What's wrong with him???
after all the drama ....Shu is driving Lana back to her house
well ..umm ...can you pls leave me two blocks away from my house??
ugh...ok..but don't tell me you homeless and you trying to hide it??
heyy???... n..no ofcourse not I have a proper house....ok..and it can be that my mum and dad will not like to see me with other guys...excep.............
..except??.. whome...???.. hey is there some guy they allow...as an exception?????....
hahah...well I might be overthinking..how can that be???
umm..well...only one ..g..guy
huh!!???.. wha??... whoo is that piece of Shi.....
heyyy you don't you dare talk bad about him... understand...!!!!!
oh ho...I get it .. it's that nerd .. Max!.. right??.. I wonder what magic has he done on your parents that they allow such a dangerous guy to come into their house..??
woah..woah... it's you who is dangerous not him!!.. ok
hah....well then tell me why do they allow him??
ugh..well my and his parents have a long history...his mom and my mom were best friends...and our dad's are like best friends. so we both have been friends since kids..but then he went to California for studies..and now came back..he lives here but uncle and aunt are still in California.
ohk..but as both of your dad's are like brothers doesn't that mean that you both are like siblings????
wahhhh???.. NO..NO...no no no...we both can never be brothers and sisters...got it...( Lana has a determined voice )
well ahem**.. I meant we both had been close since childhood..we played ....walked ..talked...slept together...so I guess he is an important part of my life...
wait... slept??... you slept with that guy????...
ugh...blush **..blush..***. n..no... idiot I mean we both have sleepovers... you know
you both have SLEEPOVERS??.. what the??.. how can you..??. don't you have any sense...??.. it can be dangerous... I mean...he can be.?.... and what if something happens to you ?????.. god pigs will remain pigs.....
wait....you listen to me first...I can sleep next to anyone I like..be it a guy....ok..and I do have sences..I don't need to take it from you....and you talking about dangerous...he is the person I feel the safest with ..got it....!!!!... and yea....I should call you dangerous...ok...and...wait...let me tell you clear...( starts to joke).. we were enemies and will remain enemies..got it ..??
suddenly Shu pulls the car
Lana turns to Shu and sees a serious and stern face ....
get out............. didn't you hear what I said....GET OUT.. RIGHT NOW...Lana....
shut it..and go..I don't wanna see your face.....
unable to bear such an inhuman bihavior ... Lana..is taken aback...she holds her tears back..and quickly shuts the car door behind her....
and hey listen..you....you were right we were enemies..and will remain so......so now you wait and watch.... ok ..
before Lana can say anything .. Shu dashes off with his car..at a high speed...
Lana now starts to walk ... her house was now five blocks away...she walks slowly...with head down....but when she gets near the street lamp..she could feel herself shaking...
sniff***.. sniff****.. d..dummy..who talks to .....ugh..sniff********
he was dri..driving so..fast...sniff**.. wha..what a dummy... sniff*****
ugh..why..am I still thinking about such a guy???.. sniff**..
Lana wipes her tears...and looks up...at the upcoming next street lamp.....she'll be only a feet away from her house...but then she notices a dark figure ..in the dim light of the lamp
she immediately recognised it... it was
wow you came early......
Lana see's her watch...it was already...11: 09...
ugh did you come here to joke .. well I'm sorry but not this time... I'm not in a mood..
yea ..but you tell first...why you here??
shouldn't I ask you where you were ...???... match???
suddenly the bet from the morning .....about the basketball game..flooded her mind....
ohh...oh my godd... I'm sooo sorry ...Yuma . I'm sorry ....so sorry...pls forgive me... can j do anything for you??.. pls forgive me... I'm just soo sorry
Yuma gently places her hand on Lana's shoulders..
Lana looks up and Yuma notices her red eyes....
he takes her hand and kisses it.. gently
huh...... blush****.. hey..what ...you.. doing..??
now Yuma gently pulls her lock of hair falling on her face back..and strokes Lana's cheeks..gently..
Lana didn't know why..but she liked that warmth..it gave her...a feeling of what you call... HOME......that feeling which had always been missing in her life...she felt it...
Lana tilts her head..and rests it on Yuma's hand......
can I....hug you for ......sniff**... for. a minute.. sniff***....;ple...pleas...sniff**
Lana's patience broke...she couldn't take it anymore
shhhh....you come here...( Yuma stretches his arm wider )
Lana quitely moves towards him until they are an inch away from each other
Yuma's eyes under the moon were sparkling..it was like he wanted to take her sorrow away.......he just held Lana in his arms tightly.... .
hello guys.. I'm Samantha...😘😘😘😘.. I'm greatful that you all are liking and reading my novel....and yea.... I'll be really really really really happy if you comment and tell me if you like it or not 😊😊😊.....and yea about the pic session.. I'll take that next time😓
author sam do kami and shelly share a bro-sis bond...???!!
I ship her with Yuma 🤭🤭😋😋
i ship her with yuma/shu not max