NovelToon NovelToon


Chapter 1 Pirates on board

Year 2320 A.D

Location:the boundless universe , Kyle looked at the vast emptiness spanning as far as his eyes could see beyond the see through glass which separated him from the endless void he was staring at , the space ship he was currently on had just came out from hyper jump and will need two hours to charge itself for another jump , unknowingly he had been staring at the same spot for a while just admiring the view of the wonders of space which earned him a slap to the skull from his lieutenant captain.

Although it was just a simple tap from the lieutenant , the force behind it was enough to bring him crashing to the titanium floor of the ship .

" What are you spacing out for, this must be your first time in space, better get back to work soldier , find something doing , common soldiers like you should be grateful you are even been taking care of by the Federation , but instead of working all you piece of sh!t do is laze around , despicable bastard." Lieutenant Ashton flared at Kyle .

All Kyle could do was stay laying on the ground , he was still quiet disoriented due to the heavy impact of his body to the titanium reinforced spaceship .

The Standard platoon space explorer cruiser , was a state of the art 2319 A.D spaceship , newly developed by the 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐔𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐅𝐄𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 (𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅) and it was mostly used for exploration or the transportation of rare minerals from other planets , the space cruiser was equipped with psionic blasters capable of placing a sizeable hole about one kilometer deep on the moon , ray guns , laser beams, radiation shield , artificial intelligence which could navigate through the most dangerous astro belt in the solar system and a twin engine solar powered engine which drew power from radiations of stars which powered it's hyper jumps which could reach speeds of mach 500 , about one kilometer in length and width and 500 meters in height , with even more better interiors , and a maximum capacity of 1000 soldiers.

Well enough about the ship lets head back to our main character.

after finally regaining himself he tried to stand but was immediately assaulted with a serious headache , but slowly and surely he stood to his feet and with shaky steps back headed back to his quarters while receiving hateful glares from awakened and commoner soldiers alike.

" Commoners just don't know anything , we do all the battling while they get the easiest missions but still they don't want to be useful.... , lazy bastard."

" What a waste of space."

As Kyle took wobbly steps to his bunk he heard the awakened soldiers but couldn't do any thing about it , they where absolutely right , unawakened like him where nothing but the lowest of the low categories of soldiers and where used as labourers instead of soldiers , they were responsible for the mining and extracting of rare minerals and other odd jobs , they are nothing but extra hands for the𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 .

At the moment they where on their way to Mars to collect Aether stones , the most valued mineral of the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 , it could be used in most areas of operation , out of 1000 troops sent to Mars only 50 were awakened while the rest where unawakened .

This is the first off-planet mission Kyle had been in so he couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of space but that led to him been slammed hard on titanium steel.

After finally by some miracle been able to walk to his bunk bed he dropped exhausted on it , all his body was aching all over , he stared at the ceiling while he thought of how his life came to this.

A little child was dropped at the doors of an orphanage home , he never knew his parents or how he came to be left to the orphanage , he never knew his age of birth or his real age , he was given a name by the head mother and given a birthdate which was the day he was given to the orphanage home .

And since all orphanage homes where institutes financed by the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 to house homeless kids till they come of age which was 15 years after they joined the orphanage home to awaken them , Kyle found himself In a laboratory along with a thousand more kids facing the painful process of been awakened , it was nothing less than torture but he went through it with a strong heart with the motivation of becoming an awakened, but reality was cruel to him , from the total number of kids who went through the process , 10% died due to the pain , 10% lost their reasoning faculty and became mad , 5% mutated and turned to something else entirely , only 30% became awakened while the rest couldn't be awakened and Kyle found himself among the unawakened , he remembered how he almost lost his mind when he heard the news .

" I am sorry young man , but you are unable to be awakened."

That single statement ruined his life and his dreams , he remembered giving up on life , but without money all he could do was join the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 as an unawakened soldier and he had been living in grief ever since , commoner soldiers was a simple way to put it but the truth is they where nothing more than free labors for the 𝐀.𝐇.𝐀.𝐅 , his salary was the bare minimum to survive , but he was worked like an elephant day in and day out for the past 3 years .

" three years and what do I have to show for it nothing." Kyle thought.

While still caught up in his thought the alarm of the space cruiser went on .


The Ear piercing noise made Kyle jump on his feet .

" What the hell is going on , everything was fine a while ago."

As if to answer his question the speakers went on .

"Attention , Attention , Attention , this is your captain speaking we are stuck in a grey zone , all awakened personnel get ready for battle I repeat we are stuck in a grey zone , all awakened personnel get ready for battle." Then it went back off.

This sudden news didn't ease Kyle's fear in fact he found himself more scared now than a moment ago .

Grey zones , static zones created by space bandits and pirates to steal from space cruisers . all space cruisers became nothing but junks of metal after entering grey zones with all electronic devices becoming junk .

" What the hell , oh no am done for." Kyle stood straight forgetting his body pains and dashed out of the sleeping quarter , but on the way out he was hit with a violent shockwave which sent him crashing head first to the titanium ..... again .

" Dammit , that's twice in just an hour." , Kyle said trying to stop his bleeding nose .

All he could see were blurry red light in his vision which he linked to the ship alarm system .

" Attention all awakened this is your captain speaking , pirates are on board our ship, I repeat pirates are on board our ship kill every on of them on sight, I repeat kill every one of them on sight."

Kyle struggled to his feet not giving up on escaping from this nightmare he started walking slowly while holding the walls for support .

While turning left he was met face to face with his worst fear .... pirates .

Unable to move Kyle simply stared at the man in haggard armour , he felt if he even breathed a little the predator will lock on to him , but their was still hope the pirate hadn't seen him.

Using his last chance he took three steps back but then stepped on a scrap metal and fell face first to the titanium alloy again , knowing all hope was lost he looked at the pirate and discovered he was also looking at him.

(\*\_\*) , Kyle.

ಠ\_ಠ , pirate.

ಥ‿ಥ , Kyle.

ಠ︵ಠ , pirate.

"I am done for." , Kyle closed his eyes waiting for the inevitable when suddenly he heard the familiar noise of a ray gun going of , the pirate that scared him so much was blasted to oblivion by... his lieutenant the same \*\*\*\*\* who smacked him to the ground .

At this moment Kyle felt like a spot light was on the lieutenant in slow mode and he was shinning bright like a hero.

' Thank yo.... thank you so much lieutenant I totally forgive you for smashing my head into the floor.'

The lieutenant finally seeing Kyle soaking in his own blood couldn't help but snap at him .

"Bloody fool get off your \*\*\* and out of this area before I spray you on the floor , stupid mother fu$ker."


' I take back all i said.'

Before Kyle could properly stand up , more pirates came in through the destroyed wall more than fifty of them were already in the room , shocked out of his wits Kyle ran as fast as his legs could take him towards the exit .

But was stopped by the collapse of the upper floor which blocked the exit shut .

" Dammit , today isn't my day."

Out of the rubble flew the captain himself with a sword and a ray gun in hand , like the wind he swiftly ran passed Kyle and proceeded to cause carnage in the enemy's rank ,arms and legs flew left and right as the captain unleashed all hell on the pirates, Kyle abruptly looked away from the gothic scene unfolding behind him, he was finding it hard to hold his meal in .

With a single punch the captain made a fist size hole on the titanium walls shocking Kyle silly .

' I heard awakened where strong but never did I imagine they were this strong.'

Kyle crawled into the next floor and took deep breaths , he had just escaped certain death , and he couldn't be more happier , now he just had to find a place to hide , he wouldn't die after escaping death.... right .

" Attention, Attteennttionnsss , this is your friendly pirate speaking , your ship has been plundered and my hands are on the self destruct button , haaahhaaaa , your stupid captain fell for my trap and left the control room In my care , so I give you all ten seconds to say your prayers before I .... explode this big chunk of steel.

" Oh , shit.",Kyle used all his available strength doing a 100 meter dash towards an escape pod.


'What, he didn't even start from ten 'Kyle dashed through the wreckage of the space cruiser

With barely 2 seconds to spare Kyle pressed the eject button and found himself shooting out of the spaceship .

" Phew, I made.....".

Before Kyle could complete his word he was blown over 5 miles away due to the shock wave leaving his escape pod out of service .

" Oh , fu&k me." .

Chapter 2 Bloodline awakening

"Oh, fu$k me."

Five minutes after our main characters outburst and he had already used all the swear words in his dictionary now he was clear headed and had even accepted his crazy luck.

"Okay my first mission off-planet and I end up like this , am I going to die like this?." , Kyle nervously asked.

After that Kyle remained absolutely silent just staring into space and recapping on his life so far.


< " Mother..... you said whe ..... when I was five you would tell me how I came to the orphanage well since it's my birthday today I was wandering if you could tell me." Young Kyle asked the orphanage mother.

" For the love of me , boy you just keep disturbing , why must you be a bother , why can't you be normal like other kids , you are an herald of disaster, that's why your own parents left you."

Little Kyle felt heartbroken at that moment "My parents left me?." , Kyle asked in tears.

' Of course they did , they left you at the front of the main door with nothing but a blanket and a blank sheet' .

" A blank sheet." , When Kyle heard this he was curious to see the paper even if it is blank .

"May I see it."

"You wanna see it so badly" , She said going through her desk, before finally bringing a completely normal blank sheet out.

" Here have it ,and get out of my sight you good for nothing.", the head Mother of the orphanage screamed while pushing Kyle out of her office .

"Haa , this kids will be the death of me , 10 more years like this and I'll go insane.", The Mother said laying exhausted on her chair looking at the door Kyle just left in.

"Especially that one."

Kyle's who had already ran all the way to his quarters on his little bed stared at the paper in his hand while shedding tears.

" Mom , dad why ... , why did you leave me." , He sobbed throughout that day without eating anything , his fifth birthday was one of his worst days ... well out of his long list of bad days.>



The sudden message been displayed on the pod screen quickly brought him back to reality .

" What so fast , the standard escape pod can supply oxygen for a full day , so that means ... almost 3 hours ."

" Okay let's think of other things."


< A fifteen years old Kyle was looking at the massive skyscraper that was one of the Awakening Labs of A.HA.F, He followed the long lines of other kids like him entering into the building to be Awakened, only a thousand kids at a time could be awakened so Kyle was quite happy to be among them, walking into the building they were giving a pill to eat , they were told it was to make the process smoother , but it turned out it was to stop them from falling asleep during the process it would have lead to instant body system shutdown , So they were fed the pills and led to the slaughter .

All one thousand kids walked towards a full body operation capable android with microscopic efficiency , each kid where placed in their EVO-BOT , they were strapped tightly with some type of helmet holding their head tightly in place, Kyle was really nervous but he held it in

They were told to stay calm and count numbers while the greenish water filled their tanks , when finally each tanks were filled the real torture began .


"Aarrfghh please stop ."

" Noooooo."

Different screams and shout were been heard from withing the tanks , some screamed so hard you would have thought they were in hell..... well in a way they were in hell.

The whole procedure lasted only one hour and 30 minutes , but for the kids it felt like years .

" Aaarrrrggghhh.", Kyle screamed and screamed for what felt like days to him , every second the machine took in piercing and modifying his body so he could become an awakened felt like days , but he never for once let his mind slip or gave up he kept repeating the mantra in his head .

' Soon I will become a great awakened.'

After the procedure was complete some were already dead why most where dead on the inside , for two weeks they were all kept in special facilities with top notch treatment in order to restore their mental health .

It took most of them within two weeks to partially recover and two months to regain their

mental health , but surprising enough Kyle was the first to recover with Only a week to completely recover while most were still shitting them selves when the lights go off .

It was believed that he was a once in a lifetime genius and will surely be an awakened he was given special care by the facility which was why the next news shocked Kyle to the core .

" I am sorry young man , but you can not become an awakened .", when the doctor brought In his result he almost committed suicide that moment .

It took him a month to recover from that , four times longer than the awakening hell.

he was broke homeless and hungry , due to being to old to live in an orphanage and truth be told he didn't want to go back to that kind of life anymore .

So he either had to find a job or , work for the A.H.A.F , Kyle only knew how to read and write as they were not taught anything else in the orphanage , deep down Kyle knew it was done by the Federation as a way to rope in unawakened into working for them , but he did not have any other options no one to turn to for help , and that's how Kyle found himself in service of the Federation .>




" Is this crap leaking or something there is no way I have spent almost twelve hours in this pod." Kyle shouted to no one in particular

A few minutes passed by in silence .

"Am I really going to die like this." Kyle said staring at the empty void in front of him.

" I really am worthless even Ray left me for been useless ." Kyle thought thinking of his Closest friend and accomplice when he was in the orphanage.

He lived in the same orphanage with Kyle , and just like him Ray didn't quite fit in with the other kids he was just to troublesome so the kids in the orphanage wouldn't go Any where near him , the two ostracized kids found themselves getting more close to each other as the years went by , and their bond became so strong that they behaved like brothers .



" Kyle we would be 15 years old in a few months , then we can become awakened and leave this stupid orphanage and become strong and mighty , I bet when I become one girls would kill to go out on a date with me , and then with my new super power I would destroy those who offend me ." , Ray said fantasying about his dreams .

"You don't have to kill anybody just cause they offend you.", Kyle replied .

" Oh yeah , well what do you want to do when you become an awakened.?" Ray asked .

" well I haven't really thought about it much but ,when I become an awakened , I would like to find my parents and find out why they left me to rot in this orphan home , and maybe after that I would buy a whole company full of food, so I wouldn't have to eat those little rations of food anymore ." Kyle.

" Hahaaaa." Ray .

" Hey why are you laughing at me?." Kyle asked.

" Am sorry it's just , awakened soldiers are the backbone of the Federation and they are practically kings and queens compared to us , you can have everything you dream of if you become one of them." Ray said in a worshipping and infatuated tone .

" Anything I want..... , well then let's make a promise to each other." Kyle said stretching his hands towards Ray.

" What kind of promise?".Ray asked .

" A promise to become awakened together and make all the dreams we ever had come through together." Kyle said with a smile .

With a smile Ray took Kyle's outstretched hands and ... some crazy hand symbols were made which for the two was a sacred oath .

A few months went by and it was time for the two to receive their medical result , a result that was going to condemn one and uplift another .

While Kyle was still wallowing in his misery , Ray was just getting the best news of his life .

" Hello Mr Ray , your medical reports are out , and it is with great pleasure that I tell you that , out of the tens of thousands of other subj.... , i mean candidate you have the second best result with a success rate of 81% .

" Really does that mean I am an awakened."

" Yes , infact with your success rate you can easily become an elite fighter, you will be treated better than regular awakened with more benefits, is there anything else I can do for you ."

" Just one more , I came in with a friend his name is Kyle , is he also awakened like me and is he okay." , Ray asked .

" yes he is okay but am afraid he wasn't able to be awakened."

" Oh, well that's all."Ray said although he felt bad for his friend but he wouldn't let a promise he made when he was young stop him from spending the rest of his life the way he liked, after all he was now an awakened and he could do what he want and nobody could stop him .\>


After that Kyle went looking for his friend but wasn't able to see him, turns out he was moved immediately after he was completely okay and was placed on special training , he heard Ray was a genius who would become a great awakened in the future , although he was happy for him he couldn't help but feel sad , he had lost his best friend


Kyle stared coldly at the text in front of him he was undisturbed by the message .

"I came as trash , I am also going out as trash....., so pathetic." Kyle thought

" Fu$k it , if am going to die then I would die by my own hands." , Kyle said opening the door to the escape pod.

Chapter 3 Bloodline awakening 2

Opening the escape pod Kyle , steeled his heart , he no longer cared for his life all he wanted was an end , an end to his miserable life, Maybe his next life would be better than this .

Immediately the safety hatch was released and Kyle's bare skin was sucked into empty space left to face the harsh atmosphere of space unprotected , under normal circumstances the human skin can't possibly survive in space for more than 2-3 minutes , they would have been faced with boiling bodily fluids from been exposed to the sun, as well as freezing nose and mouth due to there been no oxygen in space , but something unexpected happened .

Kyle found himself breathing comfortably, and it wasn't oxygen , no it was something else something ... addictive , Kyle felt ecstasy with every breath he took .

' Am I getting high off space.', Kyle couldn't help but remark after sniffing in the addictive feeling for the third time with each more pronounced and more addictive.

Just then a strange red screen appeared in his vision.

[ Congratulations 1/2 task completed ]


\[ First task make contact with the void completed √ \]

(\*\_\*), Kyle.

\[ Now teleporting ??π¶∆ \]

'Am I losing my grip on reality... , could this ..... strange sensation be me slowly dieing out, what the hell is this strange screen and what the hell is it even saying.'Kyle thought in fear .

He was still caught up in his taught when a single blank sheet appeared right in front of him out of literally nothing , it just straight up showed up from no where .

Kyle shocked by this strange occurrence let out an inaudible scream (He is in space remember).

' Wait a minute it looks quite familiar... could it be."

\[ ??π¶∆ now bonding with host \]

Before Kyle could complete his sentence , the once blank paper started to glow an eerie red with purple inscriptions and markings strangely moving on the sheet, the light was so bright it momentarily blinded Kyles vision .

' What the heck just happened , what the hell is going on.'

\[ Universal Grade Artifact fully Assimilated \]

The last message jolted him out of his thoughts .

' this words could they be real , it says here an artifact was assimilated by me , that was right when the...'

Kyle paused when a particular revaluation became clear to him .

' that paper , it's the one that was given to me by my parent.'

Kyle burst into tears at that moment .

' I knew it , SOB , it wasn't just a blank sheet , I knew it all along.'Kyle thought remembering how he had made sure that single piece of paper was still intact after fourteen good years .

\[ Task in progress , | Meet a 5𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 being and obtain a 𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐦𝐢𝐜 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐞 , would you like to proceed \]

It took awhile for Kyle to stop his tears and focus on the text, and when he read through it .

Kyle Couldn't help but put on an evil grin on , he liked where all this was going to ,a boy who was always oppressed suddenly get the chance of his life to receive an OP power which made him the strongest and most influential person in the world.... , well at least that's how it worked in webnovels , he had always believed in things like that so he was quite happy to be freed of his bleak past now he was heading to a shining light .

' Well ladies and gentlemen I think we all know where all this is going , bye bye old me and hello new me."

<( ̄︶ ̄)\>

With a villainous smirk Kyle took in one final breathe before deciding .

\[ Now transferring host to coordinate @\#\#\*\*ππ \]

' Geez, What's up with all the secrecy.' Kyle thought before he got warped to another location in time and space

He felt like he just traveled a distance too vast for his mind to comprehend in a split second , but strangely enough he was perfectly fine , after confirming for the last time that he was okay he decided to focus on his surrounding , and what he saw turned all the event of the last day added and multiplied together child's play to what was in front of him , A planet so massive that it occupied most of his vision was right in front of him , but that was not what freaked him out, right under the planet was an even more massive hand which the planet was slowly orbiting in , the hand easily dwarfed the planet infact he could only see the wrist of the unbelievably massive entity which made him wonder just what gangantuan creature or entity had this wrist , while trying to stable his heart that was beating so abnormally fast an even bastardious thought appeared in his head , he was in space where there was no relative way to tell the distance of things for all it was worth , the wrist could have been light years away , holding his chest to stop his racing heart Kyle took another look at the wrist before shutting his eyes closed ,

he wished with all his heart that it was all a dream , maybe he had gone mad after spending time alone in space , but no every time he opened his eyes the wrist was still as real as can be and still very much in front of him .

' No , No , No this can't be real it's all an illusion , ... yes it's an illusion my mind is just playing tricks on me.'unwillingly to accept the image his eyes was feeding his brain

As Kyle slowly found himself losing his grip on his sanity .

A thunderous voice slowly assaulted his mind and brought him out from his disrupted mental state .

With a voice that seem to come from everywhere and nowhere at the same time , a cryptic voice spoke to him .

\* 𝐃𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 , 𝐈 𝐃𝐈𝐃 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐁 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐋 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒.\* the language was more like cryptic wordings but strangely enough he could understand every single word , .... like he had a universal translator .

Opening his eyes again he finally saw the face of this person , ..... no entity or thing , well more like he was finally allowed to see it infact the entities face was slowly growing more pronounced in the background like a hidden image that was slowly been revealed to his pitiful existence , and although he was shaking in fright he couldn't even move a muscle ,.... even to close his eyes from this horror that went against all known scientific and mortal reasoning was a tall task for him

Another bomb shell struck Kyle's as this being Moved it's eyes sight staring straight at him.

At that moment Kyle felt as if his whole body had just freezed over .

' it's okay Kyle calm down there is no way he is looking at you , compared to it you are just an atom , and beside the distance not to mention the darkness , can he see me.'

as if to confirm his thought, the planet resting on the hands of the void being was shed of all earth, mineral and other unknown mineral leaving behind the core of the planet which looked like a condensed energy ball in the hands of the entity, the condensed energy suddenly began to expand slowly shaping itself into waves of light

Kyle closed his eyes shut to scared to witness what was going to happen , when he made contact with the entity he felt a similar feeling to when he first came in contact with space except this time it was several folds more dense than before .

As large quantities of energy were been absorbed by Kyle he felt all those energy solidify and become compressed into a small orb within his belly and with each passing second the orb was getting more brighter and more alive .

in a few short moment Kyle had already completely absorbed the waves of energy and the orb in his stomach had already become stable and he could feel a connection with it .

\[ All tasks completed ✓ \]

\[ Now Awakening your dormant genes \]

With the message came a searing pain from the depth of Kyle's being he felt like he was been cooked from the inside out while someone was breaking and remolding his bones back , unable to move or speak Kyle just simply endured the pain .

\[ Awakening process 3% \]

A few minutes later .

\[ Awakening process 36% \]

' Dammit , how long is this going to last , it is draining me out .'

\[ Awakening process 72% \]

\[ Awakening processing 89% \]

Kyle felt himself barely holding on during the process, there were times where he thought he would black out due to the pain but some how he would notice a warm sensation in his belly and he would find himself pulling through , he knew it was the strange orb , whatever it was it helped him a lot .

\[ Awakening process 99% \]

At this point Kyle found himself barely holding on to reality , he could pass out at any moment .

[ Awakening process 100% ]

And with that Kyle felt the pressure that had assaulted him so far immediately stopped and this feeling was replaced by power , he felt an unimaginable amount of power within every single cell of his being and the strange orb in his belly had now become even more radiant and bright glowing a dazzling white and had even connected more deeply to his being , but before he could appreciate his new found power he found himself slowly losing consciousness.

{ Congratulations dormant genes unlocked }

{ You have become an 𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐘𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐍 }

Kyle managed to read the message through the Conner of his eyes before he passed out .

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