

Chapter 1

My eyes met those of the beast's as it's three heads stared down my teammates and I. At that point I couldn't even remember how I got into that position- five scavengers facing a fully matured chimera, I believed that was the first time any of us had faced a Chimera especially since that was the first recorded spotting of a Chimera in Korea -and the thought of my impending death was the only thing on my mind. I subtly glanced at my teammates and they seemed to be as startled as I was, who was I kidding, we were all scared shitless. The beast rose its right paw with a growl.

"Run!!" the yell snapped me out of my trance and I spun around and ran as fast as I could. I didn't know what good running would do against a beast like the chimera but I didn't care. Nothing was going to stop from running or that was what I thought when a scream and the sound of something being crushed caused me to turn back instinctively, the sight gluing me in place as a wave of nausea threatened to knock me over- the chimera had smeared the wall with what I believed was the remains of the team leader; a soldier and one of the few friends I had in this hopeless world. And for some reason the act wasn't the most twisted part of it, it was the fact that all three heads- the lion, goat and snake head -all made what I could only see as a mocking smile.

The bastard's playing with us -anger, confusion, fear and hatred seem to bubble up in me, the anger disappearing as its eyes locked onto mine, they seemed to be studying me with some sort of sick amusement. I spun around quickly, breaking into a sprint leaving behind two of teammates that the fear had frozen them. A loud growl echoed across the passage and I felt an uncomfortable surge of heat from my back, the hairs on my neck ironically standing in response. Spotting a crack in the walls, I darted towards it, squeezing through. A sudden numbness affected my entire right elbow and I spared a glance down spotting that my entire elbow was white in color, I choked as I saw my bone exposed. The sudden numbness, the unbearable heat coming from the flames that filled the entire passage, the screams of my burning teammates along with the all too familiar sickly smell of burnt corpses- the smell that I was forced to become familiar with as the present order of this world. The flames stopped for a moment, the smoke causing me to cough uncontrollably. I holding my breath, it's approaching growl had become much clearer, I glanced around for an escape route, sunlight that peeked through the inner part of the tunnel had given me some hope. Moving quickly but quietly, I reached the wall and slammed my left elbow into it, the wall crumbled and my hopes alongside it. I felt a lump form in my throat as I stared at the rocky ground several stories below, the hairs on my stood once more- it had happened a lot of times recently so I could easily tell what it meant -I was being watched. The quiet hiss confirmed my speculation amongst other questions, I was scared, I couldn't bring myself to jump and the beast had already caught up to me, I was angry that I would be killed by a beast that wasn't even supposed to be here- The scientists had studied the pattern of most beasts including the chimera so why?! Why the hell is a fully matured chimera here?!! -I had finally resolved myself to jump, that way there was a chance that I could survive, but a sharp pain in my right thigh held me in place. Cursing loudly, I stared at the snake head that had sunk its fangs into my thigh, I let out a yelp of surprise as it drew me out suddenly and flung me to the wall at the opposite side of the room. The force at which I slammed into the wall cracked my back and I dropped to the ground with a thud. My head ached severely and my ears wouldn't quit ringing, I couldn't tell which was worse the aches I felt on my back or the fact that the entire room kept spinning, I tried getting up but I collapsed right after.

.... why?...

I briefly glanced down at the bite mark left behind by the snake head, the puncture wounds looked like they were made with daggers instead of fangs. I couldn't feel anything on my thigh and my elbow, but their appearances as well as the dizziness made me throw up the little I had for lunch. Wearily holding myself up, I glanced at my puke, the sight of blood in it caused another wave of nausea to hit me.

I...I..don't wanna die!!

Summoning the last of my energy I slowly rose, the wall serving as my only support. Sharp pain shot from my back as I tried to straighten out, my chest tightening in reflex. I glanced around, the dizziness making it harder for me to observe my surroundings, a hole in the wall at my far right led to another room. I have to get there I thought, glancing from my several wounds to growling bastard, I slowly leaned from the wall, I don't know where I found the energy, maybe it was adrenaline or something but I felt like I could reach that room and when I got back to camp I would be saved, sure I would be out of commission for a while but I would bounce right back.



A blur of fur and a sudden pain across my torso shattered all hope I had left. I lowered my head slowly, my breathing got heavier at each second as I saw the blood that rushed out from the tear across my torso. I wasn't aware how I noticed, but the tear was caused by a single claw. Looking back up, anger and desperation; the emotions I felt at that moment. The eyes of all three heads still had the sickening twinkle of amusement.

I dashed for the hole, barely making it through as the chimera seemed to give me a head start. Emerging in the other room, I limped forward, my tongue growing numb as the taste of blood slowly faded from my mouth. I tripped and fell face first to the ground, the pain from my torso exploded numbing every other sensation my body was supposed to feel. Rubbing the sand out of my teary eyes, I turned behind me trying to make sense of what had caused me to stumble. I didn't think I had any energy left, but a hoarse voice; one that I believed was mine, echoed across the seemingly empty room.

It's a lie I thought

It's probably the poison and the pain that's making me see things I told myself.

I fixed my gaze on the pinkish lump that had a part of it crushed- my foot, the cause -and traced it's origin to me. Blood spread out on the floor and I found myself drifting away, I tried to bite my tongue, hoping the pain could keep me conscious but I felt nothing. The pain slowly faded, finally disappearing and nothing hurt anymore.


My consciousness seemed to return for a moment but I couldn't feel or see anything, is this what death felt like? The darkness felt abnormal and made me uncomfortable, my regrets that came to mind made me feel much worse. I was angry; angry that I had face such a beast, angry at the stupid amusement the creature had in its eyes as it tortured me, angry at the stupid family I had, the ones who abandoned me over a small slip up, who the hell does that?!

IT SEEMS THEY GOT TO YOU FIRST HUMAN. I spun around- or at least I believe I did -searching for the source of the voice, the darkness made me assume it surrounded me.

AS MUCH AS I WOULD LOVE TO REVEAL MY TRUE FORM, I BELIEVE THAT WILL COST ME AN UNNECCESARY AMOUNT OF ENERGY. SO I WILL USE THE VOICE ALONE. I spun around again studying darkness for a single clue, anything I might have missed...nothing.

"Who the hell are you?! Did you send that thing after me?! And where the hell is this?!" I asked yelling, at least that was what I intended.


"...dead" I muttered. Making the assumption before was one thing but actually hearing it.


"A... second chance?" I asked, defeat noticeable in my voice

YES HUMAN, I WILL GRANT YOU POWER, THE ABILITIES OF WHAT YOU HUMANS CALL TAMERS. I was suspicious, so much power offered without a cost. It felt too good to be true, like I would lose my soul at some point.


"And what condition is that?" I asked doubtful


I was surprised, I expected some sort of insane request, like to bring the head of a bunyip or something. But just promising to side with humans...

"Is that all?"

YES, MY ONLY CONDITION IS THAT YOU REMAIN ON THE SIDE OF HUMANS. I thought about it for a while, it wasn't a bad deal. I would be alive once more and I could become a tamer as long as I still sided with humans.

"I accept" I said, though I couldn't deny the uncertainty that lingered

VERY WELL, NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO RETURN. A bright reddish light blinded me and the sensation of touch slowly returned to my body.

The rough ground under me, the cool summer breeze that sent slight shivers across my body and I felt aches I could only have gotten from staying in a single position for a long time. Slowly raising my left hand to my face, it brushed across the sandy and cracked tiles, the sensation made me teary eyed, I was alive. I pushed myself off the ground slowly, tumbling back and landing on the wall by my side. Glancing around the dried blood that was on where I was a moment ago bothered me. Tapping my stomach repeatedly checking for injuries, the absence of scars did nothing but add to my worries.

"Just what did I get myself into?"



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