

weird feeling

   Mysterious yet beautiful ; desert and the ocean , different yet similar;one present life and the other is a symbol of death , however, the deeper you go inside them the closer you get to death .

 _  They say that this place was a mental hospital, looks like it will be demolished soon.Adam (tourist)

_let’s take a look ,it looks more like a laboratory than a hospital .(cris ,friend)

_Look what i have found it looks like a diary or something like that( cris).

_Adam , please put it down .i don't think it's a good idea to pick it up.

_don't worry Cris , nothing gonna happen , let's see we might find something else hier .I wonder if someone lives here?

_haaaah,what are you talking about Adam who would possibly be insane to live in such a place ?,I bet the one who built it was crazy ; black walls,room that is as small as a couffin ,no sign to a living Hunan is hier except for that diary , which gives me a bad feeling .

_well that's make sense ,as i said before it looks more like an expiremental place more than a mental hospital but,we have no choice we can do nothing till the storm passes ,we might as well look around to kill time .

_AGh, it's late and this horrible storm doesn't seem that it will pass any time soon , cris let's just stay here tonight .

_We don't have another choice , do we ?

    I have started writing not long ago because I seem not to remember a lot of things .02/10/2021 is probably when all of this started ,it was a cloudy day and I was drinking my coffee when I suddenly fainted ,After that i can’t recall anything ; when i woke up i found my selfe in the bathroom (it looks like i took a shower;i don’t know). Everything seemed like a shattered dream yet i had a terrible feeling so i rushed to look for my phone so i could check the date ; when i saw that it was the same day i was relieved (i was frightened ,i thought that I am having a heart attack).

Today everyone worked hard so let’s celebrate wining the case detective kim.

--yes sir ,it was a terrible , weird case .(some assistants)

-detective kim , don’t you find that this murdering incident and the evidence are well matches perfectly that it looks like it was a planned one: deductive lee.

What did you say ?: detective kim

oh,just forget it ,i think I’m being paranoid.

I remember that I was Outside after a long day of work however i woke up next day early in the morning (05:00 am)which was weird because I always oversleep on my day off my after pulling all nights of the week,i didn’t have a Hangover or a headache.I had breakfast and turned the TV on then i noticed that the day written on the news was the second December 2021...



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