Chapter 1 Pirates on board

Year 2320 A.D

Location:the boundless universe , Kyle looked at the vast emptiness spanning as far as his eyes could see beyond the see through glass which separated him from the endless void he was staring at , the space ship he was currently on had just came out from hyper jump and will need two hours to charge itself for another jump , unknowingly he had been staring at the same spot for a while just admiring the view of the wonders of space which earned him a slap to the skull from his lieutenant captain.

Although it was just a simple tap from the lieutenant , the force behind it was enough to bring him crashing to the titanium floor of the ship .

" What are you spacing out for, this must be your first time in space, better get back to work soldier , find something doing , common soldiers like you should be grateful you are even been taking care of by the Federation , but instead of working all you piece of sh!t do is laze around , despicable bastard." Lieutenant Ashton flared at Kyle .

All Kyle could do was stay laying on the ground , he was still quiet disoriented due to the heavy impact of his body to the titanium reinforced spaceship .

The Standard platoon space explorer cruiser , was a state of the art 2319 A.D spaceship , newly developed by the 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 (𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅) and it was mostly used for exploration or the transportation of rare minerals from other planets , the space cruiser was equipped with psionic blasters capable of placing a sizeable hole about one kilometer deep on the moon , ray guns , laser beams, radiation shield , artificial intelligence which could navigate through the most dangerous astro belt in the solar system and a twin engine solar powered engine which drew power from radiations of stars which powered it's hyper jumps which could reach speeds of mach 500 , about one kilometer in length and width and 500 meters in height , with even more better interiors , and a maximum capacity of 1000 soldiers.

Well enough about the ship lets head back to our main character.

after finally regaining himself he tried to stand but was immediately assaulted with a serious headache , but slowly and surely he stood to his feet and with shaky steps back headed back to his quarters while receiving hateful glares from awakened and commoner soldiers alike.

" Commoners just don't know anything , we do all the battling while they get the easiest missions but still they don't want to be useful.... , lazy bastard."

" What a waste of space."

As Kyle took wobbly steps to his bunk he heard the awakened soldiers but couldn't do any thing about it , they where absolutely right , unawakened like him where nothing but the lowest of the low categories of soldiers and where used as labourers instead of soldiers , they were responsible for the mining and extracting of rare minerals and other odd jobs , they are nothing but extra hands for the𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 .

At the moment they where on their way to Mars to collect Aether stones , the most valued mineral of the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 , it could be used in most areas of operation , out of 1000 troops sent to Mars only 50 were awakened while the rest where unawakened .

This is the first off-planet mission Kyle had been in so he couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of space but that led to him been slammed hard on titanium steel.

After finally by some miracle been able to walk to his bunk bed he dropped exhausted on it , all his body was aching all over , he stared at the ceiling while he thought of how his life came to this.

A little child was dropped at the doors of an orphanage home , he never knew his parents or how he came to be left to the orphanage , he never knew his age of birth or his real age , he was given a name by the head mother and given a birthdate which was the day he was given to the orphanage home .

And since all orphanage homes where institutes financed by the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 to house homeless kids till they come of age which was 15 years after they joined the orphanage home to awaken them , Kyle found himself In a laboratory along with a thousand more kids facing the painful process of been awakened , it was nothing less than torture but he went through it with a strong heart with the motivation of becoming an awakened, but reality was cruel to him , from the total number of kids who went through the process , 10% died due to the pain , 10% lost their reasoning faculty and became mad , 5% mutated and turned to something else entirely , only 30% became awakened while the rest couldn't be awakened and Kyle found himself among the unawakened , he remembered how he almost lost his mind when he heard the news .

" I am sorry young man , but you are unable to be awakened."

That single statement ruined his life and his dreams , he remembered giving up on life , but without money all he could do was join the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 as an unawakened soldier and he had been living in grief ever since , commoner soldiers was a simple way to put it but the truth is they where nothing more than free labors for the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 , his salary was the bare minimum to survive , but he was worked like an elephant day in and day out for the past 3 years .

" three years and what do I have to show for it nothing." Kyle thought.

While still caught up in his thought the alarm of the space cruiser went on .


The Ear piercing noise made Kyle jump on his feet .

" What the hell is going on , everything was fine a while ago."

As if to answer his question the speakers went on .

"Attention , Attention , Attention , this is your captain speaking we are stuck in a grey zone , all awakened personnel get ready for battle I repeat we are stuck in a grey zone , all awakened personnel get ready for battle." Then it went back off.

This sudden news didn't ease Kyle's fear in fact he found himself more scared now than a moment ago .

Grey zones , static zones created by space bandits and pirates to steal from space cruisers . all space cruisers became nothing but junks of metal after entering grey zones with all electronic devices becoming junk .

" What the hell , oh no am done for." Kyle stood straight forgetting his body pains and dashed out of the sleeping quarter , but on the way out he was hit with a violent shockwave which sent him crashing head first to the titanium ..... again .

" Dammit , that's twice in just an hour." , Kyle said trying to stop his bleeding nose .

All he could see were blurry red light in his vision which he linked to the ship alarm system .

" Attention all awakened this is your captain speaking , pirates are on board our ship, I repeat pirates are on board our ship kill every on of them on sight, I repeat kill every one of them on sight."

Kyle struggled to his feet not giving up on escaping from this nightmare he started walking slowly while holding the walls for support .

While turning left he was met face to face with his worst fear .... pirates .

Unable to move Kyle simply stared at the man in haggard armour , he felt if he even breathed a little the predator will lock on to him , but their was still hope the pirate hadn't seen him.

Using his last chance he took three steps back but then stepped on a scrap metal and fell face first to the titanium alloy again , knowing all hope was lost he looked at the pirate and discovered he was also looking at him.

(\*\_\*) , Kyle.

ಠ\_ಠ , pirate.

ಥ‿ಥ , Kyle.

ಠ︵ಠ , pirate.

"I am done for." , Kyle closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable when suddenly he heard the familiar noise of a ray gun going of , the pirate that scared him so much was blasted to oblivion by... his lieutenant the same \*\*\*\*\* who smacked him to the ground .

At this moment Kyle felt like a spot light was on the lieutenant in slow mode and he was shinning bright like a hero.

' Thank yo.... thank you so much lieutenant I totally forgive you for smashing my head into the floor.'

The lieutenant finally seeing Kyle soaking in his own blood couldn't help but snap at him .

"Bloody fool get off your \*\*\* and out of this area before I spray you on the floor , stupid mother fu$ker."


' I take back all i said.'

Before Kyle could properly stand up , more pirates came in through the destroyed wall more than fifty of them were already in the room , shocked out of his wits Kyle ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the exit .

But was stopped by the collapse of the upper floor which blocked the exit shut .

" Dammit , today isn't my day."

Out of the rubble flew the captain himself with a sword and a ray gun in hand , like the wind he swiftly ran passed Kyle and proceeded to cause carnage in the enemy's rank ,arms and legs flew left and right as the captain unleashed all hell on the pirates, Kyle abruptly looked away from the gothic scene unfolding behind him, he was finding it hard to hold his meal in .

With a single punch the captain made a fist size hole on the titanium walls shocking Kyle silly .

' I heard awakened where strong but never did I imagine they were this strong.'

Kyle crawled into the next floor and took deep breaths , he had just escaped certain death , and he couldn't be more happier , now he just had to find a place to hide , he wouldn't die after escaping death.... right .

" Attention, Attteennttionnsss , this is your friendly pirate speaking , your ship has been plundered and my hands are on the self destruct button , haaahhaaaa , your stupid captain fell for my trap and left the control room In my care , so I give you all ten seconds to say your prayers before I .... explode this big chunk of steel.

" Oh , shit.",Kyle used all his available strength doing a 100 meter dash towards an escape pod.


'What, he didn't even start from ten 'Kyle dashed through the wreckage of the space cruiser

With barely 2 seconds to spare Kyle pressed the eject button and found himself shooting out of the spaceship .

" Phew, I made.....".

Before Kyle could complete his word he was blown over 5 miles away due to the shock wave leaving his escape pod out of service .

" Oh , fu&k me." .





almost laughed my self silly



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