NovelToon NovelToon

Whispers Of Love - Taekook

Am a replacement? (1)

Am I a replacement?
Chapter 1
His mother died at a young age. The villagers said it was a waste, but in fact, it was better to say ‘she died at a young age’ rather than ‘died leaving a young one’.
After all, her death was too soon, too unexpected for her little boy, who had no father.
After reaching the age of 18, Jungkook became very pretty, an absolute gorgeous. His body delicate and small. Face round, chubby, innocent and loaded with all of cuteness. He was very attractive but equally meek, shy and silent.
It’s a pity that he was poor. At first glance, he was destined to die with only a small amount of money in his hands, while being tossed between men who wanted to indulge in his body.
Either way, he would have a hard time finding a man who’d stay by his side and give him all the riches in the world.
He would meet a promiscuous man, give birth to two children, and will die as a poor being. Far from living a normal life.
After his mother died, he saw a group of men bashing into his house forcefullya day, saying that she(his mother) had taken a large amount of money from them. They looked around the house for a long time, but when there was nothing found they could take, their eyes simultaneously turned to Jungkook.
At that moment, Jungkook sensed the dire need to run and instinctively escaped, leaving behind his house. However, after less than half a day of running, he got caught. He was found hiding in a remote place.
The men started beating him before he could even stand up and scream. He expected the next man approaching him to kick or even slap his on the cheek, but for some reason, his touch was quite cautious as if he was caressing.
As soon as he thought something was weird when the man pinched his cheek and nuzzled his nose in his neck, he heard the voice of the man, saying, “If there are wounds on his face, I will not be able to sell him! Fckers, don't spoil his face.”
At that moment, his body got struck with the lid of the pot. It hurt much harder than a man’s hand.
Not long after he arrived at an unfamiliar place. He finally saw some women and men for the first time, and they adorned his body with a soft cloth, rubbing and washing carefully.
The sprinkled perfumed oil was so fragrant that Jungkook couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. His face was made more white and the lips more red with some lipstick. The thin soft, translucent fabric was not fit to be called clothes, it was like a second skin that hardly covered his belly, chest and thighs.
As he stepped up on the platform while wearing it after being harshly pushed from behind, the eyes of the masked men ahead rushed to him, hundreds of burning gazes on him. Then, Jungkook knew… This was the slave market.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
As you can see, he has brown locks of hair that seems to be slightly tanned by the sun. With…
The loud voice of the man was raising the heat of the Market even more. As a hand gently swept down Jungkook's head to his shoulders and back, the surrounding area began to fill up.
The platform on which Jungkook stood was as high as a stage where dancers performed, and the men under it were staring at him, wearing black masks and sitting cross-legged.
Jungkook was gazing down as the countless tears beads rolled down his cheeks and neck , but it was hard to avoid the looks of the countless men in front of him.
Those eyes boring into his body, burning each of his cells.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
His skin is even more soft to touch. He feels as soft as cotton. Think gentleman, how great fun it would be to have him under you, all wrecked ! ( laughs out loud while gr0ping jungkook)
( shivers and sobs out visible shaking his shoulders )
Men’s adam apples bobbed at the word ‘skin’ and ‘touch’. Even with the masks on, Jungkook could tell from their eye slits; the men seemed to be watching him.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Compared to his thin waist, his chest is plump and squishy ( chuckled ). Just gr0ping it will be satisfying! ( let's out a lecherous laugh )
In turn, the man grabbed Jungkook's chest. His eyes widened, biting back the gasp, his body trembling, like a small rabbit. It was the first time in his life that a man touched him. He couldn't help but sob out loud helplessly
He was trembling because he didn’t know what to do with the shame that was taking over him. The uncomfort killing him. So naive.
“Is he a ******?” A voice rang out loud from the public.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Of course. If you’re curious, how about you check it out yourself?
The atmosphere was gradually rising to the playful voice. All the men gathered here were nobles. The secret playground of the nobles, the market for buying and selling young slaves. There was this dark side to the splendid bustling empire, like a stained shadow.
The emperor had strictly forbidden to buy and sell slaves outside of the official market, but no one let out a word. Masked nobles were those who made laws and broke them. This entertainment was more enjoyable than anything else and they wanted to enjoy this pleasure.
Random guy 1
Random guy 1
Alright! Let's start with 5000 golds.
As if everyone was waiting for him to start, the bids began. “7,500.” “10 thousand.” “10,500!” “12 thousand!” Jungkook's eyes were busy following the voices. Someone called 10,000 from the right, 10,500 from the left, and 12,000 from somewhere.
“Twenty five thousand.” Even though it was not a very loud voice, the hall became quiet as if someone had poured water over them.
The price was twice as high as the previous one. The eyes of those wearing masks darted to the source. It was a man sitting in the center of the hall. He was covered by a mask, but it didn’t take much to deduce that he was an old man with grey hair and a bulging belly.
The man was an old, powerless nobleman who had no choice but to spend the rest of his life with women. His skinny body did not serve properly, and his sexual life was bad. His wife ran away at a young age, and his children were just too ashamed to acknowledge him. Buying a weaker one than him and bullying him, showing off his masculinity, was the only thing that made him feel alive.
Twang! The sound of the auction ending sounded like a trumpet announcing the execution of a prisoner. Jungkook looked around the hall with hazy eyes. The host who laughed with the corners of his mouth raised, and the little boy who was serving drinks between tables. Every man wearing the same mask was taking in his beautiful sight.
Auction? smooth skin? ample breasts? ******?
He lived in a village, but no matter how ignorant he was, he could guess what these words meant.
His eyes desperately signaled, “Help me”, but no one was interested in his requests. The host only shouted go bring the next slave.
It wasn’t just their masks that were similar. Their insides were the same, too. They were all the same. Filthy.
While he was trying to talk, a sturdy man came up to the stage and tied his wrists. Then, he bent down and released the chain from his ankle. Unlike the transparent and thin clothes like the wings of a dragonfly, the chain tied to his foot had weighed quite a bit.
Since it was removed, he really wanted to fly away and get out of this place like in a dream, but his ankle, which had a red mark by the chain, still felt sore. He couldn’t think of any place he could run to, with this ankle.
Jungkook was taken away by the man and led towards the noble who had bought him. He stood still and watched his approach. 
He raised his hand and touched his skin, pinching and gr0ping along. It wasn’t just his hands. Shiny old eyes were peering at his body, shamelessly.
Said the man, wrapping his hand around his waist. Perhaps because of the thin clothes, his sticky hands felt much more vivid. Goosebumps rose on Jungkook's neck as the man began licking, but it was not an exciting reaction. It was out of disgust .
The auction took place in secret in an obsolete mansion. The mansion had a structure where the main hall where the auction was held, and a long corridor for the purchased slaves, with bedrooms on the side.
Unlike the main hall where the security was strict, the more the people went to the bedroom, the fewer people were vigilant.
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
I want to taste you before taking you to my house. ( whispers in Jungkook's ear , biting his ear lobe)
( cries more and tries to break away from the man's grip, but fails)
*I have to run away. I want to run away. Can I run away?*
The man bent his already bent waist further toward Jungkook's chest. He lowered his face, burying it deep in his ample chest, and slowly began to solve his problems. His chest, not as big as bre@sts but quite swollen, were almost completely revealed, previously held back by the thin cloth. With shame, fear struck Jungkook again.
And as soon as the man was about touch his tongue on his chest skin, he hit the man with his forehead.
Even though he knew it was not an easy idea, Jungkook started to run. An angry voice burst from behind hi. as if to grab him.
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
Bloody b!tch . You dare to do so. I will kill you. Fck! catch him ( yells )
Without thinking about covering his chest, Jungkook ran like mad.
No-nnooo.. I can't get caught . .. no.. I can't .. ( sobs and mumbled while running aimlessly)
When the noble’s command was given, the guards guarding the main hall began to move in unison.
Jungkook would have been able to get out more quickly if his legs were fine, but his speed reduced now. His ankle was also sore, and it was difficult to find balance because of his hands tied together. Every time he ran, his body doubled him.
Once he turned his head, they were one step closer, and when he turned his head again, they were about five steps closer. He felt like he was about to get caught. Anxious, Jungkook was now imagining his death. Looking back was a waste of time for him now. He had to run. Run.
He was trying his best, but then he lost his balance and faltered. It didn’t take long to detect that his feet hit something. Jungkook fell forward. He hit the marble floor, and the pain spread as if he were being struck all over his body. His ankles were swollen and hiz limbs screamed in pain.
He tried to get himself up again, but he couldn’t gather any strength. His two hands, tied together, couldn’t hold himself up from the floor properly and he kept falling down. It was all meaningless. As if he were trampled by a ferocious beast’s feet.
The guard’s footsteps were approaching him. Is it over? Jungkook closed his eyes. He wished everything was a dream.
to be continued.

Am I a replacement? (2)

Am I a replacement?
Chapter 2
Is it over?
Jungkook whimpered in pain while lying helplessly on the floor.
Hmm. . .
But then, he heard a strange man’s laugh in his ear.
At the moment, Jungkook's body flinched. The man’s laughter rang louder as if he had seen something funny. When Jungkook opened one of his eyes, he saw a toe covered by a fancy shoe.
To bare your chest and lie on the floor… Is this a new kind of entertainment? ( asks with a chuckle )
The boy with his chest exposed wriggled like a caterpillar.
So pretty yet petty.
Jungkook was so desperate, but the man was laughing. He looked ridiculous, crawling on the floor to live. Jungkook managed to raise his head. And his eyes widened in surprise. … That man wasn’t wearing a mask.
It was the first time he saw a person without a mask except for the host and the attendants. His outfit and graceful appearance were not of a host or attendant either.
Brown eyes with raven black hair. His eyes were cool, like ice. It wasn’t shiny eyes from eye slits staring at him, but eyes cold like a winter night. His eyes were strangely overbearing, so even though Jungkook's body froze, he felt an unknown sense of relief. His perfect jawline, his gaunt and Greek God face and those sharp stare. Absolutely handsome! For the first time, he saw someone who he could discern.
May I help you, little boy ? ( bent a little and asked in a mocking tone )
Or may be not . ( stood straight again with a frown )
Please. . ( mumbles out while streaming tears out )
Then an angry voice sounded from behind. " The boy is mine." Jungkook turned hid head and saw the nobleman and guards rushing in.
But the moment he found the man in front of Jungkook, the old nobleman bowed his head and opened his mouth with a different soft voice while smiling awkwardly.
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
Umm- Sir .. my lo-lord Kim. . . Count Taehyung . ( bows twice )
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
How can you be in a place like this ?
Park Bogum, agriculture department right?. I thought you were living in peace while raising a younger student in the countryside, but what may you be doing here? ( asks with a serious face but mocking tone )
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
I had some work here and by chance, I bought a slave. But I didn’t expect the foolish slave to run away, haha. ( laughs nervously )
Quite a choice, Bogum shii. ( glances at the whimpering and crying little Jungkook)
So how much is he ? ( asks while folding his sleeves )
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
This slave . . . the boy down there. The half ***** slave. ( chuckled )
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
No. . I can't give him. I brought him for my self. I- ( stopped speaking instantly)
Bogum couldn’t speak anymore. This was because the sword on the Count Kim's waist was aiming precisely at the tip of his chin. He held his breath.
I guess my question wasn’t who bought this slave, but how much did he cost?
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
30,000 gold.
I’ll give you six. Sell this slave to me. ( says in a casual tone with a shrug)
Slave Buyer
Slave Buyer
I agree, my lord.
I will send someone to pay the amount sooner or later. And it’s especially surprising to see that Bogum shii was here. Your Majesty is very sensitive to illegally operated markets these days. ( says dramatically)
( He laughed. The laugh was beautiful, he looked dam dead handsome , but he looked so cruel. While threatening with a sword on the old man’s neck, the sword didn’t shake even a bit.)
As soon as he lowered the sword in slow motion, Bogum screamed thanks and turned around. Jungkook, who was watching until he disappeared, finally opened his mouth.
My lord. . .
Th-thank you, th-ank you so mm-much ( sobs out while mumbling )
( Tears filled his eyes, flowing down his cheeks. Words came out mixed with his irregular breaths. At first glance, he looked really beautiful. Very innocently gorgeous)
( smirks while checking out Jungkook)
Thank you-thank you. . . i am grateful, thanks.. .
Why are you thankful? ( sits on his knees before jungkook)
( looks up at Taehyung with wide red wet eyes and red nose and flushed cheeks as he sobs)
How do you know I am better than that fatso ? ( gently pinches Jungkook's chin with his thumb and point finger )
The voice as light as a feather could not easily be read. The only thing that can be detected is a bit of interest.
( shivered and sobbed more )
You are so naive. ( chuckled)
Jungkook thought it was probably not the man who bought him, but the women of this mansion.
Lalisa wiped her damp hands on the apron, looking at Jungkook. Lisa, who has been working with this family for generations, had disapproved of Jungkook ever since he first entered the house.
Where are you going to be of use? ( asks with a irritated and annoyed face)
Jungkook bent his back at the cold voice that reprimanded him. As he lowered his head, bitter his lower lips and clutching his dress and looked down, the tips of the maid’s clunky shoes came in sight. Her toes were tapping dissatisfied on the smooth floor.
Uh fck! Why the hell did master buy a shitty kid like him. ( rolls her eyes and crossed her arms )
Sorry. ( replies with a small mumble )
Taehyung who bought him at the slave market told someone to bring Jungkook to his mansion. Then he handed it to the maid telling her to use Jungkook wherever she wanted.
The man who bought Jungkook was named Count Kim Taehyung, who is considered one of the most powerful and outstanding knights and head of all soldiers in this empire.
In the center of the capital, almost everyone knows him, but Jungkook, who helped in farming in someone else’s field in a quiet rural village, had not heard of this strange name.
You are so weak and frail. ( makes a tsk sound )
Bring the vase to the warehouse. It’s on the far right of the second floor. Can you at least do that? ( says rudely )
Yes madam. ( nods thrice quickly and blinks multiple time to control the tears )
However, unlike Lisa, who said it wasn’t a big deal at this point, the vase felt quite large and heavy. What vase was this to be so heavy?
No, maybe the heavy feeling wasn’t the vase, but his drooping body. He only slept for three or four hours, and was only given a bit of soup and a piece of bread. It had been a little less than a week since he came to this house and in the meantime, Jungkook was really experiencing what a territory was like.
The ankle, which was tied up by the chains, was still sore because he couldn’t rest properly, and the shock from the time he fell still had bruises on his back and arms. Every time he moved something big, it seemed like his body ached.
He was dying, working with this body was painful. But what could he do? He had to resume.
Jungkook hugged the vase with both hands and diligently moved his feet between the maids. The gestures of the maids cleaning the house were busy and careless. They didn’t look at the convenience of Jungkook, and thanks to him, he had no choice but to squeeze through the gap in a sloppy shape.
Jungkook hurriedly walked with a throbbing ankle. The warehouse came into sight when he turned around the corner in front of him. He just had to put it in there.
"Make no mistake, move well."
The moment the soft voice passed through his ears, air blown through his ears and something soft touching his ear lobe, Jungkook's body staggered. His body lost balance and began to lean forward, terrified to feel that someone was pushing him from behind.
With the sound of the vase breaking, Jungkook's body fell over the corridor. And at the same time, a small laughter erupted from the back. However, he had no time to turn his head and find out who it was.
Oh no! Oh my god! ( panicked )
Jungkook approached like a creeper and began to pick up the pieces of the vase with his bare hands. Unlike the trembling fingertips, there was no hesitation in picking up sharp pieces.
Ah! eomma~ ( teared up )
Then, in the end, he cut his hand. As he sucked his fingers, a fishy taste struck his tongue. Red blood continued to ooze from the scratch, but Jungkook moved his hand again. Every time he touched a sharp piece, he was flinching in sharp pain, but he was busy thinking about how to fix it.
But then, he heard the sound of someone stepping on the broken pieces. Jungkook's hands froze. The toe of the leather padded shoe came into sight. The moment he guessed who the owner of the shoe was, a careless voice fell into his ear.
What are you doing, little boy? ( asks with a bored tone )
( raised his head a little and immediately looked down as their eyes met )
Master. . .mmm. . .master.. I am sorry. . .master for-forgive me . ( says with a small scared tone )
Wow, really! Can’t you do any of the work? ( hissed at Jungkook)
Master, I will clean it. Please don't bother. This guy here, is a dumb. ( smiles and speaks shyly)
Move , you bish! ( whispers and elbows Jungkook's back pushing him away )
( he gets up silently looking down and wiped his palms on his dress making blood speared on it and blinked multiple times to avoid tears )
Tsk! ( walks away )
(He laughed while walking away and looking back at the meek naive Jungkook. He found Jungkook really adorable and pitiful then but then also he enjoyed teasing him )
(The little boy's clear round big teary red doe eyes looking at him with his chest openly passed through his head again. Only then was he a young and humble slave boy.)
Taehyung had then left for a war.
The war took one full year to end. It was a war of conquest.
At the end of the boring days of repeated cease-fire and war, the emperor of Busan received complete surrender from two small kingdoms.
When the trumpet sounded that the war was over, the people were delighted, hugging each other.
Most stores lowered their product’s prices in commemoration of the victory; the rich opened their warehouses to feed the hungry; and the wandering musicians reenacted the glory of the caters with their flamboyant speech.
And it was said that Kim Taehyung was the hero of the war.
The cruel and ruthless god of war. When the black flag representing his army fluttered, the smell of blood arose. When he wielded a knife, his allies held their breath and lowered themselves.
The more he cut, trampled, and killed soldiers without mercy, the more the people of Busan praised him.
He won’t stop the knife under any circumstances! He’s slitting a few people’s throats on his own! Several rumors that may be true or false had been added to make him appear as a more brutal and elegant monster. Some accused Taehyung of being devilish and ruthless, but the accusation was often buried in the public’s cheers.
Jungkookie! Jungkookie!
The master is finally coming back! ( squeaks with excitement)
Hobi, who was holding a mop, made a big fuss. A little less than a year after working in this house, Hobi was about the same age as Jungkook. He couldn’t see Hobi often because they usually work in different areas, but they could be called friends.
The war is over? ( asks with his shy slow voice while looking at Hobi with wide eyes )
I guess so. I can’t wait for him to come back! Master was always strong and good looking. . .( makes heart eyes )
. . .so he must have gotten more handsome. But he’s a little scary, isn’t he? ( keeps his elbow on Jungkook )
Strong and good looking… ( mumbled as he got lost in his thoughts of how he first saw Taehyung)
Dark colored hair and brown eyes came to his mind first. The angular jaw and the sleek nose gave a strong and impenetrable feeling, but those clear eyes were sharp like a light-weighted blade. He was a dangerously handsome man, but his eyes were as cold as ice, giving him a heavy sense of intimidation.
Shall we go see the parade?
I need to sweep the floor and set the water of cooking and a little more. Let’s go after this. ( gives a small smile )
After the war, a parade of endless nobles and peasants came in. Carriages lined up long on the main road from the capital to the castle gate, diligently carrying various rare things.
Jungkook had ever seen in his life. Shiny jewels, engineers, artists who made vases of soil, marble carvers, all sorts of people and things were present.
Taehyung was also granted numerous properties and territories in recognition of his contribution. Most of the spoils went to his share, but the material things that Taehyung already had were meaningless. Therefore, for him, the greatest honor was the spoils of war.
But this time, it was different.
The most special and unusual thing he’d ever received in this war was the Prince of Daegu.
Prince of Daegu. A perfect match for Master.
At the news of the master's wedding, the maids were busy preparing to welcome the wife.
He must be beautiful, right? He's a prince, full of dignity! ( says with dream eyes )
Hm. . . a prince for a knight. ( whispers inaudibley)
So lucky!
Taehyung had never touched the maids. It was a public fact and natural thing for nobles to regard their servants under their control as their dogs. They were possessions bought by the aristocrats and could be used at any time. Nevertheless, Taehyung had never taken the maids in this house.
I wish I could hug him at least once. His shoulders are so wide and he’s so tall… so gorgeous! AH, of course I have Jackson. ( whines )
( pauses and thinks about Taehyung's body posture for a while )
Hobi had a crush on Jackson, the gardener. The maids were usually not allowed to get married, but it depended on the owner’s permission. Taehyung was on the side of allowing maids to get married. So, Hobi was dreaming of marrying Jackson.
I hope he comes back safe. ( just mumbles thoughtlessly as he leaves towards the wall, his chubby cheeks getting squeezed on the wall)
to be continued

Am I a replacement? (3)

Am I a replacement?
Chapter 3
According to the tradition, both the wedding and reception were to be held in Busan, and the bride will only come to the Count’s castle to celebrate the first night.
The butlers and maids were more diligent than ever, moving in and out of the house. The flowers were changed to fresh ones, and all the furniture in the room was replaced with new ones. Everything was perfectly equipped, including a bed with a colorful lace bed sheet, a closet full of beautiful dresses, and a jewelry box full of expensive accessories.
“The carriage is about to arrive.” someone shouted .
The maids lined up to greet their master and the prince, who would soon become their Mistress. One of them was Jungkook. He'd been waiting with his back bent deeply for a long time, so he felt like he would die if he waited any longer.
Shortly after the bustling sounds were heard, a carriage was seen entering the gate. He peeked at the carriage out of curiosity, but the carriage was covered by a curtain and he couldn’t see the inside at all.
Taehyung came out from the first bourgham. He stood their his head up high and a dominating aura. Jungkook couldn't look at his master for long and simply looked down biting his lower lip.
Taehyung walked to one of the bourghams that followed behind and opened the door extending his palm.
Come on, let's go inside. You need rest. You have traveled a lot. ( his voice has gentleness )
( finally straightened his back and stood up and peeked at the bourgham to take a look at the prince )
Taehyung helped the prince down the carriage carefully. The prince had short height reaching till Taehyung's chest. Perfect for a couple, isn't it ? Jungkook thought.
The prince was in a complete white attire and a beautiful white veil with flower crown above hid his beautiful face. Beautiful right, he is a prince after all.
Taehyung finally came across the maids and took a look at everybody thoroughly. Jungkook shied out and shrunken a bit backward within himself when Taehyung was looking at him. But that didn't bother Taehyung. He just examined every maid.
I have decided. The maid who will be at your forever personal service will be, Jungkook. ( said to the prince )
The prince simply nods once from inside the veil. But Jungkook was awestruck.
* What! me ? Why ? Eomma. . .🥺. what will happen now? * ( panicked internally and clutched his dress tightly in his sweaty palms while biting his lower lip )
Jungkook looked puzzled as he raised his head. Another maid next to him pushed him ahead. Unknowingly, he sprang forward and hurriedly bowed his head.
Mm-mm-my name is jj-jeon jungkk-kook. I will trr-ry my best to serve you. ( stutters nervously )
The veil without any noise just shaked up and down.
According to the custom, Jungkook began to take the prince and guide him throughout the castle. This place was quite large even for the castle where the lords stay. So, to explain to the first prince, Jungkook had to diligently take care of his words and steps.
Jungkook, who explained every corner of the spare bedroom and guest room on the third and fourth floors, stood in front of the bedroom where the prince would spend the first night.
This is the bedroom where you will sleep in the future, your Highness. The bathroom is this way, so please take a bath first… ( said while taking a turn towards the prince)
But as soon as Jungkook looked back, the prince reached out to his veiled head.
Then, without hesitation, he took off his veil and flung it on the bed. Surprised, Jungkook's eyes became round.
The bride was officially prohibited from speaking or taking off the veil himself, and the prince had violated both in a heartbeat.
The prince’s face, which had been covered by the blurry veil, was now clearly visible. Jungkook, who was watching the scene in front of him blankly, gulped as his parched throat grew tighter. The prince’s hair was exactly as brown shades as him.
The prince was very cute. He was fair as snow, he seemed soft just by sight. His long eye lashes, chubby yet perfect shaped face, dreamy eyes, little nose and red plum colored full lips. . . he indeed was a prince..
So beautiful! So royal! - jungkook thought.
The nobles are the sun, and humble beings like us are merely a handful of stars, scattered all over the dark night sky. Suddenly jungkook remember these certain words of his dead eomma.
Surprised, Jungkook's eyes became round, he covered his mouth with his half covered paw and gasped . The bride was officially prohibited from speaking or taking off the veil himself, and the prince had violated both in a heartbeat.
The prince looked at Jungkook with a calm face as if he didn’t know what he had just done.
Prince- what was your name again, pretty maid ?
Jjj-jung kook. Jungkook ( stutters out nervously)
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Park jimin , I am prince from Daegu. ( smiles )
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
Jungkook huh? pretty name for a pretty one. Take care of me from now on. ( turns and stands facing Jungkook )
( bows twice immediately)
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
And I’d like to ask you one more favor… ( said while looking around the room)
The new room was colorful and cozy. In particular, the bed in the center of the room was huge and an antique piece. Luxurious lace sheets were placed gracefully in the form of a dome, without wrinkles on the clean bed that looked new.
The lights felt softer than usual, and a sweet scent was subtly detected in the room. The bedroom had been carefully prepared for several days by the maids, to check whether the habitants would feel sore or uncomfortable.
In front of the bedroom, Jungkook was waiting for the new groom and his master, Taehyung.
Sooner than expected, the strong sound of footsteps was heard. Jungkook, who stood still as if he was guarding the new room, bowed his head to the sound of footsteps.
As he was bowing, he was not able to see Taehyung. He just raised and looked at Taehyung when he heard a little "rise" in a deep voice and a pair of classy leather shoes were his sight.
( jungkook noticed how Taehyung had lost weight, how he looked tired and loaded with fatigue. His eyes screamed tiredness and loneliness. He felt bad and sad for his master savior and wanted take care of him . But who was he to do it? He has a wife now. His wife will take care and love him. Right? He cannot. )
Oh master, you-you are back. ( looked down and asked in a calm tone while bitting his lips and clutching his dress hem )
Move. ( simply said this in a stern manor )
At his command, Jungkook froze on the spot, his breathing ceased.
( simply stood their biting his lips and looking down)
Are you deaf? Move . . .I order. ( raged voice )
( blinked to avoid tears and flinched visibly)
Mm-master the prince, I mean bride is tired. He slept earlier. ( stutters out nervously)
Shut up and get the hell out . ( annoyed tone )
He-he fell into a very deep sleep and si-seemed to have a little ff-fever for some reason, so I don’t think you should overdo it today. W-why don’t you come tomorrow…?( lifted his face with little bravery and said as he glanced at Taehyung)
I hope you don’t forget that I am your master, and the final decision is mine, not yours. ( walks towards Jungkook almost pinning him to the wall behind )
Even though he had pointed out their relationship in a dry voice, there was a strong sense of pressure that could not be ignored. Jungkook bit his lower lip hard, his heart beating loudly and eyes getting teary.
Soon, Taehyung passed by Jungkook and opened the door with his own hands. With a dull sound, the sturdy door opened, and he strode into the room. Jungkook stared vaguely at his towering back and followed his Master in.
And as soon as Taehyung's huge palm slammed into the canopy of the bed, Jungkook closed his eyes tightly, controlling his sobs out of fear.
What has happened?( asks in a deadly grave voice )
Jungkook raised his eyes only to see Taehyung looking at him furiously. His eyes held Jungkook captive urging him to answer. Even though he was just looking at Jungkook, Jungkook felt his toes curl for no reason. He didn’t know if it was because of Taehyung's deep voice, because of his arrogant way of speaking or that dam bone breaking stare.
aa-out. . .outside. He-he went out-outside. ( stutters out with all hid nervousness )
From ?
The window . . . ( his meek voice came out as a whisper )
It was a long time ago that the Prince Jimin, who had asked him for a favor, told him to weave the clean bedclothes and blankets.
Despite not knowing what was happening, because the prince had asked for it, Jungkook obeyed. He tied the blankets tightly, after which the Prince asked him to throw them out of the window this time.
Only then, Jungkook, who figured out the meaning, panicked.
My Prince, no. . its not-
Park Jimin
Park Jimin
You will help me this time. Won't you? ( pouts and makes a innocent face )
The Prince had initially promised to come back before Taehyung came to the room, but Jungkook could not even see his nose. He suddenly disappeared like a mirage.
What did you do? Is this your work? I’m not sure if you’ve been doing your work. ( sits on the bed with one leg ok another and asks sternly )
(He didn’t know what to answer, so he chose to be silent. He didn’t know where to start and how to explain the situation or anything else. This incident was just hopeless and difficult to explain, and jungkook could only roll up and squeeze his maid’s uniform hard.)
It’s… it’s my fault. Please scold mmm-me for the mistake I made. I have na-nothing to say even if you lock me up in the basement, hang me in the backyard, and punish me. It’s all my fault…( bows multiple times and says in a shaky voice )
Lock you up ?
Yes. .
Who will do all the work then? If you don’t work, it’ll be my loss. ( put his both hands back and leans back a bit, gaze boring into jungkook)
. . .
I thought I made it clear that you need to do what you were assigned, and that if I didn’t like your work, I would sell you. ( now his voice had command )
( shivered and sobbed on hearing sell )
Eventually, Jungkook fell to his knees. With his hands on the floor, he bent over and began to plead. 
I have committed a crime worthy of death! I’m…. ( pleads )
I. . . ummm. . .think . . its time for . . .that. ( walks to jungkook and stands close to him )
One second jungkook saw Taehyung's classy leather shoes infront of him and the other second he felt like he was lifted and jolted up.
Taehyung had grabbed jungkook by his arms tightly and pulled him up harshly. As a reflex Jungkook's hands landed on Taehyung's chest and his eyes widened with shock.
Taehyung kept looking at him with his deep brown eyes. He had a different aura this time, more dark more dangerous.
Jungkook couldn't keep up with the gaze and he started squirming and looking in other direction but Taehyung gripped his waist by one hand and grabbed his chin by other, forcing him to look at him.
Jungkook was scared and flushed as hell. His innocent Bambi eyes were tearing now. He bit his lower lips to control his sob while looking at his master which made Taehyung smirk.
You should replace the prince, now. ( leaned towards Jungkook's ear and said while touching his lips with his earlobe )
( his eyes widened, as if he had heard words that he wasn’t supposed to hear. He even forgot that he should not dare to look into his eyes.)
I’m tired of the long war and I need something to relieve my fatigue. So, I’ll have you instead. ( pulls back and says while tightening his hold on koo's chin )
( forgot to blink and looking at Taehyung wide-eyed)
Don't you want it, hmm.. .baby? ( again started nuzzling his nose on koo's cheek )
( his hands slowly traveled to Jungkook's color button , his long fingers stroking his neck and color bones a little before going to the buttons )
His touch was leisurely, as if he were enjoying Jungkook's reaction, but on the other hand he was undeterred. He was relaxed yet arrogant, as if he knew that the troubled boy in front of him would not be able to stop him.
With a pop, pop, pop, the faint sound of the buttons being undone sounded as loud as thunder. Three or four buttons were released and pale skin was revealed.
( squirmed and tried to push Taehyung away with whatever strength he had )
( his cheeks were red as rose petals and his nose was turning red too. His lips were quivering and shaking and he was biting them often. He was trying to look away from Taehyung and get out of his grip)
( grabbed Jungkook's cheeks and smashed his lips with him. He could feel the boy shaking, shivering and squirming in his arms. He was feeling the mild vibrations of his whimpers and moans in his mouth which he was swallowing away with koo's breath as he had taken both the rose fold lips into his mouth and was sucking them hungrily, draining his all fatigue, tiredness and god knows what emotions into it. He was like a full beast in it )
( He shivered and trembled with the force in which his lips were being sucked. He felt as if his master will eat him then and there today. Unknowingly his grabbed his masters bicep tightly, poking his nails on it. He was not ready for it , but he can't deny too. He is at fault. He should compensate. So without any further protest he just let his master take control. )
The borrowed chemise was so big and bulky that it did not fit jungkook at all. If a few more buttons were released, Taehyung would see his breasts. Jungkook's body began to tremble at the unexpected turn of events. His heart was beating like crazy. Taehyung broke the kiss with a last tight smooch, pulling koo's lips with his teeth and gave him a feline smile.
Did you like it? ( one hand grabbing Jungkook's waist tightly and other fondling his shirt buttons )
His buttons were slowly coming undone as Jungkook hesitated. Before he knew it, more than half of his buttons were released, and his chest was prominent. Eventually, the reply finally trickled out onto the tip of his tongue.  
Nn-no.. master.
Taehyung's lips parted. He didn’t need Jungkook's answer, but he wanted to hear it somehow. He wanted him to say it out loud. He hadn’t intended to stop anyway.
But the more he looked into the eyes of the scared little fragile boy in his arms, the more interested he became. The look of fear in his eyes was familiar, but this boy was a little different. There was a touch of insolence in his eyes, as if he was afraid that he couldn’t avoid undoing the buttons.
Taehyung's heart was feeling different emotions at a time. It was not only of excitement about having $ex, or the enjoyment of seeing such little innocent and scared being in his hold. But it was slight worry and some care. Something with a urge to keep him close forever.
to be continued

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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