Lintang remained silent, refusing to answer. She appeared eager to keep her affairs secret from Ryan. Ryan simply nodded, silently acknowledging Lintang's preference to remain silent.
"Alright, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. I should go then," said Ryan.
"Th-thank you, Sir..." Lintang began, pausing, unsure of the name of her rescuer.
"It's Ryan! Just call me Brother!" Ryan offered.
"Okay! Thank you, Brother Ryan, for saving me from that vile man!" Lintang said, glancing at the unconscious man lying on the floor.
"Don't mention it. Helping out is my responsibility! Anyway, I better leave now. If you need a friend, come find me later!" Ryan said and then walked away from Lintang.
"Take care, Brother Ryan!" Lintang responded with a smile returning to her face.
Ryan left the women's restroom in a hurry, not wanting anyone to see the disgraced man while he was still there.
Before leaving, he told Lintang to follow quickly so she wouldn't arouse suspicion either. Lintang nodded, straightened up her clothes to look presentable, and followed Ryan out of the restroom.
After safely exiting the women's restroom without attracting any attention, Ryan approached someone to inquire about something.
"Hey! Where can I buy chips?" Ryan asked, feigning familiarity.
He had read in novels that gambling often involved a coin-like item called chips. Winning chips could be sold back to the house or a bookie for cash or deposited into an account. So, he inquired about where to buy these chips.
"Oh, who are you? You must be new here!" the man exclaimed.
"Yes, that's right! Name's Ryan! I'm bored at home lately! Just want to blow some of my cash!" Ryan made up his excuse.
"Ahaha, that's the spirit! You've come to the right place, mate! The name's Zayyien! Call me Yeyen! Over there! That's where you buy them!" Yeyen pointed to a counter resembling a cashier's station.
"Aha, thanks, mate! I won't forget this!" Ryan said, clapping Yeyen on the back before heading to the indicated spot.
Upon reaching the counter, Ryan asked about the price per chip.
"What kind are you looking for? Bronze is one million per chip, silver is five million, and gold is ten million!" the attendant asked.
Ryan was taken aback by the prices. He hadn't expected the chips to be so expensive. His surprised expression made the attendant give him an odd look, thinking this scruffily dressed young man was an out-of-place pauper who had wandered into the casino.
[Don't look so shocked! You're making a scene, Sir!] The System suddenly protested in Ryan's mind.
"Huh!" Ryan grumbled.
[Just buy five bronze chips, Sir! I assure you that you'll win big!] The System advised him.
"But System! That's the money I've just-.."
[Do you want to win big or not?] The System interjected.
"Tch! Fine, fine... You're so annoying!" Ryan said, feeling defeated.
[Hmph! This is for your own good, Sir!] The System countered.
The female attendant kept watching Ryan, who appeared to be deep in thought. She was getting impatient with him. Luckily, since she was on duty to serve customers as best as she could, she restrained any rude remarks she might have otherwise let slip.
"Sir! Are you going to buy the chips or not?" she asked.
"Ah... Of course!" Ryan responded, slightly startled.
"I'll take five bronze ones," Ryan added as he pretended to pull money out of his pocket, when in fact the pocket had been empty, and he drew from his own reserves.
"Alright," the attendant said indifferently, placing five bronze chips on the counter.
After reluctantly paying for them, Ryan took the chips and went off to start his endeavor with the System.
"So many games! Where should we begin?" Ryan asked the System.
[Start with the small ones first, then move on to the big ones after you win! Make 'em roll up from the smallest!] The System commanded.
[But you better call that guy Rio just to be safe, so you're not robbed after the fact!] The System suggested.
"Smart thinking! Alright.. I'll call Rio," Ryan said, rummaging through his pockets for his cheap android phone.
"Darn it! I forgot to bring my phone!" Ryan grumbled, smacking his forehead.
[Hahaha, you dummy!] The System laughed.
"Shut it! You're playing me!" Ryan growled in frustration.
[Hahaha, it's your own smart self to blame! You should've remembered to bring your phone even in your rush!] The System continued laughing in Ryan's mind.
Ryan was annoyed with the System. If it had a human form, he would have given it a whack for good measure. But he was more furious at himself for being so gullible to listen to the System in the first place.
"Tch!" Ryan clicked his tongue in irritation.
[Hey, hey, calm down! No need to be so grumpy! You look like you've just seen a chicken butt! Your phone carrier is on the way!] The System noted.
"You mean-.."
"Hey Ryan!"
Before Ryan could finish his sentence, a gentle voice he recognized called out his name. He turned to locate the source of the voice.
There he saw a young and rather attractive girl waving at him with the sweetest smile she had to offer. The girl was none other than Lintang Aprilia.
"Hey Lintang!" Ryan said, returning the wave.
Lintang hurried over to Ryan as if she were a lover who had just seen their beloved after a long separation. Neither could explain how or why such a feeling had arisen between them.
"Hey Ryan! What are you up to?" Lintang asked after reaching him.
Ryan didn't answer right away. His face seemed to space out, then morphed into annoyance. Of course, he was annoyed! The System had just made a remark he found overly conceited.
"Yan! Ryan!" Lintang said, waving her hand in front of his stunned face.
"Ah, what did you say?" Ryan asked, taken aback.
"Jeez.. Why did you suddenly zone out? So strange!" Lintang said, her face hard to read.
"Uh... It's nothing! I was just realizing how beautiful you are!" Ryan blurted out with a goofy grin, not thinking about the consequences.
"Oh, really?" Lintang asked, her smile beaming brightly.
"Definitely!" Ryan assured her, smiling back.
"By the way, do you have your phone with you?" Ryan got to the point of the matter.
"Um... Of course! Why are you asking if I have it or not? It's well known that a phone, wallet, and mirror are three things we women can't leave home without!" Lintang explained.
"Then, could I borrow your phone? I need to make a call but I forgot mine!" Ryan asked sheepishly.
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