Episode 20

(Quick recap)

“We have to take him hospital now...!!!” Quickly Gautam spoked up.


“But who will let you go outside!!!”


Everyone looked behind and saw Armaan, Rahim, Rehman.


Looking at them in a very cruel way...




“HAHAHA”  Laughing venomously Armaan moved forward. His right hand was covered with a piece of cloth, it was an injured part, as Abhishek had sliced it with a knife before.

“Armaan!! Still alive!” Gautam whispered, “How can this even possible.” Gautam was scared to find out Armaan again.

“Now you all are trapped, in this chambers, there’s no way to go out, hahaha” Armaan laughed again, his eyes were reflecting  his final victory, “Now this time, I will not spare you, your bodies will be buried here! And now there’s no one to save you!”  Armaan completed.

Everyone were tensed, they were shuddering, “Now this is a real danger, Manish bleeding down, totally uncouncious, if we didnt made any move he could die out bleeding, but this Armaan wont let us move, instead he will bring death here.” Abhishek murmered.

Armaan opened his mouth again and shouted.

“Now!!! Who will die first.!!” Armaan asked.

His men were supportingly standing beside him, there was total restlessness in the breeze, no person had slept properly, life had became a hell just after entering into the haveli. It was not a long trip for them, it actually turned into a life and death adventure.

Everyone’s eyes were blinking, capturing each frame of the scene they were living, pre-vizualizing every good or bad moment of their lives, because they were known, death was for sure, they looked back, Vikrant and Aisha weren’t came till, either no sign of them, it was sure that they were killed by the creature, there was just a large painful screams trying to come out everyone’s mouth, but looking at Armaan they controlled, their minds were totally burst out with all ups and downs they faced in this haveli, they just wanted to quit this all and wanted to continue with their life as they were living before, in Mumbai, calm and relax, normal.

They all were just procrastinating by glancing at their thoughts in quick motion, but forgot about Armaan, who was waiting for them, looking at them, looking into their eyes, enjoying the fear which was present in everyone’s eyes. He wanted that, he wanted to take their most precious thing from them, their lives.

“So, decided? Who is first,” Armaan looked at everyone, one by one slowly moving his view from every person and then stopped at one and shouted, “ Abhishek!! You first, you tried to kill me you bastard, you swap a knife on me...! so this much confidence in you makes me decide you as the first victim.”

Abhishek looked at Armaan, eyes gone hollow. Abhishek totally freaked out by this shout, he was shuddering, thinking of any random move he could make to escape but there he left with none, he was reluctantly moving ahead, towards Armaan. And Armaan, smiling as he was dictating, as he was a king and about to give them a severe punishment.

Every step Abhishek put forward was like a step towards death.

Vrushika, Naina, Gautam was looking at their friend, going to die, infront of their eyes. But was unable to make any move.

Abhishek reached Armaan, “What kind of death would you like?” Armaan asked like he was serving death.

Abhishek didn’t spoke anything. He was not even looking at Armaan, instead his eyes were focused down, on Armaan's shoes.

Armaan made a quick decision, he saw a rock, “Okay so, Rehman and Rahim, hold his hands.”

On their boss’s order, Rehman and Rahim quickly grabbed Abhishek's hands and stretched from both side, Abhishek was still silent, his hands were tightly gripped. They got closer to a wall, they made Abhishek’s back touch the wall, and then stechted his hands apart again.

Armaan took the rock, he thought to hit the rock on Abhishek’s head for several times until he bleeds up to death. Armaan moved forward, holding the rock. And suddenly, a groaning sound of creature fall back on everyone’s ears..

Everyonne fainted up after thinking about this one more problem. Everyone looked at the chamber line.

And their appeard, Vikrant, and behind him Aisha and Sage. And just then appeared the huge Creature, Groaning and roaring.

His one look brought floody fear on Armaan’s face, Armaan losen the rock and it fallen down. Armaan decided to run, and so he signalled his men.

Vikrant observed everyone and saw the tension on everyone’s face, he saw Manish, bleeding, then Vikrant moved to Armaan and saw Abhishek, his hands strected away and hold by Armaan’s men.

Vikrant understood everything, he also understood that Armaan seemed to be scared of that creature, So Armaan eyes were reflecting the fear.

“Run, run from here!!! Armaan shouted on his men.

And quickly they made their move and started running upstairs leaving Abhishek's hands, Rahim and Rehman too ran upstairs quickly behind their boss,  Aisha not wanted them to escape,“ I wanted to kill Armaan, to destroy him completely.” She said to the creature to catch Armaan alive, and so quick the creature ran behind them...


While this was happening, on the other side, Azad got his counciousness after so long, but when he found himself in a hospital, he retrieved his memory of last few days, but seem forgotten what had happened. He realized that he had to arrest Vikrant. And so he shouted on Salunke, who was sitting beside him, in his ward.

“Where are they???”  Azad asked.

“Whom Sir?”

“Where is Vikrant and the other???”

“I don’t know sir.”

“What do you mean you don’t know!”

“We have to catch them, don’t you know!! And how long am I been admitted???”

“From last 4 days Sir...”

“Ugh!!! Take me to the Haveli, I am damn sure they have a great plan of something inside that haveli!!” Officer Azad tried to move his leg but it seemed of no use. His legs were attached on a leg hanger.

Salines were supplying him fluids into his body. His Arms were having no strength. His body has became feeble.

“But sir, its impossible for you to move!”

“Ahhhh!!!” Disappointingly Azad exclaimed.

“Call the police force, Seal the Haveli area, right now!!” Azad ordered Salunke.

“Okay! Okay sir” By Azad sir’s order Salunke went outside and made a call to the police station, “Why sir is acting so weird! Those people helped him, still this man wants them to be caught!” Salunke thought while the call was ringing.

And so Salunke asked for more police help on the call.


Armaan was a poor runner, though he started running first and his men behind him, they easily passed front over-taking  Armaan. Armaan continued running, and then he heard something following him, the sound was increasing, loud and speedy steps, following him back, Armaan looked back and saw the creature following him.

Armaan pushed his body forward by his total inner stamina and tried to climb up the stairs and escape through the Haveli. And somehow he came upstairs, and his leg got twisted and the creature got a chance to scrachted over Armaan’s body with his long sharp nails, and so Armaan’s back started bleeding.

Rehman somehow possibly escaped from that place and seem nowhere to be found, but Rahim was caught and the creature killed him thoroughly.

Everyone came upstairs taking Manish on their arms, his condition was getting more and more worse, they thought to take him in hospital as soon as possible.

When everyone finally came upstairs they observe the creature snapped Armaan down bleeding by his back and spotted Rahim drifted in blood, lifeless.

When the creature moved to Armaan to kill him, Aisha shouted, “Stoppp!!!!

I will kill this bastard.” And Aisha ran to Armaan.

She was filled with the feeling of vengeance, she wanted the brutal revenge. As she went to Armaan, She looked at him, into his eyes, he was crying with pain, as his back was bleeding like a flowing tap.

She also saw the the fear of death into his eyes. She leaned down, “So you slapped me.” She said whisperingly. “ I won’t spare you Armaaaaaaan!!!!!” She shouted out all at a sudden, her pain, of her memories, the time she was betrayed by Karan, the moment he slapped her, the moment Armaan slapped her, She was not the one, the simple, normal, Naughty Aisha,  she had already killed the quite women inside her, she was revengeful now, she wanted to be the one who will slap not the one who will take.

Sometimes a slap can prove to be a wrost hit if it had given with tremendous arm pressure, Aisha gather all the pain and filled up them into her arm, she had became like an active volcano, an very highly erupting volcano, She slapped Armaan with all her pain, revenge and anger. She hitted so hard that the moment her hand smashed Armaan’s cheek, Armaan was feeling a very hot sensation of killing fire. And through with a slap Armaan’s head got twisted down, and he opened his eyes again, Her hand was perfectly printed on his cheek, And Aisha moved back, her anger was out, but halfly.

“ Kill him!!!”  Aisha comanded the creature. And the creature jumped upon Armaan and ate his neck area, and then pulled out his head apart. Blood was making its way on the floor, the fear of death they experienced downstairs a few moment before was finished now, Armaan was no more.

They were nothing to be afraid of now, and the only thing left was to escape, and get Manish into a good hospital. But suddenly before they could do their next action, they heard a ‘Siren’

It was police car siren, they heard car’s engine sound  and siren outside the haveli.

“Now what’s this!?” Vrushika asked.

“Police!?”  Confusingly Vikrant said out.

“Yeah, its police.!! They must be coming inside.” Abhishek stammered.

“But why, and how, Does people even know about this place?” Gautam.

“Ah!! Just don’t think of it! Leave from here, let’s get hide into the chambers again!!!” Vikrant.

“But why??” Vrushika.

“Just look at this place, there are 2 dead bodies lying, what they will think, as we killed them.” Vikrant retorted.

“Oh my god yes! lets run” And everybody ran downstairs again.


“Get inside the haveli!” Officer Nager Exclaimed.

He was a vice- cheif to Offcer Azad, and due to Azad’s call, Nager had brought up a team at the haveli, and now they were like invading as per investigating.

10 policeman’s along with Nager went inside the haveli, they saw the ancient glory inside, but when they looked down, on the floor, they saw Armaan Shaik, Mumbai gangstar, mercilessly killed, his head apart, and all blood spiling out from his body.

And aside was a man, died, seemed to be a person under Armaan, they thought.

“Sir, I think we should leave this place. I have heard about it, people say that this place is cursed, and nobody dared to get inside.!” One of the police man spoke out as he was scared by looking at the dead bodies.

Nager took a deep breath, he moved forward to Armaan’s body, he saw the injury, he was thinking how he could have been died. But there was no idea. Then Nager looked at Armaan’s face, snatched off  few inches aisde, Nager saw something, it was hand print, a red hand figure mark on Armaan’s cheek...

Whenever you slap someone, the mark don’t remains for long, but for just few minutes, so that means, this slap print was fresh, somebody have gave him a slap just a few minutes before.

“Get alert!!!” Nager shouted.

Nager felt like someone was there, someone there who has killed Armaan so brutually.

Nager took out his gun, and then everyone took their guns out for safety.

Nager also had saw the chervolet parked outside, he had a kind of doubt about something.


Rehman had somehow escaped from a horrible situation, he felt pity for his godfather Armaan, and he prayed for him, Rehman had arrived in a underground chamber, he remembered the evening when he had came here before, taking Armaan and Rahim out from the haveli,  yesterday when they saw the creatures, they were too many, and to escape from them, Rehman, Rahim and Armaan had hidden here...

In the yard, to the left there was a closed lid of a stone slit, to the both side, earlier when Sage brought everyone at this Haveli, he thought to get through  the hole so they could easily reach at the Chambers directly, just parallel to that, there was another chamber 8 feets far, it was to the right side of the Yard, where Armaan and both had hidden.

Rehman thought to peek up, to know the situation, he opened the rock slit using his power, and when he took out his head, he saw 3/4 Police cars parked outside, Rehman got shocked as well as unable to understand that what actually had happened, “were they came to help Vikrant and all? Or they will arrest them in the cause of killing Armaan?” Rehman was thinking, he thought that he should stay right here, so he could wait till the police took them away from that place and everything returns to normalacy.

And rehman closed the rock slid.


Vikrant breathed heavily, he was frightened by everything happeneing in that Havelli. And so everyone was.

“I think we should confess to the police about the murder.?” Abhishek said taking high breaths after running down.

“And what we all supposed to confess them?” Vikrant asked.

“We will show them the creature and they will easily get understand our problem and they will help us to escape, as even Manish’s condition is getting weaker.” Abhishek.

“Just check, whether he is breathing?” Vrushika said.

Abhishek took his fingers closer to Manish’s nose, “ Fortunately, he is breathing...But seems his bleeding will affect blood loss in his brain..”

“We must take him to the hospital as soon as possible.” Naina.

“I told not to bring him here Abhishek, still why!?” Vikrant scowled.

“I didn’t brought him here, he was forcing me, he was running away, Even after controlling him there for one hour, he somehow convinced/forced me to get to this haveli. To search Aisha, he was dying every second, to find her!” Abhishek uttered.

“What? Why” after listening to Abhishek Aisha spoke, “Why was he dying to save me.!?”

“He might not told you but, he loved you, he was so desperate and the most worried about you, He also went to search you when you stayed at the chamber and we ran up.”

“What! No” Typically Aisha denied.

“What do mean by No!” Gautam.

“No, I mean, I don’t like him, I don’t either want to be in relationship!” Aisha clearly declared.

Sound of Footsteps coming downstairs.

Vikrants sensed like those policemens were coming down, “That’s not the topic to talk here, we should move from this place. Vikrant stood up and everyone started running straight, towards a long way.

Vikrant, Naina, Gautam, Manish on Abhishek’s  back, Vrushika ,Aisha ,Sage, Creature. Everyone was running straight.

Creature was of no use to them, if they set the creature to help them by frightening everyone, they could be into more chaos. They were supposed to hide that big thing somewhere, Sage was tired, his body has used all his energy while ‘time teleporting.’

They were just running into a dark cave like place, unlike from the whole chamber this plot was different.

“There is the Vault at the front!” Sage replied.

“What, so we are closer to the treasure?” Surprisingly Vrushika asked.

“So the treasure is there ahead!” Abhishek, finally, reached at that place.

Everyone was running and was surprised to know that they reached at the place which they were searching from long.

There were skeletons on the way, also there were some gold, silver and precious stones, around the door.

They stopped, they saw the door, which was the way to the treasure, Vikrant quickly ran forward and with his all power he gave a big hit of the door with his shoulder, and the door opened.

A steam of golden light enormously fall back on everyone’s retina and their eyes got blind for few seconds and when the light got adjusted, everyone were able to see,

The Treasure.

“OMG thats for true.” Vrushika widen her mouth with a large smile.

“This fairy tale is true!!” Gautam with his sparkling eyes observed the place.

“This is something unbelieveable.” Naina uttered.

There were colours of precious stones, diamonds, gold jewellery, gold vessels, gold armour, gold bricks and much gold things, along with pearls necklaces, silver coins and few many thing which was precious during the ancient period. But it was worth treasure to feed million of people for life time, there was not like any limit to it, the large room was fully filled with it.

The all stepped in, and slowly but steadily started touching the treasure, fantasizing themselves with the thought that they owned everything. Their dreams had no limits now. They were at the top of the everything. They were living a trillion worth dream. But then just before they could fill up the bags or loot out the treasure, there from a behind a shelf introduced a different creature, it was not different, the only difference was this was not tamed, this was wild, it started running towards them, and everyone’s dream dropped down as they saw this terrible thing coming to them, But now they were not alone, they were having support of their tamed creature, Sage asked his g-g father (creature) to help them, and so their tamed creature ran to protect, And here started a Creature fight.

Both were equally strong, but more fierce was the wild one, he had been hired to protect this grand treasure.

“Oh god dont know what’s happening !! Should we leave this place, lets hid somewhere else, just take few gold bricks and escape.” Gautam suggested out of fear.

“Wait, My grandfather will protect us!” Sage replied patiently.

There was loud groaning of both the creatures, they were fighting like dogs, Their loud noise got heard by Officer Nager.

“Move towards this noise” And Officer Nager directed his team to move through the chamber.

This was a horrible creature fighting that everyone were witnessing and when Vikrant looked back, through the door, he saw the cops, coming closer to them.

A flicker of instant fear went through his spine, and he told everyone to hid.

“What happened!!?” Naina.

“THE COPS!! look behind.!” Vikrant said, “Lets get hid behind the shelf."

There as shelf of gold bricks and with Vikrant’s one order, everyone got hidden themselves behind it, they peek through the gaps between the bricks and saw the police force about to enter into the room.

“What will happen when the police will see them fighting!?” Abhishek said, pointing at the creature fight.

“They will get scared and get run away!” Vikrant said in a quick frustrated tone.

“They are just about to enter in!!!” Naina.


“What is this sir?” Looking at the skeletons around the door one of the cop exclaimed.

“This place is something mysterious!!”  policeman Satish mehra said.

“Just call the archeological survey deparment.” Officer nager uttered.

“What’s  that door leads to?” Satish asked.

“Lets move inside, be sure to load your gun, we should be alert of everything .” Nager spoke and moved toward the door.

“Get ready” Nager demanded.

The cops were in a queue and at the front was Nager, they were ready to enter in, and with a quick signal they moved in.

Their eyes got blind due to the sparkling light of the gold and jewels, everyone tried to look around into that brightness, and hardly possible to understand what was inside.

And then after a fraction of seconds their eyes became adjusted with the light and made them everything visible.

“What the ****.” Nager ushered as he saw the huge mystical dreadful creatures fighting .

“Shoot!!!” Nager ordered, and everyone started firing on those creature, their small pistols were making their damage.

Creature was making painful sounds, as they were getting hit by those shots.

"Noo!!!!! Stop firing !!” Sage came out, and to stop sage from going Vikrant came behind him but now both of them were visible to the cops.

“Who are you!!?” The cops stopped firing and looked at them.

The creature fall back, and lied on the ground, their bloods were spilling off.

“Dont kill my Grandpa!” Sage exclaim in a great sense of tension.

“What....Grandpa, a dreadful creature your grandpa.” Connfusingly looking at the sage Nager asked.

“Yes!” Vikrant replied.

Both of the creature were dying with pain, and their energy was drained while fighting. They coulnd’t able to move, just lying and bleeding.

“Can you explain?”  Satish asked.

“I will explain you everything, we just need your help, please help us. I beg you.”

“Wait, you are the Vikrant?”


“The murderer!!!!” Nager spoke in anger.

“NO!! Wait, I can explain, but first you need to take us out from this place, we all need to escape. There are more creatures here like them, just listen to us, I will tell you everything.!!!” Vikrant was crying, explaining his very pain in his few words. He thought that this was the last step, cops would really help him to get out from this. He had no further plans, whether the cops will arrest him or the court will hang him for being a murderer, which he was not. But even after knowing this, Vikrant thought to surrender, because he was sure with one thing, that he was true, he was the right side of the story, he never killed anyone, he never thought to, the many murderers ever happened was just involving his name not involving his hands...

Cops saw the whole team, coming out from the shelves, they were hidden.

Cops were not knowing anything whatever happened here, they were experiencing this haveli for the first time, and from now they had thought to seal this place.

Cops came out from the Haveli, they brought everyone out too, everyone was presented in the main police station, Manish got admitted as soon as they entered into the city, his condition was more worse than critical. It was like at the tip of death, but still he was breathing.

“What’s going to happen??” Abhishek asked out of fear.

“Lets see” Vikrant replied.

There was a special court trail, where they described the whole story that they lived in the haveli, Sage, Vikrant, Naina, Abhishek, Aisha, Vrushika, Gautam everyone was there, giving their statements.

Salunke was too there, he took the side of everyone, he explained the threat that they experience in more detail.

Even the cops which had arrived at the haveli had saw the creature fight, so they also gave their statements.

Judges found this story to be true as so many people saw and experience.

Everyone was freed, except Vikrant, just because Officer Azad who had been totally recovered demanded to know about Ravi Narayan’s legacy.

“This too was done by the creature!” Vikrant stated.

“At what basis can we believe it?” Azad asked.

“I can prove it, just call the sage!” Vikrant requested.

As Vikrant’s wish Sage was called and he was asked about Ravi Narayan’s death.

“Yeah it was my great grand father in the role of the creature who killed Ravi as he was under the curse.” Sage replied.

Still this thought of a creature getting into a city and entering into an apparment and then killing a person, and nobody even saw him was an undigested thought for Officer Azad.

Nor Vikrant could answer it, neither Judges had any thought on this, but still due to finding a great treasure for the government, gave Vikrant a release from his criminal case.

Vikrant was happy as he got release, and now he was able to live a normal life like before, he was happy by one more thought that he had brought few precious gems for himself from the haveli, which could price crore’s and he could live a luxurious happy life now.

Everyone started living their normal life back again, Sage was left to his place as he was more loved to live into the woods, into the silence, he had helped them alot by everything, but he was unhappy by one thought that every person he met was happy but Manish, who he cared the most was not able to say him bye, Manish’s condition got more worsen and then he went to coma, he was not responding to anything, Aisha and all felt bad for him, they visited him everyday, looked for his every need and simultaneously continued with their social life.  Doctors said that Manish was locked in a dream, our brain actually live every movement we experiance, just like when we sleep we think of that certain fine thing which we enjoyed we get replayed it in our dream. Manish was living the same thing, living his fine memories, living his dream, the day that dream will end up, he will be there with us, his eyes will open that day...And everyone was waiting for that day.


Vikrant was on his bike going to Naina as they had thought to get married, Naina’s parents had called Vikrant.

Vikrant and Naina both were enjoying as their parents had accepted their relationship and thought further for their marriage, and for the next discussion Vikrant was going to Naina’s home.

When he reached at Naina’s place. Something weird happened, there was a pop up on Vikrant’s phone, Vikrant took out the keys from his bike and looked at his phone. He saw it was a text message..... by RAVI NARAYAN.

“RAVI NARAYAN” Vikrant got shivered down with sudden confusing fear. He opened the message.

“Hey buddy! You played it well.” It was.







Vikrant wants to find out how he got the message from Ravi.. who was died...and his desperate search will make another story. 😉


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