Keeping Up

Keeping Up

Heinrich at the drive thru

hello there everyone I'm your author ☺️
I just want to say that the script doesn't belong to me
it belongs to the real owner
this is the real owner of the script and subscribe to this channel if you haven't subscribe yet
I don't own any script just a fanfiction
love ya😘
at the drive thru
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god I'm so hungry 😑
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
so hungry.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
literally so hungry.
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
where are we?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
it's a new place called "Burgers, Burgers, Burger's ."
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
so we're getting burgers?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
no, the salad. Their salad is so watermelon
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
a watermelon salad?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
no, that's my new word. instead of saying "cool", I say watermelon 😌
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
that's stupid 😑
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
if you could stop being a rude bítçh, that'd be great mei mi.😠
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
can we just order our food already?😒
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
what's taking them so long?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
everything is like, organic... so they take it a long time to make it organic
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
then it's not organic.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
I literally just said it was.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
it's either organic or it isn't.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
they make it organic merry.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
you don't make something organic you stupid bîtçh
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
I hate you both.😑
20 minutes later
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
what the hell? we've been here forever.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
maybe there's a long line.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
there's no cars out here.
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
I say we go inside
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
you're right. that involves walking.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
we should do something to pass the time.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
what? like a game?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
what about I spy?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
fine, I spy with my little eye there's no fúçkíng food!
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
is it a tree?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
shut up!😒
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
okay how about we try to name a bunch of state capitals?
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
fine. Sacramento. moly?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
new Mexico.
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god...
1 hours later
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
I'm gonna kill you moly!
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
I didn't even do anything!
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
we've been waiting here forever and they still haven't taken our order.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
we should talk to a manager.
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
☉lysa☉ a manager?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
yeah I'll call lysa.
📲 on call:hello?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
📲on call: hey.
📲 on call: oh, hi sweetie!
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
lysa, don't start!
📲 on call: what?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
hang up on her.
📲on call: Girls what-
*phone click's*...
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
that was a stupid idea.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
I know right?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
the last thing we need is for her to add more stressed.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
like, is it so hard to be fair?
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
one day I'm gonna blow up on her, I swear!
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
do you guys see a sign hanging over the menu?
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
what does it say?
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
closed all day today.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
I wonder what does it tastes like?
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
I think I'll get the one beneath it called "open tomorrow".
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
me too. it's gonna be so watermelon.
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
watermelon? did you just come up with that?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
merry Heinrich
merry Heinrich
oh my god I love it! so watermelon.
moly Heinrich
moly Heinrich
what the hell?
mei mi Heinrich
mei mi Heinrich
shut up.




hi author, i find your work to be interesting! do you happen to have any social media or fan page i can follow?



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