The Winter Soldier 2.0

The Winter Soldier 2.0

The New Avenger

Bucky walked into the main room of the Avengers compound
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Tony when is the new person coming in?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"You were talking about a new "candidate" or something?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Oh her! Natasha will be leaving around 2 to go meet her.
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"If she seems trustworthy she will come back with Nat."
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Alright. Do we know about her powers?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"No. We know nothing about her. The government didn't even know she existed. All we know is she is incredibly strong. Your level of strength to be more precise."
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Holy sh!t. This better be good."
Bucky took the stairs down to the lab where Bruce was studying a blood sample and sat down in the corner, pulling his phone out and beginning to read
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Not gonna talk? Just gonna sit in my lab?"
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Why exactly are you down here?"
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Because Steve only comes down here when it's genuinely important."
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"And why are you avoiding your best friend?"
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"He won't stop talking about his new watch."
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Makes sense."
Bruce returned to his blood sample, leaving Bucky to read in silence
Natasha grabbed her sunglasses off the bar
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"I'm leaving to go meet this girl!" She yelled
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Tony what is her name!"
Tony was right behind her, unimpressed with her yelling
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Solas. I don't know her last name."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Alright, don't let James and Steve burn the place down."
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"I won't"
Natasha walked out into the garage and hopped into a flashy, maroon corvette
pulling out of the compound she drove about 20 minutes north to a small coffee shop
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
💭"Here we are."
She sat at a table outside the shop and waited
Before long a fit, muscular woman with striking red hair and ocean deep blue eyes turned the corner and sat down in front of Natasha
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Natasha Romanoff, Black Widow?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Y-yes." *clears her throat* "Yes, that's me."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"No! I just expected a much more... mediocre person."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"I'm gonna take that as a compliment."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"It is a compliment! Sorry."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"You're alright. Now, you have some questions for me I presume?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Yes. What is your last name and why does the government have no record of you?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Getting dirty right off the bat, alright. My last name is Stark and the government has no record of me because I was taken as a baby... by Hydra."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Be for real. If you want to be an Avenger you can't lie your way in."
Dakoda glared at Natasha for a moment
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"I wish I was lying."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Tony, Tony Starks baby was kidnapped from his house as a baby..."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"I can't be his kid. It has to be a coincidence."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Moving forward. Date of birth?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"June 24th of the year 2000."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Are you serious?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Okay, so you're 22. What are your powers and what is your superhuman name?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"I am "The Winter Soldier 2.0" and my powers are super strength, super speed, blood manipulation, and psychokinesis. I also have a titanium arm. I don't remember what happened to my arm."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Wow... okay. Why did you come to us if you were with Hydra?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Because the excruciating pain of your brain being washed because you didn't do what you were told repeatedly got tiring. Especially when you were told to murder millions of innocent lives and couldn't refuse."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Come with me."
Natasha got up and hurried to the car
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Is that your way of saying I got the job?"
Solas got up quickly running after Nat, who got into the corvette, Solas close behind
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Darling, please hush a minute."
Natasha put her foot on the gas and rushed off towards the compound
Solas's eyes shifted from the window and the speedometer
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
💭"What on Earth is the rush?
Nat pulled to a stop in front of the gates and scanned her card, going inside and parking
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Follow me and whatever you do don't let the guy with the metal arm see yours."
Solas followed swiftly behind in silence
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Tony!" Natasha yelled urgently, "Meeting room right f^cklng now!"
Bucky ran up from the lab and looked at Solas, unable to see her arm due to her coat and fashionable gloves
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
💭"Holy sh!t she's hot"
Wanda Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
"As if Bucky."
Wanda elbowed Bucky playfully as she stood beside him, admiring Solas
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Whatever. I'm going back down to the lab."
Bucky went back down the stairs as Nat and Solas walked off to the meeting room, Tony close behind
Tony closed the door and sat down in front of them
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"I would ask if something was wrong but you wouldn't have brought her here. What's so urgent?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"When was your daughter born?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"June 24th of the year 2000... Why are we speaking of her right now?"
Nat watched Solas's facial expressions closely
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"When was she taken?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Just a couple months after her birth. Natasha you know these things. What is this about?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Meet Solas Stark. She was born on June 24th of the year 2000 and taken, by Hydra, as a baby."
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"My daughter has been completely off the radar missing for 22 years Natasha. She's not coming back."
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Can we just run some blood tests? She could be... I mean just look at her!"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Fine, and her powers?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"She'd be a perfect Avenger."
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Welcome to the team then kid. Natasha will show you to your room."
Tony left and went down to the lab
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"What was with all that?"
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Nat thinks that girl is my daughter."
Tears stung Tony's eyes
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Her last name is Stark, born the same day, taken roughly the same time, she looks like Pepper too... but Hydra got to her. Bruce, Natasha asked to do blood tests so if you wouldn't mind, would you?"
Bucky shot up off the ground
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Yes sir, I can. I just need your arm."
Bruce grabbed a few supplies
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Wait a d@mn minute! Hydra? Like the Hydra that had me for ninety years, and you trust her inside the compound? What if Hydra still has her in their control!?"
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"I'll run tests for that too then."
Bruce tried to assure Bucky but he didn't seem too convinced
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"It's settled. If Hydra still has her we will figure out a safe way to settle things."
Tony gave his arm to Bruce and he drew the blood he needed before letting Tony leave
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
💭"And if by some miraculous miracle that woman is my baby girl I am never letting her go."
Wanda Maximoff
Wanda Maximoff
"You don't really think.."
Tony Stark
Tony Stark
"Wanda! Keep that to yourself!" Tony hissed
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Buck don't fret. I'm sure everything will be fine."
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Sh^t up!"
Bucky walked back up and towards his bedroom
Solas and Nat were talking in front of Bucky's room as he came near
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Why are you two in front of my room?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Because Solas's room is in front of yours. Celebratory dinner at 8pm Bucky. Don't miss it this time."
Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes
"Yeah, alright."
Bucky went into his room, closing the door
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Anyways, let's go get your blood drawn so they can hurry up and get these tests running along."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Alright. All my clothes are at my apartment. Will I get a chance to grab those?"
Natasha and Solas were walking towards the lab
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Uh... yeah! I'll get Yelena to take you down but I have training soon."
Steve, Thor, and Loki paused their conversation about Steve's watch as the girls walked by
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
Steve Rogers
Steve Rogers
💭"Thor's gonna be all over this one. I think a lot of us are to be fair..."
Bruce looked up from his equipment as Nat and Solas reached the doorway
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"If it isn't our newest Avenger!"
Solas chuckled and Nat looked back smiling at Solas
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"It is! Stab me with a needle already please."
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Sure thing. I'm Bruce."
Bruce grabbed his supplies and drew Solas's blood quickly
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
Solas, nice to meet you Bruce."
Bruce Banner
Bruce Banner
"Nice to meet you too. Let me get these tests started! I should have them done before dinner."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Sounds good!"
Nat and Solas went back upstairs
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena yelled from upstairs
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"Come here!
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
Yelena came down the stairs, her eye catching Solas
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
"Hot chick. She single or yours?"
Natasha Romanoff
Natasha Romanoff
"No. She's the new Avenger. I have to go to training. Take her down to her apartment to gather her stuff please."
Solas couldn't help but laugh
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Hello to you too, Yelena."
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
"Sorry. Let me grab my gun and we'll be on our way."
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"There's no need for that. I live in a small neighborhood."
Yelena Belova
Yelena Belova
"We're Avengers. Those without super strength need weapons. Do you need one?"
Solas Stark
Solas Stark
"Nope. Super Strength."
Yelena went upstairs and grabbed her gun, coming back down and going out the door, Solas behind her


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