After Ellena played zither everyone was impressed. The event was over by night and everyone went back to there rooms, Ellena went in the library to read. Emperor talk with the northern state emperor about the collaboration of the army. So that there bond become more stronger. Emperor agreed this proposal and ask him to implement it after some as he need to discuss it with state official. Then he ask emperor to rest well as on the next day there was hunting competition so they have to go in forest.
Emperor of northern state went to his room and call commander lee. Commander lee came to his room. Emperor ask him if he got any information, commander denied and says the security is very tight so he didn't but he will try his best. Emperor remind him that they have only two days left so he has to do it as soon as possible. After that commander leave the room. This all conversation was hurt by Jason who was standing behind the door outside. He did nothing and leave from there and went to concubine Lisa and tell her everything. Lisa ask him to wait she need sometime to think.
Ellena completed her reading and was going to her room , on her way she collide with Ethan and John was beside. Ellena apologize and start leaving but Ethan compliment her so she stop
“ princess Ellena you really played zither very well, I thought you are good at fighting and leading the army, but you also good with music. ”
Ellena turn around “ prince Ethan you are having misunderstanding, I was ordered that's why I played otherwise I have no relation with music. ”
“ princess Ellena relation comes from heart and heart show emotion, and your emotion were clearly shown by your relationship with zither.”
Ellena recall her tears at the time of playing zither.
“ prince Ethan I appreciate that you like my performance, it would be better if you stay away from me and my relation. Good night prince Ethan and Mr John. ” Ellena leave from there and went to her room.
“ you told me to stay away from you, but don't know why I don't want to” think Ethan. After this prince also went to his room.
On the next day, Everyone wake up early in the morning and get ready as they have to go to the hunting spot. All prince and commander get on the horse and concubine in the cart went in the forest where competition was going to begin. When everybody reach there Ellena was already present there with some of the soldiers. Emperor of northern state ask them if they came so early I. The morning to do this arrangements. Ellena agreed and says it was her duty to do this as a commander. Emperor compliment her to be a good daughter and commander. Ellena look at her father with sad face and ask them to have seat.
Emperor and concubine sat on the seats and others were standing. Minister start explaining the rules of hunting game. Participates are only allow to go in forest on there horse no other are allowed. For shooting they are only allow to carry bow and arrow, other than that no other weapons are allowed. There are different point for different animals according to which the winner is decided. Hunting game is in limited area upto where red flags are placed. If anybody goes out of it he will be disqualify. Points will be rabbit 10, deer 30, bird 50.
All prince are participated along with Ethan and John and among princess only Ellena was participated. There were fixed number of animal in competition area and all competitors were given different colour arrows so that winner can be decided.
Competition begin and after entering competition zone all rode in different directions. Ellena follow commander lee. She participated only to keep an eye on Lee and so as Ethan, but he and John was on different direction than Lee. Lee cross the border of red flag and move ahead in the forest. Ellena follow Lee into the forest. Ethan saw Ellena and thus follow her out of the border and ask John to continue with the competition.
Commander lee reaches some distance deep in forest and realize someone is following him so he stop at some distance ahead and go in another direction with full speed. Ellena follow him but due to dense forest he lost him, so she stop and look around. Lee was behind her at some distance and saw her. He realize that Ellena was following him so he decided not to go ahead and go back to game. On the other hand Ethan was following the horse footprint.
As Ellena didn't get commander she also decided to went back to game. On the way back she met Ethan. Ellena was surprised that what was Ethan doing there so she ask him,
“ Prince Ethan what are you doing here ”
Ethan answered question with question “ That's what I also want to know what are you doing here you have to be in hunting competition.”
“ That's my matter on concern, now will you answer what are you doing here. ”
“ I was doing nothing ,I lost my way during following a bird. ”
Ellena was more suspicious on him after this answer.
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Updated 38 Episodes