Keeping Up
Heinrich at the drive thru
hello there everyone I'm your author ☺️
I just want to say that the script doesn't belong to me
it belongs to the real owner
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I don't own any script just a fanfiction
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god I'm so hungry 😑
moly Heinrich
literally so hungry.
mei mi Heinrich
where are we?
moly Heinrich
it's a new place called "Burgers, Burgers, Burger's ."
merry Heinrich
so we're getting burgers?
moly Heinrich
no, the salad. Their salad is so watermelon
merry Heinrich
a watermelon salad?
moly Heinrich
no, that's my new word. instead of saying "cool", I say watermelon 😌
mei mi Heinrich
that's stupid 😑
moly Heinrich
if you could stop being a rude bítçh, that'd be great mei mi.😠
merry Heinrich
can we just order our food already?😒
mei mi Heinrich
what's taking them so long?
moly Heinrich
everything is like, organic... so they take it a long time to make it organic
merry Heinrich
then it's not organic.
moly Heinrich
I literally just said it was.
merry Heinrich
it's either organic or it isn't.
moly Heinrich
they make it organic merry.
merry Heinrich
you don't make something organic you stupid bîtçh
mei mi Heinrich
I hate you both.😑
merry Heinrich
what the hell? we've been here forever.
moly Heinrich
maybe there's a long line.
merry Heinrich
there's no cars out here.
mei mi Heinrich
I say we go inside
mei mi Heinrich
you're right. that involves walking.
moly Heinrich
we should do something to pass the time.
merry Heinrich
what? like a game?
moly Heinrich
what about I spy?
mei mi Heinrich
fine, I spy with my little eye there's no fúçkíng food!
merry Heinrich
is it a tree?
moly Heinrich
okay how about we try to name a bunch of state capitals?
merry Heinrich
fine. Sacramento. moly?
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god...
merry Heinrich
I'm gonna kill you moly!
moly Heinrich
I didn't even do anything!
mei mi Heinrich
we've been waiting here forever and they still haven't taken our order.
merry Heinrich
we should talk to a manager.
mei mi Heinrich
☉lysa☉ a manager?
moly Heinrich
yeah I'll call lysa.
moly Heinrich
📲on call: hey.
📲 on call: oh, hi sweetie!
merry Heinrich
lysa, don't start!
mei mi Heinrich
hang up on her.
📲on call: Girls what-
moly Heinrich
that was a stupid idea.
merry Heinrich
I know right?
mei mi Heinrich
the last thing we need is for her to add more stressed.
moly Heinrich
like, is it so hard to be fair?
merry Heinrich
one day I'm gonna blow up on her, I swear!
mei mi Heinrich
do you guys see a sign hanging over the menu?
mei mi Heinrich
what does it say?
merry Heinrich
closed all day today.
moly Heinrich
I wonder what does it tastes like?
merry Heinrich
I think I'll get the one beneath it called "open tomorrow".
mei mi Heinrich
me too. it's gonna be so watermelon.
merry Heinrich
watermelon? did you just come up with that?
merry Heinrich
oh my god I love it! so watermelon.
moly Heinrich
what the hell?
Nicki Minaj the ghost hunter
Nicki Minaj
-there are lots of scary places in sim York,
Nicki Minaj
but none as scary as the hotel hotel hotel.
Nicki Minaj
it has a very dark history.
Nicki Minaj
I, Along with the Heinrich's , will be investigating the Hotel, Hotel, Hotel.
Nicki Minaj
I don't shake hands
Nicki Minaj
lysa is the owner of the Hotel, Hotel, Hotel.
Nicki Minaj
so, this place is haunted?
mei mi Heinrich
duh, why else would be here?
this place is very haunted.
Nicki Minaj
have there been any deaths here?
oh yeah, around 2,000.
yeah, give or take.
Nicki Minaj
uh uh! I ain't messing with that.
moly Heinrich
you can't just walk away.
moly Heinrich
we have a show to do🤨
Nicki Minaj
I don't give a.
Nicki Minaj
De Nicky Minaj apologizes for walking away.
Nicki Minaj
and taking a bus out of the city
Nicki Minaj
so, have you seen any ghost here?
merry Heinrich
no, it's spirits.
merry Heinrich
you have to say spirits
merry Heinrich
because it's more respectful that way
Nicki Minaj
they're dead I don't think they care
merry Heinrich
fine, if you wanna sound like amateur.
mei mi Heinrich
shut up, merry, you know nothing about ghost hunting.
merry Heinrich
I know you call them spirits.😤
I've seen and felt many things in this buildings.
they mess with the people, they mess with the lights.
especially in room 101.
that's definitely where the mostly activity takes place.
merry Heinrich
room 101, you add that and you get two.
merry Heinrich
two is the number of the devil.
Nicki Minaj
666 is the devil number.
Nicki Minaj
tonight, we will be locked down in hotel, hotel, hotel.
Nicki Minaj
okay, I'm here with mei mi in the lobby.
Nicki Minaj
while moly and merry in the kitchen.
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god you look weird.
Nicki Minaj
that's because we're in night vision.
mei mi Heinrich
you look like a ghost.
Nicki Minaj
wait a minute, why is that light on?
mei mi Heinrich
I don't know.
Nicki Minaj
you turned off all the lights, right?
Nicki Minaj
then why is that one on.
mei mi Heinrich
I don't know
mei mi Heinrich
I turned everything off before we started.
Nicki Minaj
do you remember what lysa said?
they mess with the lights.
mei mi Heinrich
it must've been a ghost
Nicki Minaj
is there somebody here?
Nicki Minaj walking closely at the light
mei mi Heinrich
I forgot to turn off that light.
moly Heinrich
this is so creepy.
merry Heinrich
they say 500 people died here.
moly Heinrich
no one has said tha-
merry Heinrich
500, people, died right here.
merry Heinrich
I've got the chills.
moly Heinrich
my butt feels tingly.
moly Heinrich
butt feels tingly.
moly Heinrich
oh my god, what was that?
merry Heinrich
it sounded like pans or something.
merry Heinrich
are you cooking, spirit?
moly Heinrich
Do you even know how to cook?
merry Heinrich
oh my god moly, you can't ask that.
moly Heinrich
what do you mean?
merry Heinrich
don't be rude to the spirits, moly.
moly Heinrich
just because they're in the kitchen and dead, doesn't mean they can cook, merry.
merry Heinrich
what is that!?
moly Heinrich
it's coming from over there.
Nicki Minaj
what moly captures next, is incredible.
Nicki Minaj
as that noise sounds again, look closely at the pan on the counter.
Nicki Minaj
if you watch carefully,
Nicki Minaj
absolutely nothing happens.
Nicki Minaj
me and moly are in the boiler room.
moly Heinrich
oh my god,Did they boil people here?
Nicki Minaj
that's not what a boiler room is for, my god.🤦
moly Heinrich
your telling me you don't boil In a place called a boiler room.🤨
moly Heinrich
I wasn't born last year.
Nicki Minaj
let's see the ghosts have anything to say.
Nicki Minaj
okay this will show--
moly Heinrich
how come I can't hold the device.
Nicki Minaj
because I'm already holding it.
moly Heinrich
what if it's me they wanna talk to--
Nicki Minaj
this device will show us the words that ghosts were telling us.
moly Heinrich
did you boil people here?
Nicki Minaj
oh, they're complementing De Nicki Minaj.☺️
moly Heinrich
no, they could be talking to me.😌
Nicki Minaj
my butt's bigger so.
moly Heinrich
Ghost, who are you talking about, me or Nicki?
Nicki Minaj
this thing is clearly broken.
Nicki stomped on the phone and broke it
mei mi Heinrich
this is the most active room.
merry Heinrich
I know, I've got the chills.
merry Heinrich
let's communicate with the spirits.
mei mi Heinrich
what do we say?
merry Heinrich
we have to be respectful.
merry Heinrich
show yourself, you stupid bîtçh.
mei mi Heinrich
oh my god.
mei mi Heinrich
* walk out*
merry Heinrich
where are you going?
merry Heinrich
we have to speak to--
merry Heinrich
your just like this spirit, your a wimp.
merry Heinrich
I won't quit.
merry Heinrich
it's just you and me spirit.
merry Heinrich
was that a growl?
Nicki Minaj
🎶 ghost in the area, gonna need a prayer form ya.🎶
Nicki Minaj
🎶we in this hotel --🎶
moly Heinrich
what are you doing?
moly Heinrich
why are you rapping?
Nicki Minaj
De Nicki Minaj always finds time to rap.
moly Heinrich
you will literally scare the ghost away.
Nicki Minaj
at this moment it dawned on me that I need to send moly away or I'm gonna turn her in to a ghost.
Nicki Minaj
show me a sign, tell me your here.
Nicki Minaj
do you guys hear that?
a little information moly Ang mei mi was watching Nicki on loptop
moly Heinrich
yeah we hear that.
mei mi Heinrich
tell the ghost to change the station, the music sucks.
Nicki Minaj
okay. I think I know what's going on here.
Nicki Minaj
I know what you want.
Nicki Minaj
*started twerking*
Nicki Minaj
speak to me, Casper!
Nicki Minaj
POV: at this moment, that static camera microphone recorded some compelling audio.
Nicki Minaj
the ghost is clearly cheering on.
merry Heinrich
okay, you can growl.
merry Heinrich
Grrrr. I can growl too
merry Heinrich
wow, you can hit things.
merry Heinrich
I'm not impressed--
moly Heinrich
should we like help her?
Nicki Minaj
POV: none of us help her because the walk was too far.
merry Heinrich
don't worry, I've made it out alive.
merry Heinrich
because I'm a fighter and a survivor.
merry Heinrich
and wait for our next chapter
merry Heinrich
we're staying at five nights at Freddy's
Nicki Minaj
🎶🎤🎤De Nicki Minaj always love all of you 🎶
moly Heinrich
love you guys so watermelon 😌
mei mi Heinrich
please support our author ☉lysa☉
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