NovelToon NovelToon

I Am An Inferior Being With The Skill To Seduce Women. (Re-written.)

CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser? 

The clichés, my old friends. They've been with me my whole life. My life has been full of clichés. Seriously, I'm a cliché with legs.

I thought my new life would be less cliché ... But I was wrong.

“It’s my turn!”

"No, it's mine!"


"It's my turn!"

"Kei, it's my turn!"

"Darling, it's not fair, it was my turn!"

More than 10 girls are fighting over me right now ... Really… They always treat me like a sex toy! Zius, couldn't you have given me another skill?!

Oh yeah, by the way, my skill is [Seduce women]. In short, I can seduce any woman easily.

Why did Zius give me that skill? Why do I have it? And why are more than 10 women fighting over me?

Well... It's a long and clichéd story.

CHAPTER 1- Am I a loser?

My name is Kei Edna... Well, that was my name in my original world. My actual name is Kei Molfer, and I just came out of a *****! Es tan asqueroso! (spanish)

"The twins were born healthy. Unfortunately, one of them was born a man."

I suck! Uwaaaah! Is that how it feels to be born?! I can't open my eyes! Kya! I was spanked!

Zius, why did my reincarnation go this way?!

"And what are they called?"

"My wife won the fight, she'll decide the names."

"They will be named Kei and Mei Molfer."

Kei?! N-no, wait, that would be too suspicious! I want another name!

"Kei cries too much, I think he's hungry."

H-hungry...? W-wait... I-I 'm a newborn, I don't have teeth and I can't move on my own... Uwaaaah! N-no, wait, I don't want to! It is so awkward!

"Open your mouth."


I opened my eyes a little, it hurts, but I want to see my surroundings.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a couple looking at me. A very handsome man and a woman whose presence, for some reason, frightened me. She is beautiful, there is no doubt about that, but she scares me!

"Open your mouth, Kei. Learn from your sister."

S-sister? I-It's true, I have a sister! And she's drinking milk... Tan adorable... N-no... No... My baby instinct makes me do it!

My mouth is a few inches from my new mother's ******. This is so uncomfortable! B-but I can't disobey my natural instincts.

My mouth opened on its own and I started drinking ****** milk. It is so awkward! You're my new mother, doing this is so disgusting, I want to throw up!

Zius, I hate you!

"Wow, wow. Congratulations, you managed to survive a week in this forest. Congratulations, you have earned a day off."

"Only one?!"- Mei and I yelled angrily.

"Mother, Kei is almost raped by a Goblin Queen! We need more rest!"

"Ahhhhhhhh!!! Remember that disgusting Goblin Queen almost kisses me, it makes me want to vomit!"

My mother, Sei Molfer, one of the most important women in the country, is crazy! She forces her 4-year-old children to survive in dangerous places and abandons them to their fate! We're supposed to be little kids, we should be playing, enjoying our childhood, not training as warriors!

Ah... Sometimes I regret agreeing to help Zius. You have to take it, Kei. If you accomplish your mission, you will return to your world and see your aunt and Nia again.

Huh? What is my mission? It's a simple thing, nothing of another world: to defeat a Goddess!

I know it sounds impossible, but Zius told me that I had a small chance of making it. If that chance allows me to see my family again, I will. I want to go back to my family. I want to go back to my world.

Ah... I still remember the day I came into this world. The beginning of my suffering.

"Buenas tardes! Good afternoon! I'm here!"

Kei Edna, a 17-year-old boy, came home after a long day of school. As always, he arrived exhausted, as he stayed at school to swim in the pool. He's a member of the swim club, and he's one of the best.

He considers himself a normal boy, with a normal life, although he is not so normal.

"Older brother! Welcome!"

Kei's 14-year-old cousin Nia, as always, happily welcomes him. She considers him as a brother... In fact, she loves him ... And too much. If they weren't cousins, she would try to date him. Her love for him is romantic, it's not family love, but Kei loves her as a family.

Kei and Nia are not siblings. Kei lost his parents in an accident when he was 10 years old. His aunt adopted him and they started a family together.

His aunt was a single mother, and still is. She works 8 hours a day and arrives at dinner time, so Kei and Nia are all day together, they cook themselves and do the household chores. That coexistence not only improved the relationship they both had, it also gave Nia the opportunity to get to know Kei better.

Kei's aunt is an excellent mother and aunt. And in her work they respect her. She has a good salary, which allows her to support her two children, Kei and Nia.

She loves Kei too much, considers him a real son, after all, she watched him grow up and reminds him too much of her brother, Kei's late father. Kei is all she has left of her brother, her only memory.

After school, Kei and Nia eat together at their house. A routine that will soon be over.

"The food is delicious as always, Nia."

A small blush appeared on her and she smiled cheerfully at her beloved Kei.

"T-thank you! I did it with love."

As they eat, Kei checks his smartphone. Kei has a very active social life, although he only has male friends. His self-esteem doesn't allow him to talk to women.

"Wow, wow... Nia, don't you want to go to a party with me? My friends are inviting me."

"A party? Sure, I'll go with you!"

"Thank you. I don't want to be alone."

"Alone? But your friends will be there, right?"

“Yes, but... It's hard to explain, you are still a little girl."

Those words made her angry. She makes a very adorable pout. Kei loves adorable things, so she takes advantage of her anger to make a pout and get Kei's attention, and it worked very well, captivated Kei's heart with that pout, although he doesn't want her to notice.

"I'm not a little girl! I already have breasts!"

She began to grope her breasts in front of Kei, making him quite nervous and averted his gaze.

Yes, Nia has considerably large breasts for her age. Her grandmother's inheritance. Her mother has smaller breasts.

"N-Nia, you mustn't do that in front of a man."

"Fufu. You're pretty innocent, Kei. Accept that I'm not a little girl! I have big breasts!"

"Adult body, little girl mind."- Kei said, with a smile on his face.

Smile that also made Nia nervous.

"Y-you're bad, brother! I want you to explain to me what happens!"

"Well, all right. My friends sometimes leave me alone. They flirt with the girls and stay away from me."

"It seems your friends are very unpleasant."

"They are good people. It's normal for guys to want to date girls."

"And you ... you also want to go out with girls?"

Nia watches him too much and Kei just looks down. His self-esteem doesn't allow him to talk to women, much less try to flirt. He doesn't have the mental strength to do it. It's a waste, considering Kei's physical appearance and popularity among women.

"Yes, but no one would notice me."

Kei doesn't have any confidence in himself. But he is not ugly. He is attractive. He has excellent muscles and an excellent physique. He is one of the best swimmers and is popular with the girls. He has a trauma. He considers himself ugly. When they tell him he's attractive, he thinks they mean it out of pity.

It is a trauma that he developed when he was 14 years old. Because of that trauma, he cannot see himself as attractive, but on the contrary, he believes that he is ugly and disgusting, something contrary to reality.

"That's not true! You are very cute, brother! Any girl would like to date you!"

Kei smiles at her.

"Thank you, Nia. Muchas gracias, te lo agradezco."

He thinks Nia says it to cheer him up. "We are family, she does not consider me ugly ... But I am." He thinks that as he continues to eat.

Excellent body, nice face, he is quite tall, he is a good and kind person, intelligent, his black hair is soft and smells nice, and charismatic. Any girl would consider him perfect. But he doesn't think the same.

In a certain place, in another world, a group of women gathered around a circle with strange symbols and held hands.

"Oh, Goddess Fravi, please send the next heroes."

(Pov- ?)

Wow, wow, wow. Will the heroes be summoned yet? It's too soon, but well, okay, I have no complaints.

It's time to move the chess pieces. Daniel was a disappointment, don't disappoint me too.

"I want to see the result."

After eating, Kei entered his room and started reading.

Nia is lying on him bed, while Kei is reading a book on math, but he is quite nervous, as Nia put her feet on Kei's back, something quite uncomfortable for him, but not so much to complain about. Deep down, he's enjoying it.

Kei's room is clean and tidy, that reflects him serious personality. Kei is someone who might be considered “fun”, but it's his way of feeling better and not caring about others with his self-esteem issues. O

"Brother, I'm bored. Play with me!"

"Nia, that was misheard ... But okay... Shall we play cards?"

"Yes! Whoever loses will do what the winner tells them!"

"I hope you're ready to lose."- Kei said smiling. He is sure that he will win.

"I Won!"


Kei lost and Nia is jumping for joy. Kei is pretty smart, but he didn't count on Nia proposing to play a new game with different rules, so Kei didn't have time to learn how to play better. Nia knew Kei was too nice to her and wouldn't complain about changing the game, and she took advantage of that.

"You'll have to do what I tell you, brother!"

"You're getting very smart ... Okay, I accept my defeat."

"What will you do first...? Brother, buy me an energy drink!"

"Give me some money."

"You will buy it with your money!"- Nia said while smiling sweetly.

"Wow, wow... You are becoming sadistic ... Okay, I'm going to buy it. Don’t you touch my things."

"Don't worry, I've already looked and didn't find your porn magazines."

Kei turns completely red with shame.

"I-I don't have any porn magazines!"

Nia starts laughing and walks over to Kei.

"I know, but I wanted to see your reaction."

Nia is smiling and Kei blushes when he sees her. She, even without knowing it, captures Kei's heart, but he knows that's wrong and hides it.

"Y-Yes... I'll go buy it."

Porn magazines in a world with the internet? Why do porn magazines still exist? Well, because clichés will always exist in that world, it is the main characteristic of that world.

After buying the energy drink, he walks the streets of the city. He lives in a huge, very modern city, but not as much as the cities of the world 15. In that world, the technology is so advanced, that there are even robots and virtual reality video games, you can even feel the objects you touch in video games.

While Kei was walking, in world 15 and other worlds, including Kei's world, women began to lose control of their bodies, and they died in accidents.

And one of those women, she's very close to Kei.

"A pair of 7 is defeated by a pair of 6? I must investigate. I suspect she saw my idiot face."

Before crossing the street, the traffic light turned red for pedestrians, so Kei stopped.

"Will she like the strawberry flavor?"

A 40-year-old woman stands next to him, but the woman has a cold expression. She is not smiling or looking angry.

"Die... Die... Die..."

She is repeating the same words and Kei looks at her nervously.


At that very moment, a bus approaches them.

The bus driver has a cold expression as well. They can't both control their own bodies.

"Kill chosen ... Kill chosen ..."

He is increasing the speed.

The traffic light turns red for cars.

The cars stop and the woman begins to walk.

Kei is nervous and worried about her. She's not acting anything normal, and Kei knows it.

"She's crazy? I think she need help."

The woman stops in the middle of the street and the bus heads towards her.

Kei notices and runs over to her.

"Be careful!"

Not having time to think, Kei just ran over and pushed her.

He saved her, but the bus ended Kei's life.

But a new one started for him.

"Where am I?"

Opening his eyes, Kei realized that he was no longer on the street. He was in a very, very different place.

"Your Majesty, a man was summoned!"

"Impossible! The spell failed!"

"What are we going to do?!"

Kei was in a huge, rather elegant room.

Women wearing elegant clothes, but showing a lot of skin, were in front of him.

The women are beautiful and their necklines were very revealing.

Kei, being a shy boy, turned red in the face of this situation.

"W-what's going on?! No entiendo nada!"

"Where am I?!"

"Why am I alive?!"

"Why couldn't I move my body ?!"

"Am I not dead ?!"

"Are my parents safe?!"

"Didn't I die in that accident ?!"

"Why do I feel small ?!"

"This is super weird!"

Kei wasn't the only one confused.

At his side, there are 9 little girls. They are all scared and confused. They look like 10-year-old girls.

"What's wrong?"

Kei's voice sounds weird, he realized something wasn't right.


He looks at his hands. These are small hands. He had big hands, so he was too scared to see his hands so small.


Kei is now a 10-year-old boy.

"Am I a little boy ?!"

"Listen up!"

A woman in her 40s, with long green hair, screamed. She wears a crown and her breasts are huge, so much so that even someone as shy as Kei can't help but see it.

"You were summoned! You are the new "heroes"!"

"Summoned ?!"- They all said at the same time.

"You died and your souls were summoned. Goddess "Fravi" gave you all a new body. Your appearances will be the same when you grow up, don't worry."

"T-this is very weird."- Said one of the girls.

"We will explain everything ... But first, I will introduce myself. My name is "Freyka" and I am the queen of the country called "Desmol"."

"A Queen..."- Kei said.

He is in awe of everything. He is surrounded by beautiful and provocative women. He is as red as a tomato. His shyness is at its limit.

"E-excuse me ... Why did you summon us?"- Said a girl with long white hair. Her eyes are blue and she has a mole on her right cheek.

"Every 10,000 years, demons appear in our world. When that happens, Goddess Fravi sends us a divine message. In that divine message, she tells us how to summon the new heroes."

"And what does it mean to be a hero?"- Said a girl with brown skin and black hair.

"Heroes have the power to defeat demons. You will become our heroes. It will take time for you to understand everything, I know ... But first, let's check your status."

"Status?"- Said a girl with short blue hair.

"Yes. Goddess Fravi gave unique magic to each of you, called: "Divine Power"."

"Magic?!"- They yelled almost all at the same time.

The only ones who didn't scream were the girls who lived in a magical world. They know magic.

"Please, one by one, go to the front and show your statistics. You only have to say: "Show status". Women first and the inferior will be last."

"Inferior?"- Kei said confused.

Kei noticed that the women were looking down on him, but he didn't know why.

"Fufu. Behind me, commoners."

A girl walks to the front. She has short red hair and her eyes are red.

"Me first. Show status!"

A hologram or screen appears in front of her, surprising everyone in the place.


"Your numbers are incredible!"

"Her magic power is incredible!"

"Her strength too!"

"She is a prodigy!"

"And she's so young! She'll be even more powerful when she grows up!"

Her status is:

Near Nisha.

Magic Power: 462017/462017

Strength: 787

Age: 10 Years

Intelligence: 43

Agility: 608

Hit Points (hp): 59269/59269

Divine Power: Dragon Sword.

Work: Warrior.

Near is happy to be a prodigy, and more so because she feels superior. In her past life she was an arrogant princess, who killed people who looked at her badly, and that arrogance only increased at this moment.

"Hehe. I know, I'm great."

"A-amazing ..."

Kei is impatient. He also wants to know his status. In his world, he read fantasy novels, but it wasn't his favorite genre, although that doesn't take away the fact that he's excited to know if he has magic too.

"Whoa! It really is magic!"

One of the girls kept seeing Kei. Something about him seemed very familiar.

"It's him...?"

"I’ll try that!"

Ignoring the Queen's orders, Kei steps forward.

"Show status!"

The screen appears, showing his status, but it is not what he imagined.

Unlike Near, Kei's status is more... boring.

Kei Edna.

Magic Power: 0/0

Strength: 34

Age: 10 Years

Intelligence: 76

Agility: 42

Hit Points (hp): 100/100

Divine Power: None

Work: None


Unlike Near, Kei received nothing from the Goddess. No unique skill, no magic power.

"I-it can't be ... H-he did not receive any divine power... The spell really failed!"- yelled the Queen.

Kei was already looked down on, and after revealing his status, that hatred grew.

"An inferior always will be!"


"Damn inferior!"

The women get angry with him and one of them kicks him in the stomach, pulling out the air and breaking a couple of ribs. Kei's body is too fragile, and that punch took 80 of his life points.

[Health points: 20%.]

"What the hell were you summoned for ?!"

The woman is very strong and huge, and with only a single kick, it was enough to make Kei cry. She didn't use all her strength, she just used enough to make Kei suffer. Why didn't she kill him? Because Kei is cute, and she's got something planned. She wears a patch on her right eye and has scars on her face. She's a warrior, but she has no honor. She likes to see the weak suffer, and seeing Kei crying makes her smile.

"I-I don't know."

"Tsk. Fucking inferior!"

She grabs him tightly by the neck.


Kei tries to breathe, but can't. He is choking. If he continues like this, he will die. He only has 8 points left.

"L-let him go!"

The girl with white hair tries to help Kei.

"It's not his fault! Leave him, please."

The woman clicks her tongue and lets go of Kei.

"We don't need him."

Kei tries to catch his breath and the girl tries to help him.

"A-are you okay?"

"I-I don't know... I don’t know."

Kei is suffering from his wounds, but he's trying to endure it.

He observes the women around him. They are all watching him with expressions of disgust and hatred. There are some Elves and semi-humans, species that Kei considered kind because of the fantasy stories he read, but even they look at him with disgust.

"This place is weird ... Thank you for your help. My name is Kei."

"My name is Charlotte."

The queen and an armored woman approach Kei.

"Please accompany Mik. She will explain what will happen to you."


Kei and Mik, the woman in armor, leave the room. Kei doesn't know what will happen to him, but he is hopeful that they will get him a job or return him to his world.

"What will happen to me? Will they return to me ...? No, that is not possible. I'm already dead ... Will they give me a room and will I live here?"

"To live here?"

Mik starts laughing.

"An inferior living here? So funny."



Kei receives a severe blow to the head and falls to the ground unconscious. Mik hit him with her elbow.

"Damn inferior."

Kei lost almost all his life points, he only has one left, only one life point. No one would imagine that, thanks to that point, the future would undergo a great change.

Kei wakes up in a dungeon. There are corpses around him, corpses of young children. The most recent bodies have clear marks of blows, physical abuse. They were beaten to death.

"Eh? Huh?! Wh-what is this?!"

He started throwing up when he saw that. The smell of the corpses was unbearable, but Kei was ignoring it because the emotional shock was too much.

He tried to escape, but fell to the ground when he tried to run.

His right leg is chained.

"W-What? They locked me? Help me!! I did not commit any crime !! I want to see a lawyer!! I am innocent!!"

The woman with the eyepatch enters the dungeon.

"You're awake, inferior."

"W-what's going on ?!"

"Since you are useless, you are of no use to us. That's why I'm going to have a little fun with you."

She gets too close to him and smiles at him.

Kei is shaking in fear. Considering his environment and situation, he knows he could be the next victim of that woman.

"Wh-What do you want from me?"

"I like cute children."

She gives Kei's cheek a lick and he turns completely red. His shyness made him nervous, but he also felt disgusted.

"Y-you're sick!"

"Yes, I am."

She tries to remove Kei's clothes.

"N-no, please! I don't know you! Let go of me! Help, please!!! She wants to rape me!!! Don't do it, please, I don't want to lose my virginity this way!"

"No one will listen to you, you are in my house. The queen sold you and I bought you."

"What the ****?! Did she sell me ?! She has no right to sell me, I am not her property!"

“Shut up!"

She punches Kei in the face and his nose began to bleed, exciting that woman.

"Wow, you're really cute."

She started licking Kei's blood.

"Have mercy, please."

He started to cry.

"You're mine now. Accept your destiny and shut up."

She licked Kei's tears.

"Delicious. Let's get on with the fun."

She takes off Kei's shirt and begins to touch his body.

Kei closes his eyes tightly, accepting his cruel fate.

"You are very cute..."

Suddenly, she falls to the ground unconscious. In her head she has a dart.


Charlotte enters the dungeon, along with the girl with the brown skin.

"Kei, we're going to save you."

Hope returns to Kei and smiles.

"T-thank you!"

Using her fists, the brown girl breaks the chains.

"Your leg is free."

"Thank you... What's your name?"

"My name is Bandia."

"Thank you, Bandia ... Did you use magic to defeat her?"

"Yes, it is my magic. I can create poisons and antidotes. I used a tranquilizer to defeat her."- Said Charlotte.

"Thank you...! But what do I do now?"

"We work for the queen, we can't help you much ... Take it."

They give him a small bag of coins.

"There is money. Escape from here."

"Run, you don't have much time!"

Kei watched the money and wiped his tears away.

"I guess my life changed ... Thanks for everything... Thank you very much, I will never forget what you did for me... Thank you."

Kei runs out of the dungeon.

"He gonna be all right?"

"Yes... I hope so."

Nia and her mother are crying together. The police informed them of Kei's death. It was so sudden, Nia refused to believe it, but when she heard the story, she felt very guilty.


She feels guilty because she was the one who sent Kei to buy that energy drink. "If only I hadn't cheated." “Why did I ask Kei to buy me that?!” “I'm sorry, Kei, I'm so sorry!” Her mind is full of those thoughts.

"I'm sorry... But Kei died a hero. He was an admirable boy."- Said a policeman.

He's trying to comfort them, but it didn't work.

"My brother must be alive! He can't be dead."

"Sorry Miss."

After learning of Kei's death, him classmates and swim club members attended him funeral.

Several mourned him death, as he was a kind and good boy to everyone. Nobody hated him. The swim club captain was the one who cried the most.

Nia got depressed by that news. She did not lose a brother, she lost her first love ... But something inside her told her that Kei was still alive. It was impossible, but she wanted to believe it.

"Brother... Brother…"

(Pov- Kei.)

Uwaaaah! This world is rotten! Why do all women want to kidnap or rape me?!

I barely managed to escape this city, and now I have to sleep in a dangerous forest because the roads are full of rapist bandits!

I don't want to lose my virginity without love. Ahhhhhhhh!!! A bear!

I climbed as fast as I could into a tree, fortunately the bear ignored me and went on its way.

What the **** is wrong with this world?!!

"I miss my world for sure. Extraño a mi familia."

Nia, aunt, Cris... So many things I lost... I can't go back, I'm already dead in my original world, I can't go back.

"I must start a new life... But..."

I don’t know if I can… I don’t know.

For now, I'm moving away from this city. I'll go to a town or something. I need a job.

I pulled an apple out of my pocket and took a bite.

"Goddess Fravi, why didn't you give me magic?"

It's not fair.

"A small town."

With the money, Kei bought new clothes. Now he is wearing black pants, a white shirt, and white shoes. He wanted to look more "normal". His clothing set is too normal, he doesn't stand out.

After walking for 3 days, he came to a town, which was very far from the capital. During his journey, kind men assisted him. Kei traveled with them in carriages. "The men in this world are very good." - Kei thought.

He started walking around town, hoping no one would try to hurt him.

"There is no electricity in this world, but they are very advanced ... Although it is still medieval."

There are restrooms and schools. Magic medicine is very advanced and factories work with magic. This world is still medieval, but it is quite modern.

He takes out two gold coins from his pocket.

"It's all I have left ... A gold coin is worth 10 Frak, the coin of the country... And a full meal is worth 5 Frak... I must have breakfast ... And I must get a job."

"Wow, wow. What do we have here?"

Two women stand in front of him. Women have huge breasts and are very beautiful, causing Kei's shy side to come out.

"Hi cute."

"H-hello, ladies."

"You got lost?"

"Not exactly."

"Oh, you're red, that's nice."

One of them stroked Kei's cheek.

"Why don't you come with us? You'll have fun."


"Leave that young man in peace! He's a little boy, you sick people!"

A homeless man approaches them.


They take Kei by the arm.

"Eh? What are you doing?"

"Come with us, brat!"

"Huh?! Not again!"

During his journey, women tried to kidnap him, but thanks to his good luck, he always managed to escape.

Hiding in the bushes, in trees, being saved by adventurers. Kei always managed to escape.

"Leave that innocent young man be, you perverts!"

The homeless man runs to them.

"Get away, you disgusting! Fire sphere!"- They all said at the same time.

They extend their hands and spheres of fire come out of their hands.


Kei is from another world, that is why he is not used to magic.

The homeless man dodges the fire spheres and with incredible speed, retrieves Kei and runs away.

"You are very fast, sir!"

"My name is Zius."

"My name is Kei. It's very nice to meet you. Thank you for saving me."

"How many times have I saved you? I think 24 times."


"Kei, my name is Zius, and I am a God ... Well, I was."

"A God?!"

CHAPTER 2- Back to school. 

CHAPTER 2 - Back to School

After leaving the town, Kei and Zius hid in the forest near the village. This forest was famous for being a place full of very dangerous monsters, above class B, but for some reason, all the animals and monsters avoided them and stayed away.

Kei barely managed to escape this forest alive, so this seemed strange to him, but his emotions distracted him, and he didn’t realize it because his mind was too busy thinking about many hellish scenarios.

Kei was so scared that he couldn't stop trembling with fear. This world was unknown to him. So many possibilities ran through his mind. Possibilities that only made him cry.

Kidnapping, murder, sacrifice, rape. Kei knew there was a possibility of being killed or even turned into a sex slave, but considering that Zius knew Kei's name and told him he was a God, Kei decided to play along. After all, his life had already been ruined since he died. Trusting Zius became his last hope.

But he couldn't stop crying. Since arriving in this world, they had tried to eat him, kidnap him, and rape him. What if this vagabond was sent by the Queen to take him back to his new owner?

The vagabond proved to be someone powerful, so trying to escape was useless. The only thing he had left was the hope that Zius was really a God.

They stopped, and Zius let go of Kei, who immediately began to shake Zius, filled with desperation.

“Waaaaah! I don't understand anything, anything, anything, anything! Damn it, damn it, damn it! "Putísima madre, me lleva la vergaaaaaaaaaaa" (Fucking hell, I'm screweeeeeeeeed!). Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

“C-calm down, Kei! You're making me dizzy!”

Kei let go of Zius, who fell to the ground.

Finally, he met someone who could solve his doubts and give him the answers he wanted, which is why he reacted so excitedly, unable to calm down.

“Please, explain everything! What's going on?! How do you know me?! Are you really a God?! If you are a God, why was I, a man, summoned?! Is there any way to return to my world?! Or at least turn me into a woman, I don't want to be humiliated or raped! Ahhhhhhhh...! Hmmmmm?!”

Zius covered his mouth and sighed while Kei writhed, trying to remove his hand from his mouth.

“Please, calm down. Listen to me first.”

Kei nodded quickly, afraid of making him angry, but he nodded so quickly that he ended up getting dizzy and vomited his poor breakfast. To avoid vomiting on himself, he swallowed the vomit back down. However, some vomit came out of his nose, dirtying Zius’s hand.

His eyes filled with tears, fearing that Zius would react violently for dirtying his hand, but contrary to what he thought, Zius patted Kei's head and smiled, calming Kei with a simple smile.

“I know you are very scared and confused, but you must calm down. All your doubts will be answered. Okay?”

Kei nodded, but his tears kept flowing.

“Mortals fear the unknown; it is in their nature.”

He took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Kei's nose.

“I won’t hurt you. Please, do not fear me and trust me.”

“Y-yes... Yes... I’m sorry... What is really going on?”

“Listen, Kei. I suppose you have already realized everything, right? This world is very different from yours.”

A shiver ran through Kei's body, chilling his blood with the fear and disgust he felt. He remembered the women who looked at him with fury when he was summoned and all the kidnapping attempts he had suffered. He was very lucky to have escaped, but that didn’t mean others had the same luck. He knew that at this moment, a poor man was being tortured to death or raped by some sick woman, regardless of his age. And not just one, hundreds... maybe thousands.

In that world, men were considered mere trash, something Kei didn’t fully understand. Why so much hatred towards men?

“Are you referring to the women? Yes, I spoke with some merchants, and they explained what is happening. The women in this world are very powerful and superior. Men are weak and inferior. In short, we only serve to have children... Or so they told me.”

Zius looked up, took a deep breath, and sighed.

He looked quite sad about this topic, and Kei noticed it.

He opened his mouth to ask, but before a word came out, Zius spoke.

“Exactly... Listen, I, along with the Goddess Fravi, created this world.”

Without doubting his words, Kei looked at Zius with bright eyes. That he was a God would explain how much he knew about Kei. He had never been religious, but considering his current situation, meeting someone like Zius, who claimed to be a God, he accepted it easily.

“A-amazing! Incredible! You’re really a God...! A God... Waaaaah!”

Kei tried to run away, but Zius hugged him from behind, preventing his escape.

“No, no, no! I won’t become the villain of this world! You got the wrong character, I don’t want revenge! I just want to live a normal life!”

“I-I’m not an evil God! Please, listen to me, I beg you,” said Zius, crying.

Feeling Zius’s tears falling on his back, Kei turned to look at him, and seeing his sad expression, Kei felt guilty for judging him without knowing him.

He let himself be influenced by a common cliché in his world. In the novels he had read, there were several characters like Kei, with sad or ugly pasts, who were manipulated by an evil God or demon, becoming villains. Kei lost his family, he’s “ugly” (at least from his perspective), and was almost raped several times.

He thinks of himself as a character a villain could manipulate, which is why he acted so scared.

He doesn’t see himself as the protagonist.

“I’m sorry, I’m still scared about all this and not thinking clearly... Did you really create this world?”

“Yes, but there was a problem. I created the men, and she created the women. Unlike other worlds, the men in this world are not lustful, arrogant, or boastful. And the women were the same. We created a peaceful world where men and women were equally important and strong.”

“A world where everyone is equally important? A world without machismo? That sounds so... peaceful. A world without lust, so there would be no sex slaves or rapes... Wow.”

“But Fravi ruined everything.”

“Ruined it? Is she responsible for the decline of men?”

“She was my wife, and she was very, very, veeeeeeeryyyyyyyyyyyyy jealous... Ah, she was sick. Everything made her jealous. I couldn’t talk to other women because she would get angry and cut out my tongue. I couldn’t look at other women because she would gouge out my eyes. I couldn’t even visit my mother in paradise because she forbade it and beat me to prevent me from going.”

“She was even jealous of your mother?!”

“Incest between cousins and siblings was common in our original world when we were human. And she thought my love for my mother was romantic. As I told you, she’s crazy.”

“That... sounds so...”

“Hard to believe, I know. At first, I thought it was a curse or something, but no, she’s genuinely crazy. That’s her personality.”

“Do people like that really exist? And I thought Cris was exaggerating with that stalker who even stole his garbage.”

“Mental problems are very serious and dangerous.”

“I know... Please, tell me, what exactly happened? Why did this world change?”

“When I was observing this world, she got angry with me because she thought I was looking at the women. I endured her jealousy for thousands of years, believing she would change someday... Until I got tired and ended my relationship with her.”

“A crazy, jealous Goddess, and you divorce her... Don’t tell me...”

“Yes... She went crazier after that and took over this world completely. The men became weak, and the women became powerful. She used her divine power to humiliate my creations... And that made me angry... I confronted her, but she defeated me. She took almost all my divine power, but at least I managed to escape and didn’t die.”

“A Goddess who condemned the men of this world just because her husband divorced her... Ahhhhhhh! Are we just toys for the Gods?! Can they manipulate our existence so easily?!”

“As long as it doesn’t affect the unique characteristics of other worlds, the Gods in charge of the worlds can make changes, as long as they do their job.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s like a salary. If you work well, you get paid with divine power. With divine power, you can become more powerful, manipulate a world, help humans, etc. Fravi used the divine power she had saved to change this world. She made men useless and created the heroes.”

“Ah, yes, we’re definitely just toys for the Gods. "Que puta mierda" (What a fucking shit)... And why are you here?”

“I’ve been in this world for 6,752 years, waiting for a worthy hero. And fortunately, I didn’t have to wait that long. You are my hero! You will save this world!”

“... Eh?”

Kei took a few steps back in surprise. He thought Zius would return him to his world, but he never imagined he would be asked for something so important. After all, that was a job for a protagonist, someone cool, not for a boring and serious guy like Kei (at least from his perspective).


"Listen, women torment men, and I hate that. I want this world to be the same as before. I want men and women to be equally important and powerful. I want you to defeat Fravi."

Those words completely shocked Kei, and he began trembling again, out of fear.

Defeat a Goddess? Him? If a God couldn’t do it, does he really believe a pathetic human like Kei can? Does something like that even make any sense? Kei wonders all this while everything around him spins.

"W-what? W-what? M-me? W-what?"


"W-what...? W-what...? W-what?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Zius, I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m a mortal human!"

"It’s not impossible. I will give you my power."

"W-wait, wait, wait, wait! Can a God die?! Do you think I can do it?! Are you serious?!"

"Yes, I’m very serious. Believe in me, you have the possibility to defeat her, at least more than I do."

"T-that information... is hard to process... How are you so sure?"

"I’m not sure, but at least you have a better chance than I do. I’m placing all my hope in you, my hero."

"More than you? Why are you so sure?"

"I have my reasons, but I can’t tell you. Just trust me."

"I... I’m still confused."

"I have very little divine power left. You will be weaker than your fellow heroes, but you will have a great advantage. I will give you the ability [Double Points]."

"Huh? I heard about points. That raises my attributes, right?"

"Exactly. That will be your divine power, but it won’t appear on your status."


"If the Queen of this country learns of your existence, she will kill you. Fravi hates men. And if she considers you a threat, she will order the Queen to kill you."

"So I mustn’t stand out and keep a low profile, right?"

"No, on the contrary, you must become famous, but in another country, far from the Queen and the Church of Fravi. The Supreme God punished Fravi for interfering too much in this world, so you don’t need to worry too much."

"There’s even a Supreme God?! Great...! Wait, why do I need to be famous?"

"To gain the help of powerful women. If you’re unknown, they will be suspicious of you."

"W-well, well. I-I understand."

"Fravi’s followers, her believers, you must stay away from them. Fravi can see you through them, that’s why you need to go to another country, with another religion. In the whole world, they believe in Fravi, but in other places, they also believe in other Gods, which will lessen Fravi’s influence in those countries."

"Y-yes... I think I understand now."

"And besides, I will give you a unique ability. An ability that will allow you to gain powerful companions without much difficulty. I will give you the unique ability: [Seduce Women]!"


Kei thought he would receive a very powerful and cool ability, something like controlling shadows, fire, summoning monsters, super strength, or things like that, but he never imagined he would receive such a... perverted ability.

"... Huh?"

Kei turns completely red with embarrassment, imagining his aunt and cousin looking at him with disgust and repulsion.

What Kei hates most in life are perverted men, sexual harassers. And receiving a unique ability that any pervert dreams of having only fills his being with disgust.

Kei is addicted to reading light novels but always avoids novels with sexual plots. Why? Because in those novels, women are only used in the plot to have sex with the protagonist, they don’t have any significant relevance. In other words, they are sexist plots, where the only one who stands out is the male protagonist.

[Seduce Women], a unique ability that any pervert would use to have sex with any woman they desire. Receiving such a disgusting ability only makes him feel like trash.

"What?! Seduce Women?! What does that mean?!"

"As you know, men are weak in this world. If you want to defeat the demons and Fravi, you need to gain powerful women. And since women are very conceited and arrogant, they will only help you if they fall in love with you."

"Are you serious?!"

"Yes, it’s serious. I’m sorry, but it’s the only way. The longer it takes, the more the danger increases. It’s a way to speed things up."

"Wait... Zius... Zeus... I knew it! You’re a lustful God!"

"I-I’m not a lustful God! I’m sorry, but it’s the truth. Women will only help you if they fall in love with you... You must gain 20 wives."


"It’s true, you’re very shy... I think 10 or 15 will be enough."

"Wait! 2 wives would be too much for me! It’s impossible for me to get 10 or 15! I-I don’t think I can. C-can’t you find someone else? Besides, I haven’t even agreed to help you...!"

"Kei, your body is not the same."

"Go find some pervert who...! Huh? Not the same? What do you mean?"

"When you died, the Supreme God replaced your body with one very similar. If you help me, you will return to your world."

And with those words, all of Kei’s moral concerns and principles were forgotten.

If sacrificing his dignity meant he could see his family again, he would accept it without hesitation.

"Will I return?!"

"Yes. The Supreme God owed me a favor. Thanks to him, I can help you and give you power. If you defeat Fravi, you will return to your world, tell the police that you were kidnapped and that you managed to escape. At this very moment, your world is frozen, time does not advance. If you defeat Fravi, you will return to your world. Your sister, your aunt, and your friends will remain the same, they won’t change."

Manipulating women to make them fall in love is an action worthy of a villainous rapist, but if doing that could not only save the men of this world but also allow him to return to his family, it’s a price Kei is willing to pay.

He knows it will hurt to do it and he will have to live with the guilt for the rest of his life, but his suffering will bring happiness to the men of this world and he will return to his family.

It’s worth doing.

"G-God... T-thank you."

"You must train. [Double Points] and [Seduce Women] are unique and powerful abilities. You must be careful when using them. A mistake could bring you serious consequences. I recommend training them as soon as possible."

"I suppose [Double Points] activates on its own... Yes, I understand... I think I know what I’ll do... I have a request."

"What is it?"

"Well, several... I want to reincarnate again if possible."

"Yes, I was going to do that. You’re very smart, kid."

"I want you to send me to another continent, one with another religion. I want to be born into a noble family, one that has a lot of money and power."

"An ambitious boy, huh?"

"No. If my family has money, I can study in a rich school. If my intelligence increases, I can fight better... And I want to be handsome. If I’m attractive, I can use my ability better."

"Your appearance can’t change. But don’t worry, before you died, you were very attractive."

He’s telling the truth, but Kei feels he’s just saying it to make him feel better and not get depressed for being “ugly.”

"... Are you sure you can’t change my appearance?"

"No. But don’t worry, I have the perfect family for you. Your looks won’t bring you any trouble."

"Well, well... Well, if you say so... Alright... By the way, I want my [Seduce Women] ability to only be usable on women who are over 18 years old."

"The legal age in this world is 15 years old."

"I don't mind... I'm sorry, that was rude of me... I'm sorry, I just don't want my ability to get out of control. I don't want to accidentally seduce little girls."

"That's fine. Your ability will work in two ways. Romantic attraction will work on women who are over 10 years old, and sexual attraction will work on women who are over 18. Does that sound good to you?"

Kei is a shy and courteous boy. He really doesn't want to do this, but he has no choice. If doing this allows him to see his aunt and cousin again, he will do it without much thought.

“Yes, that's fine. That's all... One last question. I asked a merchant about the heroes. He told me that heroes can use all magic attributes. Is that true?”

“Yes, it's true.”

“And do I have them?”

“Yes, but you can't activate them. When your strength and life points increase, you will be able to use your magical power.”

“Wow, I see. So that's why I don't have magical power, it's deactivated... What if they discover that I can use all attributes?”

“Trust me, it won't be a problem. When you meet your new family, you'll realize all the freedom you'll have.”

“If you say so... Well, that's all... Thank you very much.”

Zius strokes his head and smiles.

“Your new life will begin... Good luck, Kei.”

Kei disappears, turning into dust, and Zius begins to disintegrate, but unlike Kei, his soul is being destroyed.

An arm pierced his chest, holding a white sphere in his hand. A sphere that is cracking... His soul.

“Thank you, supreme God.”

He closed his eyes and smiled one last time.

“I used all my divine power... Kei, I believe in you... Thank you, my hero... And I'm so sorry.”

The sphere shattered completely, and Zius disappears. He sacrificed his own life to give power to Kei, leaving his last hopes in him.

(12 years later.)

“Where is my brother? It's getting late. Hurry up, I don't want to be late!”

A young girl is waiting for a certain boy beside a carriage, while that boy is finishing putting on his uniform.

He buttoned the red buttons, adjusted the collar, covered his ear piercings with his black hair, and smiled at the mirror.

“Fufu. Finally, this day has come.”

He opened the window and took a deep breath to shout as loudly as possible:

“My first day of classes!!”

Jumping from the fourth floor of the "Molfer" mansion, Kei Molfer, the fifth son of "Sei Molfer", was truly happy and excited for his first day of classes. He eagerly awaited this day to meet powerful people and learn new things, and it was also an opportunity to enjoy his new life. Don't blame him for being so excited, considering that his mother is crazy and didn't allow him to enjoy his new life as much as he expected.

“That idiot!” the girl shouted, worried because Kei is about to fall headfirst.

But before hitting the ground, he kicked the wall with his feet, propelling himself. He did a somersault and landed perfectly in front of his cute sister.

He started jumping, not caring about the holes he left in the wall when he kicked it.

“I hope to make many friends! I wonder if there will be other people our age who are as powerful as we are! Mei, are you ready?! Because I am...! Ow, ow!”

Mei Molfer, his twin sister, pulls him by the ear.

She is a very beautiful young girl, worthy of her lineage. Her hair is as black as ink and long, and her eyes are as red as blood.

Mei Molfer, the only daughter of Sei Molfer, and future leader of the Molfer family.

A girl with a bad reputation for being inferior to her brother despite being a woman and older than him by seconds, but she really doesn't care about that. Why? Because Kei educated her well.

“I've told you not to do that, you could hurt yourself!”

“My strength and vitality are very high, nothing will happen to me, Mei. And it's not like we aren't used to pain, little sister.”

“Being used to it doesn't mean we enjoy it!”

“No pain, no gain!”

Zius managed to ensure that Kei had the same name, or so Kei thinks, since he hasn't heard from him since he reincarnated.

“Our first day of classes, Mei. Are you excited?”

“Of course! Finally, we will get rid of our mother! For a few hours, but it's better than being with her all day! Hahahahahaha!”

“I totally agree with you!”

They bumped fists and a maid approached them.

“The carriage is ready. You can get in.”

“I don't need it, Mia.”

He runs away from them.

“That idiot will do it again! Don't leave me alone, Kei!”

“Fairy magic: wings!”

Two pairs of red wings sprout from his back, and he flies away. His wings don't move at all, but they control Kei's weight and the wind around him, allowing Kei to fly.

“I'll see you at school, Mei!”

“I'll tell our father!” Mei shouted, angry.

She crossed her arms and pouted.

“I wanted to travel with him.”

Kei loves his sister, but this time, he needs some time alone to think about what he will do.

The first day of school is an important event for Kei. It's the day he might meet his future wives.

It has been 12 years since Kei was reincarnated. Since he was young, he started training and studying. He is considered a "prodigy," mainly because having the mind of a teenager allowed him to understand his surroundings faster and adapt. In addition to the great power bestowed upon him by Zius, such as [Double Points], which allowed him to gain immense power in a few years, he is seen as one of the most powerful Molfer in the history of his family.

And he is his father's favorite son... Well, being his father's favorite son is only thanks to the charitable actions that Kei does. His sister Mei is a bit... strange, and that greatly bothers his father. Kei is seen as someone more normal, which is pleasant for his father. And his older brothers are useless and disrespectful, and even though his father loves them, Kei is the favorite because of his kind heart (although his actions are mainly for his own future benefit).

His older brothers hate him, but his twin sister loves him a lot... Maybe too much.

He is still shy, but he strives to change because he knows that his situation does not allow him to continue being shy. He must have sex soon. He must please his future wives. He must change so as not to bore them. Remaining shy and cowardly is not an option.

During the parties organized by his father, he uses fire magic to heat up his body and pretend to have a fever, so he doesn't have to attend the party. He avoids those parties because he is afraid that some noble who was present at the summoning ceremony might recognize him. He has managed to completely avoid the parties so far, but now that he is 12 years old, it will be impossible to continue avoiding them. His parents knew he was faking it, but they didn't pay much attention because Mei was the important one in the family in society. But now that he has entered school, it is the perfect time to incorporate Kei into society and show what a Molfer can achieve.

He avoided 4 arranged marriages, using the excuse that he is not noble. In part, this is true, since he has no right to take control of the Molfer family. His wives would have been daughters of powerful families, but he didn't care. They could become powerful in the future, but having them by his side so soon would delay his plans. He wants to have wives in secret to acquire more without raising suspicions. A public marriage was a definite no for him.

He told his father, "I'm not interested in being a boring noble who wastes time managing lands and money. I will be an adventurer!" His father accepted his decision. To Sei Molfer, the family leader, it doesn't matter what Kei does with his life as long as he doesn't act like a coward and is worthy of carrying the Molfer name, so she doesn't mind him rejecting marriages.

Kei only wants to have powerful wives so they can protect themselves, knowing well that he won't always be available to protect them. He doesn't want to constantly worry about whether "She'll be okay?" whenever he's away from one of his wives, so finding wives with a lot of experience is crucial to avoid that problem.

His three older brothers envy him because Kei is powerful and attractive. They are ugly and weak. They didn't inherit anything good from the Molfers, not even their father's beauty. This is normal in that world, where men, for the most part, are ugly because of Fravi's curse, meant to humiliate them.

When they tried to hit Kei, taking advantage of him being a small 3-year-old while they were bigger, they ended up regretting it. He easily defeated them and humiliated them in front of everyone, to shame them and make it clear that he is better than them, and messing with him will never be a good idea. Since then, his brothers are known as "The loser trio". Kei is a good person, but they also used to hit and break Mei's toys, which angered Kei. They were so traumatized that they have kept away from Kei and Mei for 8 years now.

Sei Molfer, his mother, loves him a lot, in her own cruel and sadistic way. Despite being a man, she offered him to be the next leader of the Molfer family, but he also rejected that.

Kei isn't interested in being rich, he only wants to be stronger. Besides, being the leader of a family is a lot of work, and he wants to avoid that. He doesn't want to waste time managing territory; that would only take away time he could use to train and keep improving... But the main reason is that he knows someday they'll find out. Sooner or later, the truth will come to light, and his life as a Molfer will end.

His mother considers her sons useless and stupid, except for Mei and Kei, whom she considers prodigies and true Molfer.

That would be a brief summary of Kei's life as a Molfer.

The 12 years of Kei's life can be summarized in simple words: "Training and pain."

A new life filled with pain and little rest. Kei has worked hard to become strong, and his results have been quite good.

"What class will I be in?! Will my classmates be powerful...?! Powerful..."

As he flew, he remembered his mission. He was already 12 years old, the perfect age to begin his mission. The start of adolescence.

"It's true... It's my opportunity. Girls with powerful magic will attend school... I must begin my mission... 15 wives... I must do it... You can do it, Kei... You can."

(Pov- Kei.)

Today my mission will officially begin. I have already become powerful (at least enough to face an A-class adventurer), I just need to get wives... That's the hard part. I must give my best effort!

I have met many S-class adventurers in my life. Rinia and Chersy are the most powerful, but Rinia is married and Chersy is crazy. That spider loli is addicted to pain and obsessed with my father. I must avoid Chersy completely. I will rule them both out.

Many S-class adventurers are related to the Queen, so I must avoid them too. If my identity is revealed, I am a dead man.

I need to get powerful companions, but not too powerful, so they do not attract the attention of important people like the Queen or the heroes. Thanks to my [Double Points] ability, I will be able to make them powerful with a lot of training.

Today I will sacrifice my own dignity... I hate harems, but I will have to have one if I want to return to my world.

Parents, aunt, Nia, I will become what I hate most, but it is for a greater good.

"Ah, I just hope to find kind wives."

How long will it take to get my first wife? I don't know, but I must hurry, time does not stop, it keeps moving forward. The sooner I start making them powerful, the more powerful they will be when the day of the final battle comes.

But there is also another problem: The Demon King.

The Demon King is also a danger to me.

The Demon King and Fravi... Ah, and the heroes. If they discover me, they will kill me.

I must act with caution.

"Alright, Kei, I know you can do it. Just have faith!"

Yes... Considering my situation, having faith is what helps me keep going.

I just hope everything goes well. The tutorial is over, today the hard part begins... Let's go, Kei!

"You can do it... Ugh!"

A bird crapped in my mouth! Cough, cough! "Que puto ascooooooooo" (That's so fucking disgustiiiiiiiing)!

(Pov- ?)

Well, well. I was assigned to the class of Kei and Mei Molfer, huh?

Mei Molfer, the famous daughter of Sei Molfer. She inherited not only her mother's appearance but also her grandmother's great magical power.

And Kei Molfer, a boy who, despite being male, is very powerful, even more than Mei.

"If I manage to convince him, Akane could experiment on his body."

A magical power capable of making even a man powerful. His body and magical power must be special.

"I can't wait to meet him."

And see him suffer. Fufu.

CHAPTER 3- Kei, the strongest inferior. 

CHAPTER 3- Kei, the strongest inferior.

(Pov- Kei.)

Well... The school is underneath me... I'm nervous, because it's my first day of school in many years... Well, I'd say it's my first day of school with this body and this new life, but to say it like that would make me feel like I'm forgetting my past life.

I must not forget why I accepted this mission. My aunt, Nia and Cris are waiting for me in the other world. Cris needs his rival and I need my best friend. Nia will need my help to pass her exams. My aunt needs her favorite nephew to watch Nia while she works.

They need me and I need them, that's why I accepted the mission. But... But... I can't help feeling excited! A school of magic! That means tournaments, magic trials and more! I got bored of training with my mother, it became a boring routine. The same exercises, my mother breaks every bone in my body, uses her healing magic on me and I fall asleep for 4 hours, to then wake up and repeat the process. I've had enough of that! Yes, I accept that I became powerful thanks to that infernal training, I will continue to do it and raise the difficulty every day until I manage to defeat Fravi, but I also want to have fun! I want to know more about this world. I want to go to festivals, tournaments, enjoy delicious food, have friends, and a long list more.

It's a new world for me, a world I haven't been able to enjoy as much as I wanted. My priority is training and getting wives, but I will add a secondary mission: "having fun".

"Let's start!"

"I’m here!"

The "Dresal Star" school is an elite school. It has the best teachers in the country "Dresal".

It has swimming pools, physical and magical training fields, clubs and libraries. It is a huge and expensive school. It is very, very expensive. Only the children of the rich could study here, but only if they are smart or powerful. If they are not smart or powerful, they are not accepted. Kei's brothers were not accepted and study at another school. Kei and Mei were accepted without problems.

Sei Molfer concentrated on training them and making them more powerful, but it was Kei's father who taught them to study. Having power is not everything, one needs to be intelligent to understand the magic formulas and know how to use it without making any mistakes. A stupid mind with great power is useless.

Kei became addicted to training and studying to be able to become someone powerful, able to defeat Fravi.

"My first day of school... That nostalgia."

The students are wearing uniform. Of course, Kei too. The men's uniform consists of black pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, a black vest with red buttons, a medal with a star ornament on their vest, and a red ring, that ring shows that they are students.

The women's uniform consists of a black skirt, a white short-sleeved blouse, a medal on her blouse, and a white ring.

Of course, as it is a world where men are inferior, only 5% of the students are men.

Kei lands in front of the huge school entrance, and with a big smile on his face, he snaps his fingers.

"Land Perfect. En marcha.

(N.A: He is speaking in Spanish. Thanks.)

The students around him look at him in surprise. The magic that Kei used is very rare and difficult to control, and even more so considering that Kei is not a fairy. And since he's a man, that's even rarer.

His wings are disappearing and his clothes, which were torn by the wings, are automatically mending. Magical clothes, something not so strange in that world.

Students continue to watch him quite curiously, after all, he is the son of one of the most important people in the world. He is the son of the great Sei Molfer, a woman whose presence Kei can feel behind him. It is an unmistakable presence, for the fear that Kei feels when he feels it.

"T-there was no need for you to come, Mother."

"I had free time. What about your sister, Kei?"

Sei Molfer, his mother, approaches him. She is a tall and beautiful woman, with a perfect body. She has short black hair, red eyes, and wears an elegant white dress. She's 44, but she looks a lot younger, like 30, even younger.

Kei's father is by her side. He is a young-looking man, he has red hair and his eyes are brown. He wears a black suit and is quite attractive. He's 35, but he looks 25. Being the son of two such attractive people made Kei feel bad, as he still considers himself ugly. The looks that the women had on him, he thought they were looking at his father and mother, who ignored his presence, something that is partly true, as Sei Molfer is a national hero in the country and is admired by millions of people in the world, but Kei is not far behind, because at his young age he has great achievements with his name, although he only has it because his mother forced him to perform these missions as training.

"Don't worry, she'll be here soon, mother... What class am I in?"

"I already spoke to the principal. Being a man, they didn't want to accept you in the "S" class, but I negotiated with her and convinced her. You are in class S."

"S-she h-has blood on her knuckles and clothes. I-I'd better not ask her how she convinced her."- Kei thought.

It's the best class in school. That class receives better lessons and has more free time.

The classes are very complicated, even for geniuses, that's why they have two more days off than the others. They study 3 days and rest 4. If students fail a class, they are expelled from the class.

Over-exploiting the smarter, better-potential students can have the opposite effect if they are not given adequate rest, the old professors came to that conclusion 100 years ago, and it has remained so far.

"Thank you very much, mother."

"You got the best grade, Kei. Congratulations!"- Said his father.

"That was the surprise? I already knew that."


"I came to school yesterday to find out my grade."

"Wow, wow... The surprise was ruined."

Although he also took the opportunity to escape his training and go visit a friend in the capital.


A sphere of fire is directed at Kei, but he takes it easily with his right hand.



Mei is throwing fire spheres at him, but Kei catches and destroys it easily.

"I wanted to travel with you!"

"Mother, calm Mei."

Students are trembling with fear, as only one of those spheres is powerful enough to destroy a small house, but Kei destroys it without much difficulty.

"T-that magic power is incredible."

"And that boy destroys it easily."

"T-they really are Sei Molfer's children."

Sei Molfer is a commander of the country's army. She is known as the most powerful warrior in the country, as far as natural power is concerned. Obviously, heroes are much more powerful than she is.

Even Mei surpasses her own mother as far as her status is concerned, but status does not define a person's total power. Mei, even if her status is better than her mother's, she couldn't defeat her mother right now.

"Mei, I'll buy you ice cream. Calm down please."

Mei stops and walks quickly over to Kei.

"Really?!"- She said with a sparkle in her eyes.

"You are really very simple ... Mother, is Mei in my class?"


"I see... Let's go, Mei."

Mei hugs Kei's right arm.

"Let's go, bro!"

"Mother, I'll be home late today."

"Are you going to train again, brother?"

"Yes. I'll try to clear an "A" class dungeon."


"W-wait, son! Are you sure?! It is very dangerous!"

Mei and her father are very nervous and worried about Kei, but Kei's mother is smiling with pride.

"Fufu. This was to be expected. You really are my son. I cleared an "A" class dungeon when I was 17 years old. And I barely made it out alive ... Good luck, Kei."

"W-wait, mother! Aren't you going to stop him ?! It is very dangerous! Even A-class adventurers have trouble clearing a A-class dungeon!"

"Don't worry about him, Mei. Kei is a strong boy. He has already cleared several B class dungeons, it was time to up the difficulty."

"Thank you for understanding, mother."- Kei said smiling.

Kei knows it will be difficult, but he must. He heard rumors about a magic item found on the top floor of the dungeon. This object allows objects to be stored. Basically, it is a magic bag. He wants to obtain it so that he can store weapons, food, and magic potions, which he will need when he becomes an adventurer.

"I want that magic bag."

"Good luck, son. Your father and I will try to get it, too."

“Heroes are trying, too, but that magical object moves from place to place every so often, it's impossible to predict where it will be."- Said his father.

"I hope they don't kill me if I get it. Mei, let's go!"

"Wait, change your mind, Kei!"

Kei and Mei are walking down a hall together. Kei walks quietly, but Mei is shaking him, trying to keep his brother from committing suicide.

She considers it a suicide attempt, as she doesn't think Kei is ready for a Class A dungeon, but thanks to his experience with Class B dungeons, Kei is more than ready for a Class A dungeon.

"K-Kei, please don't do it!"

"Mei, don't worry, I won't die ... I guess."

"You guess ?!"

Kei can't help telling the truth, it's one of his great flaws, although he's not such an idiot as to reveal that he remembers his past life.

"Don’t be afraid... Well, we have arrived at our classroom. Let's go in, Mei."

Kei opens the door to his classroom.

Class S, the best class in school. It is a huge classroom, but with few students. The huge space is for practicing magic.

There are 8 tables, divided into 4 rows.

There are 16 students, counting Kei and Mei.

The teacher is standing in front of the blackboard. She is a beautiful 25-year-old woman. She wears a black tight dress and wears glasses. Her hair is pink and very long, reaching her knees.

"I think we're late, brother."

"Come on, there's a free table."

Kei and Mei head to the table, but the teacher stops them.

"Mei and Kei, right?"

They both turn to see her.

"Yes, teacher."- They both said. Kei said it sorrowfully, but Mei shows no emotion other than seriousness.

"You are late."

"Sorry, teacher."

"Do not let this happen again."

"Wait!! Why is there a man here ?!"

"Discrimination has already begun. Perfecto."- Kei thought.

One of the students raised her voice. She is a girl with green eyes, short blue hair, and has pointed ears. She is an Elf.

"He proved himself worthy of being in this class, Miss Churs."

"It's impossible!"

Kei realized it was the perfect time to make clear the difference between them and him. If he didn't want to be discriminated against or belittled, it was the perfect time to show them his power and why he's in class S.

He smiles and raises his hand.

"You can talk, Kei."

"Yes, I'm a man, but I'm Sei Molfer's son, don't forget that. Unlike my older brothers, I am just as powerful as my mother. She trained me since I was a little boy. If I show them my power, I'm sure they'll accept me, or they'll have to accept me the hard way. Both options give the same result, so it doesn't matter much."

"Do you want to challenge Miss Churs?"

"Yes. I have heard about her family. My mother told me that Miss Churs's mother is more powerful than her, so I would like to check the power of her daughter."

The first step was taken. Kei's mission officially begins.

"Do you accept, Miss Churs?"

She smiles and walks over to Kei.

"I will destroy you, inferior!"

"You're pretty cute, you don't have that rude vocabulary."

And instead of being ashamed, she pounced on him, improving her own body with magic.

Kei was a little surprised with that move, making him feel very happy, as he found a girl with a lot of potential on his first day of school.

She tries to hit him, but Kei dodges her blow easily.

"Is that everything?"

"Damn you!"

She keeps attacking him, but Kei dodges her attacks easily. The speed of the attacks increases more and more, but at the same time as it increases, Kei gets used to the speed and dodges it.

"Wow, wow... You are very fast… And you are 12 years old ... You will become a great warrior ... But..."

Kei stops her fists with his hands, completely slowing down the rhythm of the young Elf, frustrating her.

She growled furiously and began to hit Kei's stomach with her knees, but the more she hit him, the more she hurt herself and Kei reflected no sign of any pain.

She ended up getting seriously hurt and stopped her attacks.

As blood fell from the young Elf's knees, Kei stroked her chin.

"You are no match for me."- He said smiling.

She blushes and Kei begins to apply his healing magic, healing in seconds the wounds of the young Elf.

"I don't want to hit a beauty like you. Please accept your defeat."

"B-beauty ?!"

Step number two, done.

"Give up?"- Said the teacher.

She looks down shyly.

"Y-Yes... I give up."

Kei used his "Seduce Women" skill to win her heart.

"She is just as powerful as Mei ... She will be a great companion."- Kei thought.

First girl: "Grisia Churs".

Instant crush is an effect of his skill, but it works best when Kei first flirts with women and then activates his skill.

"Kei, I'd like to check your strength."- Said the teacher.

A white circle appears in front of her and an Orc steps out of that circle.

Orcs are 10-foot pig monsters. A class A and B adventurer can easily defeat them alone, but class C, D and E adventurers could not defeat them alone, they would need the help of more adventurers.

"Defeat this Orc."

The students became nervous and frightened. They all share the same opinion: "It is impossible for him to defeat it."

"Sure, it will be easy."

"What?!!"- All the students shouted, except Mei, who knows exactly what her brother is capable of.

What they don't know is that Kei can defeat Orcs with a single blow, as he developed a technique to defeat it. After all, monsters are one of the big problems in that world, and killing it earns people experience points. Kei knew this, so he developed a technique that kills it in one hit, in order to have more than enough time to kill a large number of monsters, thus gaining a large number of experience points.

Kei will not be able to defeat Fravi without help, which is why Kei put so much effort into creating that technique, as it would allow him to earn a lot of experience points for his wives, making them powerful in a short period of time. Something cheating, but necessary for survival.

"Fire magic ..."

The Orc tries to attack him, but Kei jumps and dodges it. Standing above it, Kei watches the Orc's head and prepares his fist, which began to surround itself with fire as red and bright as blood. A fire that wouldn't seem so powerful because of its color, but it was, and enough to turn a monster to ashes.

"Incineration: "Hell" blow."

He hits the Orc over the head and a great deal of fire began to surround the Orc. A fire so burning, that even most of the students had to close their eyes and walk away, because they felt that they were burning alive.

The Orc starts screaming in pain and the students stare at Kei in amazement. They are far from achieving something like what Kei achieved. They may belong to the S class, but Kei has received private classes from his mother since he was a little boy, private classes that are even harder than an S class, and Kei survived that.

Mei's not far behind. She is smiling as she crosses her arms, admiring her beloved brother's achievement, unmoved by the heat. Like Kei, Mei also survived Sei Molfer's training, turning her into a girl-like monster.

The teacher just smiles when she sees that.


When Kei lands on the ground, the Orc turns to dust and disperses.

Kei created an attack that can kill Orcs easily. It took him 8 years to create it. It also works with people and objects, but the magical power it expends depends on the resistance of the body and the points of life. It is an attack that cannot be used against any enemy, because it would be too much to be trusted, which could cause his death.

"Ready, teacher. Will you give me points for this?"

"Wow, wow. The rumors are true. You are just as powerful as your mother."

"No, my mother is more powerful ... Can I have a seat?"

"Of course."

Kei and Mei go to their table.

They sit down together and Grisia stands next to Kei.

"C-can I ask you something?"

Grisia is quite nervous and blushing. The skill "Seduce Women" does that. Kei instantly makes them fall in love, but that's all it is. Falling in love doesn't make them feel nervous or anything like that, it just makes them feel attracted to Kei. She behaves in a nervous way because this is how she behaves when she is close to the person she likes.

"Of course."

"H-how did you get so powerful?"

“How...? Well, training, obviously."- He said smiling.

"Training until our crazy mother allowed us to go to dinner and sleep."- Mei said.

Yes... Training... And too much.

(Some time ago.)

Kei, 4 years old, was in a forest, alone and prepared for what was to come. His mother's training wasn't enough for him, so he looked for ways to become powerful. Training is basic, but if he wants to improve his status, he should get experience points. He was to defeat monsters.

"If I want to improve, I must get points."

Despite his young age, Kei felt ready to defeat weak monsters and gradually climb the difficulty. His enemy is a Goddess, a true God. Defeating her with the power of love and friendship wouldn't work, Kei knew it perfectly. It was too optimistic to think that he would defeat her by relying 100% on the power of his wives. He must have become more powerful than any other S-class adventurer. More powerful than his mother. So powerful, he'd be able to fight a goddess.

Kei trusted Zius' words, so he exceeded the limits of his body to become powerful. He had to become powerful, train much harder than before, become more powerful and increase the difficulty of his training. A routine that would only become more painful over time, but necessary. His enemies are not only a Goddess, they are the heroes and a Demon King. Kei had to survive until the final fight, and to survive, he had to become powerful, and the sooner he starts, the longer he will have.

A group of goblins headed toward him.

"Goblins are weak ... I will not receive many points ... Fire sword."

A sword made of fire appeared in his hands.

"Let's get started."

The goblins tried to attack him using razors, but Kei's sword lengthened and moved away from the goblins.


As the sword lengthened, Kei began to spin.

Kei's sword quickly killed the goblins, splitting them in half and giving them no time to escape, jump or bend.

Goblins are too weak, but a normal person couldn't easily kill them.

"Using "Double Points", I will be able to improve quickly."

Since he was little, Kei dedicated himself to clearing class B, C and D dungeons. He studied monsters to discover their weak points and be able to kill them without problems. He created spells that allowed him to defeat them without problems.

His mother trained him since he was little, so he became stronger and more agile.

And after more than 8 years of training, he became more powerful than his mother, though only as far as his status is concerned. Thanks to "Double Points", he can improve quickly.

His current status is:

Kei Molfer.

Magic Power: 508019/508019

Strength: 908

Age: 12

Intelligence: 308

Agility: 807

Hit Points (hp): 70692/70692

Divine Power: None

Job: Student

He is the weakest hero, but now that he is more powerful, he will be able to face more powerful enemies, gaining more experience points than before.

Kei receives few points for defeating weak goblins and monsters. For obvious reasons, more powerful enemies score more points. Inside a class A dungeon, there are monsters more powerful than an Orc. Kei now feels ready to train there.

Although he will never be able to reach even the weakest hero with just training. The growth rate of heroes is greater than Kei imagines.

(Pov- Teacher.)

The orders are clear and precise. Convince Kei Molfer or kill him. Seeing his abilities, I'm sure I can defeat him, but I admit it won't be an easy fight, Kei is powerful despite being a man.

I mustn't let my guard down with that boy.

Convincing him could be easy, considering that men are repudiated and discriminated against in this human world. If I offer him power over people, I am sure he will accept. Sei Molfer is a manipulator, who wants everyone under her feet. If Kei is like her, I must only offer him power in hell. Besides, Kei is pretty cute, Desmolfer might be interested in him... Huh? How strange ... What did I just feel? Why did I get mad?

That was weird... No matter.

Kei is a rare specimen, unique in the world. A powerful man at a very young age. Desmolfer will definitely be interested in him. If I give Kei Molfer to her, my rank will rise and I will no longer be a mere informant... Huh? Did I feel angry again? I don't understand... I think the effects of the medicine are ending. Fortunately, break time will soon begin. After convincing Kei, I will go home and kill the baby I have locked up, although possibly that baby is already dead because I left him in the basement a week ago. Seeing him will at least reassure me and allow me to continue living with these disgusting humans.

Kei and the teacher exchanged glances and a little spark of nostalgia invaded them both.

The teacher continued to teach and Kei continued to take notes, but they both shared the same thought: "Did we already know each other?"

The first classes are over and the students are exhausted.

Being in class S is not easy, at least not for Mei and the others.

"My head hurts... my head..."

Mei is also exhausted, but Kei is not, as he is more than used to studying, even in his previous life he enjoyed reading and studying a lot, mostly because he competed with Cris, his best friend, to see who scored better in his exams.

"That's why I told you that you should study more."

"You are incredible, brother. I admire you more and more every day!"

"You're amazing, too, sister. Let's get something to eat."

"Let's go!"

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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