NovelToon NovelToon

Mine Only Mine

Episode 1

a woman was laying half dead in an abandoned building basement tied up, beaten up, starved, eyes became soulless, waiting for this misery to end
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
walks infront of the unknown women who was tied up*** oh my oh my
lift up eyes low voice *** why..
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
why did you
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
laughing evily *** oh my you still didn't get it till now
frowns*** my family fed you, gave you a home, my family loved you i never disclose to anyone about you being adopted i treated you as my big sister but why did you do this what did you got doing all this? what did you get?
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
but it doesn't change the fact that you were there only heir whatever i did? how much i ever achieved were nothing infront of you for them i didn't tell your parents to adopt me they did on there own will and frankly they are fool to even adopt me now that they have died and you are going to join them soon enjoy your family reunion while i enjoy your family fourtune
laughing*** do you think even after i die you would get anything
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
frown** what do you mean...
enter the room and hugs rex*** why is my baby stressing about
eyes widen*** you were also with her how could you betray me i was your friend Sean our both family engaged us both
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
smirk *** what to do my honey wanted everything for us then why wouldn't I help her after all I'm her boyfriend so like a good boyfriend i helped her killing your parents and now I am also helping her to kill you
laughing evily*** do you think you can succeed
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
frowns*** what the hell are you even laughing about
smirk*** i might have loved you as my own sister but daddy was not fool he suspected you since a long time ago so for what you wanted can never be your because if i die all my property, money, company will go to orphanage or government
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
go insane and like a psycho point her gun towards her*** it won't because like a good sister you will sign everything to me
laughs*** do you think I'll
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
oh you will
suddenly press a button and smiles big *** you killed my parents and now you wish that i transfer there hard work to you do you even know what to do or are you just a puppet
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
eyes widen*** what can you even do
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
hugs rex and kiss her Cheek*** don't stress yourself babe she is just bluffing she can't do anything
laughing**** {i wish I could go back where this even started if i could i would change everything i would save everyone dear to me i would become dangerous to be messed with i didn't even got to know that mysterious person i didn't even got to love anyone what wrong did i do God can't you give me a chance}
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
she seem to be insane
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
saw both of them dead sights*** looks like I'll die today I'm sorry for everythin...
sits up on her bed breathing heavy*** what was that
looks around herself notice she is in her room frowns*** it's my room only but was that dream or did God gave me a chance
takes her phone from the side table check the date and time eyes widen*** seems like i really was either dreaming or God has given me the chance to change everything that willl happen in future
get's up from bed and go infront of the mirror in her room gasps***
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
touches her face ** i don't have that ugly scar on my face
knock knock
isa are you wake dear
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
eyes go wide and run towards the door opening it gasps teary eyes*** mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns and cups her face*** what's wrong isa baby
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
shakes her head*** nothing*** than suddenly hugs her*** mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
hugs her back and pat her head than sights*** I'm sorry isa baby
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
pulls back from the hug*** why are you sorry
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
looking down *** i know you wanted some time before you could join our company but your daddy.....
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(i remember daddy wanted me to start handling business but rex wanted my position so i didn't had any interest that time but not now I'll show her real face to the world) shakes her head*** no mom daddy is right i should be more responsible
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
suprised*** isa
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** I'll always be daddy's princess mom but i can't be get spoiled
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
smiles and nods*** it's good that you understand your daddy
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frowns*** did something happened
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights*** your daddy has been stressed
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frown*** I'll talk to daddy
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
first go freshen up and come to have breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
kisses her cheek and smiles*** as you say my lady
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shakes her head*** isa baby you..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** see you at dinning room mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods and goes from there ****
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
goes inside room and smirks** looks like the game is going to start
after that she does her daily morning routine and gets ready and come downstairs to dinning room
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
halts in her way when she saw her daddy with teary eyes*** daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
turns and saw Isabel standing with tears in her eyes frown and stands up immediately*** what's wrong princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
runs towards him and hugs him tightly crying*** daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hugs back tightly*** princess why are you crying did something happened
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
remembering everything hugs him tightly*** I'm so sorry
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
what are you sorry about princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
pulls back her head a little*** I'm sorry daddy i know i was wrong to fight with you and if you want me to handle our company i promise I will
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised*** but princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights and looks down*** i know daddy you hate...
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
cups her face*** i will never hate you baby you are the princess of this household everything only belongs to you
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
looks at him with teary eyes*** i promise I'll prove myself to be an heir of our household
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
finally saw her outfit*** are you joining us from today
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods** yes daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
smiles*** let's sit down for breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok daddy
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
comes in dinning room saw some one is missing frown*** where is Rex and Sean
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(if i guess where they were are i would say exhausted from fûçking each other and sleeping with each other but before saying anything i have to handle my own household and collect evidence regarding that fûçking fiance of mine ) shrugs***
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights (i know what they both are up to but i want Isabel to know it all in her own that rex wants everything that belongs to my princess all rex can do is snatch isabel's fiance but not our company or household)*** let her be come honey let's do our breakfast
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
as they started doing there breakfast
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
suddenly remembered*** oh yes daddy mom was telling me you were stressed what is that about
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** that princess do you know about largest share holder
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** awhile ago we had some problems and Mr Rockwell bought our large amount of shares
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** you are correct and we come to know Mr Rockwell wasn't the one who bought it the one who bought was the youngest businessmen and son of Mr Rockwell
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frown*** you mean to say that The Xavier Rockwell who is well known as ice devil business men himself
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised*** you know about him
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** while i was doing my double graduation our professors would mention his work and his previous several project to our class he was like me he did double graduation from my college with business management and finance analyst and he is also the one who is famous in business world not to be messed with all people know that he doesn't like men and women come near him for ulterior motives there where few incidents where he has prove he is devil when men and women come near him for taking advantage of him he has only number of friends but he is also one of the best youngest businessmen who built his company on his ownself he didn't use his family name or there money to built his empire and nobody rather than few business men knows how he looks some call him devil other calls him saviour
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised and impressed *** i didn't knew he was that famous
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
professor David is a big fan of his work and ethics he even tried to convince him to give our class some speech but he was busy in other country so he couldn't make it but he did a ppt how he does his work and everyone in our class was impressed by that ppt and as I'm professor David's best student he gave me a copy of that ppt
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
excited** can you show me that ppt
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** I'll bring it with me in company i will let you borrow to you but i want it back
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** i just want to see how he works I'll return it to you
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok but what problem do we have when he is the owner of our company share he is known to be rightful man who never disrespectful to anyone's hard work and daddy our company has always been rightful than...
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** i just didn't know about him that well i was getting scared of his visit in 4 days
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
suprised*** he is visiting our company
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** as he is the biggest shareholder his secretary asked us that mr Rockwell wanted to visit the company and after your today's decision I'm planning to announce you as the next heir of our company that day
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(i remember rex wanted to become the president but daddy was adamant to make announcement of me being heir and he made me the heir even after someone tried to ruin my name but that mysterious person proved it false will he comes to my resuce once again will i able to find that person i only remember the tattoo) *** sure daddy
as they were finishing there breakfast rex enter the dinning room looking as she is in hurry
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
smiles** sorry I'm late
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
you do know i don't like people who are late where were you ❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
i was completing my project last night and i came late from work so i woke up late but I told Isabel to wake me up early why didn't you isa...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(you always try to put your blame on me and as your little sister i was happy to comply but not from now) raised one eyebrow*** do i look like a maid to you or am I a alarm device to wake Miss Rex ❄️❄️❄️
everyone was shocked hearing that
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
notice the change and smiles secretly (i think she knows her evil intend that good)***
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shocked*** isa baby ..
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
put his hand on her as she looks at him shakes his head***
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns and nods***..
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (what happened to this bîtçh she never behave like this and whenever previously i shift my blame to her she would cover up for me what's happening) *** Isabel i didn't ..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(shît if I stay here any longer i wouldn't control back my feelings) stands up turns towards Deren *** daddy I'll be back in 2 minutes let's leave than
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
keeps his face straight and nods*** sure
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
confused (what the hell)*** but where are you going Isabel
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
smiling*** oh right you don't know but Isabel is going to join the company from today onwards
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (what the fúçk i thought she would back off as she knows i wanted that position what the fúçk is going on here)*** but i thought...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
thought what Miss Rex should know it's my daddies company as his daughter i can join whenever I want right❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
sweats (my all plan are back firing what the hell is going on)*** no that's not what I mean but you were fighting with dad about this since he announced it...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
tilt her head*** and I am my daddy's princess after all i came to my decision and I'll start my work from today onwards does Miss Rex have any problem regarding that....❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
awkward smiles*** no no why would I have any problem but why aren't you calling me sissy but Miss Rex
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
raised one eyebrow** Miss Rex was the one who told me to call you like this when you came home last night drunken as you visited any party ❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (shit i shouldn't drink that much but wasn't Sean with me this morning when did i told her that and if i was even drunken she would never expose me in front of her parents what's going on)*** but when did i meet you...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
(previous life i was stupid to even cover everything for you but not from now on) *** when i came down to get water in middle of night and you were only in party dress with men shirt over it looking damn drunken yourself getting water and when i asked you sissy what are you doing wearing something like that you said don't call me sissy I'm Miss Rex to you ❄️❄️❄️
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns*** wait rex you said you came late night after work but if what Isabel saying you came back late from party drunken what's going on here
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Rex i hope you know i hate lie the most what is going on here ❄️❄️❄️

Episode 2

Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
(shît I'm screwed)*** no dad I'm not lying i came late from work than Sean invited me for drink and we drink few glasses ....
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
one eyebrow raised*** Sean is isabel's fiance what where you are doing with him and what's going on between you both...❄️❄️
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
hidden smirks notice Sean hidden *** daddy you don't have to worry about that if Sean loves Rex i don't have any problem in....
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
enters the room hurriedly*** no no what are you even talking Isabel i only love you....
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
jealous and frowns (relax he is just going according to our plan I'm the only one who he loves)*** yes Isabel what Sean is saying is true he only loved you and we both are just friends nothing else...
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
nods*** yes we are only friends isa ...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frowns looks at him with sharp eyes *** don't ever call me isa that's only for my loved once not for anyone i hope you do know i don't love you and this marriage is arranged from our parents i have never agreed to get married to you ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
everyone were shocked but
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hidden smirk ( looks like she found out good very good)***..
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shocked*** isa baby you...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
turn towards her esme *** mom you have to understand i only agreed to this marriage because you wanted it either dad or me ever were ready for this marriage and please don't force me to take drastic steps i never considered Sean more than your friend's son who came to live with us after his parents died but you were the one who wanted to fix our marriage and i never said no to both of dad or you but that's doesn't mean i will be in love with him
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
shocked (what's going on here i had rex convince that Isabel has fallen in love with me than what is this my all plans will fail if this goes on) *** no Isabel i really do love you
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
confused*** (what's going on??? )
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
raised one eyebrow*** it's doesn't mean i will love you i never choose you as my lover or would be husband and we are not even engaged offically so you better know your place in my life ❄️❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked (what the hell Sean said she fallen in love with him but this ... i think we have to do something or else Sean's all plan will be failed shit )***...
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
shocked*** Isabel i...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
turn towards her Deren*** daddy darling i just want some things from my room I'll meet you in your company office
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** sure princess
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
but isa
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
kisses her mom's cheek and winks*** my beautiful lady wish me luck for my first day
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
shakes her head and kisses her forehead*** all the best princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
looks at rex *** see you at office❄️❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
shocked but nods***
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
turn towards Sean *** i hope you are handling your family business well and you do know your company has borrowed money from our company and I'll be personally handle this matter from now on so please present me all the progress you had made in your company as I am the biggest shareholder and make me a report of what did you do after joining company and what did you do with the money lend by my daddy ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
shocked (shit if she get to know about all my illegal work I'll be doomed)*** but...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
please remember Mr Cooper I'm the biggest shareholder of your company if i want i can take back the company under my control any time i wanted as i invest my own money in your family company because daddy didn't wanted to interfere but by my mother's request i was the one who stepped in this matter that doesn't mean i will invest in losing horse i have always been good with my knowledge so be good and bring me the report as soon as possible if you force me to come to your company be prepared to face the devil side of mine❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️
everyone fills chills run down towards there spine
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
(shit If she knows what is Sean upto he will be doomed what the hell is going on with her today)***
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
(fûçk fûçk fûçk I'm doomed)***
as Isabel goes from there
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hidden smirks (looks like princess is exactly likely my mom ) turn towards rex *** i hope you are not late for work as well ❄️❄️
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
saw esme in deep thought** honey come with me
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
snaps out of her thoughts and nods*** sure
as they go out
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
looks at rex and whisper*** what is going on here honey
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
whisper*** i don't know what is going on you told me she loves you I'm as shocked as you to see her behaviour today
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
whisper*** shit I'm doomed
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
whisper*** not only you we both are
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
whisper shouts*** fûçk
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
whisper*** shit
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
whisper*** i think we should proceed with our next step today itself
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
nods and whisper** this will distract her for some time and we would come up with some solution
Sean Cooper/ enemy
Sean Cooper/ enemy
nods and whisper*** we have to do something
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
nods*** let's have our breakfast or I'll be late for work
they both start eating there breakfast
when Deren and esme enter there room
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
what were you thinking so deep honey
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights*** somehow i thought Isabel will fall in love with Sean but today I saw clearly that Sean is the only one who wants to be in this relationship but she is not even ready
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** i told you before only princess would never deny our request but she would never full heartedly love him but you wanted to fix there marriage against all the odds
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
frowns*** did something happened..
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
i don't know i even though there was no way princess will ever even agree for join the company
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods*** i was suprise when princess said she will do as her daddy wants .... i for sure thought for first time in our life she will fight you about this
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** and what suprised me was i saw some reflection of my mother in princess
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods** i thought mom Isabelle was talking
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** let's not interfere till she comes to us about her behaviour
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
but should I ask her about what she wants regarding her engagement with sean
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** you can ask her but be ready for her answer i know for sure her answer will give you a major shock
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
if she doesn't want this marriage I'm not going to force her she has always put us both wishes above hers i can't simply take her feelings for granted
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** that would be good because for once today she spoke out that she has never loved him or accepted him as her lover or would be husband
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights*** i thought Sean would make efforts to show her that he loves her but i guess I'm wrong
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
honey don't stress yourself you can talk to princess about this when she comes back from work
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods*** sure honey
as deren goes to get ready with esme help Isabel take few things from her room and locks her room and goes to garage and takes her car to company
after reaching the company Isabel notice she was earlier than her father but still goes to receptionist
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
excuse me ❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
stuffs hearing cold tone looks up ** welcome to Johnathan's what can I help you with Miss
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiles*** I'm looking for Deren Johnathan ❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
but Mr Johnathan had not arrived yet do Miss have appointment with him
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
shakes her head no** no but if Mr Deren Johnathan arrives please inform him that Isabel is waiting for him ❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods*** sure miss Isabel till he arrives you can sit in the lobby or have refreshments in our company canteen
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods *** can you inform me if when Mr Johnathan arrive I'll be in canteen ❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods and smiles*** sure Miss
as Isabel enters the canteen taking her coffee sitting in one of the table she heared some gossiping
do you know when our CEO will announce our new COO
no i think his daughter will get that position
that unruly woman
what am I wrong her all work are done by us and she is the one who takes all credit
lower your voice or her dog will hear you
i don't care it's just unfair
sights*** i know but still i wish Mr Deren would not appoint that Rex or else the company for sure will go down hill
nods*** i wish his other daughter decides to take charge i heard she is quite a genius herself
yes she completed her double graduation from one of the top universities with top position
yes i also heard that was the same university were the devil cold icebreg Rockwell also studied from
girl you will be in trouble if any one heard you ... and you should know he is our company's big shareholder i think he would already put his men in our company
shrug *** truth is truth honey
shakes his head*** whatever let's go continue our work or else
that bîtçh will throw tantrums what else
hush girl
as they go there way
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
soon later Isabel finishes her coffee
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
arrives at canteen and approach Isabel*** miss sir Deren have asked your presence in his office
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** please show me the way❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods*** this way
after a while they arrive at Deren's office and Isabel knocks
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
come in❄️❄️
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
enters the door and smiles*** darling
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
shocked as she was standing behind Isabel (fûçk what's going on)***
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
looks up from his laptop smiling big*** babygirl
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
eyes widen (does she have affair with Deren does Mrs esme know about them )***
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
get's up and raises his hands for hug***
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle and ran towards him jumps hugging him*** darling
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hugs her lifting Isabel off her legs and kisses her forehead*** babygirl
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
Isabel and Deren notice her
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle seeing her shocked expression*** daddy put me down
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
heard daddy and got double shock***
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
smiles*** but
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
looks at Reena*** miss you don't have to think something else he is my daddy
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
shocked*** i thought i saw something forbidden when I heard you call sir darling
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
chuckle*** my princess has called me like that
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
kisses his cheek*** you are my first love daddy how would I even call you something else
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** and you are my sunshine princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
but don't you think you are being childish
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
what asking for hug from my own daughter is me being childish
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** but we did met for breakfast not long ago
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
that doesn't mean i can't ask for hug from my own daughter
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** see childish
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
pouts*** princess doesn't love me anymore
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** utterly childish
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
looks at Reena*** but Reena don't tell anyone about what you saw here❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
suprised*** yes sir but she's your daughter
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
but nobody knows this and i would like to keep this till my announcement❄️❄️
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** and nobody should know how my daddy is childish infront of his daughter
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
hush babygirl but it will be a good experience for you as well
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** this way i will know the real faces of some people
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods*** as you both wish
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
and please don't call me Johnathan till the announcement❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
I'll be Isabel Bella to everyone till daddy announces me❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods*** sure

Episode 3

Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
turn towards Deren*** and daddy inform your wife's daughter not to spill anything or else...
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frowns and sits on his seat with her on his laps*** miss Reena you can resume with your work and tell my secretary to not interfere till i call him ❄️❄️
renna receptionist
renna receptionist
nods*** sure sir
as she goes out
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
cups Isabel face *** princess tell me something did you...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
leans in his hands *** found rex or Sean's real face yes i did daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
worried*** princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** you don't even know there real motive daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** i told esme since she brought them both in our house i even said that she's brought snake in our house
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
mom is good heartedly person she doesn't know that her step sister's daughter is just like her mother but i think there is something going on with her mom has bought up rex so it's quite impossible to her be this evil and i don't know how but that Sean convince mom in there trap of marriage between me and him i even think Sean is behind rex's sudden change of behaviour daddy you should have notice when rex suddenly started behaving stranger than before Sean came to our house
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
sights*** why didn't you ever spoke up
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
i didn't want to ever disappoint you or mom and i really loved rex as my sister till i accidentally saw something i shouldn't
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** this is also the reason why i want to announce you as my heir princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** i got that dad but keep this secret from mom or anyone else till i prove my worth
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
daddy if rex or Sean knows that I'm your heir they will kill you immediately and would try to harm me also
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
tighten his arms around her*** babygirl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** daddy i want something changed around from today onwards
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frown*** what are you thinking babygirl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
i want you to contact uncle max
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
eyes widen**** Max
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** yes daddy tell uncle max that princess said red code he knows what it means
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frowns*** princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
don't worry dad he knows what to do and please don't ask me whatever I'm going to do just wait and watch the show
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
kisses her forehead*** you do know sometimes I see your nonna in your actions
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiling big*** after all she is the one who train me always remember I'll be devil ice princess who was trained and loved by devil Queen herself and now as the time has came to show the world i can be devil ice queen
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
chuckles*** nonna's girl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** your as well don't forget I'm your daughter and you are also called as devil itself
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
shakes his head*** so let me show you your cabin
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok daddy
they both left Deren's office and go to the employee and Deren introduce Isabel to everyone the employee were shocked seeing the CEO himself introduce the New COO and many were relieved that rex was not the new COO and after hello and greetings he shows her own office cabin and informs her about current status about the company and what project is going on
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
in her new cabin sitting on chair*** babygirl do you want me to appoint you a PA
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
shakes her head *** I'll select someone i want
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** sure babygirl and your mother wants to talk you about Sean and your ...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
raised one eyebrow*** I'll see about that
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frowns but nods*** what are you actually planning to do further
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiling mischievously *** you will just have to wait Mr Johnathan to see how i show there real face to your innocent wife and my dear mother
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
raised one eyebrow but smiling big*** let's see what Miss Bella can show me
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** now go and continue your work and be on extra alert and for my sake do cross check out household staff
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frown*** is there
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** i think so
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** I'll do that and I'll call Max after i go to my office
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** tell him i miss him
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods** I'll
as he goes to his office
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights and starts looking at all the work ***
looking at everything she found many loop holes and corrected it but later frown while checking thru the accounts of every project and start preparing for evidence of every regarding this matter
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
frowns and saw the time*** looks like i have to do some deep cleaning from now on but it's strange why dad didn't notice this shit already
she order lunch in her cabin and resume her work at lunch time she go to canteen and notice how rex was behaving but kept quite
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
Rex Johnathan/ fl adpoted sis/enemy
saw Isabel and starts behaving nice***
but that was not of use because Isabel already saw everything and behave like she just arrived and ignore her
after finishing her lunch she goes back and start doing her work after finishing her work
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
stretching her body*** hmmm looks like i have to call my bestie to help me out here
leans back on her chair looking at the files infront of her
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights and pick her mobile and start making a call ***
phone conversation
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
oh hello madam i thought you died after coming back home
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Johnathan you better have a damn good excuse for calling me after such a long time
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiling big*** my dear sia please don't be angry on your baby
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
don't sia me
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
I'll tell you everything but will you help me...
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
do you even have to ask such questions you damn fool
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
than starting now you are appointed as my personal assistant...
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
I'm not joking
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
you do know I'll do anything but why your PA
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** I'll explain everything do you still remember our code
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
frowns*** damn girl what is actually going on and why suddenly you are asking me that
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
serious tone*** the devil ice princess is going to show the world I'm devil ice queen
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
eyes widen frowns with serious tone*** who betrayed you
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
serious tone*** someone who shouldn't even think about betraying me
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
I'll be there today itself and always remember isa I'll always have your back
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
can you do some hacking for me
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
send me text about the person name or picture I'll dig everything about it and personally give you there details
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiles*** thanks for having my back
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
hush girl and you actually saved me from my nagging mom she was going on and on about finding some job or joining dad's company
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** you still didn't told her you are quite famous hacker who freelance work for government
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
giggle*** nuh and if i know you well you still didn't tell anyone about your million dollar self-made business empire
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle*** remember the devil princess inside me has been sleeping for long time now because nonna wanted me to live as Isabel Johnathan who is princess of Jonathan's and showing that I'm the sole owner of Bell empire would be dangerous just...
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
because you started your own company empire without any help and support when you were still 16 as well your company is ruling in top 2 since you are 17 in only one year you and that devil Rockwell are the only one who reached such achievement
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
i know but my family or world don't know about this only nonna, you and few people do know about this
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
sights*** but when are you going to show yourself to the world
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** I'll when i clean my own household first
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
frowns** isa..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
I'll tell you everything when you reach here
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
sights*** girl I'm already packing my suitcase here I'll reach there till tonight and..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
you can stay with me or
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
I'll be staying in your secret apartment near your company
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
you do know Roxanne is going to retire wanna take her position as well
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
girl I'll die you do know she works for your entire empire
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
i know but if you also work for me as my PA in both companies I'll be rest assured about both of them
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
sights*** tell Roxanne to be my pa of Bell empire because i can't be in two places
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Roxanne said her daughter can be your PA and she is also who is currently working as her's PA so are you ok with her
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
suprise*** you are telling me you already decided to appoint me in Roxanne place and asked her for her point of view
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
yes i was thinking about this for long time so i asked Roxanne about this and she also supported it ..
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
but isn't her daughter capable to handle...
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sia Bell empire is larger than before and Roxanne knows what you and her own daughter is capable of so she said Kia won't be able to handle it and kia is also happy with her current job and you also know Kia loves you
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
sights*** isa you better fix my salary highest..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle and send her a mail*** i already mail your appointment letter with salary package check it out and let me know if that is enough or what changes you want to be made
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
sure let me check it out I'll contact you as soon as I reach there
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
again thanks for having my back babe
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
hush babe meet you soon
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee
Sia William/ fl pa/ fl bff / Lee's love
phone conversation ended
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel continue working on her laptop and sending some files to Roxanne she watch the time and notice it's time for go home and she pack her stuff and leave her cabin locking everything down after reaching home she directly go to her room and freshen up
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sitting on her bed reading reports about her Bel empire send by Roxanne smiles*** looks like this project is going to be more successful
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
behind the door*** isa
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
suprised and shut her phone*** come in mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
enter the room and smiles big*** so how was your first day at our company
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
smiling big*** it was good but mom you aren't here for that reason ask whatever you want to ask mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights and sits besides her*** babygirl did you never even like Sean
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights*** mom you do know i never had or even think about getting married you also know nonna always told me "if you don't feel sparks from your lover or husband babygirl you should think twice to even talk to that person " and mom remember you never asked my opinion or feeling about fixing my marriage with Sean and i also thought I'll feel the sparks of what nonna talked about but till now i never felt that spark from anyone not even sean
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights** i just..
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
hug esme*** mom i know Sean approached you saying he loves me but you should have asked me my opinion or feeling regarding this matter and it was your wish that's why i never opposed it but i really never feel anything for him
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights*** I'm sorry babygirl but at least give Sean a last chance if you still don't feel anything towards him I'll stop your official engagement myself
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods (or i can just show you and everyone there both real ugly face in my own engagement party)*** as you wish mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
sights and smiles*** ok babygirl now come down so we will have dinner together
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** just 15 min I'll be down soon
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
Esme Johnathan/fl mom
nods*** sure I'll calls other as well
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** ok
as esme goes out of Isabel room
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
open her phone and check everything and send several mail and finally finishing shut her phone and goes down only saw her father *** daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
turn towards her and smiles*** good evening princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle and kisses his cheek*** good evening daddy
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
pulls her in his lap*** how was my princess first day
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
whisper*** you really don't know what's going on in your own company
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frowns and whisper*** did you find something princess
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods and whisper*** many things
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
frowns and whisper*** how did I miss something
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
sights and whisper*** it might be because it is done in small loopholes
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods and whisper*** do you have evidence to claim what you are saying
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
giggle and whisper*** daddy I'm your daughter i have many evidence and i even know who all are behind this
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised and whisper*** you already found the culprits
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods and whisper*** my assistant will show you everything when she come to your office tomorrow morning with all my work done today
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
suprised*** you already found one
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
Isabel Bella Johnathan /fl
nods*** i have known her all my university days she is my bestie and she also agreed to work for me
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
Deren Johnathan/ fl dad
nods*** that's good

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