Whispers Of Love - Taekook

Whispers Of Love - Taekook

Am a replacement? (1)

Am I a replacement?
Chapter 1
His mother died at a young age. The villagers said it was a waste, but in fact, it was better to say ‘she died at a young age’ rather than ‘died leaving a young one’.
After all, her death was too soon, too unexpected for her little boy, who had no father.
After reaching the age of 18, Jungkook became very pretty, an absolute gorgeous. His body delicate and small. Face round, chubby, innocent and loaded with all of cuteness. He was very attractive but equally meek, shy and silent.
It’s a pity that he was poor. At first glance, he was destined to die with only a small amount of money in his hands, while being tossed between men who wanted to indulge in his body.
Either way, he would have a hard time finding a man who’d stay by his side and give him all the riches in the world.
He would meet a promiscuous man, give birth to two children, and will die as a poor being. Far from living a normal life.
After his mother died, he saw a group of men bashing into his house forcefullya day, saying that she(his mother) had taken a large amount of money from them. They looked around the house for a long time, but when there was nothing found they could take, their eyes simultaneously turned to Jungkook.
At that moment, Jungkook sensed the dire need to run and instinctively escaped, leaving behind his house. However, after less than half a day of running, he got caught. He was found hiding in a remote place.
The men started beating him before he could even stand up and scream. He expected the next man approaching him to kick or even slap his on the cheek, but for some reason, his touch was quite cautious as if he was caressing.
As soon as he thought something was weird when the man pinched his cheek and nuzzled his nose in his neck, he heard the voice of the man, saying, “If there are wounds on his face, I will not be able to sell him! Fckers, don't spoil his face.”
At that moment, his body got struck with the lid of the pot. It hurt much harder than a man’s hand.
Not long after he arrived at an unfamiliar place. He finally saw some women and men for the first time, and they adorned his body with a soft cloth, rubbing and washing carefully.
The sprinkled perfumed oil was so fragrant that Jungkook couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. His face was made more white and the lips more red with some lipstick. The thin soft, translucent fabric was not fit to be called clothes, it was like a second skin that hardly covered his belly, chest and thighs.
As he stepped up on the platform while wearing it after being harshly pushed from behind, the eyes of the masked men ahead rushed to him, hundreds of burning gazes on him. Then, Jungkook knew… This was the slave market.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
As you can see, he has brown locks of hair that seems to be slightly tanned by the sun. With…
The loud voice of the man was raising the heat of the Market even more. As a hand gently swept down Jungkook's head to his shoulders and back, the surrounding area began to fill up.
The platform on which Jungkook stood was as high as a stage where dancers performed, and the men under it were staring at him, wearing black masks and sitting cross-legged.
Jungkook was gazing down as the countless tears beads rolled down his cheeks and neck , but it was hard to avoid the looks of the countless men in front of him.
Those eyes boring into his body, burning each of his cells.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
His skin is even more soft to touch. He feels as soft as cotton. Think gentleman, how great fun it would be to have him under you, all wrecked ! ( laughs out loud while gr0ping jungkook)
( shivers and sobs out visible shaking his shoulders )
Men’s adam apples bobbed at the word ‘skin’ and ‘touch’. Even with the masks on, Jungkook could tell from their eye slits; the men seemed to be watching him.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Compared to his thin waist, his chest is plump and squishy ( chuckled ). Just gr0ping it will be satisfying! ( let's out a lecherous laugh )
In turn, the man grabbed Jungkook's chest. His eyes widened, biting back the gasp, his body trembling, like a small rabbit. It was the first time in his life that a man touched him. He couldn't help but sob out loud helplessly
He was trembling because he didn’t know what to do with the shame that was taking over him. The uncomfort killing him. So naive.
“Is he a ******?” A voice rang out loud from the public.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Of course. If you’re curious, how about you check it out yourself?
The atmosphere was gradually rising to the playful voice. All the men gathered here were nobles. The secret playground of the nobles, the market for buying and selling young slaves. There was this dark side to the splendid bustling empire, like a stained shadow.
The emperor had strictly forbidden to buy and sell slaves outside of the official market, but no one let out a word. Masked nobles were those who made laws and broke them. This entertainment was more enjoyable than anything else and they wanted to enjoy this pleasure.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Alright! Let's start with 5000 golds.
As if everyone was waiting for him to start, the bids began. “7,500.” “10 thousand.” “10,500!” “12 thousand!” Jungkook's eyes were busy following the voices. Someone called 10,000 from the right, 10,500 from the left, and 12,000 from somewhere.
“Twenty five thousand.” Even though it was not a very loud voice, the hall became quiet as if someone had poured water over them.
The price was twice as high as the previous one. The eyes of those wearing masks darted to the source. It was a man sitting in the center of the hall. He was covered by a mask, but it didn’t take much to deduce that he was an old man with grey hair and a bulging belly.
The man was an old, powerless nobleman who had no choice but to spend the rest of his life with women. His skinny body did not serve properly, and his sexual life was bad. His wife ran away at a young age, and his children were just too ashamed to acknowledge him. Buying a weaker one than him and bullying him, showing off his masculinity, was the only thing that made him feel alive.
Twang! The sound of the auction ending sounded like a trumpet announcing the execution of a prisoner. Jungkook looked around the hall with hazy eyes. The host who laughed with the corners of his mouth raised, and the little boy who was serving drinks between tables. Every man wearing the same mask was taking in his beautiful sight.
Auction? smooth skin? ample breasts? ******?
He lived in a village, but no matter how ignorant he was, he could guess what these words meant.
His eyes desperately signaled, “Help me”, but no one was interested in his requests. The host only shouted go bring the next slave.
It wasn’t just their masks that were similar. Their insides were the same, too. They were all the same. Filthy.
While he was trying to talk, a sturdy man came up to the stage and tied his wrists. Then, he bent down and released the chain from his ankle. Unlike the transparent and thin clothes like the wings of a dragonfly, the chain tied to his foot had weighed quite a bit.
Since it was removed, he really wanted to fly away and get out of this place like in a dream, but his ankle, which had a red mark by the chain, still felt sore. He couldn’t think of any place he could run to, with this ankle.
Jungkook was taken away by the man and led towards the noble who had bought him. He stood still and watched his approach. 
He raised his hand and touched his skin, pinching and gr0ping along. It wasn’t just his hands. Shiny old eyes were peering at his body, shamelessly.
Said the man, wrapping his hand around his waist. Perhaps because of the thin clothes, his sticky hands felt much more vivid. Goosebumps rose on Jungkook's neck as the man began licking, but it was not an exciting reaction. It was out of disgust .
The auction took place in secret in an obsolete mansion. The mansion had a structure where the main hall where the auction was held, and a long corridor for the purchased slaves, with bedrooms on the side.
Unlike the main hall where the security was strict, the more the people went to the bedroom, the fewer people were vigilant.
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
I want to taste you before taking you to my house. ( whispers in Jungkook's ear , biting his ear lobe)
( cries more and tries to break away from the man's grip, but fails)
*I have to run away. I want to run away. Can I run away?*
The man bent his already bent waist further toward Jungkook's chest. He lowered his face, burying it deep in his ample chest, and slowly began to solve his problems. His chest, not as big as bre@sts but quite swollen, were almost completely revealed, previously held back by the thin cloth. With shame, fear struck Jungkook again.
And as soon as the man was about touch his tongue on his chest skin, he hit the man with his forehead.
Even though he knew it was not an easy idea, Jungkook started to run. An angry voice burst from behind hi. as if to grab him.
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
Bloody b!tch . You dare to do so. I will kill you. Fck! catch him ( yells )
Without thinking about covering his chest, Jungkook ran like mad.
No-nnooo.. I can't get caught . .. no.. I can't .. ( sobs and mumbled while running aimlessly)
When the noble’s command was given, the guards guarding the main hall began to move in unison.
Jungkook would have been able to get out more quickly if his legs were fine, but his speed reduced now. His ankle was also sore, and it was difficult to find balance because of his hands tied together. Every time he ran, his body doubled him.
Once he turned his head, they were one step closer, and when he turned his head again, they were about five steps closer. He felt like he was about to get caught. Anxious, Jungkook was now imagining his death. Looking back was a waste of time for him now. He had to run. Run.
He was trying his best, but then he lost his balance and faltered. It didn’t take long to detect that his feet hit something. Jungkook fell forward. He hit the marble floor, and the pain spread as if he were being struck all over his body. His ankles were swollen and hiz limbs screamed in pain.
He tried to get himself up again, but he couldn’t gather any strength. His two hands, tied together, couldn’t hold himself up from the floor properly and he kept falling down. It was all meaningless. As if he were trampled by a ferocious beast’s feet.
The guard’s footsteps were approaching him. Is it over? Jungkook closed his eyes. He wished everything was a dream.
to be continued.




I just started reading this story.😊



Tiny girl ~Tk

Tiny girl ~Tk

He is what?



sultana sabir

sultana sabir

This line hit hard 💔



See all
1 Am a replacement? (1)
2 Am I a replacement? (2)
3 Am I a replacement? (3)
4 Am I a replacement? (4)
5 Am i a replacement? (5)
6 Am i a replacement? ( 6)
7 Am I a replacement? (7)
8 Am I a replacement? (8)
9 Am I a replacement? (9)
10 Am I a replacement? (10)
11 Am I a replacement? ( 11)
12 Am I a replacement? (12)
13 Am I a replacement? (13)
14 Am I a replacement? (14)
15 Am I a replacement? (15)
16 Am I a replacement? ( end )
17 Qui es-tu, mon amour? (1)
18 Qui es-tu, mon amour? (2)
19 Qui es-tu, mon amour? (3)
20 Qui es-tu, mon amour? (4)
21 Qui es-tu, mon amour? (5)
22 Qui es-tu mon amour? ( 6)
23 Qui es-tu mon amour? (7)
24 Qui es-tu mon amour? (8)
25 Qui es-tu mon amour? (9)
26 Qui es-tu mon amour?(10)
27 Qui es-tu mon amour? (11)
28 Qui es-tu mon amour? (12)
29 Qui es-tu mon amour? (13)
30 Qui es-tu mon amour? (14)
31 Qui es-tu mon amour? (end)
32 Special ℂlip
33 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
34 Elysian - Love means sacrifice
35 Elysian - Love means sacrifice
36 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
37 Elysian - Love means sacrifice
38 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
39 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
40 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
41 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
42 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
43 Elysian - Love means sacrifice
44 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
45 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
46 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
47 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
48 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
49 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
50 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
51 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
52 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
53 Elysian- Love means sacrifice
54 Elysian- the end
55 Obscene yet lovable - 1
56 Obscene yet lovable -2
57 Paris : city of love (oneshot)
58 Notice!
59 Crush on the Bad boy (oneshot)
60 Lacunae - Ep 1
61 Lacunae -Ep 2
62 Lacunae - Ep 3
63 Lacunae - Ep 4
64 Lacunae - Ep 5
65 Lacunae- Ep 6
66 Lacunae - ep 7
67 Lacunae - Ep 8
68 Lacunae - Ep 9
69 Lacunae - Ep 10
70 Lacunae - Ep 11
71 Lacunae - Ep 12
72 Lacunae - Ep 13
73 Lacunae - Ep 14
74 Lacunae - Ep 15
75 Lacunae - Ep 16
76 Lacunae - Special clip
77 Yuanfen - oneshot
78 Baby love - 1
79 Baby love - 2
80 Baby love - 3
81 You came to me like an angel ¹
82 You came to me like an angel ²
83 You came to me like an angel ³
84 You came to me like an angel ⁴
85 You came to me like an angel ⁵
86 You came to me like an angel ⁶
87 You came to me like an angel ⁷
88 You came to me like an angel ⁸
89 The Abandoned : Chapter 1
90 The Abandoned : Chapter 2
91 The Abandoned : Chapter 3
92 The Abandoned - Chapter 4
93 The Abandoned chapter - 5
94 The Abandoned - Chapter 6
95 The Abandoned - Chapter 7

Updated 95 Episodes

Am a replacement? (1)
Am I a replacement? (2)
Am I a replacement? (3)
Am I a replacement? (4)
Am i a replacement? (5)
Am i a replacement? ( 6)
Am I a replacement? (7)
Am I a replacement? (8)
Am I a replacement? (9)
Am I a replacement? (10)
Am I a replacement? ( 11)
Am I a replacement? (12)
Am I a replacement? (13)
Am I a replacement? (14)
Am I a replacement? (15)
Am I a replacement? ( end )
Qui es-tu, mon amour? (1)
Qui es-tu, mon amour? (2)
Qui es-tu, mon amour? (3)
Qui es-tu, mon amour? (4)
Qui es-tu, mon amour? (5)
Qui es-tu mon amour? ( 6)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (7)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (8)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (9)
Qui es-tu mon amour?(10)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (11)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (12)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (13)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (14)
Qui es-tu mon amour? (end)
Special ℂlip
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian - Love means sacrifice
Elysian - Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian - Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian - Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- Love means sacrifice
Elysian- the end
Obscene yet lovable - 1
Obscene yet lovable -2
Paris : city of love (oneshot)
Crush on the Bad boy (oneshot)
Lacunae - Ep 1
Lacunae -Ep 2
Lacunae - Ep 3
Lacunae - Ep 4
Lacunae - Ep 5
Lacunae- Ep 6
Lacunae - ep 7
Lacunae - Ep 8
Lacunae - Ep 9
Lacunae - Ep 10
Lacunae - Ep 11
Lacunae - Ep 12
Lacunae - Ep 13
Lacunae - Ep 14
Lacunae - Ep 15
Lacunae - Ep 16
Lacunae - Special clip
Yuanfen - oneshot
Baby love - 1
Baby love - 2
Baby love - 3
You came to me like an angel ¹
You came to me like an angel ²
You came to me like an angel ³
You came to me like an angel ⁴
You came to me like an angel ⁵
You came to me like an angel ⁶
You came to me like an angel ⁷
You came to me like an angel ⁸
The Abandoned : Chapter 1
The Abandoned : Chapter 2
The Abandoned : Chapter 3
The Abandoned - Chapter 4
The Abandoned chapter - 5
The Abandoned - Chapter 6
The Abandoned - Chapter 7


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