Our Maid's Son

Our Maid's Son

Episode 1

Lucas narrating

My name is Lucas, I'm 17 years old and I live with my parents in the beautiful city of Sao Paulo. We live in a neighborhood where there are almost always robberies and murders. I was finishing packing my backpack to leave for school when I hear my mother screaming

"Lucas, come down for coffee, or you'll be late for school," she shouted, waking everyone in the house.

"I'm coming down, Dona Margarida," I shouted back.

I finished what I was doing and went downstairs. My mother was finishing making coffee.

"You know that school doesn't tolerate lateness," she said, visibly irritated.

"I know, Mom, that principal is a pain," I said, remembering the scoldings the principal gave me for being late.

I had my coffee chatting with my mother about random subjects, grabbed my backpack and headed to the bus stop. I got off in front of the school, entered it and walked to the classroom. I sat down and a boy came to talk to me.

"Hi, I'm new, could you help me with the subjects?" he said slightly worried.

"Yes, I can give you the schedule." I smiled kindly at him.

The rest of the day went by peacefully. In the last class, the principal passed by our room to announce the summer break.

"Everyone, starting tomorrow you're on summer break and won't be back until next month, have a good holiday everyone," she said smiling.

I went home and texted my mom, as she was working at the Rodrigues family home.

Mom, the principal announced summer break.

That's great, son. Since your grandmother won't be able to take you in, I'll have to bring you to spend a few days here with me at the Rodrigues'.

Okay, whatever you say.

I put my phone aside, and I started thinking about the possibility of going to spend some time at the house of my mother's employers, whom I had never met. I spent the whole afternoon watching TV series and soon my mother arrived, she takes off her shoes and sits down next to me.

"I spoke with Mr. Gustavo, and he agreed that I could take you to spend a few days there, that way I can sleep there too to take care of Clarice," she said, extremely tired.

"Alright, if there's no other choice." I was visibly sad because I wanted to spend this holiday with my grandmother.

"You'll like it there, honey, I know you will."

I decided to drop the subject. Later, I lay down on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with my mother screaming.

"Lucas, come down, because I can't be late."

"I'm already up," I yelled from inside the room.

I got up, brushed my teeth, packed a backpack with some clothes and went downstairs.

"Come on, boy," she said, setting the table in a hurry.

I sat at the table and had my coffee.

"Let's go, let's go," she said, rushing me.

I got up from the table, grabbed my backpack and we headed to the bus stop. We caught the same bus and after a few kilometers we arrived in front of the Rodrigues mansion. I stared at everything with sparkling eyes.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, son?" she said, following my gaze.

"It's big too."

We rang the mansion's doorbell and soon the door was opened by a woman.

"Dona Margarida, how are you?" the woman said, hugging my mother.

"I'm very well, Lurdinha," replied my mother.

"And this handsome boy, is he your son?" she asked, looking at me.

"Yes, this is Lucas."

I extended my hand and greeted Lurdinha. We entered the house and there was a couple sitting on the couch.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigues, this is Lucas, my son."

The man approached me and shook my hand.

"It's a pleasure to have you here with us, Lucas. Make our house your own," said the seated woman.

"Thank you," I thanked shyly.

I looked at the stairs and saw a cute boy coming down with a girl.

"Miguel, this is Lucas, Margarida's son," said Mr. Rodrigues.

The so-called Miguel looked at me and I looked back at him.

"Hi," he said dryly.

"Hi," I replied on the same level.

"This is Katarina Millicentes, Miguel's girlfriend," said Mr. Rodrigues, introducing me to the girl.

"Nice to meet you," I said, smiling.

"Hi," she replied dryly, just like her boyfriend.

The couple left and I sat down on the couch and chatted with the Rodrigues.


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