I Am An Inferior Being With The Skill To Seduce Women. (Re-written.)

I Am An Inferior Being With The Skill To Seduce Women. (Re-written.)

CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser?

The clichés, my old friends. They've been with me my whole life. My life has been full of clichés. Seriously, I'm a cliché with legs.

I thought my new life would be less cliché ... But I was wrong.

“It’s my turn!”

"No, it's mine!"


"It's my turn!"

"Kei, it's my turn!"

"Darling, it's not fair, it was my turn!"

More than 10 girls are fighting over me right now ... Really… They always treat me like a sex toy! Zius, couldn't you have given me another skill?!

Oh yeah, by the way, my skill is [Seduce women]. In short, I can seduce any woman easily.

Why did Zius give me that skill? Why do I have it? And why are more than 10 women fighting over me?

Well... It's a long and clichéd story.

CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser?

My name is Kei Edna... Well, that was my name in my original world. My actual name is Kei Molfer, and I just came out of a *****! Es tan asqueroso! (spanish)

"The twins were born healthy. Unfortunately, one of them was born a man."

I suck! Uwaaaah! Is that how it feels to be born?! I can't open my eyes! Kya! I was spanked!

Zius, why did my reincarnation go this way?!

"And what are they called?"

"My wife won the fight, she'll decide the names."

"They will be named Kei and Mei Molfer."

Kei?! N-no, wait, that would be too suspicious! I want another name!

"Kei cries too much, I think he's hungry."

H-hungry...? W-wait... I-I 'm a newborn, I don't have teeth and I can't move on my own... Uwaaaah! N-no, wait, I don't want to! It is so awkward!

"Open your mouth."


I opened my eyes a little, it hurts, but I want to see my surroundings.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a couple looking at me. A very handsome man and a woman whose presence, for some reason, frightened me. She is beautiful, there is no doubt about that, but she scares me!

"Open your mouth, Kei. Learn from your sister."

S-sister? I-It's true, I have a sister! And she's drinking milk... Tan adorable... N-no... No... My baby instinct makes me do it!

My mouth is a few inches from my new mother's ******. This is so uncomfortable! B-but I can't disobey my natural instincts.

My mouth opened on its own and I started drinking ****** milk. It is so awkward! You're my new mother, doing this is so disgusting, I want to throw up!

Zius, I hate you!

"Wow, wow. Congratulations, you managed to survive a week in this forest. Congratulations, you have earned a day off."

"Only one?!"- Mei and I yelled angrily.

"Mother, Kei is almost raped by a Goblin Queen! We need more rest!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Remember that disgusting Goblin Queen almost kisses me, it makes me want to vomit!"

My mother, Sei Molfer, one of the most important women in the country, is crazy! She forces her 4-year-old children to survive in dangerous places and abandons them to their fate! We're supposed to be little kids, we should be playing, enjoying our childhood, not training as warriors!

Ah... Sometimes I regret agreeing to help Zius. You have to take it, Kei. If you accomplish your mission, you will return to your world and see your aunt and Nia again.

Huh? What is my mission? It's a simple thing, nothing of another world: to defeat a Goddess!

I know it sounds impossible, but Zius told me that I had a small chance of making it. If that chance allows me to see my family again, I will. I want to go back to my family. I want to go back to my world.

Ah... I still remember the day I came into this world. The beginning of my suffering.

"Buenas tardes! Good afternoon! I'm here!"

Kei Edna, a 17-year-old boy, came home after a long day of school. As always, he arrived exhausted, as he stayed at school to swim in the pool. He's a member of the swim club, and he's one of the best.

He considers himself a normal boy, with a normal life, although he is not so normal.

"Older brother! Welcome!"

Kei's 14-year-old cousin Nia, as always, happily welcomes him. She considers him as a brother... In fact, she loves him ... And too much. If they weren't cousins, she would try to date him. Her love for him is romantic, it's not family love, but Kei loves her as a family.

Kei and Nia are not siblings. Kei lost his parents in an accident when he was 10 years old. His aunt adopted him and they started a family together.

His aunt was a single mother, and still is. She works 8 hours a day and arrives at dinner time, so Kei and Nia are all day together, they cook themselves and do the household chores. That coexistence not only improved the relationship they both had, it also gave Nia the opportunity to get to know Kei better.

Kei's aunt is an excellent mother and aunt. And in her work they respect her. She has a good salary, which allows her to support her two children, Kei and Nia.

She loves Kei too much, considers him a real son, after all, she watched him grow up and reminds him too much of her brother, Kei's late father. Kei is all she has left of her brother, her only memory.

After school, Kei and Nia eat together at their house. A routine that will soon be over.

"The food is delicious as always, Nia."

A small blush appeared on her and she smiled cheerfully at her beloved Kei.

"T-thank you! I did it with love."

As they eat, Kei checks his smartphone. Kei has a very active social life, although he only has male friends. His self-esteem doesn't allow him to talk to women.

"Wow, wow... Nia, don't you want to go to a party with me? My friends are inviting me."

"A party? Sure, I'll go with you!"

"Thank you. I don't want to be alone."

"Alone? But your friends will be there, right?"

“Yes, but... It's hard to explain, you are still a little girl."

Those words made her angry. She makes a very adorable pout. Kei loves adorable things, so she takes advantage of her anger to make a pout and get Kei's attention, and it worked very well, captivated Kei's heart with that pout, although he doesn't want her to notice.

"I'm not a little girl! I already have breasts!"

She began to grope her breasts in front of Kei, making him quite nervous and averted his gaze.

Yes, Nia has considerably large breasts for her age. Her grandmother's inheritance. Her mother has smaller breasts.

"N-Nia, you mustn't do that in front of a man."

"Fufu. You're pretty innocent, Kei. Accept that I'm not a little girl! I have big breasts!"

"Adult body, little girl mind."- Kei said, with a smile on his face.

Smile that also made Nia nervous.

"Y-you're bad, brother! I want you to explain to me what happens!"

"Well, all right. My friends sometimes leave me alone. They flirt with the girls and stay away from me."

"It seems your friends are very unpleasant."

"They are good people. It's normal for guys to want to date girls."

"And you ... you also want to go out with girls?"

Nia watches him too much and Kei just looks down. His self-esteem doesn't allow him to talk to women, much less try to flirt. He doesn't have the mental strength to do it. It's a waste, considering Kei's physical appearance and popularity among women.

"Yes, but no one would notice me."

Kei doesn't have any confidence in himself. But he is not ugly. He is attractive. He has excellent muscles and an excellent physique. He is one of the best swimmers and is popular with the girls. He has a trauma. He considers himself ugly. When they tell him he's attractive, he thinks they mean it out of pity.

It is a trauma that he developed when he was 14 years old. Because of that trauma, he cannot see himself as attractive, but on the contrary, he believes that he is ugly and disgusting, something contrary to reality.

"That's not true! You are very cute, brother! Any girl would like to date you!"

Kei smiles at her.

"Thank you, Nia. Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco."

He thinks Nia says it to cheer him up. "We are family, she does not consider me ugly ... But I am." He thinks that as he continues to eat.

Excellent body, nice face, he is quite tall, he is a good and kind person, intelligent, his black hair is soft and smells nice, and charismatic. Any girl would consider him perfect. But he doesn't think the same.

In a certain place, in another world, a group of women gathered around a circle with strange symbols and held hands.

"Oh, Goddess Fravi, please send the next heroes."

(Pov- ?)

Wow, wow, wow. Will the heroes be summoned yet? It's too soon, but well, okay, I have no complaints.

It's time to move the chess pieces. Daniel was a disappointment, don't disappoint me too.

"I want to see the result."

After eating, Kei entered his room and started reading.

Nia is lying on him bed, while Kei is reading a book on math, but he is quite nervous, as Nia put her feet on Kei's back, something quite uncomfortable for him, but not so much to complain about. Deep down, he's enjoying it.

Kei's room is clean and tidy, that reflects him serious personality. Kei is someone who might be considered “fun”, but it's his way of feeling better and not caring about others with his self-esteem issues. O

"Brother, I'm bored. Play with me!"

"Nia, that was misheard ... But okay... Shall we play cards?"

"Yes! Whoever loses will do what the winner tells them!"

"I hope you're ready to lose."- Kei said smiling. He is sure that he will win.

"I Won!"


Kei lost and Nia is jumping for joy. Kei is pretty smart, but he didn't count on Nia proposing to play a new game with different rules, so Kei didn't have time to learn how to play better. Nia knew Kei was too nice to her and wouldn't complain about changing the game, and she took advantage of that.

"You'll have to do what I tell you, brother!"

"You're getting very smart ... Okay, I accept my defeat."

"What will you do first...? Brother, buy me an energy drink!"

"Give me some money."

"You will buy it with your money!"- Nia said while smiling sweetly.

"Wow, wow... You are becoming sadistic ... Okay, I'm going to buy it. Don’t you touch my things."

"Don't worry, I've already looked and didn't find your porn magazines."

Kei turns completely red with shame.

"I-I don't have any porn magazines!"

Nia starts laughing and walks over to Kei.

"I know, but I wanted to see your reaction."

Nia is smiling and Kei blushes when he sees her. She, even without knowing it, captures Kei's heart, but he knows that's wrong and hides it.

"Y-Yes... I'll go buy it."

Porn magazines in a world with the internet? Why do porn magazines still exist? Well, because clichés will always exist in that world, it is the main characteristic of that world.

After buying the energy drink, he walks the streets of the city. He lives in a huge, very modern city, but not as much as the cities of the world 15. In that world, the technology is so advanced, that there are even robots and virtual reality video games, you can even feel the objects you touch in video games.

While Kei was walking, in world 15 and other worlds, including Kei's world, women began to lose control of their bodies, and they died in accidents.

And one of those women, she's very close to Kei.

"A pair of 7 is defeated by a pair of 6? I must investigate. I suspect she saw my idiot face."

Before crossing the street, the traffic light turned red for pedestrians, so Kei stopped.

"Will she like the strawberry flavor?"

A 40-year-old woman stands next to him, but the woman has a cold expression. She is not smiling or looking angry.

"Die... Die... Die..."

She is repeating the same words and Kei looks at her nervously.


At that very moment, a bus approaches them.

The bus driver has a cold expression as well. They can't both control their own bodies.

"Kill chosen ... Kill chosen ..."

He is increasing the speed.

The traffic light turns red for cars.

The cars stop and the woman begins to walk.

Kei is nervous and worried about her. She's not acting anything normal, and Kei knows it.

"She's crazy? I think she need help."

The woman stops in the middle of the street and the bus heads towards her.

Kei notices and runs over to her.

"Be careful!"

Not having time to think, Kei just ran over and pushed her.

He saved her, but the bus ended Kei's life.

But a new one started for him.

"Where am I?"

Opening his eyes, Kei realized that he was no longer on the street. He was in a very, very different place.

"Your Majesty, a man was summoned!"

"Impossible! The spell failed!"

"What are we going to do?!"

Kei was in a huge, rather elegant room.

Women wearing elegant clothes, but showing a lot of skin, were in front of him.

The women are beautiful and their necklines were very revealing.

Kei, being a shy boy, turned red in the face of this situation.

"W-what's going on?! No entiendo nada!"

"Where am I?!"

"Why am I alive?!"

"Why couldn't I move my body ?!"

"Am I not dead ?!"

"Are my parents safe?!"

"Didn't I die in that accident ?!"

"Why do I feel small ?!"

"This is super weird!"

Kei wasn't the only one confused.

At his side, there are 9 little girls. They are all scared and confused. They look like 10-year-old girls.

"What's wrong?"

Kei's voice sounds weird, he realized something wasn't right.


He looks at his hands. These are small hands. He had big hands, so he was too scared to see his hands so small.


Kei is now a 10-year-old boy.

"Am I a little boy ?!"

"Listen up!"

A woman in her 40s, with long green hair, screamed. She wears a crown and her breasts are huge, so much so that even someone as shy as Kei can't help but see it.

"You were summoned! You are the new "heroes"!"

"Summoned ?!"- They all said at the same time.

"You died and your souls were summoned. Goddess "Fravi" gave you all a new body. Your appearances will be the same when you grow up, don't worry."

"T-this is very weird."- Said one of the girls.

"We will explain everything ... But first, I will introduce myself. My name is "Freyka" and I am the queen of the country called "Desmol"."

"A Queen..."- Kei said.

He is in awe of everything. He is surrounded by beautiful and provocative women. He is as red as a tomato. His shyness is at its limit.

"E-excuse me ... Why did you summon us?"- Said a girl with long white hair. Her eyes are blue and she has a mole on her right cheek.

"Every 10,000 years, demons appear in our world. When that happens, Goddess Fravi sends us a divine message. In that divine message, she tells us how to summon the new heroes."

"And what does it mean to be a hero?"- Said a girl with brown skin and black hair.

"Heroes have the power to defeat demons. You will become our heroes. It will take time for you to understand everything, I know ... But first, let's check your status."

"Status?"- Said a girl with short blue hair.

"Yes. Goddess Fravi gave unique magic to each of you, called: "Divine Power"."

"Magic?!"- They yelled almost all at the same time.

The only ones who didn't scream were the girls who lived in a magical world. They know magic.

"Please, one by one, go to the front and show your statistics. You only have to say: "Show status". Women first and the inferior will be last."

"Inferior?"- Kei said confused.

Kei noticed that the women were looking down on him, but he didn't know why.

"Fufu. Behind me, commoners."

A girl walks to the front. She has short red hair and her eyes are red.

"Me first. Show status!"

A hologram or screen appears in front of her, surprising everyone in the place.


"Your numbers are incredible!"

"Her magic power is incredible!"

"Her strength too!"

"She is a prodigy!"

"And she's so young! She'll be even more powerful when she grows up!"

Her status is:

Near Nisha.

Magic Power: 462017/462017

Strength: 787

Age: 10 Years

Intelligence: 43

Agility: 608

Hit Points (hp): 59269/59269

Divine Power: Dragon Sword.

Work: Warrior.

Near is happy to be a prodigy, and more so because she feels superior. In her past life she was an arrogant princess, who killed people who looked at her badly, and that arrogance only increased at this moment.

"Hehe. I know, I'm great."

"A-amazing ..."

Kei is impatient. He also wants to know his status. In his world, he read fantasy novels, but it wasn't his favorite genre, although that doesn't take away the fact that he's excited to know if he has magic too.

"Whoa! It really is magic!"

One of the girls kept seeing Kei. Something about him seemed very familiar.

"It's him...?"

"I’ll try that!"

Ignoring the Queen's orders, Kei steps forward.

"Show status!"

The screen appears, showing his status, but it is not what he imagined.

Unlike Near, Kei's status is more... boring.

Kei Edna.

Magic Power: 0/0

Strength: 34

Age: 10 Years

Intelligence: 76

Agility: 42

Hit Points (hp): 100/100

Divine Power: None

Work: None


Unlike Near, Kei received nothing from the Goddess. No unique skill, no magic power.

"I-it can't be ... H-he did not receive any divine power... The spell really failed!"- yelled the Queen.

Kei was already looked down on, and after revealing his status, that hatred grew.

"An inferior always will be!"


"Damn inferior!"

The women get angry with him and one of them kicks him in the stomach, pulling out the air and breaking a couple of ribs. Kei's body is too fragile, and that punch took 80 of his life points.

[Health points: 20%.]

"What the hell were you summoned for ?!"

The woman is very strong and huge, and with only a single kick, it was enough to make Kei cry. She didn't use all her strength, she just used enough to make Kei suffer. Why didn't she kill him? Because Kei is cute, and she's got something planned. She wears a patch on her right eye and has scars on her face. She's a warrior, but she has no honor. She likes to see the weak suffer, and seeing Kei crying makes her smile.

"I-I don't know."

"Tsk. Fucking inferior!"

She grabs him tightly by the neck.


Kei tries to breathe, but can't. He is choking. If he continues like this, he will die. He only has 8 points left.

"L-let him go!"

The girl with white hair tries to help Kei.

"It's not his fault! Leave him, please."

The woman clicks her tongue and lets go of Kei.

"We don't need him."

Kei tries to catch his breath and the girl tries to help him.

"A-are you okay?"

"I-I don't know... I don’t know."

Kei is suffering from his wounds, but he's trying to endure it.

He observes the women around him. They are all watching him with expressions of disgust and hatred. There are some Elves and semi-humans, species that Kei considered kind because of the fantasy stories he read, but even they look at him with disgust.

"This place is weird ... Thank you for your help. My name is Kei."

"My name is Charlotte."

The queen and an armored woman approach Kei.

"Please accompany Mik. She will explain what will happen to you."


Kei and Mik, the woman in armor, leave the room. Kei doesn't know what will happen to him, but he is hopeful that they will get him a job or return him to his world.

"What will happen to me? Will they return to me ...? No, that is not possible. I'm already dead ... Will they give me a room and will I live here?"

"To live here?"

Mik starts laughing.

"An inferior living here? So funny."



Kei receives a severe blow to the head and falls to the ground unconscious. Mik hit him with her elbow.

"Damn inferior."

Kei lost almost all his life points, he only has one left, only one life point. No one would imagine that, thanks to that point, the future would undergo a great change.

Kei wakes up in a dungeon. There are corpses around him, corpses of young children. The most recent bodies have clear marks of blows, physical abuse. They were beaten to death.

"Eh? Huh?! Wh-what is this?!"

He started throwing up when he saw that. The smell of the corpses was unbearable, but Kei was ignoring it because the emotional shock was too much.

He tried to escape, but fell to the ground when he tried to run.

His right leg is chained.

"W-What? They locked me? Help me!! I did not commit any crime !! I want to see a lawyer!! I am innocent!!"

The woman with the eyepatch enters the dungeon.

"You're awake, inferior."

"W-what's going on ?!"

"Since you are useless, you are of no use to us. That's why I'm going to have a little fun with you."

She gets too close to him and smiles at him.

Kei is shaking in fear. Considering his environment and situation, he knows he could be the next victim of that woman.

"Wh-What do you want from me?"

"I like cute children."

She gives Kei's cheek a lick and he turns completely red. His shyness made him nervous, but he also felt disgusted.

"Y-you're sick!"

"Yes, I am."

She tries to remove Kei's clothes.

"N-no, please! I don't know you! Let go of me! Help, please!!! She wants to rape me!!! Don't do it, please, I don't want to lose my virginity this way!"

"No one will listen to you, you are in my house. The queen sold you and I bought you."

"What the ****?! Did she sell me ?! She has no right to sell me, I am not her property!"

“Shut up!"

She punches Kei in the face and his nose began to bleed, exciting that woman.

"Wow, you're really cute."

She started licking Kei's blood.

"Have mercy, please."

He started to cry.

"You're mine now. Accept your destiny and shut up."

She licked Kei's tears.

"Delicious. Let's get on with the fun."

She takes off Kei's shirt and begins to touch his body.

Kei closes his eyes tightly, accepting his cruel fate.

"You are very cute..."

Suddenly, she falls to the ground unconscious. In her head she has a dart.


Charlotte enters the dungeon, along with the girl with the brown skin.

"Kei, we're going to save you."

Hope returns to Kei and smiles.

"T-thank you!"

Using her fists, the brown girl breaks the chains.

"Your leg is free."

"Thank you... What's your name?"

"My name is Bandia."

"Thank you, Bandia ... Did you use magic to defeat her?"

"Yes, it is my magic. I can create poisons and antidotes. I used a tranquilizer to defeat her."- Said Charlotte.

"Thank you...! But what do I do now?"

"We work for the queen, we can't help you much ... Take it."

They give him a small bag of coins.

"There is money. Escape from here."

"Run, you don't have much time!"

Kei watched the money and wiped his tears away.

"I guess my life changed ... Thanks for everything... Thank you very much, I will never forget what you did for me... Thank you."

Kei runs out of the dungeon.

"He gonna be all right?"

"Yes... I hope so."

Nia and her mother are crying together. The police informed them of Kei's death. It was so sudden, Nia refused to believe it, but when she heard the story, she felt very guilty.


She feels guilty because she was the one who sent Kei to buy that energy drink. "If only I hadn't cheated." “Why did I ask Kei to buy me that?!” “I'm sorry, Kei, I'm so sorry!” Her mind is full of those thoughts.

"I'm sorry... But Kei died a hero. He was an admirable boy."- Said a policeman.

He's trying to comfort them, but it didn't work.

"My brother must be alive! He can't be dead."

"Sorry Miss."

After learning of Kei's death, him classmates and swim club members attended him funeral.

Several mourned him death, as he was a kind and good boy to everyone. Nobody hated him. The swim club captain was the one who cried the most.

Nia got depressed by that news. She did not lose a brother, she lost her first love ... But something inside her told her that Kei was still alive. It was impossible, but she wanted to believe it.

"Brother... Brother…"

(Pov- Kei.)

Uwaaaah! This world is rotten! Why do all women want to kidnap or rape me?!

I barely managed to escape this city, and now I have to sleep in a dangerous forest because the roads are full of rapist bandits!

I don't want to lose my virginity without love. Ahhhhhhhh!!! A bear!

I climbed as fast as I could into a tree, fortunately the bear ignored me and went on its way.

What the **** is wrong with this world?!!

"I miss my world for sure. Extraño a mi familia."

Nia, aunt, Cris... So many things I lost... I can't go back, I'm already dead in my original world, I can't go back.

"I must start a new life... But..."

I don’t know if I can… I don’t know.

For now, I'm moving away from this city. I'll go to a town or something. I need a job.

I pulled an apple out of my pocket and took a bite.

"Goddess Fravi, why didn't you give me magic?"

It's not fair.

"A small town."

With the money, Kei bought new clothes. Now he is wearing black pants, a white shirt, and white shoes. He wanted to look more "normal". His clothing set is too normal, he doesn't stand out.

After walking for 3 days, he came to a town, which was very far from the capital. During his journey, kind men assisted him. Kei traveled with them in carriages. "The men in this world are very good." - Kei thought.

He started walking around town, hoping no one would try to hurt him.

"There is no electricity in this world, but they are very advanced ... Although it is still medieval."

There are restrooms and schools. Magic medicine is very advanced and factories work with magic. This world is still medieval, but it is quite modern.

He takes out two gold coins from his pocket.

"It's all I have left ... A gold coin is worth 10 Frak, the coin of the country... And a full meal is worth 5 Frak... I must have breakfast ... And I must get a job."

"Wow, wow. What do we have here?"

Two women stand in front of him. Women have huge breasts and are very beautiful, causing Kei's shy side to come out.

"Hi cute."

"H-hello, ladies."

"You got lost?"

"Not exactly."

"Oh, you're red, that's nice."

One of them stroked Kei's cheek.

"Why don't you come with us? You'll have fun."


"Leave that young man in peace! He's a little boy, you sick people!"

A homeless man approaches them.


They take Kei by the arm.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Come with us, brat!"

"Huh?! Not again!"

During his journey, women tried to kidnap him, but thanks to his good luck, he always managed to escape.

Hiding in the bushes, in trees, being saved by adventurers. Kei always managed to escape.

"Leave that innocent young man be, you perverts!"

The homeless man runs to them.

"Get away, you disgusting! Fire sphere!"- They all said at the same time.

They extend their hands and spheres of fire come out of their hands.


Kei is from another world, that is why he is not used to magic.

The homeless man dodges the fire spheres and with incredible speed, retrieves Kei and runs away.

"You are very fast, sir!"

"My name is Zius."

"My name is Kei. It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for saving me."

"How many times have I saved you? I think 24 times."


"Kei, my name is Zius, and I am a God ... Well, I was."

"A God?!"

1 CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser?
2 CHAPTER 2- Back to school.
3 CHAPTER 3- Kei, the strongest inferior.
4 CHAPTER 4- Seduce women mode +18
5 CHAPTER 5- A princess.
6 CHAPTER 6 - Kei, the best of the class.
7 CHAPTER 7- Harem of lolis and a new Kei?
8 CHAPTER 8- Kei is a coward?
9 CHAPTER 9- Mei and Nia.
10 CHAPTER 10- A date with two girls.
11 CHAPTER 11- The Demon Queen, Desmolfer.
12 CHAPTER 12- The false Dragon Sword.
13 CHAPTER 13- Engaged.
14 CHAPTER 14- Mini Mei.
15 CHAPTER 15- Abandoned children. (Beginning of the arc: "The crazy queen.")
16 CHAPTER 16- Reading club.
17 CHAPTER 17- Kei, the adventurer.
18 CHAPTER 18- First mission.
19 CHAPTER 16- Reading club.
20 CHAPTER 17- Kei, the adventurer.
21 CHAPTER 18- First mission.
22 CHAPTER 19- Something bad happens.
23 CHAPTER 20- Kei's fury.
24 CHAPTER 21- Kei is a danger.
25 CHAPTER 22- Are the familiars of a demon so powerful?
26 CHAPTER 22.5- Kei, the baby.
27 CHAPTER 23- NTR to the Orc King. Humiliation.
28 CHAPTER 24- Kei's grandmother.
29 CHAPTER 25- The researcher Nero.
30 CHAPTER 26- Cris, the Slime.
31 CHAPTER 26.5- Reima Molfer is crazy.
32 CHAPTER 27- Forbidden Continent.
33 CHAPTER 28- Improved Skill.
34 CHAPTER 29- An impossible love.
35 CHAPTER 30- Celebration party.
36 CHAPTER 31- Frima, "the hero of fire".
37 CHAPTER 32- Mio and Nem.
38 CHAPTER 33- Kei, the enemy of a God.
39 CHAPTER 33.5- Hiding the Demi-Demons.
40 CHAPTER 34- School trip.
41 CHAPTER 35- Annoying adventurer.
42 CHAPTER 36- A young grandmother.
43 CHAPTER 37- Hiring of Nisei.
44 CHAPTER 38- Crisfa, the God.
45 CHAPTER 38.5 - I'm a Childish Protagonist.
46 CHAPTER 39 - Sei Molfer's Fury.
47 CHAPTER 40- Victory!
48 CHAPTER 41 - Class C Adventurer.
49 CHAPTER 42 - Daniel
50 CHAPTER 42.5 A small adventure with a loli.
51 CHAPTER 43 - A fight between old friends.
52 CHAPTER 43.5 - Sexual training.
53 CHAPTER 44 - The Girl Who Doesn't Give Up. Part 1.
54 CHAPTER 44.5 - The girl who doesn't give up. Part 2.
55 CHAPTER 45 - Cris's past... boring? Part 1.
56 CHAPTER 45.5 - Cris' Past is... Boring? Part 2
57 CHAPTER 46 - Crisfa, the C-class adventurer.
58 CHAPTER 47 - Nero's Attack
59 CHAPTER 48 - [Dragon Heart, activated.]
60 CHAPTER 49 - A trap at school.
61 CHAPTER 50 - Traitor.
62 CHAPTER 50.5 - Visiting the Queen.
63 CHAPTER 51 - Mei, the Brocon.
64 CHAPTER 51.5 - First Day of School.
65 CHAPTER 52 - Crisfa, a good friend.
66 CHAPTER 53 - Seeking the Perfect Gift.
67 CHAPTER 53.5- Cris, a good friend.
68 CHAPTER 54 - A Long Night.
69 CHAPTER 55 - A harsh reality. Part 1.
70 CHAPTER 55.5 - A harsh reality. Part 2.
71 CHAPTER 56.5 - Auction. Part 2.
72 CHAPTER 57 - Auction. Part 3
73 CHAPTER 58- Luna.
74 CHAPTER 59 - Rejection.
75 CHAPTER 60 - A shy and sadistic protagonist.
76 CHAPTER 60.5 - A strange sister.
77 CHAPTER 61 - Complications.
78 CHAPTER 62 - Hell. Part 1.
79 CHAPTER 63 - Hell. Part 2.
80 (Extra- Cris vs Zero, the commander.)

Updated 80 Episodes

CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser?
CHAPTER 2- Back to school.
CHAPTER 3- Kei, the strongest inferior.
CHAPTER 4- Seduce women mode +18
CHAPTER 5- A princess.
CHAPTER 6 - Kei, the best of the class.
CHAPTER 7- Harem of lolis and a new Kei?
CHAPTER 8- Kei is a coward?
CHAPTER 9- Mei and Nia.
CHAPTER 10- A date with two girls.
CHAPTER 11- The Demon Queen, Desmolfer.
CHAPTER 12- The false Dragon Sword.
CHAPTER 13- Engaged.
CHAPTER 14- Mini Mei.
CHAPTER 15- Abandoned children. (Beginning of the arc: "The crazy queen.")
CHAPTER 16- Reading club.
CHAPTER 17- Kei, the adventurer.
CHAPTER 18- First mission.
CHAPTER 16- Reading club.
CHAPTER 17- Kei, the adventurer.
CHAPTER 18- First mission.
CHAPTER 19- Something bad happens.
CHAPTER 20- Kei's fury.
CHAPTER 21- Kei is a danger.
CHAPTER 22- Are the familiars of a demon so powerful?
CHAPTER 22.5- Kei, the baby.
CHAPTER 23- NTR to the Orc King. Humiliation.
CHAPTER 24- Kei's grandmother.
CHAPTER 25- The researcher Nero.
CHAPTER 26- Cris, the Slime.
CHAPTER 26.5- Reima Molfer is crazy.
CHAPTER 27- Forbidden Continent.
CHAPTER 28- Improved Skill.
CHAPTER 29- An impossible love.
CHAPTER 30- Celebration party.
CHAPTER 31- Frima, "the hero of fire".
CHAPTER 32- Mio and Nem.
CHAPTER 33- Kei, the enemy of a God.
CHAPTER 33.5- Hiding the Demi-Demons.
CHAPTER 34- School trip.
CHAPTER 35- Annoying adventurer.
CHAPTER 36- A young grandmother.
CHAPTER 37- Hiring of Nisei.
CHAPTER 38- Crisfa, the God.
CHAPTER 38.5 - I'm a Childish Protagonist.
CHAPTER 39 - Sei Molfer's Fury.
CHAPTER 40- Victory!
CHAPTER 41 - Class C Adventurer.
CHAPTER 42 - Daniel
CHAPTER 42.5 A small adventure with a loli.
CHAPTER 43 - A fight between old friends.
CHAPTER 43.5 - Sexual training.
CHAPTER 44 - The Girl Who Doesn't Give Up. Part 1.
CHAPTER 44.5 - The girl who doesn't give up. Part 2.
CHAPTER 45 - Cris's past... boring? Part 1.
CHAPTER 45.5 - Cris' Past is... Boring? Part 2
CHAPTER 46 - Crisfa, the C-class adventurer.
CHAPTER 47 - Nero's Attack
CHAPTER 48 - [Dragon Heart, activated.]
CHAPTER 49 - A trap at school.
CHAPTER 50 - Traitor.
CHAPTER 50.5 - Visiting the Queen.
CHAPTER 51 - Mei, the Brocon.
CHAPTER 51.5 - First Day of School.
CHAPTER 52 - Crisfa, a good friend.
CHAPTER 53 - Seeking the Perfect Gift.
CHAPTER 53.5- Cris, a good friend.
CHAPTER 54 - A Long Night.
CHAPTER 55 - A harsh reality. Part 1.
CHAPTER 55.5 - A harsh reality. Part 2.
CHAPTER 56.5 - Auction. Part 2.
CHAPTER 57 - Auction. Part 3
CHAPTER 58- Luna.
CHAPTER 59 - Rejection.
CHAPTER 60 - A shy and sadistic protagonist.
CHAPTER 60.5 - A strange sister.
CHAPTER 61 - Complications.
CHAPTER 62 - Hell. Part 1.
CHAPTER 63 - Hell. Part 2.
(Extra- Cris vs Zero, the commander.)


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