My eyes met those of the beast's as it's three heads stared down my teammates and I. At that point I couldn't even remember how I got into that position- five scavengers facing a fully matured chimera, I believed that was the first time any of us had faced a Chimera especially since that was the first recorded spotting of a Chimera in Korea -and the thought of my impending death was the only thing on my mind. I subtly glanced at my teammates and they seemed to be as startled as I was, who was I kidding, we were all scared shitless. The beast rose its right paw with a growl.
"Run!!" the yell snapped me out of my trance and I spun around and ran as fast as I could. I didn't know what good running would do against a beast like the chimera but I didn't care. Nothing was going to stop from running or that was what I thought when a scream and the sound of something being crushed caused me to turn back instinctively, the sight gluing me in place as a wave of nausea threatened to knock me over- the chimera had smeared the wall with what I believed was the remains of the team leader; a soldier and one of the few friends I had in this hopeless world. And for some reason the act wasn't the most twisted part of it, it was the fact that all three heads- the lion, goat and snake head -all made what I could only see as a mocking smile.
The bastard's playing with us -anger, confusion, fear and hatred seem to bubble up in me, the anger disappearing as its eyes locked onto mine, they seemed to be studying me with some sort of sick amusement. I spun around quickly, breaking into a sprint leaving behind two of teammates that the fear had frozen them. A loud growl echoed across the passage and I felt an uncomfortable surge of heat from my back, the hairs on my neck ironically standing in response. Spotting a crack in the walls, I darted towards it, squeezing through. A sudden numbness affected my entire right elbow and I spared a glance down spotting that my entire elbow was white in color, I choked as I saw my bone exposed. The sudden numbness, the unbearable heat coming from the flames that filled the entire passage, the screams of my burning teammates along with the all too familiar sickly smell of burnt corpses- the smell that I was forced to become familiar with as the present order of this world. The flames stopped for a moment, the smoke causing me to cough uncontrollably. I holding my breath, it's approaching growl had become much clearer, I glanced around for an escape route, sunlight that peeked through the inner part of the tunnel had given me some hope. Moving quickly but quietly, I reached the wall and slammed my left elbow into it, the wall crumbled and my hopes alongside it. I felt a lump form in my throat as I stared at the rocky ground several stories below, the hairs on my stood once more- it had happened a lot of times recently so I could easily tell what it meant -I was being watched. The quiet hiss confirmed my speculation amongst other questions, I was scared, I couldn't bring myself to jump and the beast had already caught up to me, I was angry that I would be killed by a beast that wasn't even supposed to be here- The scientists had studied the pattern of most beasts including the chimera so why?! Why the hell is a fully matured chimera here?!! -I had finally resolved myself to jump, that way there was a chance that I could survive, but a sharp pain in my right thigh held me in place. Cursing loudly, I stared at the snake head that had sunk its fangs into my thigh, I let out a yelp of surprise as it drew me out suddenly and flung me to the wall at the opposite side of the room. The force at which I slammed into the wall cracked my back and I dropped to the ground with a thud. My head ached severely and my ears wouldn't quit ringing, I couldn't tell which was worse the aches I felt on my back or the fact that the entire room kept spinning, I tried getting up but I collapsed right after.
.... why?...
I briefly glanced down at the bite mark left behind by the snake head, the puncture wounds looked like they were made with daggers instead of fangs. I couldn't feel anything on my thigh and my elbow, but their appearances as well as the dizziness made me throw up the little I had for lunch. Wearily holding myself up, I glanced at my puke, the sight of blood in it caused another wave of nausea to hit me.
I...I..don't wanna die!!
Summoning the last of my energy I slowly rose, the wall serving as my only support. Sharp pain shot from my back as I tried to straighten out, my chest tightening in reflex. I glanced around, the dizziness making it harder for me to observe my surroundings, a hole in the wall at my far right led to another room. I have to get there I thought, glancing from my several wounds to growling bastard, I slowly leaned from the wall, I don't know where I found the energy, maybe it was adrenaline or something but I felt like I could reach that room and when I got back to camp I would be saved, sure I would be out of commission for a while but I would bounce right back.
A blur of fur and a sudden pain across my torso shattered all hope I had left. I lowered my head slowly, my breathing got heavier at each second as I saw the blood that rushed out from the tear across my torso. I wasn't aware how I noticed, but the tear was caused by a single claw. Looking back up, anger and desperation; the emotions I felt at that moment. The eyes of all three heads still had the sickening twinkle of amusement.
I dashed for the hole, barely making it through as the chimera seemed to give me a head start. Emerging in the other room, I limped forward, my tongue growing numb as the taste of blood slowly faded from my mouth. I tripped and fell face first to the ground, the pain from my torso exploded numbing every other sensation my body was supposed to feel. Rubbing the sand out of my teary eyes, I turned behind me trying to make sense of what had caused me to stumble. I didn't think I had any energy left, but a hoarse voice; one that I believed was mine, echoed across the seemingly empty room.
It's a lie I thought
It's probably the poison and the pain that's making me see things I told myself.
I fixed my gaze on the pinkish lump that had a part of it crushed- my foot, the cause -and traced it's origin to me. Blood spread out on the floor and I found myself drifting away, I tried to bite my tongue, hoping the pain could keep me conscious but I felt nothing. The pain slowly faded, finally disappearing and nothing hurt anymore.
My consciousness seemed to return for a moment but I couldn't feel or see anything, is this what death felt like? The darkness felt abnormal and made me uncomfortable, my regrets that came to mind made me feel much worse. I was angry; angry that I had face such a beast, angry at the stupid amusement the creature had in its eyes as it tortured me, angry at the stupid family I had, the ones who abandoned me over a small slip up, who the hell does that?!
IT SEEMS THEY GOT TO YOU FIRST HUMAN. I spun around- or at least I believe I did -searching for the source of the voice, the darkness made me assume it surrounded me.
AS MUCH AS I WOULD LOVE TO REVEAL MY TRUE FORM, I BELIEVE THAT WILL COST ME AN UNNECCESARY AMOUNT OF ENERGY. SO I WILL USE THE VOICE ALONE. I spun around again studying darkness for a single clue, anything I might have missed...nothing.
"Who the hell are you?! Did you send that thing after me?! And where the hell is this?!" I asked yelling, at least that was what I intended.
"...dead" I muttered. Making the assumption before was one thing but actually hearing it.
"A... second chance?" I asked, defeat noticeable in my voice
YES HUMAN, I WILL GRANT YOU POWER, THE ABILITIES OF WHAT YOU HUMANS CALL TAMERS. I was suspicious, so much power offered without a cost. It felt too good to be true, like I would lose my soul at some point.
"And what condition is that?" I asked doubtful
I was surprised, I expected some sort of insane request, like to bring the head of a bunyip or something. But just promising to side with humans...
"Is that all?"
YES, MY ONLY CONDITION IS THAT YOU REMAIN ON THE SIDE OF HUMANS. I thought about it for a while, it wasn't a bad deal. I would be alive once more and I could become a tamer as long as I still sided with humans.
"I accept" I said, though I couldn't deny the uncertainty that lingered
VERY WELL, NOW IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO RETURN. A bright reddish light blinded me and the sensation of touch slowly returned to my body.
The rough ground under me, the cool summer breeze that sent slight shivers across my body and I felt aches I could only have gotten from staying in a single position for a long time. Slowly raising my left hand to my face, it brushed across the sandy and cracked tiles, the sensation made me teary eyed, I was alive. I pushed myself off the ground slowly, tumbling back and landing on the wall by my side. Glancing around the dried blood that was on where I was a moment ago bothered me. Tapping my stomach repeatedly checking for injuries, the absence of scars did nothing but add to my worries.
"Just what did I get myself into?"
I climbed over another ridge, the camp's watchtower coming into view. Different questions popped up in my mind as I approached the camp. What exactly happened to me? My body felt as good as new, no scars from the incident with the chimera were on my body. A small stone smacking me square in the forehead snapped me back to reality as I realized I was already a few paces from the outer gates. Looking up with a wince as rubbed my forehead, I spotted the idiot friend of mine, a hunter- humans with an affinity for mana that use parts of the beasts as weapons -and the one responsible for my current irritation.
"Yo! You good, Chan-yeol?" Yonghoo called with a wave and an annoyingly wide grin. I frowned at his antics, pausing a moment after. The air was tense and there was every right for it to be. The camp had seen its share of beast attacks in the past and the guards had always been the cautious types. So, the fact I had supposedly gone on a scavenging mission and I returned alone and leisurely was enough for them to find the entire situation suspicious.
"Chan-yeol, you ok bro?" Yonghoo asked, but there was something about the sincerity in his words. I clenched my fists and frowned, several thoughts raced through my head on how I could escape this situation. "We were told that something had happened to you and the rest of the team" he said solemnly, walking out of the gates towards me. I froze up for a moment- Told? Had someone survived? Or did one of the team members radio in? -before relaxing with a chuckle. "I survived, it's crazy and you won't believe it" I said giving a tired smile as I rubbed the back of my head. I really didn't know I'd be happy to see his messy haired and fully bearded face again. Yonghoo placed his left hand on my left shoulder and leaned forward to whisper into my ear "Monster, the biggest mistake you made was approaching this camp in the form of my brother, the one your ally killed. So, I'll give you the chance to transform back to your original form before I tear you apart". His words and the aura he emitted sent chills down my spine, cautiously glancing at him, a few sweat drops found their way down my face. I always thought Yonghoo was joking when he called himself the strongest hunter in the region but at that moment I felt a presence similar to what I felt from the bastard who killed me. I gulped knowing one wrong move could have been my end.
"Yonghoo, it's really me and we need to talk" I stated as earnestly as possible but the glare I received from our brief eye contact told me that he didn't believe me. I couldn't die again, much less at the hands of this idiot. Steeling myself, I turned to face Yonghoo "You shouldn't do something you're going to regret for the rest of your life. Because when you do find out that you killed the one you call your brother, we both know the guilt will consume you and as much as that stupid smile of your pisses me off, I wouldn't want my friend to become a hollow shell of himself". Yonghoo locked his eyes with mine as he gestured the other guards forward.
I facepalmed with a sigh "You can be mature at the unnecessary moments, Yonghoo" the guards surrounding me, guns in hand.
"You can't expect me to believe you that easily and even if it's you Chan-yeol, you could be under hypnosis or some mind control and you aren't aware of it" Yonghoo explained earning another sigh from me. Why couldn't he be an idiot when it benefitted me. With another gesture he led the guards as they guided me to a makeshift cell not so far from the guardroom. Opening one of the cells, I was guided inside, the door swiftly shutting after me.
"You'll be kept here in the meantime until any evidence proves that you really are Kim Chan-yeol" Yonghoo solemnly stated, his gaze not leaving mine the entire time. Waving him off nonchalantly, I flopped onto the small bed at the corner of the room, banging my knee on the way down. Waiting till the guards had left me, I glanced back to see Yonghoo standing right on the other side of the bars.
"You don't have any reason to stay here you know right?" I commented refusing to meet his gaze
"You're not even going to try and explain what happened?" Yonghoo asked, his tone reflecting pitiful concern, the type that I despised. Turning to him, my curiosity had finally gotten the better of me leading to my question "How exactly did you guys find about what happened with the team and all? because I can't remember anyone even having the chance to radio back". Yonghoo frowned and replied sternly "One of your teammates survived". I was baffled, someone actually escaped the chimera, How? I rubbed face tiredly, turning back to Yonghoo I sighed.
"Alright then, I guess I'll fill you in" I stated, the questions and doubts exhausting me as they clouded my mind. "We ran into a chimera and even though the only ones I've seen are behind a screen, I could tell this one was a fully matured one and it fucking played around with us..." I paused afterwards.
"You don't have to say anything if it's too hard" Yonghoo stated, that pitiful concern still emanating off his words. But it made me realize something, I wasn't scared at all, not of the fact that I died or that the chimera was still out there, in fact I wanted to get stronger so I could get back at that bastard. I noticed that Yonghoo was staring at me and I continued speaking "I'm fine, I just feel a bit different. I guess the saying that near death experiences change a person is actually true" - I couldn't tell him everything, hell I didn't even fully understand what had happened to me. There was no reason to sound like a crazy person especially in my position and even if I considered Yonghoo an idiot, he had a strong influence on the camp whereas I couldn't care less what they said about me.
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose "What about your mana? How did you accumulate so much?"
I chuckled with a shrug "I have no idea. I passed out and the next thing I know when I wake up is that I'm all healed and I felt stronger than before." I was strangely exhausted by the questioning especially since I felt it had no use. Gazing at me once more, his eyes searching for answers- ones I believed he didn't find -and shaking his head sighing again.
"Go get some sleep dude you'll hurt your head thinking so much" I said with a wave as I flopped back on the bed. I waited for him to leave but being the persistent idiot, he stood there still watching me.
I tiredly opened my eyes, body aching from my messy sleeping position. I glanced around the cell, unsure of what time it was, I sat up on the bed, tiredly rubbing at my eyes. The memories of the incidents resurfaced one more and I let out an angry sigh. Not knowing where to start or how far I had to go to access that power, I took off my shirt and began a set of push-ups. I wasn't muscular but I was quite fit if I would say, months of being a scavenger coupled with my time in the military had helped build my endurance. Dropping to the ground in exhaustion, I felt a hunch that this was far from enough, my goal was getting back at that bastard and I needed to be much stronger. A rattle of dishes caught my attention as turned towards the hallway that led to my cell. A familiar guard- well, his bald head and Viking beard were unforgettable -stopped in front of my cell holding a tray of food.
"Face to the wall with your hands up" he stated, his gruff voice echoing across the cell. Turning away with a chuckle, a jingle of keys broke the silence, the gate to my cell opening as the tray of food slid into the room. The gates hurriedly shut as the guard backed away from the wall, studying me for a moment before leaving. I picked up the tray, noting the small portion of food and the single glass of water alongside it. Sitting cross legged on my bed after the unsatisfying meal, I meditated. I had no idea how that would work but for some reason a hunch of some sort guided me in that direction. "How long do I have to keep all this up for?" I muttered with a sigh.
The rattle of the gates distracted me, glancing at Yonghoo entering, the bucket of water and the towel in his hand surprised me. "Why didn't you let the other guards bring it like they've been doing for days?" I asked dipping the towel into the bucket.
"It's been months actually" Yonghoo stated surprising me as I dropped the towel back in the bucket.
"Months?" I asked peeking at the small window above my bed, the darkness outside startling me
"Six weeks to be exact" he replied glancing around
"How's the talk with the leaders going?" I questioned, dabbing my face and body with the damp towel
"It's not going anywhere. There's no solid evidence to prove you're who say you are and your increasing mana levels aren't helping"
"What does my mana level have to do with anything?" I asked, brow raised
"Kim Chan-yeol the scavenger didn't have any mana, now you show with more mana than an average hunter." Yonghoo stated turning back to him. Yonghoo himself wasn't entirely sure if I was truly Kim Chan-yeol, so he searched and waited for signs, things that could help him confirm my identity.
"Well the leaders can go screw themselves if they think I won't get any stronger just to please them." I said flicking out my middle finger. Yonghoo chuckled and I realized that was the first genuine smile I had seen from him since I arrived at the camp. Tapping his shoulder, I faced him with a frown "Quit doing troublesome stuff". Frowning suddenly, he held up his hand.
"What is it?" I whispered
"Monsters. They're here" he said rushing out of the cell, about to rush after him a sudden chill made me pause.
"What the hell is out there?" I muttered. A scream from just outside the cell window and continuous gunfire caused me to fall into a sort of trance, by the time my focus returned there a strange circle before me and a pointed piece of wood in front of my open palm. The word summon kept ringing through my head for some reason and I instinctively cut my hand. The shadow on the wall before me felt more ominous and a pair of yellow eyes stared directly at me from within.
The voice echoed in my head. Massaging my temple, I recalled a similar voice; the one that brought me back to life and gave me this power. But I knew that the one then and this one were different. A growl from just outside the gates distracted me.
"Huh? Who's they?" as if on cue a beast poked it's head into my cell. It was a tall humanoid beast; its shriveled skin was pulled tightly over its bones. Its bones pushed out against its skin which was covered in disheveled fur and its eyes pushed back deep into their sockets. Its flesh was falling off and its organs were exposed, the beast gave off a strong odor of decay. It was no different from the books and sites I researched when I had an interest in it.
THE WENDIGO HUH? The voice sounded in my head once more as the wall was blown back. I shielded my face from the rubble, the wendigo that entered the cell was crushed by a large grey paw. Looking up, a large wolf stood above me. It stared down at me, the yellow eyes I saw in the shadows looking much bigger.
Its mouth opened slightly as a surprisingly smooth voice made it's way to my ear "Human, fire is their weakness. So whatever tool you humans use and set these things ablaze so I don't have to smell them anymore". My expression went from astonishment to that of disgust as the sharp rotting smell hit me. I bent over holding my nose, waves of nausea hitting me. I spared a glance at the wolf to note its widened eyes. I closed my eyes and channeled mana towards my nostrils, the putrid smell dying down.
"Hu…man wit…h deli..shusss" its slurred words and its spilling organs made me grimace. I stared down at my hand, breathing slowly- a sort of blue light stretched out from my knuckles, running out to my wrist and fingertips -and clenched it. Focusing on that feeling, I studied the creature as it darted side to side, approaching me.
It's fast I thought as I blocked a hook skidding to a stop a few paces from the beast, my arm ached as I opened and closed my fists returning my gaze to the monster. With quick breaths, I focused once more, channeling my mana to my fingertips, dashing forward afterwards. Ducking low under the wendigo's swing, I landed a jab on its exposed ribcage knocking it back not before I was temporarily blinded by something that got in my eye.
I froze in place, slowly reaching to wipe the liquid that had splashed on my face. The foul odor made it difficult for me to deny but I wished to confirm, slowly sniffing my finger my face squeezed up.
"I'll kill you!!" I yelled angrily. The bastard had sprayed pus and blood all over me. Turning angrily to the beast, I charged at it, grabbing a metal rod I presumed was from the gate. It sprung up and swung its right hand in a wide arc, spinning under it, I struck its elbow and continued with another swing- one that I put as much force and mana I could -sticky cold blood splashing on me as its skull cracked open in front of me. Sighing, I raced to the storage area closest to the outer fences, moving from one section to the other as I packed up the leftover gasoline kegs.
If the wendigo horde are mainly by the outer gates then if I surround the camp with fire, that should keep them away for the time being. I packed the kegs into the trunk of a pick-up truck and drove. Circling the camp while making the occasional stops to set down another keg to spill out, I skidded to a stop and emptied the last keg forming a trail away from the circle. I tossed the keg aside, cautiously glancing around- none of the beasts were in sight.
HUMAN WHAT'S TAKING YOU SO LONG? The wolf's voice rang out in my head, the lighter nearly dropping from my hand.
"I'm working on that." I frowned, picking up the lighter. I dropped the lighter on the trail and in a matter of seconds roaring flames surrounded the camp.
Yes! I pumped my fist in celebration as shadows- ones that I believed were the monsters -scampered away the flames.
I closed my eyes, looking up and focused, amidst the smell of corpses, burning grass and that of death, a faint and familiar smell. "R…" I muttered, baffled as a few drops landed on my face. The thunder echoed across the plains, the rain falling almost immediately. The flames sputtered weakly against the rain then they died off along with any hope of saving the camp.
The screams were drowned by the rain, the odor of death hidden by the shower, this was the perfect hunting ground for the wendigo. I spun around confused by the muffled sounds of footsteps that seemed to circle me, the rain; no help to my vision either.
FOCUS BOY! The wolf's call strangely cleared my head. I managed a deep breath, straining my senses. A splash in a puddle at my left made me drop, the wendigos abnormally long arms stretched out above me. Spinning to face it and instinctively throwing a blow, my arm plunged elbow-deep into its exposed rotten flesh, the organs spraying pus and what I wanted to believe was water all over my arm and the ground by me, waves of nausea- the ones my previous rage had clouded before -threatened to knock me over. Willing it, mana shot off my arm blowing its back out and throwing the rotted entrails all over the wet grass. It collapsed in front of me, its left-over bowels showing off the parts of the camp members it had eaten. Tilting my elbow to have the rain rinse the crap from my arm, I glanced at the camp, frowning at the strange thought- no, it was more like something I just knew -that the people were all dead by now. A growl I noticed too late caused me to spin- and slip -as a jaw barely hanging firm with its rotting muscles widened just in front of my face.
I jolted up clutching my chest, cold sweat coating my body. I sighed- The nightmares just wont stop. Is this some way of that voice from my death reminding me that I failed the people at the camp? I wonder if Yonghoo survived -I wiped my brow and glanced around meeting the wolfs- I meant Styrkur as he called himself -eyes.
"What?" I asked turning away from him
"I was wondering how long you were going to sleep in." He replied in a low voice
"I'll be ready in a sec." I stated taking off my loose sleeping wear. Pausing before putting on my shirt, I inspected my body; a long scar ran across the side of my abs, a "trophy" from the wendigo assault, another unsightly one on my chest. It looked like a star from a kid's coloring book. I had a hunch about the cause but I had never gotten the chance to confirm it.
Turning to Styrkur, I swallowed- a part of me didnt want to know the answer but I had to find out -and asked. "Did I die during the wendigo battle?"
"Of course, you did. Did you think that in your first time using mana, you would defeat a horde of one of the best man-hunters in the middle of heavy rain? I'm surprised you were able to take some of them head-on in the first place and kill them." Styrkur stated lowering his head as he rested. The entire death thing was a blur but now that Stykur had spelt it out to me I could remember it clearly. I eyed my arm, the scar from its bite had faded mostly, there was no need to go out of my way to hide it. Holding my head as a headache set in, I sighed and put on my t-shirt and my rag-like cloak around it. It was the same thing that happened with the chimera. I remembered that it killed me but it was vague. How it happened and what happened a few moments before were unknown to me.
Maybe its some sort of defense mechanism so I won't go insane
"I've changed a lot in three months. I'm not as weak as I was then." I stated, tying up my lengthy brown hair.
"Well you look more like a homeless person compared to before and you've been having that nightmare for three months, boy." He said his eyes still shut and his voice nothing more than a low rumble. I carried my bags frowning at his comment.
"Lets get going." I stated climbing on Stykur's back
"I'm letting you ride upon me because you've proved you're not as pitiful as before." He stated knocking down the wall to expose the bodies of several redcaps.
"Scottish goblins." I muttered staring at their carcasses as vultures fed on them. Styrkur glanced at me sighing. "You humans go all the way to classify even beasts by your different myths?"
"Yes, thats exactly how it works. The beasts have different depictions depending on who's telling the story." I answered bluntly, covering my nose from the stink that had become familiar; that of the dead. Stykur's face scrunched up, I couldn't tell if he was disgusted at the smell of carcasses or my statement.
"Hold on." Ending his statement, he dashed forward, leaping over and through the ruins of Seouls outskirts. We planned to get to a popular market in Banghwa-dong where I could restock my supplies. Nearing the airport, I noticed several watchmen observing any travelers approaching. Stykur stopped and retracted into my shadow- Because yeah, he could do that.
Getting past the guards will be difficult if I want to hide the fact that I'm a tamer. But if I use that skill you taught me I could do it easily.
You had never been to my cell but you were able to teleport there
THAT WAS A SUMMON HUMAN AND IF YOU WISH TO RISK IT GO AHEAD. JUST DO IT EXACTLY AS I TAUGHT YOU. I nodded and ducked into an alleyway, closing my eyes and focusing, I sunk into the shadows and slowly re-emerged in an alleyway in the market. Glancing around I noticed a person sitting by the side covered in rags with a bowl in front of them, I squatted in front of them and dropped a can of corn inside his bowl.
"I'm just a regular hunter looking for work, so would you be so kind as to point me to the food market and a place where I could do some side jobs?" I asked with a small smile. The man studied me for a moment, pointing at a district a distance from the alley.
"You'll find food and other things you might need there he whispered." With a smile, I placed a can of fish in his bowl and walked out of the alley.
Yeah, he's a hunter.
I didnt sense the mana of any mythical beast.
But it wouldn't be able to hide from you. I spared a glance at him to find him watching me, smiling back, I covered my face and turned away, blending in the market.
Patting my filled bag satisfied, I strolled around, a blade catching my eye a moment. Rushing to the store, I took a closer look at the blade; it was a large silver two-handed greatsword with patches of black on different spots along the blade. It had a curved tip that was still sharp from how it looked.
I turned to the yawning store owner. "Excuse me, sir, how much is that blade?"
He glanced at the blade then back at me. "The blades poisoned and it eats away at the wielder's life force. Trust me kid you dont want it."
"Poison? Its poisoned?" I raised a brow.
"Yeah, it's made from lead and the venomous part of a mythical beast so it infects whoevers cut by it with deadly poison but it takes a portion of the user's life force in exchange." He explained tiredly.
"Thats an unfair exchange." I muttered.
"Well life ain't fair kid, deal with it." He replied with a frown, "Besides, the blade was made for a sole purpose." He continued.
Raising a brow, I asked "Purpose?"
He glanced around nervously then leaned forward whispering. "It's for slaying a high-ranked mythical beast."
My eyes widened and I asked. "Like a Chimera?" The store owner recoiled surprised, frowning a moment after.
I smiled at his words ok I lied, my mouth spread out in a twisted grin. The satisfaction of knowing that I could kill that beast when I caught up to him gave me joy. Noticing the disturbed expression of the owner, I plastered a bright smile.
"I'll take it."
"A months worth of medical supplies and nothing less." He stated sternly. I frowned at his price and pondered- If I traded my medical supplies, I would have nothing to use and my food supply is just enough for a month so I can't trade that off either, what do I do?
Taking a deep breath, I turned back to him and handed him my medical bag "Wrap the blade up if you would." He checked the bag and sighed, using a rod, he placed the great sword in a pile of what looked like bandages. Picking the edge of the bandages and using the rod to lift the sword when he needed to, he skillfully wrapped it and pushed it across the desk to me.
"That's a sealing cloth I covered it with, as long as the cloths still wrapped around it, you wont get affected but you won't be able to cut anything with it either." He described pushing a sheath with a strap towards me. Muttering a thank you, I hung my sheathed great sword across my back and set off.
It's still a dream I will achieve or die trying after all gaining all this strength was mainly for taking out that bastard. Besides, I have you at my side, dont I?
WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT, NOW DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT HUMAN WHO HAS BEEN FOLLOWING YOU. I paused and spun around, my hand on my swords handle.
The man rose his hands with a chuckle. I glanced around and then focused on the man before me; his brown hair was short and trimmed, his stubble as well. What made me cautious was the mana level I could sense from him, he was strong.
"What do you want?" I asked still glancing around for any other observer.
"Don't worry, I'm not an enemy. A friend of mine mentioned your sketchy entrance into the district so I volunteered to find out what you were up to." He explained.
I scowled "And?"
"And I commend your commitment, I mean trading a months worth of medical supplies for a cursed blade is nothing to scoff at." He responded with a snicker.
I eased my posture, my hand hovering above the blades handle, and stated. "So? I don't believe you went through all this trouble to make humor based on my pain or are you that kind of guy?"
He waved it off with a smile. "I'm not that kind of guy, I just wanted to let you in on a way you could get more supplies than what you lost, well if you perform well."
I believe my doubt was plastered on my face from his chuckle. "It's not one of those shady deals, I can assure you. I just need to get people who would be fully invested in the job." The man who had still not revealed his name stated.
",By holding their needs as the bargain." I muttered getting a small smile from him. Scratching at my hair, I asked Stykur- What do you think?
"Alright, so what exactly am I doing?"
"It's a bodyguard mission. Walk with me I'll fill you in along the way." He stated gesturing to the path behind him.
"Is this the part where you remember to tell me your name." I uttered expressionlessly?
He rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "The name's Park."
The Park I met in the alleyway was a completely different park from the one that stood by the board addressing the guard units. I had never been in a place with so many mana emitting humans, scanning the crowd, my eyes landed on the lone female. She had her long black hair tied up in a ponytail, her short-sleeved jacket showed off the elaborate tattoo on her left forearm. I studied her face; though half of it was covered by a bandana she had tied around it; her brown eyes complemented her bronze-like skin and her shapely body didn't go unnoticed by me including her legs. Looking up to her eyes, she was looking directly at me with a frown.
IDIOT. Stykur's voice boomed in my skull as I turned away annoyed.
There goes my chance I irritably muttered.
What other chance do you think I'm talking about dude? I haven't had any action in close to a year. Though I couldn't see Stykurs face, I could tell he was disgusted.
She's hot plus she's a foreigner, wait did you just say douchebag?
"Huh? Wait a moment! Why are we going far as passing Inchon-dong?" I asked getting several distasteful stares and whispers. Park sighed and gestured at the marked points on the map. "Try listening this time okay. The bridge at Inchon-dong is the only usable bridge under our control, so its our safest bet."
As the meeting ended, I approached Park with a major question in mind. "Who am I meeting for my pay?"
"Oh, I haven't introduced you to our contractor yet." Park stated walking forward to a blonde-haired man with blue eyes.
Turning to me, Park whispered. "I never actually got your name."
"Chan-yeol." I whispered with a deadpan. Sheepishly grinning, he directed the blonde to me.
"Chan-yeol, this is Michael our contractor, Michael this is Chan-yeol, the latest addition to the team."
With a smile, he shook my hands. "Welcome to the team."
Raising a brow, I turned to Park. " Does he not know how to speak Korean?" Noticing his mistake, Michael gave an apologetic smile "Forgive my mistake."
I waved it off with a smile of mine. "It's no problem, I'm quite familiar with English as well." Glancing between the two of us, Park sighed and called out to the others.
"We're moving out in ten!"
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