~Episode IV~

Episode 4: A Gods Relic




Ai grew beady eyes and looks between Xiaoling and Isa. "Eh?" she said confused

Xiaoling sweat dropped, "To think you have such luck and be so oblivious at the same time..." she said and then realized something, "Isa, can this be a...?"

"Yes." Isa said

Ai was even more confused, "Hn? Be a what?" she asked

Ignoring Ai's question, Isa snatched the chess board game away. "I will unlock it for you, Mi'lady." Isa said and went inside the cottage.

Xiaoling stared at Isa confused but nevertheless said "Okay"

Once Isa left sight Xiaoling turned towards Ai. "Take this as your first lesson as my student. Things with extremely high energy are somethings called a 'relic'. A relic is a gifts from gods. Relics help you power up, and can be very useful. They are so effective that if you are a beginner of a level one rank one tier to will power up to a level four rank six tier. That's only the low level ones, the Rank 1 relics. The one you got is a Rank 13 relic. Rank 13 relics are the most powerful relics out there, they are very rare to obtain. There are only seven rank 9 relics out there, the one you had obtain was 'The Dark King of knowledge'. That was the first one ever created!" Xiaoling explained

"Wow! That's amazing! You will surely be powerful after using it-"

"However," Xiaoling said silencing Ai, "You have to unlock it first. Unlocking a relic is the hardest thing to do. You must be careful when unlocking it, you can go insane. You must have a calm collected mind to unlocking a relic. If you don't then, your life is over. Which is why, normal people who tries to unlock the relic we got have less than 10% of unlocking it-"

"What?! Isa just said she was going to unlock it! We have to stop her!" Ai interrupted and tried to run off. Xiaoling grabbed her arm.

"I wasn't finished. Normal people have less than 10% of unlocking in, but abnormal people like Isa, have over 88% chance of unlocking it. So, naturally..." She trailed just in time when Isa came out.

"Mi'lady... I finished. Here you go." Isa said and gave the chess game to Xiaoling.

"Thanks." Xiaoling took the chess game and a Black shadows engulfed her and then disappeared. "Huh, looks like it accepted me."

"Huh?" Ai tilted her head confused

"One more thing I forgot to mention. Once you unlock it, the relic has to accept or reject you as their master. If they reject you, you die." Xiaoling said and made Ai loose all color to her face.

"You mean you could've died!?" Ai yelled

"Precisely." Isa said with a little nod


Xiaoling chuckled, "Don't worry. It wouldn't have rejected me anyways. It judges you based on your potential." This was lie to make Ai feel better. When in truth, Xiaoling didn't know it was going to accept her.

That was close...

Xiaoling thought sighing in relief.


Currently it was nighttime and Isa was in her and Xiaoling room sleeping while Ai and Xiaoling stayed up in the living room, training.

"Up, down, ninety six." Both Ai and Xiaoling did a push up at the same time "Up, down, ninety seven. Up, down, ninety eight. Up, down, ninety nine. Up, down, one hundred."

Both girls collapsed to the ground breathing heavily. "That... was... our... last... work-out... right?" Ai asked

"It... should.. be." Xiaoling answered.

After the relic incident, they went back to training their bodies. They ran one hundred laps around half the ancient forest, then did a hundred lunges, squats, burpees, crunches, sit-ups, and pull ups. Then did a plank for two hours and finally a hundred push-ups.

"I think we need to take a shower." Xiaoling said finally catching her breath, Ai nodded in agreement.

They both go a change of clothes and headed for the baths.

After a wonderful time in a hot steaming shower, they joined each other in a huge bath.

Isa let out a relaxing sigh. "This feels nice..."


"Xiaoling, you sure know a lot about magic and stuff. I was very surprised when you started to tell me about relics. You are so young... yet so knowledgeable and powerful. I'm so envious." Ai said suddenly.

Xiaoling eyes widen a bit before returning normal. "I'm not very powerful as you think you know... and as for the knowledge I know..."

Well I actually just learned about it with books given to be by Isa a few nights ago...

"Ah.. but you are. You are twelve are you not? I am seventeen. I see a big difference between us." Ai said

I'm fifteen...

"Is that so...?" Xiaoling said closing her eyes before speaking again. "I won't lie, that is true," Ai looked down sadly "but everyone is different. Don't compare yourself to someone else or be their expectations. Actually, you have a rare gift of good fortune. You are my good luck charm. Don't forget that." Ai looked at Xiaoling is shock as Xiaoling got up and put a towel over her necked body. "Well, I'm going to go to sleep. Also, I'm fifteen."

Ai smiled as Xiaoling left. "A good luck charm, huh...?"


The next day both Xiaoling and Ai woke up in excruciating pain. Most likely from training.

"Owwww!" Xiaoling said when she got up from her bed and went to the kitchen where she saw Ai. "Good morning-Ow! Ai."

"Ow! Good morning-egh! Xiaoling." Ai said while Isa was drinking coffee.

"Good morning to you both." Isa said and took a sip of her coffee

Isa is a morning person?


"Gah!" Xiaoling said and looked towards Isa

'I apologize. I may have forgotten to mention that we could speak like this...'

Well remember next time! You scared the living hell out of me!

'Noted Mi'lady.'

"Are you okay?" Ai asked drawing Xiaoling attention away from Isa

"Yeah. I'm fine, I heard a buffoon and it scared me." Xiaoling explained

NOTE: Isa is the Buffoon

"A what...??" Ai questioned

"Nothing. Anyway, it's time to train. Combat today though." Xiaoling said and headed outside with Ai following her.

Ai knows some self defense moves, plus we've been training our bodies... We should be ready.

"Ai, you know martial arts right?" Xiaoling asked, but it was more of a statement. "I will be teaching you how to sharpen your reflexes and sense magical energy. I am the best in this area."

"Okay." Ai nodded

Xiaoling nodded as well. "Okay then," She pulled out the chessboard and set it up. "close your eyes and clear your mind. Make sure you feel calm and relax as well. Feel the wind... the ground... dig deep. What do you feel?"

Ai kept her eyes closed for a moment before opening them again. Her eyes we're fixated on the chessboard. "Xiaoling... the amount of energy coming from the relic..."

Xiaoling nodded, "Good. You're a fast learner than expected. Now then, " Xiaoling stepped to the side of the relic and got into a fighting stance. "Come at me."

"Xiaoling... I didn't know you knew martial arts!" Ai said and also got into a fight stance

Yeah well... I learned some from an early age in the real world... I just needed to train my body a little bit before I can use martial arts.

Ai ran towards Xiaoling, fist ready. Xiaoling blocked it by stopping it with her right hand. Xiaoling pulled hard, causing Ai to loose balance and flipped Ai over.

Ai wasn't finished though. As soon as she hit the ground she went to kick Xiaoling but was also blocked by Xiaoling. Ai tried landing fast punches and kicks to Xiaoling but they were all in vain.

She's so fast...!

Ai thought as she tried punching Xiaoling again, but was dodged by Xiaoling.

A few more minutes of this and Ai thought she finally had her. She used full speed and ran towards Xiaoling. Just as Ai's punch was a inch away, Xiaoling grabbed her forearm and threw her across the field.

When Ai had touched the ground she rolled and landed on her stomach. Xiaoling crossed her arms, "Is that all?" She said arrogantly

Ai was in shocked and remembered Xiaoling words. "I'm the best in this area."

She was right. She has amazing fast reflexes and she can sense beast energy from very far away. Xiaoling is truly amazing!

Ai though and rolled on her back panting. Xiaoling helped her up. "Again." Xiaoling said


Hello! I hoped you enjoyed this episode! Let me know if you find any mistakes!



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