Mine Only Mine

Mine Only Mine

Episode 1

a woman was laying half dead in an abandoned building basement tied up, beaten up, starved, eyes became soulless, waiting for this misery to end
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
walks infront of the unknown women who was tied up*** oh my oh my
lift up eyes low voice *** why..
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
why did you
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
laughing evily *** oh my you still didn't get it till now
frowns*** my family fed you, gave you a home, my family loved you i never disclose to anyone about you being adopted i treated you as my big sister but why did you do this what did you got doing all this? what did you get?
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
but it doesn't change the fact that you were there only heir whatever i did? how much i ever achieved were nothing infront of you for them i didn't tell your parents to adopt me they did on there own will and frankly they are fool to even adopt me now that they have died and you are going to join them soon enjoy your family reunion while i enjoy your family fourtune
laughing*** do you think even after i die you would get anything
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
frown** what do you mean...
enter the room and hugs rex*** why is my baby stressing about
eyes widen*** you were also with her how could you betray me i was your friend Sean our both family engaged us both
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
smirk *** what to do my honey wanted everything for us then why wouldn't I help her after all I'm her boyfriend so like a good boyfriend i helped her killing your parents and now I am also helping her to kill you
laughing evily*** do you think you can succeed
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
frowns*** what the hell are you even laughing about
smirk*** i might have loved you as my own sister but daddy was not fool he suspected you since a long time ago so for what you wanted can never be your because if i die all my property, money, company will go to orphanage or government
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
go insane and like a psycho point her gun towards her*** it won't because like a good sister you will sign everything to me
laughs*** do you think I'll
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
oh you will
suddenly press a button and smiles big *** you killed my parents and now you wish that i transfer there hard work to you do you even know what to do or are you just a puppet
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
eyes widen*** what can you even do
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
hugs rex and kiss her Cheek*** don't stress yourself babe she is just bluffing she can't do anything
laughing**** {i wish I could go back where this even started if i could i would change everything i would save everyone dear to me i would become dangerous to be messed with i didn't even got to know that mysterious person i didn't even got to love anyone what wrong did i do God can't you give me a chance}
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
she seem to be insane
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
saw both of them dead sights*** looks like I'll die today I'm sorry for everythin...
sits up on her bed breathing heavy*** what was that
looks around herself notice she is in her room frowns*** it's my room only but was that dream or did God gave me a chance
takes her phone from the side table check the date and time eyes widen*** seems like i really was either dreaming or God has given me the chance to change everything that willl happen in future
get's up from bed and go infront of the mirror in her room gasps***
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
touches her face ** i don't have that ugly scar on my face
knock knock
isa are you wake dear
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
eyes go wide and run towards the door opening it gasps teary eyes*** mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns and cups her face*** what's wrong isa baby
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
shakes her head*** nothing*** than suddenly hugs her*** mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
hugs her back and pat her head than sights*** I'm sorry isa baby
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
pulls back from the hug*** why are you sorry
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
looking down *** i know you wanted some time before you could join our company but your daddy.....
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(i remember daddy wanted me to start handling business but rex wanted my position so i didn't had any interest that time but not now I'll show her real face to the world) shakes her head*** no mom daddy is right i should be more responsible
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
suprised*** isa
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** I'll always be daddy's princess mom but i can't be get spoiled
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
smiles and nods*** it's good that you understand your daddy
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frowns*** did something happened
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights*** your daddy has been stressed
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frown*** I'll talk to daddy
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
first go freshen up and come to have breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
kisses her cheek and smiles*** as you say my lady
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shakes her head*** isa baby you..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** see you at dinning room mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods and goes from there ****
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
goes inside room and smirks** looks like the game is going to start
after that she does her daily morning routine and gets ready and come downstairs to dinning room
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
halts in her way when she saw her daddy with teary eyes*** daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
turns and saw Isabel standing with tears in her eyes frown and stands up immediately*** what's wrong princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
runs towards him and hugs him tightly crying*** daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hugs back tightly*** princess why are you crying did something happened
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
remembering everything hugs him tightly*** I'm so sorry
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
what are you sorry about princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
pulls back her head a little*** I'm sorry daddy i know i was wrong to fight with you and if you want me to handle our company i promise I will
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised*** but princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights and looks down*** i know daddy you hate...
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
cups her face*** i will never hate you baby you are the princess of this household everything only belongs to you
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
looks at him with teary eyes*** i promise I'll prove myself to be an heir of our household
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
finally saw her outfit*** are you joining us from today
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods** yes daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
smiles*** let's sit down for breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok daddy
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
comes in dinning room saw some one is missing frown*** where is Rex and Sean
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(if i guess where they were are i would say exhausted from fûçking each other and sleeping with each other but before saying anything i have to handle my own household and collect evidence regarding that fûçking fiance of mine ) shrugs***
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights (i know what they both are up to but i want Isabel to know it all in her own that rex wants everything that belongs to my princess all rex can do is snatch isabel's fiance but not our company or household)*** let her be come honey let's do our breakfast
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
as they started doing there breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
suddenly remembered*** oh yes daddy mom was telling me you were stressed what is that about
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** that princess do you know about largest share holder
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** awhile ago we had some problems and Mr Rockwell bought our large amount of shares
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** you are correct and we come to know Mr Rockwell wasn't the one who bought it the one who bought was the youngest businessmen and son of Mr Rockwell
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frown*** you mean to say that The Xavier Rockwell who is well known as ice devil business men himself
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised*** you know about him
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** while i was doing my double graduation our professors would mention his work and his previous several project to our class he was like me he did double graduation from my college with business management and finance analyst and he is also the one who is famous in business world not to be messed with all people know that he doesn't like men and women come near him for ulterior motives there where few incidents where he has prove he is devil when men and women come near him for taking advantage of him he has only number of friends but he is also one of the best youngest businessmen who built his company on his ownself he didn't use his family name or there money to built his empire and nobody rather than few business men knows how he looks some call him devil other calls him saviour
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised and impressed *** i didn't knew he was that famous
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
professor David is a big fan of his work and ethics he even tried to convince him to give our class some speech but he was busy in other country so he couldn't make it but he did a ppt how he does his work and everyone in our class was impressed by that ppt and as I'm professor David's best student he gave me a copy of that ppt
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
excited** can you show me that ppt
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** I'll bring it with me in company i will let you borrow to you but i want it back
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** i just want to see how he works I'll return it to you
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok but what problem do we have when he is the owner of our company share he is known to be rightful man who never disrespectful to anyone's hard work and daddy our company has always been rightful than...
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** i just didn't know about him that well i was getting scared of his visit in 4 days
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
suprised*** he is visiting our company
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** as he is the biggest shareholder his secretary asked us that mr Rockwell wanted to visit the company and after your today's decision I'm planning to announce you as the next heir of our company that day
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(i remember rex wanted to become the president but daddy was adamant to make announcement of me being heir and he made me the heir even after someone tried to ruin my name but that mysterious person proved it false will he comes to my resuce once again will i able to find that person i only remember the tattoo) *** sure daddy
as they were finishing there breakfast rex enter the dinning room looking as she is in hurry
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
smiles** sorry I'm late
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
you do know i don't like people who are late where were you ❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
i was completing my project last night and i came late from work so i woke up late but I told Isabel to wake me up early why didn't you isa...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(you always try to put your blame on me and as your little sister i was happy to comply but not from now) raised one eyebrow*** do i look like a maid to you or am I a alarm device to wake Miss Rex ❄️❄️❄️
everyone was shocked hearing that
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
notice the change and smiles secretly (i think she knows her evil intend that good)***
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shocked*** isa baby ..
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
put his hand on her as she looks at him shakes his head***
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns and nods***..
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (what happened to this bîtçh she never behave like this and whenever previously i shift my blame to her she would cover up for me what's happening) *** Isabel i didn't ..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(shît if I stay here any longer i wouldn't control back my feelings) stands up turns towards Deren *** daddy I'll be back in 2 minutes let's leave than
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
keeps his face straight and nods*** sure
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
confused (what the hell)*** but where are you going Isabel
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
smiling*** oh right you don't know but Isabel is going to join the company from today onwards
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (what the fúçk i thought she would back off as she knows i wanted that position what the fúçk is going on here)*** but i thought...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
thought what Miss Rex should know it's my daddies company as his daughter i can join whenever I want right❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
sweats (my all plan are back firing what the hell is going on)*** no that's not what I mean but you were fighting with dad about this since he announced it...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
tilt her head*** and I am my daddy's princess after all i came to my decision and I'll start my work from today onwards does Miss Rex have any problem regarding that....❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
awkward smiles*** no no why would I have any problem but why aren't you calling me sissy but Miss Rex
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
raised one eyebrow** Miss Rex was the one who told me to call you like this when you came home last night drunken as you visited any party ❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (shit i shouldn't drink that much but wasn't Sean with me this morning when did i told her that and if i was even drunken she would never expose me in front of her parents what's going on)*** but when did i meet you...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(previous life i was stupid to even cover everything for you but not from now on) *** when i came down to get water in middle of night and you were only in party dress with men shirt over it looking damn drunken yourself getting water and when i asked you sissy what are you doing wearing something like that you said don't call me sissy I'm Miss Rex to you ❄️❄️❄️
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns*** wait rex you said you came late night after work but if what Isabel saying you came back late from party drunken what's going on here
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Rex i hope you know i hate lie the most what is going on here ❄️❄️❄️


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