It seems the king did not take it well, yet it was necessary to speak up, though three days have passed without a summon from him, he had thought he would be cast out of the palace by now, but all remains the same: he retains his servants, guards, and the teacher's attendance; on that day, he went for a walk with Flora and Lina, but he was informed that enough time had elapsed, and it was now time to rejoin the ladies, which is truly bothersome. He returned inside for Flora to assist him in choosing appropriate attire, for he cannot attend in the robe he commonly wears; in the end, they select simple yet sophisticated garments.
"How splendid, Your Highness, remember to behave... because..."
"What's wrong? Is there something I should know?"
"At that event, the Duke's daughter will be present, who is rumored to be entering the palace soon, as a concubine..."
Livia purses her lips; this king's appetite is insatiable.
"Fine, it doesn't matter, as long as she doesn't bother me, all is well."
Both girls are surprised at his lack of concern, for before the accident, whenever a new concubine arrived, he would weep.
"Don't look at me like that; people change and realize it isn't worth crying over someone who doesn't recognize your worth."
Though it matters little to him, for the real one, it must have been very painful to have to share the man he loves. Now ready, they head to the carriage, as the gathering is at Duke Roman's mansion. From the window, the king watches him leave, still in disbelief that this is no longer Livia, but if true, it means there's no second chance, no amending his mistake and starting anew.
"Majesty, the queen has gone to the tea party... but..."
"What's the matter?"
"The Baron Roman's daughter will also be there, rumored to be entering the palace as a concubine."
The king stands, slamming both hands on the desk.
"What? Those are mere rumors... arrange a carriage, I'll go to the party."
"But majesty, spouses do not attend that function."
"I am the king; I shall go wherever I please."
Meanwhile, Livia has arrived at Duke Roman's mansion. Upon entering, all cast upon her looks of annoyance and laughter, it's obvious she's the joke of all those so-called ladies, yet they grudgingly rise to offer curtseys. Duchess Roman approaches to greet Livia and introduces her daughter, Katia Roman, a beautiful yet haughty woman, who barely nods in greeting.
"Greetings, queen, I hope we can get along, after all, I'll soon be the king's concubine."
An awkward silence fills the room; Katia's audacity in saying such a thing just as the queen arrives is astounding, and all await Livia's tearful exit, but instead, she smiles.
"Really? But I haven't consented to anything. You should know the queen controls the harem, and I decide which woman enters or leaves."
Livia's smile carries a hint of mockery, catching everyone off guard by the queen's composed response; Katia clenches her teeth but manages a smile.
"But it's a foregone conclusion; there's nothing you can do..."
Livia hears snickers from those gathered, inspiring a deep sigh.
"I am the queen, if I wished, all concubines could be expelled from the palace, so unfortunately, there's no vacancy for another concubine."
Duchess and Katia are outraged by Livia's words, everyone knows the queen never challenges anyone and is known to be submissive. Soon enough, Katia covers her face, crying.
"Forgive me, queen, it's not my decision, if I defy the king I dread the consequences."
"Huh? What's gotten into you suddenly; are you mad?"
"What's happening here?"
Livia turns to see the king has arrived; that must be why Katia resorted to tears. The Duchess bows deeply.
"My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty. My daughter merely informed the queen of her impending role as a concubine, and the queen began to insult her."
"Majesty, the queen has been quite aggressive."
Katia and her mother put on a tearful front before the king, as Livia just stands there, lips pursed, cursing those women.
"May I hear your side, queen?"
The crowd is taken aback as the king shows preference for Livia's response.
"I simply informed her that I decide who's in or out of the harem, and if I wish, the harem could be expelled from the palace."
She refuses to lie; now it's up to the king which version to believe, though obviously, he'll side with those women. To her shock, he embraces her by the waist and kisses her on the forehead, leaving everyone stunned.
"And the queen is correct; I'm unsure who told you you'd be part of the harem, but I'm afraid that's not the case."
"What? But Your Majesty..."
Katia and the Duchess now see the other ladies sneering at them.
"Your Majesty, I will conform to your standards, but please don't deny me the privilege of the harem."
"You've never had that privilege; I'll find out who spread this rumor and they will apologize, but in the meantime, without the queen's approval, no one enters."
The king picks up Livia to take her away from the location, despite the protests of the crowd and the pleas of Duchess and Katia not to be left in such a state, though they are barred by the king's escorts. In the carriage, Livia sits opposite the king.
"Why did you come? Is there something we need to discuss?"
"Yes, but it will wait until we return to the palace."
"Are you going to evict me from the palace? If so, at least give me some money to tide me over while I find employment."
The king looks at him with a certain sadness; if everything he's been told is true, it means he'll never be loved by Livia, despite his continued affection.
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