reich's vehicle or not, his feet rooted to the spot as the driver emerged, clad in casual attire that, in contrast to the suit, rendered him even more striking.
He snapped his mouth shut and cleared his throat as Reich approached.
"Sorry, have you been waiting long?"
Mute, he simply shook his head, managing a nervous smile and stepped into the car. His mind raced with thoughts, but he confined his conversation to minimal replies as Reich spoke abundantly.
Exiting at the parking lot, he felt the touch of Reich's hand on his lower back guiding him through the venue. Reich's courtesy was overwhelming, reminding Prince of Maiston who had always been kind, never insulted or disrespected him until infidelity shattered everything.
"Here's our spot."
"We're very close," remarked Prince, settling into his seat.
"I often attend these events and prefer the front, though it's my first time bringing company."
The Omega nodded, the performance starting soon after. Each musical note resonated within him, and though he expected an annoyance, he found himself enjoying it. Astonished, he relaxed for the first time in a long while, the melodies uplifting rather than sad, prompting smiles from him.
Upon conclusion, Reich noticed a remarkable change in Prince. Initially anxious, now he observed a newly found animation, confidence, and sureness.
"So, what did you make of it all?" he inquired, lowering his gaze.
"I loved it, Reich!" Prince exclaimed, alight with a grand smile.
Perhaps, amidst anguish and misfortune, there could be brightness ahead.
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Yep go on and find someone new/Proud/