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Our Maid's Son

Episode 1

Lucas narrating

My name is Lucas, I'm 17 years old and I live with my parents in the beautiful city of Sao Paulo. We live in a neighborhood where there are almost always robberies and murders. I was finishing packing my backpack to leave for school when I hear my mother screaming

"Lucas, come down for coffee, or you'll be late for school," she shouted, waking everyone in the house.

"I'm coming down, Dona Margarida," I shouted back.

I finished what I was doing and went downstairs. My mother was finishing making coffee.

"You know that school doesn't tolerate lateness," she said, visibly irritated.

"I know, Mom, that principal is a pain," I said, remembering the scoldings the principal gave me for being late.

I had my coffee chatting with my mother about random subjects, grabbed my backpack and headed to the bus stop. I got off in front of the school, entered it and walked to the classroom. I sat down and a boy came to talk to me.

"Hi, I'm new, could you help me with the subjects?" he said slightly worried.

"Yes, I can give you the schedule." I smiled kindly at him.

The rest of the day went by peacefully. In the last class, the principal passed by our room to announce the summer break.

"Everyone, starting tomorrow you're on summer break and won't be back until next month, have a good holiday everyone," she said smiling.

I went home and texted my mom, as she was working at the Rodrigues family home.

Mom, the principal announced summer break.

That's great, son. Since your grandmother won't be able to take you in, I'll have to bring you to spend a few days here with me at the Rodrigues'.

Okay, whatever you say.

I put my phone aside, and I started thinking about the possibility of going to spend some time at the house of my mother's employers, whom I had never met. I spent the whole afternoon watching TV series and soon my mother arrived, she takes off her shoes and sits down next to me.

"I spoke with Mr. Gustavo, and he agreed that I could take you to spend a few days there, that way I can sleep there too to take care of Clarice," she said, extremely tired.

"Alright, if there's no other choice." I was visibly sad because I wanted to spend this holiday with my grandmother.

"You'll like it there, honey, I know you will."

I decided to drop the subject. Later, I lay down on my bed and fell asleep.


I woke up in the morning with my mother screaming.

"Lucas, come down, because I can't be late."

"I'm already up," I yelled from inside the room.

I got up, brushed my teeth, packed a backpack with some clothes and went downstairs.

"Come on, boy," she said, setting the table in a hurry.

I sat at the table and had my coffee.

"Let's go, let's go," she said, rushing me.

I got up from the table, grabbed my backpack and we headed to the bus stop. We caught the same bus and after a few kilometers we arrived in front of the Rodrigues mansion. I stared at everything with sparkling eyes.

"It's beautiful, isn't it, son?" she said, following my gaze.

"It's big too."

We rang the mansion's doorbell and soon the door was opened by a woman.

"Dona Margarida, how are you?" the woman said, hugging my mother.

"I'm very well, Lurdinha," replied my mother.

"And this handsome boy, is he your son?" she asked, looking at me.

"Yes, this is Lucas."

I extended my hand and greeted Lurdinha. We entered the house and there was a couple sitting on the couch.

"Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigues, this is Lucas, my son."

The man approached me and shook my hand.

"It's a pleasure to have you here with us, Lucas. Make our house your own," said the seated woman.

"Thank you," I thanked shyly.

I looked at the stairs and saw a cute boy coming down with a girl.

"Miguel, this is Lucas, Margarida's son," said Mr. Rodrigues.

The so-called Miguel looked at me and I looked back at him.

"Hi," he said dryly.

"Hi," I replied on the same level.

"This is Katarina Millicentes, Miguel's girlfriend," said Mr. Rodrigues, introducing me to the girl.

"Nice to meet you," I said, smiling.

"Hi," she replied dryly, just like her boyfriend.

The couple left and I sat down on the couch and chatted with the Rodrigues.

Episode 2

Lucas Narrating

I spent the entire afternoon talking to the Rodrigues couple, and I found out that they are good people, unlike their son.

"Mrs. Sarah, will you be wanting dinner now?" Lurdinha asked with a smile on her face.

"You can set the table now, Lurdinha" Mrs. Rodrigues smiled kindly at Lurdinha.

Lurdinha left and we went back to talking, when Miguel appeared with his girlfriend.

"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you" Miguel said smiling, and what a beautiful smile.

"Go ahead, son."

"I'm going out with Katarina to a club" he said, smiling even more.

Mrs. Rodrigues's face hardened.

"You know I hate that girl" she said, her face hardening even more.

"No one gets to decide my happiness" I felt like he was going to jump on everyone by the way he was acting.

"You're still under my roof, so I can still interfere in your life" Mr."Rodrigues said this time."

Miguel went up the stairs fuming, we continued talking on the couch and soon the maid came to call us for dinner, we sat at the table and started eating, soon Miguel and Katarina appeared.

"We're leaving now, and don't worry, we'll eat out" said Miguel, shaking the hand of his girlfriend or fiancee, I don't know.

They left and we finished eating, I went up to my room, turned on the TV and stayed watching series until my mother appeared with a little girl in her arms.

"Are you alright, son?" she asked worriedly.

"Yes, I'm fine" I said, answering her question.

"Oh, this is little Clarice, she's the girl I take care of" the girl immediately looked at me with those beautiful little eyes.

"Hi, Uncle, you are very handsome" she said excitedly.

"Thank you, little one" I squeezed her cheeks, leaving them red.

"Don't stay up too late" she said, closing the door.

I lay back down on the bed and kept watching.


I was sleeping and ended up waking up to someone in the next room making noise, soon the people next door started talking and I ended up hearing everything.

"Did you see, honey, that son of the maid is so strange" said the person I imagined to be Katarina.

"I don't even know why my father lets these kinds of people come here, and did you see the kind of clothes he was wearing?" Miguel said.

They were talking about me and there was nothing I could do but listen.

"Oh, those rags he calls clothes should be changed, ripped up, and thrown in the trash" she said, probably pacing Miguel's room.

"Let's do this, we're going to humiliate that bastard until he wants to leave on his own" said Katarina.

"Let's do it, I don't want that kind of people hanging around here" Miguel said, probably changing clothes.

I was totally screwed now, I would have to endure humiliation from Katarina and Miguel, but they will learn how many sticks it takes to make a canoe, it was time, I was tired of playing the nice guy and having people walk all over me, now I'm going to show them who I really am.


I woke up early, brushed my teeth in the bathroom, went down the stairs and sat down at the table with the Rodrigues couple who were already awake, said good morning to everyone and started to eat, soon Miguel appeared with Katarina.

"Good morning, dear family" said Miguel, all smiles.

Everyone answered good morning and sat down at the table, Miguel didn't stop staring at me for a second, and it was making me uncomfortable but at the same time I was kind of liking it.

"So, Lucas, is it?" "said Miguel, asking my name."

I nodded my head yes.

"So, don't you want to go for a walk with me, get some ice cream maybe?" he said, pretending to think about it.

"No, thank you, I have some things to take care of" I said without looking at his face.

"Lucas, it will be good for you to go for a walk and get out of that room a little" my mom said, holding little Clarice.

"Okay, okay, I'll just go to my room and change" I got up from the table and went up to my room.

I changed my clothes and went down to find Miguel sitting on the couch, we got into his car and headed towards a little square nearby.

Episode 3

Miguel's Narration

My name is Miguel, I'm 16 years old, and I live with my parents in the city of Sao Paulo. I've never been denied anything in this house; they always gave me everything I asked for. Some time ago at school, I met Katarina, my girlfriend and the only woman I truly love. One day, my dad gathers the entire family to share some news.

"Folks, tomorrow Lucas, Margarida's son, will be coming to spend a few days here at our house, and I expect everyone to treat the boy well so he doesn't leave. Can I count on everyone?" my father asked, standing and awaiting a response.

"I don't understand why you let the employees bring their children here. Isn't it enough that they're here already?" I said, looking at my stunned father.

"Don't talk like that, Miguel. They may be poor, but they're still good people," he said, confronting me.

"If you let that boy into my house, I'll do everything I can to make him leave." My mother, who was sitting, got up and approached my father.

"Miguel, dear, at least try to give this boy a chance. It will do you good," my mother said patiently.

"No way, Mom. It's impossible to give a chance to that kind of person," I said, already heading up to my room.

"I shouldn't have spoiled you so much. Look at what you've become," my father said, glaring at me.

I ignored what my father said and went up to my room. I entered the bathroom, took a shower, came out, grabbed some Calvin Klein underwear from my drawer, and got dressed. I lay down on the bed in just my underwear because it was hot.


I woke up with the sun shining through my window. I dragged myself out of bed, brushed my teeth, and went downstairs. I sat at the table without speaking to anyone and started to eat.

"Miguel, Lucas is arriving today, and I'm asking you, please, treat him well," my father said from across the table.

"This again? I'm not obligated to talk to anyone," I said, getting up from the table, totally stressed.

I went back up to my room, and my cell phone was ringing. I picked it up and answered.

"Hey, my love, how did you sleep without me?"

"Hi, my love. I didn't sleep very well."

"Why, my dear?"

"My dad wants to bring our maid's son to spend a few days here at our house."

"You're kidding, right?"

"I wish I were, my love. And now it seems the boy is arriving today."

"I'm coming over to be with you. Together, we'll get this bastard, whoever he is, out of here."

"Careful, babe."

"Don't worry."

I hung up the phone and put it on the nightstand. A little while later, Katarina appeared at my bedroom door. We kissed and lay down on my bed since Katarina was still a virgin, and we couldn't take the next step.


Later that afternoon, I heard some voices downstairs.

"Love, I think the maid's son just arrived," he said, waking me from a wonderful nap.

"I hear him, love," I said, not really caring about the situation.

"Love, I need to go. It's getting late," he said, shaking me again.

"Let's go. I'll walk you to the door," I said, getting out of bed.

I put on a shirt since I wasn't wearing one and left the room. Downstairs, I came face to face with a cute boy who made me melt. My father introduced us, and I mumbled a very dry "hi." Lucas smiled at Katarina after my father introduced her as my girlfriend, and she gave a dry "hi" back. I walked her to the door, said goodbye, and went back to my room. Later that same day, Katarina called me.

"What is it, Katarina? I was sleeping."

"Wow, such arrogance."

"What do you want, Katarina?"

"What's going on, Miguel? You've never spoken to me like this before."

"You know I don't like to be woken up."

"Okay, excuse me, Mr. Cranky."

"What do you want?"

"Some friends from school invited me to go to a club nearby. What do you think?"

"Let's go. I really need to get out a little. Kisses."

"Another one."

I hung up the phone and got ready to go to the club. I told my parents that I wouldn't be eating at home. I left the house with Katarina and met up with her friends. We headed to the club and soon arrived. The line was crazy. Katarina went to the front of the line and spoke to the bouncer.

"Good evening. I have a table reservation for five people," she said, squeezing my hand.

"Under what name, miss?" the guard asked, picking up a clipboard.

"Mine. Katarina Millicentes," Katarina said, meeting the guard's gaze.

We soon entered, and I ordered a vodka to start.


All of Katarina's friends were having fun at the club except for young Miguel, who was following his girlfriend around. Little did he know that Katarina was kissing someone else by the door of the women's restroom.

"Day, have you seen Katarina?"

Dayane, one of Katarina's friends, had just seen her by the bathroom door with someone else, but she couldn't tell Miguel yet.

"The last time I saw her, she was at the bar waiting for a whiskey," she said, answering Miguel.

Miguel went looking for Katarina but couldn't find her. He decided to stop looking and have some fun. Later that night, Katarina reappeared, a little drunk.

"Katarina, where were you? You disappeared all night," Miguel said, worried about his girlfriend.

"I was outside getting some air," she said, stumbling backward.

Dayane, who was behind Miguel, glared at her friend, already knowing what she had done. The young people decided to call it a night and went home.


We left the club and headed home. I arrived, went inside, and headed for my room. I ended up bumping into a vase in the hallway, and it crashed to the floor. I went into my room and plotted with Katarina to try to get Lucas out of our house. I woke up the next day with a headache. I looked out the window and got out of bed. Katarina and I went downstairs and said good morning to the family. I invited Lucas to go for ice cream, and he accepted. We went to a little plaza near our house.

"Where's this ice cream place, Miguel?" Lucas asked, looking at me.

"Relax, we're almost there," I said, continuing to walk.

We arrived at the ice cream parlor. I ordered two vanilla ice creams and went back to the table.

"So, Lucas, do you have a girlfriend?" I asked, looking at him.

"No, I've never had the pleasure," he said sincerely.

We continued talking, and I can confirm that Lucas is a very cool guy for me to be around. I decided that from that day on, I would try to get closer to Lucas to find out more about him because something about him intrigued me, but I couldn't describe what it was.

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