Paper Hearts: Jikook

Paper Hearts: Jikook

Make you mine


All of the fans of the idol were cheering for him as he was performing his song in the concert.

At the backstage

"Well Tae.. You should design some clothes for him that are a bit more breathable. Look how sweaty he is!" the idol's manager complained to his designer.

"Yah Jimin-ah!! You always complain about my clothes!! Can't you see he looks so fab~" the designer spatted back.

"Indeed he looks sexy~ Wait! What am I saying?!!" Jimin said and face palmed himself.

Tae smirked at him and started teasing him.



"Jimin!!!!!" Jungkook got off the stage and directly ran towards his manager and hugged him tightly.

"Yah!! Kook!! I can't breathe!!" Jimin managed to say.

Jungkook released the smaller boy and flashed his bunny smile towards him.

"How was it??" Jungkook asked with sparkling eyes.

"It was good. I'm proud of you!" Jimin said as he patted the idol's head.

"Just good~?" Jungkook smirked towards him.

"Okay okay it was VERY good!! Fine?"

"So.. what's my reward??" Jungkook opened his hands towards his hyung.

"I don't have to give you a reward, do I?"

"C'mon Jimin!! Well... a kiss would be acceptable..." Jungkook smirked and pouted.

"First of all, I'm your hyung. And second of all, Jungkook, you're an Idol and I have a baby. So please stop all this nonsense" Jimin sternly said.

"C'mon Hyung!! You've been saying that for more than three years.. Can't you just give me a shot? I can make you feel good, you know?" Jungkook replied.

"Jungkook... I'm your manager. Stop behaving like a child!!"

Jimin turned away but Jungkook back hugged him, making him unable to move.

"Hyung... please.... Can I at least have dinner made by you??" Jungkook eagerly asked.

Jimin sighed and then agreed because it was no use arguing, knowing the stubborn Jungkook.

"Tonight at 7 pm" Jimin said and freed himself from the younger's grip.

"Okay~!!" Jungkook beamed in excitement and again hugged his manager.




At Jimin's House. 7 pm.

*Ding dong*

Jimin opened the door for Jungkook.

He was wearing a mask on his face so nobody could recognise him.

"Hey hyung!!" Jungkook excitedly hugged his hyung.

"Don't do that Jungkook. Min Jun might see us." Jimin struggled out of his grip.

"Yeah where's my JunJun??" Jungkook said and made his way into Jimin's house.

"KooKoo Hyung!!" Min Jun, Jimin's six year old son, came running downstairs seeing his favorite Hyung.

"JunJun!!" Jungkook and Min Jun both hugged each other as they were meeting after a very long time, because of Jungkook's schedule.

Jimin smiled at both the children as they started playing.

"Do you need any help Jimin?" Jungkook asked while arranging the Lego set he bought for Min Jun.

"No, I can do it. And I'm your..." Jimin stopped.

"Ugh... fine... 'Hyung'." Jungkook went back to play with the boy.

After a while Jimin came back from the kitchen and called the boys for dinner.

Min Jun and Kookie raced upto the dining table. Jungkook sat opposite to Jimin and beside JunJun.

"Thanks for the food hyung" Jungkook smiled towards Jimin.

"Thanks to you too" Jimin said.


"For spending time with Jun." Jimin said. "And for this expensive Lego set that you didn't have to buy."

"It's for JunJun. Look how much he likes it. He is enjoying, so let him" Jungkook smiled seeing Min Jun playing with the toy.

Jimin also smiled seeing his son this much happy.

Jungkook was the only person that could make his son smile like this.

After all, he had lived his most of the life without mother.

"Appa see!! An aeroplane!!" Min Jun beamed in excitement showing his father his new creation.

Both Jungkook and Jimin chuckled at his cuteness.

"Aww my baby~ Very good! Appa is proud of you" Jimin said.

Then the three of them started having dinner.

But once in a while, Jungkook's legs made their way to Jimin's, under the table, to gain his attention.

"Stop doing that" Jimin whispered, enough to make Jungkook hear.

"Don't you like it hyung? ~" Jungkook whispered back and smirked at his hyung's blushing face.

Jimin kicked Jungkook's leg out of the blue, that caught the kid's attention.

"Appa? What was that??" the little boy asked.

"Just a mosquito under the table honey. C'mon finish your food fast" Jimin answered the innocent boy.

"Mosquito huh?" Jungkook mouthed him.

Jimin just ignored the latter's comment and went on eating his food.

After dinner, Jimin put his son to bed as it was already late and came back to the living room to see Jungkook.

"Okay hyung, thank for the delicious food. Now I should go back" Jungkook smiled towards Jimin.

"Okay Jungkook. And you have dance practice tomorrow morning with Hobi" Jimin reminded him.

"Yes. And he wants me on time" Jungkook laughed and Jimin joined him.

Jimin accompanied Jungkook up to the door to see him off.

"Good night Hyung.." Jungkook said, hoping that he might get a good night kiss from Jimin.

"Good night Kookie" Jimin said and smiled towards him.

" good night kiss??" Jungkook pouted towards him.

"We're not a couple. Now, bye" Jimin said and was about to go back.

But suddenly, Jungkook turned him around by his wrist and stared deep into his eyes, keeping their bodies connected.

"J-Jungkook... What are you doing?" Jimin stuttered.

"I love you Hyung.... and you know that. Please just give me one chance..." Jungkook's sincerity can be seen through his eyes.

"J-Jungkook... We'll talk about that later.. Good night" Jimin said and quickly went inside his home and locked the door.

"I'll make you mine Hyung..." Jungkook said to himself and got into his car.



ARMY 방탄소년단

ARMY 방탄소년단

as a loyal bts army I shouldn't read it. but i can't help myself but reading it



♡⃝ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ◡̈ ☽⋆

♡⃝ ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ◡̈ ☽⋆

how cute of both of themmmm Minggukie



Otaku Miyuki

Otaku Miyuki




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